/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: UhcHlp.c Abstract: Revision History --*/ #include "uhci.h" EFI_STATUS USBReadPortW ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortOffset, IN OUT UINT16 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: USBReadPort Word Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortOffset - Port offset Data - Data to reutrn Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Perform 16bit Read in PCI IO Space // return PciIo->Io.Read ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint16, USB_BAR_INDEX, (UINT64) PortOffset, 1, Data ); } EFI_STATUS USBReadPortDW ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortOffset, IN OUT UINT32 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: USBReadPort DWord Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortOffset - Port offset Data - Data to reutrn Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Perform 32bit Read in PCI IO Space // return PciIo->Io.Read ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint32, USB_BAR_INDEX, (UINT64) PortOffset, 1, Data ); } EFI_STATUS USBWritePortW ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortOffset, IN UINT16 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: USB Write Port Word Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortOffset - Port offset Data - Data to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Perform 16bit Write in PCI IO Space // return PciIo->Io.Write ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint16, USB_BAR_INDEX, (UINT64) PortOffset, 1, &Data ); } EFI_STATUS USBWritePortDW ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortOffset, IN UINT32 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: USB Write Port DWord Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortOffset - Port offset Data - Data to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Perform 32bit Write in PCI IO Space // return PciIo->Io.Write ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint32, USB_BAR_INDEX, (UINT64) PortOffset, 1, &Data ); } // // USB register-base helper functions // EFI_STATUS WriteUHCCommandReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 CmdAddrOffset, IN UINT16 UsbCmd ) /*++ Routine Description: Write UHCI Command Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL CmdAddrOffset - Command address offset UsbCmd - Data to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Write to UHC's Command Register // return USBWritePortW (PciIo, CmdAddrOffset, UsbCmd); } EFI_STATUS ReadUHCCommandReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 CmdAddrOffset, IN OUT UINT16 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Read UHCI Command Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL CmdAddrOffset - Command address offset Data - Data to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Read from UHC's Command Register // return USBReadPortW (PciIo, CmdAddrOffset, Data); } EFI_STATUS WriteUHCStatusReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusAddrOffset, IN UINT16 UsbSts ) /*++ Routine Description: Write UHCI Staus Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusAddrOffset - Status address offset UsbSts - Data to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Write to UHC's Status Register // return USBWritePortW (PciIo, StatusAddrOffset, UsbSts); } EFI_STATUS ReadUHCStatusReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusAddrOffset, IN OUT UINT16 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Read UHCI Staus Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusAddrOffset - Status address offset UsbSts - Data to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Read from UHC's Status Register // return USBReadPortW (PciIo, StatusAddrOffset, Data); } EFI_STATUS ClearStatusReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusAddrOffset ) /*++ Routine Description: Clear the content of UHC's Status Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusAddrOffset - Status address offset Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { return WriteUHCStatusReg (PciIo, StatusAddrOffset, 0x003F); } EFI_STATUS ReadUHCFrameNumberReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 FrameNumAddrOffset, IN OUT UINT16 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Read from UHC's Frame Number Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL FrameNumAddrOffset - Frame number register offset Data - Data to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { return USBReadPortW (PciIo, FrameNumAddrOffset, Data); } EFI_STATUS WriteUHCFrameListBaseReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 FlBaseAddrOffset, IN UINT32 UsbFrameListBaseAddr ) /*++ Routine Description: Write to UHC's Frame List Base Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL FlBaseAddrOffset - Frame Base address register UsbFrameListBaseAddr - Address to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { return USBWritePortDW (PciIo, FlBaseAddrOffset, UsbFrameListBaseAddr); } EFI_STATUS ReadRootPortReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortAddrOffset, IN OUT UINT16 *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Read from UHC's Root Port Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortAddrOffset - Port Addrress Offset, Data - Data to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { return USBReadPortW (PciIo, PortAddrOffset, Data); } EFI_STATUS WriteRootPortReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 PortAddrOffset, IN UINT16 ControlBits ) /*++ Routine Description: Write to UHC's Root Port Register Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL PortAddrOffset - Port Addrress Offset, ControlBits - Data to write Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { return USBWritePortW (PciIo, PortAddrOffset, ControlBits); } EFI_STATUS WaitForUHCHalt ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusRegAddr, IN UINTN Timeout ) /*++ Routine Description: Wait until UHCI halt or timeout Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusRegAddr - Status Register Address Timeout - Time out value in us Returns: EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - Unable to read the status register EFI_TIMEOUT - Time out EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { UINTN Delay; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 HcStatus; // // Timeout is in us unit // Delay = (Timeout / 50) + 1; do { Status = ReadUHCStatusReg (PciIo, StatusRegAddr, &HcStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if ((HcStatus & USBSTS_HCH) == USBSTS_HCH) { break; } // // Stall for 50 us // gBS->Stall (50); } while (Delay--); if (Delay == 0) { return EFI_TIMEOUT; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN IsStatusOK ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusRegAddr ) /*++ Routine Description: Judge whether the host controller operates well Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusRegAddr - Status register address Returns: TRUE - Status is good FALSE - Status is bad --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 HcStatus; // // Detect whether the interrupt is caused by fatal error. // see "UHCI Design Guid". // Status = ReadUHCStatusReg (PciIo, StatusRegAddr, &HcStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return FALSE; } if (HcStatus & (USBSTS_HCPE | USBSTS_HSE | USBSTS_HCH)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } BOOLEAN IsHostSysOrProcessErr ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 StatusRegAddr ) /*++ Routine Description: Judge the status is HostSys,ProcessErr error or good Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL StatusRegAddr - Status register address Returns: TRUE - Status is good FALSE - Status is bad --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 HcStatus; // // Detect whether the interrupt is caused by serious error. // see "UHCI Design Guid". // Status = ReadUHCStatusReg (PciIo, StatusRegAddr, &HcStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return FALSE; } if (HcStatus & (USBSTS_HSE | USBSTS_HCPE)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } UINT16 GetCurrentFrameNumber ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 FrameNumAddrOffset ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Current Frame Number Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL FrameNumAddrOffset - FrameNum register AddrOffset Returns: Frame number --*/ { // // Gets value in the USB frame number register. // UINT16 FrameNumber; ReadUHCFrameNumberReg (PciIo, FrameNumAddrOffset, &FrameNumber); return (UINT16) (FrameNumber & 0x03FF); } EFI_STATUS SetFrameListBaseAddress ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 FlBaseAddrReg, IN UINT32 Addr ) /*++ Routine Description: Set FrameListBase Address Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL FlBaseAddrReg - FrameListBase register Addr - Address to set Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { // // Sets value in the USB Frame List Base Address register. // return WriteUHCFrameListBaseReg (PciIo, FlBaseAddrReg, (UINT32) (Addr & 0xFFFFF000)); } VOID EnableMaxPacketSize ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) /*++ Routine Description: Enable Max Packet Size Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Returns: VOID --*/ { UINT16 CommandContent; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = ReadUHCCommandReg ( HcDev->PciIo, (UINT32) (USBCMD), &CommandContent ); if ((CommandContent & USBCMD_MAXP) != USBCMD_MAXP) { CommandContent |= USBCMD_MAXP; WriteUHCCommandReg ( HcDev->PciIo, (UINT32) (USBCMD), CommandContent ); } return ; } EFI_STATUS CreateFrameList ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT32 FlBaseAddrReg ) /*++ Routine Description: CreateFrameList Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV FlBaseAddrReg - Frame List register Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate memory resources EFI_UNSUPPORTED - Map memory fail EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *CommonBuffer; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MappedAddress; VOID *Mapping; UINTN BufferSizeInPages; UINTN BufferSizeInBytes; // // The Frame List is a common buffer that will be // accessed by both the cpu and the usb bus master // at the same time. // The Frame List ocupies 4K bytes, // and must be aligned on 4-Kbyte boundaries. // BufferSizeInBytes = 4096; BufferSizeInPages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (BufferSizeInBytes); Status = HcDev->PciIo->AllocateBuffer ( HcDev->PciIo, AllocateAnyPages, EfiBootServicesData, BufferSizeInPages, &CommonBuffer, 0 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = HcDev->PciIo->Map ( HcDev->PciIo, EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterCommonBuffer, CommonBuffer, &BufferSizeInBytes, &MappedAddress, &Mapping ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (BufferSizeInBytes != 4096)) { HcDev->PciIo->FreeBuffer (HcDev->PciIo, BufferSizeInPages, CommonBuffer); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } HcDev->FrameListEntry = (FRAMELIST_ENTRY *) ((UINTN) MappedAddress); HcDev->FrameListMapping = Mapping; InitFrameList (HcDev); // // Tell the Host Controller where the Frame List lies, // by set the Frame List Base Address Register. // SetFrameListBaseAddress ( HcDev->PciIo, FlBaseAddrReg, (UINT32) ((UINTN) HcDev->FrameListEntry) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS FreeFrameListEntry ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) /*++ Routine Description: Free FrameList buffer Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - success --*/ { // // Unmap the common buffer for framelist entry, // and free the common buffer. // Uhci's frame list occupy 4k memory. // HcDev->PciIo->Unmap (HcDev->PciIo, HcDev->FrameListMapping); HcDev->PciIo->FreeBuffer ( HcDev->PciIo, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (4096), (VOID *) (HcDev->FrameListEntry) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID InitFrameList ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize FrameList Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Returns: VOID --*/ { FRAMELIST_ENTRY *FrameListPtr; UINTN Index; // // Validate each Frame List Entry // FrameListPtr = HcDev->FrameListEntry; for (Index = 0; Index < 1024; Index++) { FrameListPtr->FrameListPtrTerminate = 1; FrameListPtr->FrameListPtr = 0; FrameListPtr->FrameListPtrQSelect = 0; FrameListPtr->FrameListRsvd = 0; FrameListPtr++; } } // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // QH TD related Helper Functions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // functions for QH // EFI_STATUS AllocateQHStruct ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT QH_STRUCT **ppQHStruct ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate QH Struct Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV ppQHStruct - QH_STRUCT content to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { *ppQHStruct = NULL; // // QH must align on 16 bytes alignment, // since the memory allocated by UhciAllocatePool () // is aligned on 32 bytes, it is no need to adjust // the allocated memory returned. // return UhciAllocatePool (HcDev, (UINT8 **) ppQHStruct, sizeof (QH_STRUCT)); } EFI_STATUS CreateQH ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT QH_STRUCT **pptrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: CreateQH Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV ppQHStruct - QH_STRUCT content to return Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate memory --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // allocate align memory for QH_STRUCT // Status = AllocateQHStruct (HcDev, pptrQH); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // init each field of the QH_STRUCT // // // Make QH ready // SetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (*pptrQH, FALSE); SetQHVerticalValidorInvalid (*pptrQH, FALSE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID SetQHHorizontalLinkPtr ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN VOID *ptrNext ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Horizontal Link Pointer Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT ptrNext - Data to write Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Since the QH_STRUCT is aligned on 16-byte boundaries, // Only the highest 28bit of the address is valid // (take 32bit address as an example). // PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalPtr = (UINT32) ((UINTN) ptrNext >> 4); } VOID * GetQHHorizontalLinkPtr ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Get QH Horizontal Link Pointer Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT Returns: Data to return --*/ { // // Restore the 28bit address to 32bit address // (take 32bit address as an example) // return (VOID *) ((UINTN) (PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalPtr << 4)); } VOID SetQHHorizontalQHorTDSelect ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN BOOLEAN bQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Horizontal QH or TD Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT bQH - TRUE is QH FALSE is TD Returns: VOID --*/ { // // if QH is connected, the specified bit is set, // if TD is connected, the specified bit is cleared. // PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalQSelect = bQH ? 