/** @file SetImage instance to update Microcode. Caution: This module requires additional review when modified. This module will have external input - capsule image. This external input must be validated carefully to avoid security issue like buffer overflow, integer overflow. MicrocodeWrite() and VerifyMicrocode() will receive untrusted input and do basic validation. Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "MicrocodeUpdate.h" /** Get Microcode Region. @param[out] MicrocodePatchAddress The address of Microcode @param[out] MicrocodePatchRegionSize The region size of Microcode @retval TRUE The Microcode region is returned. @retval FALSE No Microcode region. **/ BOOLEAN GetMicrocodeRegion ( OUT VOID **MicrocodePatchAddress, OUT UINTN *MicrocodePatchRegionSize ) { *MicrocodePatchAddress = (VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet64(PcdCpuMicrocodePatchAddress); *MicrocodePatchRegionSize = (UINTN)PcdGet64(PcdCpuMicrocodePatchRegionSize); if ((*MicrocodePatchAddress == NULL) || (*MicrocodePatchRegionSize == 0)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Get Microcode update signature of currently loaded Microcode update. @return Microcode signature. **/ UINT32 GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature ( VOID ) { UINT64 Signature; AsmWriteMsr64(MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID, 0); AsmCpuid(CPUID_VERSION_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); Signature = AsmReadMsr64(MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID); return (UINT32)RShiftU64(Signature, 32); } /** Get current processor signature. @return current processor signature. **/ UINT32 GetCurrentProcessorSignature ( VOID ) { UINT32 RegEax; AsmCpuid(CPUID_VERSION_INFO, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); return RegEax; } /** Get current platform ID. @return current platform ID. **/ UINT8 GetCurrentPlatformId ( VOID ) { UINT8 PlatformId; PlatformId = (UINT8)AsmMsrBitFieldRead64(MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID, 50, 52); return PlatformId; } /** Load new Microcode. @param[in] Address The address of new Microcode. @return Loaded Microcode signature. **/ UINT32 LoadMicrocode ( IN UINT64 Address ) { AsmWriteMsr64(MSR_IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG, Address); return GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature(); } /** Load Microcode on an Application Processor. The function prototype for invoking a function on an Application Processor. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to private data buffer. **/ VOID EFIAPI MicrocodeLoadAp ( IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) { MICROCODE_LOAD_BUFFER *MicrocodeLoadBuffer; MicrocodeLoadBuffer = Buffer; MicrocodeLoadBuffer->Revision = LoadMicrocode (MicrocodeLoadBuffer->Address); } /** Load new Microcode on this processor @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the processor. @param[in] Address The address of new Microcode. @return Loaded Microcode signature. **/ UINT32 LoadMicrocodeOnThis ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN UINTN CpuIndex, IN UINT64 Address ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_MP_SERVICES_PROTOCOL *MpService; MICROCODE_LOAD_BUFFER MicrocodeLoadBuffer; if (CpuIndex == MicrocodeFmpPrivate->BspIndex) { return LoadMicrocode (Address); } else { MpService = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MpService; MicrocodeLoadBuffer.Address = Address; MicrocodeLoadBuffer.Revision = 0; Status = MpService->StartupThisAP ( MpService, MicrocodeLoadAp, CpuIndex, NULL, 0, &MicrocodeLoadBuffer, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(Status); return MicrocodeLoadBuffer.Revision; } } /** Collect processor information. The function prototype for invoking a function on an Application Processor. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to private data buffer. **/ VOID EFIAPI CollectProcessorInfo ( IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) { PROCESSOR_INFO *ProcessorInfo; ProcessorInfo = Buffer; ProcessorInfo->ProcessorSignature = GetCurrentProcessorSignature(); ProcessorInfo->PlatformId = GetCurrentPlatformId(); ProcessorInfo->MicrocodeRevision = GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature(); } /** Get current Microcode information. The ProcessorInformation (BspIndex/ProcessorCount/ProcessorInfo) in MicrocodeFmpPrivate must be initialized. The MicrocodeInformation (DescriptorCount/ImageDescriptor/MicrocodeInfo) in MicrocodeFmpPrivate may not be avaiable in this function. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] DescriptorCount The count of Microcode ImageDescriptor allocated. @param[out] ImageDescriptor Microcode ImageDescriptor @param[out] MicrocodeInfo Microcode information @return Microcode count **/ UINTN GetMicrocodeInfo ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN UINTN DescriptorCount, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR *ImageDescriptor, OPTIONAL OUT MICROCODE_INFO *MicrocodeInfo OPTIONAL ) { VOID *MicrocodePatchAddress; UINTN MicrocodePatchRegionSize; CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *MicrocodeEntryPoint; UINTN MicrocodeEnd; UINTN TotalSize; UINTN Count; UINT64 ImageAttributes; BOOLEAN IsInUse; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 AttemptStatus; UINTN TargetCpuIndex; MicrocodePatchAddress = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodePatchAddress; MicrocodePatchRegionSize = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodePatchRegionSize; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Microcode