;/*++ ; ;Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation ;All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials ;are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ;which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ;http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ; ;THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ;WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ; ;Module Name: ; ; EfiZeroMem.c ; ;Abstract: ; ; This is the code that supports IA32-optimized ZeroMem service ; ;--*/ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .686 .model flat,C .mmx .code ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;VOID ;EfiCommonLibZeroMem ( ; IN VOID *Buffer, ; IN UINTN Count ; ) ;/*++ ; ;Input: VOID *Buffer - Pointer to buffer to clear ; UINTN Count - Number of bytes to clear ; ;Output: None. ; ;Saves: ; ;Modifies: ; ;Description: This function is an optimized zero-memory function. ; ;Notes: This function tries to zero memory 8 bytes at a time. As a result, ; it first picks up any misaligned bytes, then words, before getting ; in the main loop that does the 8-byte clears. ; ;--*/ EfiCommonLibZeroMem PROC ; UINT64 MmxSave; push ebp mov ebp, esp push ecx ; Reserve space for local variable MmxSave push ecx push edi mov ecx, [ebp + 0Ch] ; Count mov edi, [ebp + 8]; Buffer ; Pick up misaligned start bytes (get pointer 4-byte aligned) _StartByteZero: mov eax, edi and al, 3 ; check lower 2 bits of address test al, al je _ZeroBlocks ; already aligned? cmp ecx, 0 je _ZeroMemDone ; Clear the byte memory location mov BYTE PTR [edi], 0 inc edi ; Decrement our count dec ecx jmp _StartByteZero ; back to top of loop _ZeroBlocks: ; Compute how many 64-byte blocks we can clear mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 6 ; convert to 64-byte count shl ecx, 6 ; convert back to bytes sub edx, ecx ; subtract from the original count shr ecx, 6 ; and this is how many 64-byte blocks ; If no 64-byte blocks, then skip cmp ecx, 0 je _ZeroRemaining ; Save mm0 movq [ebp - 8], mm0 ; Save mm0 to MmxSave pxor mm0, mm0 ; Clear mm0 _B: movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+8], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+16], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+24], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+32], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+40], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+48], mm0 movq QWORD PTR ds:[edi+56], mm0 add edi, 64 dec ecx jnz _B ; Restore mm0 movq mm0, [ebp - 8] ; Restore mm0 from MmxSave emms ; Exit MMX Instruction _ZeroRemaining: ; Zero out as many DWORDS as possible mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 2 xor eax, eax rep stosd ; Zero out remaining as bytes mov ecx, edx and ecx, 03 rep stosb _ZeroMemDone: pop edi leave ret EfiCommonLibZeroMem ENDP END