1 : 0; } VOID SetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN BOOLEAN bValid ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Horizontal Valid or Invalid Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT bValid - TRUE is Valid FALSE is Invalid Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Valid means the horizontal link pointer is valid, // else, it's invalid. // PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalTerminate = bValid ? 0 : 1; } VOID SetQHVerticalLinkPtr ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN VOID *ptrNext ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Vertical Link Pointer Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT ptrNext - Data to write Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Since the QH_STRUCT is aligned on 16-byte boundaries, // Only the highest 28bit of the address is valid // (take 32bit address as an example). // PtrQH->QH.QHVerticalPtr = (UINT32) ((UINTN) ptrNext >> 4); } VOID * GetQHVerticalLinkPtr ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Get QH Vertical Link Pointer Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT Returns: Data to return --*/ { // // Restore the 28bit address to 32bit address // (take 32bit address as an example) // return (VOID *) ((UINTN) (PtrQH->QH.QHVerticalPtr << 4)); } VOID SetQHVerticalQHorTDSelect ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN BOOLEAN bQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Vertical QH or TD Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT bQH - TRUE is QH FALSE is TD Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Set the specified bit if the Vertical Link Pointer pointing to a QH, // Clear the specified bit if the Vertical Link Pointer pointing to a TD. // PtrQH->QH.QHVerticalQSelect = bQH ? 1 : 0; } BOOLEAN IsQHHorizontalQHSelect ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Is QH Horizontal QH Select Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT Returns: TRUE - QH FALSE - TD --*/ { // // Retrieve the information about whether the Horizontal Link Pointer // pointing to a QH or TD. // return (BOOLEAN) (PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalQSelect ? TRUE : FALSE); } VOID SetQHVerticalValidorInvalid ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN BOOLEAN IsValid ) /*++ Routine Description: Set QH Vertical Valid or Invalid Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT IsValid - TRUE is valid FALSE is invalid Returns: VOID --*/ { // // If TRUE, indicates the Vertical Link Pointer field is valid, // else, the field is invalid. // PtrQH->QH.QHVerticalTerminate = IsValid ? 0 : 1; } BOOLEAN GetQHVerticalValidorInvalid ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Get QH Vertical Valid or Invalid Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT Returns: TRUE - Valid FALSE - Invalid --*/ { // // If TRUE, indicates the Vertical Link Pointer field is valid, // else, the field is invalid. // return (BOOLEAN) (!(PtrQH->QH.QHVerticalTerminate)); } BOOLEAN GetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Get QH Horizontal Valid or Invalid Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT Returns: TRUE - Valid FALSE - Invalid --*/ { // // If TRUE, meaning the Horizontal Link Pointer field is valid, // else, the field is invalid. // return (BOOLEAN) (!(PtrQH->QH.QHHorizontalTerminate)); } // // functions for TD // EFI_STATUS AllocateTDStruct ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT TD_STRUCT **ppTDStruct ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate TD Struct Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV ppTDStruct - place to store TD_STRUCT pointer Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ { *ppTDStruct = NULL; // // TD must align on 16 bytes alignment, // since the memory allocated by UhciAllocatePool () // is aligned on 32 bytes, it is no need to adjust // the allocated memory returned. // return UhciAllocatePool ( HcDev, (UINT8 **) ppTDStruct, sizeof (TD_STRUCT) ); } EFI_STATUS CreateTD ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT TD_STRUCT **pptrTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Create TD Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV pptrTD - TD_STRUCT pointer to store Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate resources EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // create memory for TD_STRUCT, and align the memory. // Status = AllocateTDStruct (HcDev, pptrTD); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Make TD ready. // SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (*pptrTD, FALSE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS GenSetupStageTD ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT8 DevAddr, IN UINT8 Endpoint, IN BOOLEAN bSlow, IN UINT8 *pDevReq, IN UINT8 RequestLen, OUT TD_STRUCT **ppTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Generate Setup Stage TD Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV DevAddr - Device address Endpoint - Endpoint number bSlow - Full speed or low speed pDevReq - Device request RequestLen - Request length ppTD - TD_STRUCT to return Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate memory EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; TD_STRUCT *pTDStruct; Status = CreateTD (HcDev, &pTDStruct); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } SetTDLinkPtr (pTDStruct, NULL); // // Depth first fashion // SetTDLinkPtrDepthorBreadth (pTDStruct, TRUE); // // initialize as the last TD in the QH context, // this field will be updated in the TD linkage process. // SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Disable Short Packet Detection by default // EnableorDisableTDShortPacket (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Max error counter is 3, retry 3 times when error encountered. // SetTDControlErrorCounter (pTDStruct, 3); // // set device speed attribute // (TRUE - Slow Device; FALSE - Full Speed Device) // SetTDLoworFullSpeedDevice (pTDStruct, bSlow); // // Non isochronous transfer TD // SetTDControlIsochronousorNot (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Interrupt On Complete bit be set to zero, // Disable IOC interrupt. // SetorClearTDControlIOC (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Set TD Active bit // SetTDStatusActiveorInactive (pTDStruct, TRUE); SetTDTokenMaxLength (pTDStruct, RequestLen); SetTDTokenDataToggle0 (pTDStruct); SetTDTokenEndPoint (pTDStruct, Endpoint); SetTDTokenDeviceAddress (pTDStruct, DevAddr); SetTDTokenPacketID (pTDStruct, SETUP_PACKET_ID); pTDStruct->pTDBuffer = (UINT8 *) pDevReq; pTDStruct->TDBufferLength = RequestLen; SetTDDataBuffer (pTDStruct); *ppTD = pTDStruct; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS GenDataTD ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT8 DevAddr, IN UINT8 Endpoint, IN UINT8 *pData, IN UINT8 Len, IN UINT8 PktID, IN UINT8 Toggle, IN BOOLEAN bSlow, OUT TD_STRUCT **ppTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Generate Data Stage TD Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV DevAddr - Device address Endpoint - Endpoint number pData - Data buffer Len - Data length PktID - Packet ID Toggle - Data toggle value bSlow - Full speed or low speed ppTD - TD_STRUCT to return Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate memory EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { TD_STRUCT *pTDStruct; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = CreateTD (HcDev, &pTDStruct); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } SetTDLinkPtr (pTDStruct, NULL); // // Depth first fashion // SetTDLinkPtrDepthorBreadth (pTDStruct, TRUE); // // Link pointer pointing to TD struct // SetTDLinkPtrQHorTDSelect (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // initialize as the last TD in the QH context, // this field will be updated in the TD linkage process. // SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Disable short packet detect // EnableorDisableTDShortPacket (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Max error counter is 3 // SetTDControlErrorCounter (pTDStruct, 3); // // set device speed attribute // (TRUE - Slow Device; FALSE - Full Speed Device) // SetTDLoworFullSpeedDevice (pTDStruct, bSlow); // // Non isochronous transfer TD // SetTDControlIsochronousorNot (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Disable Interrupt On Complete // Disable IOC interrupt. // SetorClearTDControlIOC (pTDStruct, FALSE); // // Set Active bit // SetTDStatusActiveorInactive (pTDStruct, TRUE); SetTDTokenMaxLength (pTDStruct, Len); if (Toggle) { SetTDTokenDataToggle1 (pTDStruct); } else { SetTDTokenDataToggle0 (pTDStruct); } SetTDTokenEndPoint (pTDStruct, Endpoint); SetTDTokenDeviceAddress (pTDStruct, DevAddr); SetTDTokenPacketID (pTDStruct, PktID); pTDStruct->pTDBuffer = (UINT8 *) pData; pTDStruct->TDBufferLength = Len; SetTDDataBuffer (pTDStruct); *ppTD = pTDStruct; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS CreateStatusTD ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT8 DevAddr, IN UINT8 Endpoint, IN UINT8 PktID, IN BOOLEAN bSlow, OUT TD_STRUCT **ppTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Generate Status Stage TD Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV DevAddr - Device address Endpoint - Endpoint number PktID - Packet ID bSlow - Full speed or low speed ppTD - TD_STRUCT to return Returns: EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can't allocate memory EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = CreateTD (HcDev, &ptrTDStruct); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } SetTDLinkPtr (ptrTDStruct, NULL); // // Depth first fashion // SetTDLinkPtrDepthorBreadth (ptrTDStruct, TRUE); // // initialize