Region - 0x%x - 0x%x\n", MicrocodePatchAddress, MicrocodePatchRegionSize)); Count = 0; MicrocodeEnd = (UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress + MicrocodePatchRegionSize; MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (UINTN) MicrocodePatchAddress; do { if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->HeaderVersion == 0x1 && MicrocodeEntryPoint->LoaderRevision == 0x1) { // // It is the microcode header. It is not the padding data between microcode patches // becasue the padding data should not include 0x00000001 and it should be the repeated // byte format (like 0xXYXYXYXY....). // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { TotalSize = 2048; } else { TotalSize = MicrocodeEntryPoint->TotalSize; } TargetCpuIndex = (UINTN)-1; Status = VerifyMicrocode(MicrocodeFmpPrivate, MicrocodeEntryPoint, TotalSize, FALSE, &AttemptStatus, NULL, &TargetCpuIndex); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { IsInUse = TRUE; ASSERT (TargetCpuIndex < MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorCount); MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[TargetCpuIndex].MicrocodeIndex = Count; } else { IsInUse = FALSE; } if (ImageDescriptor != NULL && DescriptorCount > Count) { ImageDescriptor[Count].ImageIndex = (UINT8)(Count + 1); CopyGuid (&ImageDescriptor[Count].ImageTypeId, &gMicrocodeFmpImageTypeIdGuid); ImageDescriptor[Count].ImageId = LShiftU64(MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags, 32) + MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorSignature.Uint32; ImageDescriptor[Count].ImageIdName = NULL; ImageDescriptor[Count].Version = MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision; ImageDescriptor[Count].VersionName = NULL; ImageDescriptor[Count].Size = TotalSize; ImageAttributes = IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IMAGE_UPDATABLE | IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_RESET_REQUIRED; if (IsInUse) { ImageAttributes |= IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE; } ImageDescriptor[Count].AttributesSupported = ImageAttributes | IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_IN_USE; ImageDescriptor[Count].AttributesSetting = ImageAttributes; ImageDescriptor[Count].Compatibilities = 0; ImageDescriptor[Count].LowestSupportedImageVersion = MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision; // do not support rollback ImageDescriptor[Count].LastAttemptVersion = 0; ImageDescriptor[Count].LastAttemptStatus = 0; ImageDescriptor[Count].HardwareInstance = 0; } if (MicrocodeInfo != NULL && DescriptorCount > Count) { MicrocodeInfo[Count].MicrocodeEntryPoint = MicrocodeEntryPoint; MicrocodeInfo[Count].TotalSize = TotalSize; MicrocodeInfo[Count].InUse = IsInUse; } } else { // // It is the padding data between the microcode patches for microcode patches alignment. // Because the microcode patch is the multiple of 1-KByte, the padding data should not // exist if the microcode patch alignment value is not larger than 1-KByte. So, the microcode // alignment value should be larger than 1-KByte. We could skip SIZE_1KB padding data to // find the next possible microcode patch header. // MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint) + SIZE_1KB); continue; } Count++; ASSERT(Count < 0xFF); // // Get the next patch. // MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint) + TotalSize); } while (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint < MicrocodeEnd)); return Count; } /** Return matched processor information. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] ProcessorSignature The processor signature to be matched @param[in] ProcessorFlags The processor flags to be matched @param[in, out] TargetCpuIndex On input, the index of target CPU which tries to match the Microcode. (UINTN)-1 means to try all. On output, the index of target CPU which matches the Microcode. @return matched processor information. **/ PROCESSOR_INFO * GetMatchedProcessor ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN UINT32 ProcessorSignature, IN UINT32 ProcessorFlags, IN OUT UINTN *TargetCpuIndex ) { UINTN Index; if (*TargetCpuIndex != (UINTN)-1) { Index = *TargetCpuIndex; if ((ProcessorSignature == MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorSignature) && ((ProcessorFlags & (1 << MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].PlatformId)) != 0)) { return &MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index]; } else { return NULL; } } for (Index = 0; Index < MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorCount; Index++) { if ((ProcessorSignature == MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorSignature) && ((ProcessorFlags & (1 << MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].PlatformId)) != 0)) { *TargetCpuIndex = Index; return &MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index]; } } return NULL; } /** Verify Microcode. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] Image The Microcode image buffer. @param[in] ImageSize The size of Microcode image buffer in bytes. @param[in] TryLoad Try to load Microcode or not. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] AbortReason A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string providing more details for the aborted operation. The buffer is allocated by this function with AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a call to FreePool(). @param[in, out] TargetCpuIndex On input, the index of target CPU which tries to match the Microcode. (UINTN)-1 means to try all. On output, the index of target CPU which matches the Microcode. