/**@file UEFI and Custom Decompress Library Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include "BaseUefiTianoCustomDecompressLibInternals.h" VOID FillBuf ( IN SCRATCH_DATA *Sd, IN UINT16 NumOfBits ) /*++ Routine Description: Shift mBitBuf NumOfBits left. Read in NumOfBits of bits from source. Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data NumOfBits - The number of bits to shift and read. Returns: (VOID) --*/ { Sd->mBitBuf = (UINT32) (Sd->mBitBuf << NumOfBits); while (NumOfBits > Sd->mBitCount) { Sd->mBitBuf |= (UINT32) (Sd->mSubBitBuf << (NumOfBits = (UINT16) (NumOfBits - Sd->mBitCount))); if (Sd->mCompSize > 0) { // // Get 1 byte into SubBitBuf // Sd->mCompSize--; Sd->mSubBitBuf = 0; Sd->mSubBitBuf = Sd->mSrcBase[Sd->mInBuf++]; Sd->mBitCount = 8; } else { // // No more bits from the source, just pad zero bit. // Sd->mSubBitBuf = 0; Sd->mBitCount = 8; } } Sd->mBitCount = (UINT16) (Sd->mBitCount - NumOfBits); Sd->mBitBuf |= Sd->mSubBitBuf >> Sd->mBitCount; } UINT32 GetBits ( IN SCRATCH_DATA *Sd, IN UINT16 NumOfBits ) /*++ Routine Description: Get NumOfBits of bits out from mBitBuf. Fill mBitBuf with subsequent NumOfBits of bits from source. Returns NumOfBits of bits that are popped out. Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data. NumOfBits - The number of bits to pop and read. Returns: The bits that are popped out. --*/ { UINT32 OutBits; OutBits = (UINT32) (Sd->mBitBuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - NumOfBits)); FillBuf (Sd, NumOfBits); return OutBits; } UINT16 MakeTable ( IN SCRATCH_DATA *Sd, IN UINT16 NumOfChar, IN UINT8 *BitLen, IN UINT16 TableBits, OUT UINT16 *Table ) /*++ Routine Description: Creates Huffman Code mapping table according to code length array. Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data NumOfChar - Number of symbols in the symbol set BitLen - Code length array TableBits - The width of the mapping table Table - The table Returns: 0 - OK. BAD_TABLE - The table is corrupted. --*/ { UINT16 Count[17]; UINT16 Weight[17]; UINT16 Start[18]; UINT16 *Pointer; UINT16 Index3; volatile UINT16 Index; UINT16 Len; UINT16 Char; UINT16 JuBits; UINT16 Avail; UINT16 NextCode; UINT16 Mask; UINT16 WordOfStart; UINT16 WordOfCount; for (Index = 1; Index <= 16; Index++) { Count[Index] = 0; } for (Index = 0; Index < NumOfChar; Index++) { Count[BitLen[Index]]++; } Start[1] = 0; for (Index = 1; Index <= 16; Index++) { WordOfStart = Start[Index]; WordOfCount = Count[Index]; Start[Index + 1] = (UINT16) (WordOfStart + (WordOfCount << (16 - Index))); } if (Start[17] != 0) { /*(1U << 16)*/ return (UINT16) BAD_TABLE; } JuBits = (UINT16) (16 - TableBits); for (Index = 1; Index <= TableBits; Index++) { Start[Index] >>= JuBits; Weight[Index] = (UINT16) (1U << (TableBits - Index)); } while (Index <= 16) { Weight[Index] = (UINT16) (1U << (16 - Index)); Index++; } Index = (UINT16) (Start[TableBits + 1] >> JuBits); if (Index != 0) { Index3 = (UINT16) (1U << TableBits); while (Index != Index3) { Table[Index++] = 0; } } Avail = NumOfChar; Mask = (UINT16) (1U << (15 - TableBits)); for (Char = 0; Char < NumOfChar; Char++) { Len = BitLen[Char]; if (Len == 0) { continue; } NextCode = (UINT16) (Start[Len] + Weight[Len]); if (Len <= TableBits) { for (Index = Start[Len]; Index < NextCode; Index++) { Table[Index] = Char; } } else { Index3 = Start[Len]; Pointer = &Table[Index3 >> JuBits]; Index = (UINT16) (Len - TableBits); while (Index != 0) { if (*Pointer == 0) { Sd->mRight[Avail] = Sd->mLeft[Avail] = 0; *Pointer = Avail++; } if (Index3 & Mask) { Pointer = &Sd->mRight[*Pointer]; } else { Pointer = &Sd->mLeft[*Pointer]; } Index3 <<= 1; Index--; } *Pointer = Char; } Start[Len] = NextCode; } // // Succeeds // return 0; } UINT32 DecodeP ( IN SCRATCH_DATA *Sd ) /*++ Routine Description: Decodes a position value. Arguments: Sd - the global scratch data Returns: The position value decoded. --*/ { UINT16 Val; UINT32 Mask; UINT32 Pos; Val = Sd->mPTTable[Sd->mBitBuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 