as the last TD in the QH context, // this field will be updated in the TD linkage process. // SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (ptrTDStruct, FALSE); // // Disable short packet detect // EnableorDisableTDShortPacket (ptrTDStruct, FALSE); // // Max error counter is 3 // SetTDControlErrorCounter (ptrTDStruct, 3); // // set device speed attribute // (TRUE - Slow Device; FALSE - Full Speed Device) // SetTDLoworFullSpeedDevice (ptrTDStruct, bSlow); // // Non isochronous transfer TD // SetTDControlIsochronousorNot (ptrTDStruct, FALSE); // // Disable Interrupt On Complete // Disable IOC interrupt. // SetorClearTDControlIOC (ptrTDStruct, FALSE); // // Set TD Active bit // SetTDStatusActiveorInactive (ptrTDStruct, TRUE); SetTDTokenMaxLength (ptrTDStruct, 0); SetTDTokenDataToggle1 (ptrTDStruct); SetTDTokenEndPoint (ptrTDStruct, Endpoint); SetTDTokenDeviceAddress (ptrTDStruct, DevAddr); SetTDTokenPacketID (ptrTDStruct, PktID); ptrTDStruct->pTDBuffer = NULL; ptrTDStruct->TDBufferLength = 0; SetTDDataBuffer (ptrTDStruct); *ppTD = ptrTDStruct; return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN bValid ) /*++ Routine Description: Set TD Link Pointer Valid or Invalid Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT bValid - TRUE is valid FALSE is invalid Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Valid means the link pointer is valid, // else, it's invalid. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtrTerminate = (bValid ? 0 : 1); } VOID SetTDLinkPtrQHorTDSelect ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN bQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Set TD Link Pointer QH or TD Select Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT bQH - TRUE is QH FALSE is TD Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Indicate whether the Link Pointer pointing to a QH or TD // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtrQSelect = (bQH ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetTDLinkPtrDepthorBreadth ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN bDepth ) /*++ Routine Description: Set TD Link Pointer depth or bread priority Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT bDepth - TRUE is Depth FALSE is Breadth Returns: VOID --*/ { // // If TRUE, indicating the host controller should process in depth first // fashion, // else, the host controller should process in breadth first fashion // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtrDepthSelect = (bDepth ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetTDLinkPtr ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN VOID *ptrNext ) /*++ Routine Description: Set TD Link Pointer Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT ptrNext - Pointer to set Returns: VOID --*/ { // // Set TD Link Pointer. Since QH,TD align on 16-byte boundaries, // only the highest 28 bits are valid. (if take 32bit address as an example) // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtr = (UINT32) ((UINTN) ptrNext >> 4); } VOID * GetTDLinkPtr ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) /*++ Routine Description: Get TD Link Pointer Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT Returns: Pointer to get --*/ { // // Get TD Link Pointer. Restore it back to 32bit // (if take 32bit address as an example) // return (VOID *) ((UINTN) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtr << 4)); } BOOLEAN IsTDLinkPtrQHOrTD ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) /*++ Routine Description: Is TD Link Pointer is QH Or TD Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TODO: add argument description Returns: TRUE - QH FALSE - TD --*/ { // // Get the information about whether the Link Pointer field pointing to // a QH or a TD. // return (BOOLEAN) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtrQSelect); } VOID EnableorDisableTDShortPacket ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN bEnable ) /*++ Routine Description: Enable or Disable TD ShortPacket Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT bEnable - TRUE is Enanble FALSE is Disable Returns: VOID --*/ { // // TRUE means enable short packet detection mechanism. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusSPD = (bEnable ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetTDControlErrorCounter ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN UINT8 nMaxErrors ) /*++ Routine Description: Set TD Control ErrorCounter Arguments: ptrTDStruct - TD_STRUCT nMaxErrors - Error counter number Returns: VOID --*/ { // // valid value of nMaxErrors is 0,1,2,3 // if (nMaxErrors > 3) { nMaxErrors = 3; } ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusErr = nMaxErrors; } VOID SetTDLoworFullSpeedDevice ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN bLowSpeedDevice ) { // // TRUE means the TD is targeting at a Low-speed device // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusLS = (bLowSpeedDevice ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetTDControlIsochronousorNot ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN IsIsochronous ) { // // TRUE means the TD belongs to Isochronous transfer type. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusIOS = (IsIsochronous ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetorClearTDControlIOC ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN IsSet ) { // // If this bit is set, it indicates that the host controller should issue // an interrupt on completion of the frame in which this TD is executed. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusIOC = IsSet ? 1 : 0; } VOID SetTDStatusActiveorInactive ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN BOOLEAN IsActive ) { // // If this bit is set, it indicates that the TD is active and can be // executed. // if (IsActive) { ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus |= 0x80; } else { ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus &= 0x7F; } } UINT16 SetTDTokenMaxLength ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN UINT16 MaximumLength ) { // // Specifies the maximum number of data bytes allowed for the transfer. // the legal value extent is 0 ~ 0x500. // if (MaximumLength > 0x500) { MaximumLength = 0x500; } ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenMaxLen = MaximumLength - 1; return MaximumLength; } VOID SetTDTokenDataToggle1 ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Set the data toggle bit to DATA1 // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenDataToggle = 1; } VOID SetTDTokenDataToggle0 ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Set the data toggle bit to DATA0 // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenDataToggle = 0; } UINT8 GetTDTokenDataToggle ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Get the data toggle value. // return (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenDataToggle); } VOID SetTDTokenEndPoint ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN UINTN EndPoint ) { // // Set EndPoint Number the TD is targeting at. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenEndPt = (UINT8) EndPoint; } VOID SetTDTokenDeviceAddress ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN UINTN DeviceAddress ) { // // Set Device Address the TD is targeting at. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenDevAddr = (UINT8) DeviceAddress; } VOID SetTDTokenPacketID ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct, IN UINT8 PID ) { // // Set the Packet Identification to be used for this transaction. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenPID = PID; } VOID SetTDDataBuffer ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Set the beginning address of the data buffer that will be used // during the transaction. // ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDBufferPtr = (UINT32) ((UINTN) (ptrTDStruct->pTDBuffer)); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusActive ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether the TD is active. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x80); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusStalled ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether the device/endpoint addressed by this TD is stalled. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x40); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusBufferError ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether Data Buffer Error is happened. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x20); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusBabbleError ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether Babble Error is happened. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x10); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusNAKReceived ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether NAK is received. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x08); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusCRCTimeOutError ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether CRC/Time Out Error is encountered. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x04); } BOOLEAN IsTDStatusBitStuffError ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { UINT8 TDStatus; // // Detect whether Bitstuff Error is received. // TDStatus = (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatus); return (BOOLEAN) (TDStatus & 0x02); } UINT16 GetTDStatusActualLength ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the actual number of bytes that were tansferred. // the value is encoded as n-1. so return the decoded value. // return (UINT16) ((ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDStatusActualLength) + 1); } UINT16 GetTDTokenMaxLength ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the maximum number of data bytes allowed for the trnasfer. // return (UINT16) ((ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenMaxLen) + 1); } UINT8 GetTDTokenEndPoint ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the endpoint