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Microcode image passes verification. @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The Microcode image is corrupt. @retval EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION The Microcode image version is incorrect. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The Microcode ProcessorSignature or ProcessorFlags is incorrect. @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The Microcode image fails to load. **/ EFI_STATUS VerifyMicrocode ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, IN BOOLEAN TryLoad, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus, OUT CHAR16 **AbortReason, OPTIONAL IN OUT UINTN *TargetCpuIndex ) { UINTN Index; CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *MicrocodeEntryPoint; UINTN TotalSize; UINTN DataSize; UINT32 CurrentRevision; PROCESSOR_INFO *ProcessorInfo; UINT32 CheckSum32; UINTN ExtendedTableLength; UINT32 ExtendedTableCount; CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE *ExtendedTable; CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER *ExtendedTableHeader; BOOLEAN CorrectMicrocode; // // Check HeaderVersion // MicrocodeEntryPoint = Image; if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->HeaderVersion != 0x1) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on HeaderVersion\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidHeaderVersion"), L"InvalidHeaderVersion"); } return EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION; } // // Check LoaderRevision // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->LoaderRevision != 0x1) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on LoaderRevision\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidLoaderVersion"), L"InvalidLoaderVersion"); } return EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION; } // // Check TotalSize // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { TotalSize = 2048; } else { TotalSize = MicrocodeEntryPoint->TotalSize; } if (TotalSize <= sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - TotalSize too small\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidTotalSize"), L"InvalidTotalSize"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if ((TotalSize & (SIZE_1KB - 1)) != 0) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - TotalSize is not multiples of 1024 bytes (1 KBytes)\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidTotalSize"), L"InvalidTotalSize"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (TotalSize != ImageSize) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - TotalSize not equal to ImageSize\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidTotalSize"), L"InvalidTotalSize"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } // // Check DataSize // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { DataSize = 2048 - sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER); } else { DataSize = MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize; } if (DataSize > TotalSize - sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - DataSize too big\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidDataSize"), L"InvalidDataSize"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if ((DataSize & 0x3) != 0) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - DataSize is not multiples of DWORDs\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidDataSize"), L"InvalidDataSize"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } // // Check CheckSum32 // CheckSum32 = CalculateSum32((UINT32 *)MicrocodeEntryPoint, DataSize + sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); if (CheckSum32 != 0) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on CheckSum32\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidChecksum"), L"InvalidChecksum"); } return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } // // Check ProcessorSignature/ProcessorFlags // ProcessorInfo = GetMatchedProcessor (MicrocodeFmpPrivate, MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorSignature.Uint32, MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags, TargetCpuIndex); if (ProcessorInfo == NULL) { CorrectMicrocode = FALSE; ExtendedTableLength = TotalSize - (DataSize + sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); if (ExtendedTableLength != 0) { // // Extended Table exist, check if the CPU in support list // ExtendedTableHeader = (CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)(MicrocodeEntryPoint) + DataSize + sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); // // Calculate Extended Checksum // if ((ExtendedTableLength > sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER)) && ((ExtendedTableLength & 0x3) == 0)) { CheckSum32 = CalculateSum32((UINT32 *)ExtendedTableHeader, ExtendedTableLength); if (CheckSum32 != 0) { // // Checksum incorrect // DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - The checksum for extended table is incorrect\n")); } else { // // Checksum correct // ExtendedTableCount = ExtendedTableHeader->ExtendedSignatureCount; if (ExtendedTableCount > (ExtendedTableLength - sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER)) / sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - ExtendedTableCount too big\n")); } else { ExtendedTable = (CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE *)(ExtendedTableHeader + 1); for (Index = 0; Index < ExtendedTableCount; Index++) { CheckSum32 = CalculateSum32((UINT32 *)ExtendedTable, sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE)); if (CheckSum32 != 0) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - The checksum for ExtendedTable entry with index 0x%x is incorrect\n", Index)); } else { // // Verify Header // ProcessorInfo = GetMatchedProcessor (MicrocodeFmpPrivate, ExtendedTable->ProcessorSignature.Uint32, ExtendedTable->ProcessorFlag, TargetCpuIndex); if (ProcessorInfo != NULL) { // // Find one // CorrectMicrocode = TRUE; break; } } ExtendedTable++; } } } } } if (!CorrectMicrocode) { if (TryLoad) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on Current ProcessorSignature/ProcessorFlags\n")); } *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_VERSION; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"UnsupportedProcessSignature/ProcessorFlags"), L"UnsupportedProcessSignature/ProcessorFlags"); } return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } // // Check UpdateRevision // CurrentRevision = ProcessorInfo->MicrocodeRevision; if ((MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision < CurrentRevision) || (TryLoad && (MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision == CurrentRevision))) { if (TryLoad) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on UpdateRevision\n")); } *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INCORRECT_VERSION; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"IncorrectRevision"), L"IncorrectRevision"); } return EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION; } // // try load MCU // if (TryLoad) { CurrentRevision = LoadMicrocodeOnThis(MicrocodeFmpPrivate, ProcessorInfo->CpuIndex, (UINTN)MicrocodeEntryPoint + sizeof(CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision != CurrentRevision) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "VerifyMicrocode - fail on LoadMicrocode\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR; if (AbortReason != NULL) { *AbortReason = AllocateCopyPool(sizeof(L"InvalidData"), L"InvalidData"); } return EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get next Microcode entrypoint. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] MicrocodeEntryPoint Current Microcode entrypoint @return next Microcode entrypoint. **/ CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER * GetNextMicrocode ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *MicrocodeEntryPoint ) { UINTN Index; for (Index = 0; Index < MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount; Index++) { if (MicrocodeEntryPoint == MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo[Index].MicrocodeEntryPoint) { if (Index == (UINTN)MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount - 1) { // it is last one return NULL; } else { // return next one return MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo[Index + 1].MicrocodeEntryPoint; } } } ASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } /** Get current Microcode used region size. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @return current Microcode used region size. **/ UINTN GetCurrentMicrocodeUsedRegionSize ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate ) { if (MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount == 0) { return 0; } return (UINTN)MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo[MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount - 1].MicrocodeEntryPoint + (UINTN)MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo[MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount - 1].TotalSize - (UINTN)MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodePatchAddress; } /** Update Microcode. @param[in] Address The flash address of Microcode. @param[in] Image The Microcode image buffer. @param[in] ImageSize The size of Microcode image buffer in bytes. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Microcode image is updated. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The flash device is read only. **/ EFI_STATUS UpdateMicrocode ( IN UINT64 Address, IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus ) { EFI_STATUS Status; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "PlatformUpdate:")); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " Address - 0x%lx,", Address)); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " Legnth - 0x%x\n", ImageSize)); Status = MicrocodeFlashWrite ( Address, Image, ImageSize ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUCCESSFUL; } return Status; } /** Update Microcode flash region. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint Target Microcode entrypoint to be updated @param[in] Image The Microcode image buffer. @param[in] ImageSize The size of Microcode image buffer in bytes. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Microcode image is written. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The flash device is read only. **/ EFI_STATUS UpdateMicrocodeFlashRegion ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint, IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus ) { VOID *MicrocodePatchAddress; UINTN MicrocodePatchRegionSize; UINTN TargetTotalSize; UINTN UsedRegionSize; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer; UINT8 *ScratchBufferPtr; UINTN ScratchBufferSize; UINTN RestSize; UINTN AvailableSize; VOID *NextMicrocodeEntryPoint; MICROCODE_INFO *MicrocodeInfo; UINTN MicrocodeCount; UINTN Index; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "UpdateMicrocodeFlashRegion: Image - 0x%x, size - 0x%x\n", Image, ImageSize)); MicrocodePatchAddress = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodePatchAddress; MicrocodePatchRegionSize = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodePatchRegionSize; MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (MicrocodePatchRegionSize); if (MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer == NULL) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Fail to allocate Microcode Scratch buffer\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } ScratchBufferPtr = MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer; ScratchBufferSize = 0; // // Target data collection // TargetTotalSize = 0; AvailableSize = 0; NextMicrocodeEntryPoint = NULL; if (TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint != NULL) { if (TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { TargetTotalSize = 2048; } else { TargetTotalSize = TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint->TotalSize; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " TargetTotalSize - 0x%x\n", TargetTotalSize)); NextMicrocodeEntryPoint = GetNextMicrocode(MicrocodeFmpPrivate, TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " NextMicrocodeEntryPoint - 0x%x\n", NextMicrocodeEntryPoint)); if (NextMicrocodeEntryPoint != NULL) { ASSERT ((UINTN)NextMicrocodeEntryPoint >= ((UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint + TargetTotalSize)); AvailableSize = (UINTN)NextMicrocodeEntryPoint - (UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint; } else { AvailableSize = (UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress + MicrocodePatchRegionSize - (UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " AvailableSize - 0x%x\n", AvailableSize)); } ASSERT (AvailableSize >= TargetTotalSize); UsedRegionSize = GetCurrentMicrocodeUsedRegionSize(MicrocodeFmpPrivate); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " UsedRegionSize - 0x%x\n", UsedRegionSize)); ASSERT (UsedRegionSize >= TargetTotalSize); if (TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint != NULL) { ASSERT ((UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress + UsedRegionSize >= ((UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint + TargetTotalSize)); } // // Total Size means the Microcode data size. // Available Size means the Microcode data size plus the pad till (1) next Microcode or (2) the end. // // (1) // +------+-----------+-----+------+===================+ // | MCU1 | Microcode | PAD | MCU2 | Empty | // +------+-----------+-----+------+===================+ // | TotalSize | // |<-AvailableSize->| // |<- UsedRegionSize ->| // // (2) // +------+-----------+===================+ // | MCU | Microcode | Empty | // +------+-----------+===================+ // | TotalSize | // |<- AvailableSize ->| // |<-UsedRegionSize->| // // // Update based on policy // // // 1. If there is enough space to update old one in situ, replace old microcode in situ. // if (AvailableSize >= ImageSize) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Replace old microcode in situ\n")); // // +------+------------+------+===================+ // |Other1| Old Image |Other2| Empty | // +------+------------+------+===================+ // // +------+---------+--+------+===================+ // |Other1|New Image|FF|Other2| Empty | // +------+---------+--+------+===================+ // // 1.1. Copy new image CopyMem (ScratchBufferPtr, Image, ImageSize); ScratchBufferSize += ImageSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; // 1.2. Pad 0xFF RestSize = AvailableSize - ImageSize; if (RestSize > 0) { SetMem (ScratchBufferPtr, RestSize, 0xFF); ScratchBufferSize += RestSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; } Status = UpdateMicrocode((UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint, MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer, ScratchBufferSize, LastAttemptStatus); return Status; } // // 2. If there is enough space to remove old one and add new one, reorg and replace old microcode. // if (MicrocodePatchRegionSize - (UsedRegionSize - TargetTotalSize) >= ImageSize) { if (TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint == NULL) { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Append new microcode\n")); // // +------+------------+------+===================+ // |Other1| Other |Other2| Empty | // +------+------------+------+===================+ // // +------+------------+------+-----------+=======+ // |Other1| Other |Other2| New Image | Empty | // +------+------------+------+-----------+=======+ // Status = UpdateMicrocode((UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress + UsedRegionSize, Image, ImageSize, LastAttemptStatus); } else { DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Reorg and replace old microcode\n")); // // +------+------------+------+===================+ // |Other1| Old Image |Other2| Empty | // +------+------------+------+===================+ // // +------+---------------+------+================+ // |Other1| New Image |Other2| Empty | // +------+---------------+------+================+ // // 2.1. Copy new image CopyMem (ScratchBufferPtr, Image, ImageSize); ScratchBufferSize += ImageSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; // 2.2. Copy rest images after the old image. if (NextMicrocodeEntryPoint != 0) { RestSize = (UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress + UsedRegionSize - ((UINTN)NextMicrocodeEntryPoint); CopyMem (ScratchBufferPtr, (UINT8 *)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint + TargetTotalSize, RestSize); ScratchBufferSize += RestSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; } Status = UpdateMicrocode((UINTN)TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint, MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer, ScratchBufferSize, LastAttemptStatus); } return