8)]; if (Val >= MAXNP) { Mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 8); do { if (Sd->mBitBuf & Mask) { Val = Sd->mRight[Val]; } else { Val = Sd->mLeft[Val]; } Mask >>= 1; } while (Val >= MAXNP); } // // Advance what we have read // FillBuf (Sd, Sd->mPTLen[Val]); Pos = Val; if (Val > 1) { Pos = (UINT32) ((1U << (Val - 1)) + GetBits (Sd, (UINT16) (Val - 1))); } return Pos; } UINT16 ReadPTLen ( IN SCRATCH_DATA *Sd, IN UINT16 nn, IN UINT16 nbit, IN UINT16 Special ) /*++ Routine Description: Reads code lengths for the Extra Set or the Position Set Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data nn - Number of symbols nbit - Number of bits needed to represent nn Special - The special symbol that needs to be taken care of Returns: 0 - OK. BAD_TABLE - Table is corrupted. --*/ { UINT16 Number; UINT16 CharC; volatile UINT16 Index; UINT32 Mask; Number = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, nbit); if (Number == 0) { CharC = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, nbit); for (Index = 0; Index < 256; Index++) { Sd->mPTTable[Index] = CharC; } for (Index = 0; Index < nn; Index++) { Sd->mPTLen[Index] = 0; } return 0; } Index = 0; while (Index < Number) { CharC = (UINT16) (Sd->mBitBuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 3)); if (CharC == 7) { Mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 3); while (Mask & Sd->mBitBuf) { Mask >>= 1; CharC += 1; } } FillBuf (Sd, (UINT16) ((CharC < 7) ? 3 : CharC - 3)); Sd->mPTLen[Index++] = (UINT8) CharC; if (Index == Special) { CharC = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, 2); while ((INT16) (--CharC) >= 0) { Sd->mPTLen[Index++] = 0; } } } while (Index < nn) { Sd->mPTLen[Index++] = 0; } return MakeTable (Sd, nn, Sd->mPTLen, 8, Sd->mPTTable); } VOID ReadCLen ( SCRATCH_DATA *Sd ) /*++ Routine Description: Reads code lengths for Char&Len Set. Arguments: Sd - the global scratch data Returns: (VOID) --*/ { UINT16 Number; UINT16 CharC; volatile UINT16 Index; UINT32 Mask; Number = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, CBIT); if (Number == 0) { CharC = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, CBIT); for (Index = 0; Index < NC; Index++) { Sd->mCLen[Index] = 0; } for (Index = 0; Index < 4096; Index++) { Sd->mCTable[Index] = CharC; } return ; } Index = 0; while (Index < Number) { CharC = Sd->mPTTable[Sd->mBitBuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 8)]; if (CharC >= NT) { Mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 8); do { if (Mask & Sd->mBitBuf) { CharC = Sd->mRight[CharC]; } else { CharC = Sd->mLeft[CharC]; } Mask >>= 1; } while (CharC >= NT); } // // Advance what we have read // FillBuf (Sd, Sd->mPTLen[CharC]); if (CharC <= 2) { if (CharC == 0) { CharC = 1; } else if (CharC == 1) { CharC = (UINT16) (GetBits (Sd, 4) + 3); } else if (CharC == 2) { CharC = (UINT16) (GetBits (Sd, CBIT) + 20); } while ((INT16) (--CharC) >= 0) { Sd->mCLen[Index++] = 0; } } else { Sd->mCLen[Index++] = (UINT8) (CharC - 2); } } while (Index < NC) { Sd->mCLen[Index++] = 0; } MakeTable (Sd, NC, Sd->mCLen, 12, Sd->mCTable); return ; } UINT16 DecodeC ( SCRATCH_DATA *Sd ) /*++ Routine Description: Decode a character/length value. Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data. Returns: The value decoded. --*/ { UINT16 Index2; UINT32 Mask; if (Sd->mBlockSize == 0) { // // Starting a new block // Sd->mBlockSize = (UINT16) GetBits (Sd, 16); Sd->mBadTableFlag = ReadPTLen (Sd, NT, TBIT, 3); if (Sd->mBadTableFlag != 0) { return 0; } ReadCLen (Sd); Sd->mBadTableFlag = ReadPTLen (Sd, MAXNP, Sd->mPBit, (UINT16) (-1)); if (Sd->mBadTableFlag != 0) { return 0; } } Sd->mBlockSize--; Index2 = Sd->mCTable[Sd->mBitBuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 12)]; if (Index2 >= NC) { Mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 12); do { if (Sd->mBitBuf & Mask) { Index2 = Sd->mRight[Index2]; } else { Index2 = Sd->mLeft[Index2]; } Mask >>= 1; } while (Index2 >= NC); } // // Advance what we have read // FillBuf (Sd, Sd->mCLen[Index2]); return Index2; } VOID Decode ( SCRATCH_DATA *Sd ) /*++ Routine Description: Decode the source data and put the resulting data into the destination buffer. Arguments: Sd - The global scratch data Returns: (VOID) --*/ { UINT16 BytesRemain; UINT32 DataIdx; UINT16 CharC; BytesRemain = (UINT16) (-1); DataIdx = 0; for (;;) { CharC = DecodeC (Sd); if (Sd->mBadTableFlag != 0) { goto Done ; } if (CharC < 256) { // // Process an Original character // if (Sd->mOutBuf >= Sd->mOrigSize) { goto Done ; } else { Sd->mDstBase[Sd->mOutBuf++] = (UINT8) CharC; } } else { // // Process a Pointer // CharC = (UINT16) (CharC - (UINT8_MAX + 1 - THRESHOLD)); BytesRemain = CharC; DataIdx = Sd->mOutBuf - DecodeP (Sd) - 1; BytesRemain--; while ((INT16) (BytesRemain) >= 0) { Sd->mDstBase[Sd->mOutBuf++] = Sd->mDstBase[DataIdx++]; if (Sd->mOutBuf >= Sd->mOrigSize) { goto Done ; } BytesRemain--; } } } Done: return ; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI UefiDecompressGetInfo ( IN CONST VOID *Source, IN UINT32 SourceSize, OUT UINT32 *DestinationSize, OUT UINT32 *ScratchSize ) /*++ Routine Description: The internal implementation of *_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL.GetInfo(). Arguments: Source - The source buffer containing the compressed data. SourceSize - The size of source buffer DestinationSize - The size of destination buffer. ScratchSize - The size of scratch buffer. Returns: RETURN_SUCCESS - The size of destination buffer and the size of scratch buffer are successull retrieved. RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - The source data is corrupted --*/ { UINT32 CompressedSize; ASSERT (Source != NULL); ASSERT (DestinationSize != NULL); ASSERT (ScratchSize != NULL); *ScratchSize = sizeof (SCRATCH_DATA); if (SourceSize < 8) { return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } CopyMem (&CompressedSize, Source, sizeof (UINT32)); CopyMem (DestinationSize, (VOID *)((UINT8 *)Source + 4), sizeof (UINT32)); if (SourceSize < (CompressedSize + 8)) { return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return RETURN_SUCCESS; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI UefiTianoDecompress ( IN CONST VOID *Source, IN OUT VOID *Destination, IN OUT VOID *Scratch, IN UINT32 Version ) /*++ Routine Description: The internal implementation of *_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL.Decompress(). Arguments: Source - The source buffer containing the compressed data. Destination - The destination buffer to store the decompressed data Scratch - The buffer used internally by the decompress routine. This buffer is needed to store intermediate data. Version - 1 for UEFI Decompress algoruthm, 2 for Tiano Decompess algorithm Returns: RETURN_SUCCESS - Decompression is successfull RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - The source data is corrupted --*/ { volatile UINT32 Index; UINT32 CompSize; UINT32 OrigSize; SCRATCH_DATA *Sd; CONST UINT8 *Src; UINT8 *Dst; ASSERT (Source != NULL); ASSERT (Destination != NULL); ASSERT (Scratch != NULL); Src = Source; Dst = Destination; Sd = (SCRATCH_DATA *) Scratch; CompSize = Src[0] + (Src[1] << 8) + (Src[2] << 16) + (Src[3] << 24); OrigSize = Src[4] + (Src[5] << 8) + (Src[6] << 16) + (Src[7] << 24); // // If compressed file size is 0, return // if (OrigSize == 0) { return RETURN_SUCCESS; } Src = Src + 8; for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (SCRATCH_DATA); Index++) { ((UINT8 *) Sd)[Index] = 0; } // // The length of the field 'Position Set Code Length Array Size' in Block Header. // For EFI 1.1 de/compression algorithm(Version 1), mPBit = 4 // For Tiano de/compression algorithm(Version 2), mPBit = 5 // switch (Version) { case 1 : Sd->mPBit = 4; break; case 2 : Sd->mPBit = 5; break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); } Sd->mSrcBase = (UINT8 *)Src; Sd->mDstBase = Dst; Sd->mCompSize = CompSize; Sd->mOrigSize = OrigSize; // // Fill the first BITBUFSIZ bits // FillBuf (Sd, BITBUFSIZ); // // Decompress it // Decode (Sd); if (Sd->mBadTableFlag != 0) { // // Something wrong with the source // return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return RETURN_SUCCESS; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI UefiDecompress ( IN CONST VOID *Source, IN OUT VOID *Destination, IN OUT VOID *Scratch ) /*++ Routine Description: The internal implementation of *_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL.Decompress(). Arguments: Source - The source buffer containing the compressed data. Destination - The destination buffer to store the decompressed data Scratch - The buffer used internally by the decompress routine. This buffer is needed to store intermediate data. Returns: RETURN_SUCCESS - Decompression is successfull RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - The source data is corrupted --*/ { return UefiTianoDecompress (Source, Destination, Scratch, 1); } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI CustomDecompressGetInfo ( IN CONST GUID *DecompressGuid, IN CONST VOID *Source, IN UINT32 SourceSize, OUT UINT32 *DestinationSize, OUT UINT32 *ScratchSize ) /*++ Routine Description: The internal implementation of *_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL.GetInfo(). Arguments: DecompressGuid The guid matches this decompress method. Source - The source buffer containing the compressed data. SourceSize - The size of source buffer DestinationSize - The size of destination buffer. ScratchSize - The size of scratch buffer. Returns: RETURN_SUCCESS - The size of destination buffer and the size of scratch buffer are successull retrieved. RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - The source data is corrupted RETURN_UNSUPPORTED - Decompress method is not supported. --*/ { if (CompareGuid (DecompressGuid, &gTianoCustomDecompressGuid)) { return UefiDecompressGetInfo (Source, SourceSize, DestinationSize, ScratchSize); } else { return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI CustomDecompress ( IN CONST GUID *DecompressGuid, IN CONST VOID *Source, IN OUT VOID *Destination, IN OUT VOID *Scratch ) /*++ Routine Description: The internal implementation of *_DECOMPRESS_PROTOCOL.Decompress(). Arguments: DecompressGuid The guid matches this decompress method. Source - The source buffer containing the compressed data. Destination - The destination buffer to store the decompressed data Scratch - The buffer used internally by the decompress routine. This buffer is needed to store intermediate data. Returns: RETURN_SUCCESS - Decompression is successfull RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER - The source data is corrupted RETURN_UNSUPPORTED - Decompress method is not supported. --*/ { if (CompareGuid (DecompressGuid, &gTianoCustomDecompressGuid)) { return UefiTianoDecompress (Source, Destination, Scratch, 2); } else { return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED; } } /** Get decompress method guid list. @param[in, out] AlgorithmGuidTable The decompress method guid list. @param[in, out] NumberOfAlgorithms The number of decompress methods. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Get all algorithmes list successfully. @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER Input paramter error. @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Source is not enough. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI CustomDecompressGetAlgorithms ( IN OUT GUID **AlgorithmGuidTable, IN OUT UINTN *NumberOfAlgorithms ) { if (NumberOfAlgorithms == NULL) { return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (*NumberOfAlgorithms < 1) { *NumberOfAlgorithms = 1; return RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (AlgorithmGuidTable == NULL) { return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER; } AlgorithmGuidTable [0] = &gTianoCustomDecompressGuid; *NumberOfAlgorithms = 1; return RETURN_SUCCESS; }