Status; } // // 3. The new image can be put in MCU region, but not all others can be put. // So all the unused MCU is removed. // if (MicrocodePatchRegionSize >= ImageSize) { // // +------+------------+------+===================+ // |Other1| Old Image |Other2| Empty | // +------+------------+------+===================+ // // +-------------------------------------+--------+ // | New Image | Other | // +-------------------------------------+--------+ // DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Add new microcode from beginning\n")); MicrocodeCount = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount; MicrocodeInfo = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo; // 3.1. Copy new image CopyMem (ScratchBufferPtr, Image, ImageSize); ScratchBufferSize += ImageSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; // 3.2. Copy some others to rest buffer for (Index = 0; Index < MicrocodeCount; Index++) { if (!MicrocodeInfo[Index].InUse) { continue; } if (MicrocodeInfo[Index].MicrocodeEntryPoint == TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint) { continue; } if (MicrocodeInfo[Index].TotalSize <= MicrocodePatchRegionSize - ScratchBufferSize) { CopyMem (ScratchBufferPtr, MicrocodeInfo[Index].MicrocodeEntryPoint, MicrocodeInfo[Index].TotalSize); ScratchBufferSize += MicrocodeInfo[Index].TotalSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; } } // 3.3. Pad 0xFF RestSize = MicrocodePatchRegionSize - ScratchBufferSize; if (RestSize > 0) { SetMem (ScratchBufferPtr, RestSize, 0xFF); ScratchBufferSize += RestSize; ScratchBufferPtr = (UINT8 *)MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer + ScratchBufferSize; } Status = UpdateMicrocode((UINTN)MicrocodePatchAddress, MicrocodePatchScratchBuffer, ScratchBufferSize, LastAttemptStatus); return Status; } // // 4. The new image size is bigger than the whole MCU region. // DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Microcode too big\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; return Status; } /** Write Microcode. Caution: This function may receive untrusted input. @param[in] MicrocodeFmpPrivate The Microcode driver private data @param[in] Image The Microcode image buffer. @param[in] ImageSize The size of Microcode image buffer in bytes. @param[out] LastAttemptVersion The last attempt version, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] LastAttemptStatus The last attempt status, which will be recorded in ESRT and FMP EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR. @param[out] AbortReason A pointer to a pointer to a null-terminated string providing more details for the aborted operation. The buffer is allocated by this function with AllocatePool(), and it is the caller's responsibility to free it with a call to FreePool(). @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Microcode image is written. @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The Microcode image is corrupt. @retval EFI_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION The Microcode image version is incorrect. @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The Microcode image fails to load. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The flash device is read only. **/ EFI_STATUS MicrocodeWrite ( IN MICROCODE_FMP_PRIVATE_DATA *MicrocodeFmpPrivate, IN VOID *Image, IN UINTN ImageSize, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptVersion, OUT UINT32 *LastAttemptStatus, OUT CHAR16 **AbortReason ) { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *AlignedImage; CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint; UINTN TargetCpuIndex; UINTN TargetMicrcodeIndex; // // MCU must be 16 bytes aligned // AlignedImage = AllocateCopyPool(ImageSize, Image); if (AlignedImage == NULL) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Fail to allocate aligned image\n")); *LastAttemptStatus = LAST_ATTEMPT_STATUS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } *LastAttemptVersion = ((CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *)Image)->UpdateRevision; TargetCpuIndex = (UINTN)-1; Status = VerifyMicrocode(MicrocodeFmpPrivate, AlignedImage, ImageSize, TRUE, LastAttemptStatus, AbortReason, &TargetCpuIndex); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DEBUG((DEBUG_ERROR, "Fail to verify Microcode Region\n")); FreePool(AlignedImage); return Status; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "Pass VerifyMicrocode\n")); DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " TargetCpuIndex - 0x%x\n", TargetCpuIndex)); ASSERT (TargetCpuIndex < MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorCount); TargetMicrcodeIndex = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->ProcessorInfo[TargetCpuIndex].MicrocodeIndex; DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " TargetMicrcodeIndex - 0x%x\n", TargetMicrcodeIndex)); if (TargetMicrcodeIndex != (UINTN)-1) { ASSERT (TargetMicrcodeIndex < MicrocodeFmpPrivate->DescriptorCount); TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint = MicrocodeFmpPrivate->MicrocodeInfo[TargetMicrcodeIndex].MicrocodeEntryPoint; } else { TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint = NULL; } DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, " TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint - 0x%x\n", TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint)); Status = UpdateMicrocodeFlashRegion( MicrocodeFmpPrivate, TargetMicrocodeEntryPoint, AlignedImage, ImageSize, LastAttemptStatus ); FreePool(AlignedImage); return Status; }