number the transaction is targeting at. // return (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenEndPt); } UINT8 GetTDTokenDeviceAddress ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the device address the transaction is targeting at. // return (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenDevAddr); } UINT8 GetTDTokenPacketID ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the Packet Identification information. // return (UINT8) (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDTokenPID); } UINT8 * GetTDDataBuffer ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the beginning address of the data buffer // that involved in this transaction. // return ptrTDStruct->pTDBuffer; } BOOLEAN GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrTDStruct ) { // // Retrieve the information of whether the Link Pointer field // is valid or not. // if (ptrTDStruct->TDData.TDLinkPtrTerminate) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } UINTN CountTDsNumber ( IN TD_STRUCT *PtrFirstTD ) { UINTN Number; TD_STRUCT *ptr; // // Count the queued TDs number. // Number = 0; ptr = PtrFirstTD; while (ptr) { ptr = (TD_STRUCT *) ptr->ptrNextTD; Number++; } return Number; } VOID LinkTDToQH ( IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Link TD To QH Arguments: PtrQH - QH_STRUCT PtrTD - TD_STRUCT Returns: VOID --*/ { if (PtrQH == NULL || PtrTD == NULL) { return ; } // // Validate QH Vertical Ptr field // SetQHVerticalValidorInvalid (PtrQH, TRUE); // // Vertical Ptr pointing to TD structure // SetQHVerticalQHorTDSelect (PtrQH, FALSE); SetQHVerticalLinkPtr (PtrQH, (VOID *) PtrTD); PtrQH->ptrDown = (VOID *) PtrTD; } VOID LinkTDToTD ( IN TD_STRUCT *ptrPreTD, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Link TD To TD Arguments: ptrPreTD - Previous TD_STRUCT to be linked PtrTD - TD_STRUCT to link Returns: VOID --*/ { if (ptrPreTD == NULL || PtrTD == NULL) { return ; } // // Depth first fashion // SetTDLinkPtrDepthorBreadth (ptrPreTD, TRUE); // // Link pointer pointing to TD struct // SetTDLinkPtrQHorTDSelect (ptrPreTD, FALSE); // // Validate the link pointer valid bit // SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (ptrPreTD, TRUE); SetTDLinkPtr (ptrPreTD, PtrTD); ptrPreTD->ptrNextTD = (VOID *) PtrTD; } // // Transfer Schedule related Helper Functions // VOID SetorClearCurFrameListTerminate ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry, IN BOOLEAN IsSet ) { // // If TRUE, empty the frame. If FALSE, indicate the Pointer field is valid. // pCurEntry->FrameListPtrTerminate = (IsSet ? 1 : 0); } VOID SetCurFrameListQHorTD ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry, IN BOOLEAN IsQH ) { // // This bit indicates to the hardware whether the item referenced by the // link pointer is a TD or a QH. // pCurEntry->FrameListPtrQSelect = (IsQH ? 1 : 0); } BOOLEAN IsCurFrameListQHorTD ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry ) { // // TRUE is QH // FALSE is TD // return (BOOLEAN) (pCurEntry->FrameListPtrQSelect); } BOOLEAN GetCurFrameListTerminate ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry ) { // // TRUE means the frame is empty, // FALSE means the link pointer field is valid. // return (BOOLEAN) (pCurEntry->FrameListPtrTerminate); } VOID SetCurFrameListPointer ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry, IN UINT8 *ptr ) { // // Set the pointer field of the frame. // pCurEntry->FrameListPtr = (UINT32) ((UINTN) ptr >> 4); } VOID * GetCurFrameListPointer ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurEntry ) { // // Get the link pointer of the frame. // return (VOID *) ((UINTN) (pCurEntry->FrameListPtr << 4)); } VOID LinkQHToFrameList ( IN FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pEntry, IN UINT16 FrameListIndex, IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH ) /*++ Routine Description: Link QH To Frame List Arguments: pEntry - FRAMELIST_ENTRY FrameListIndex - Frame List Index PtrQH - QH to link Returns: VOID --*/ { FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurFrame; QH_STRUCT *TempQH; QH_STRUCT *NextTempQH; TD_STRUCT *TempTD; BOOLEAN LINK; // // Get frame list entry that the link process will begin from. // pCurFrame = pEntry + FrameListIndex; // // if current frame is empty // then link the specified QH directly to the Frame List. // if (GetCurFrameListTerminate (pCurFrame)) { // // Link new QH to the frame list entry. // SetCurFrameListQHorTD (pCurFrame, TRUE); SetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame, (UINT8 *) PtrQH); // // clear T bit in the Frame List, indicating that the frame list entry // is no longer empty. // SetorClearCurFrameListTerminate (pCurFrame, FALSE); return ; } else { // // current frame list has link pointer // if (!IsCurFrameListQHorTD (pCurFrame)) { // // a TD is linked to the framelist entry // TempTD = (TD_STRUCT *) GetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame); while (GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (TempTD)) { if (IsTDLinkPtrQHOrTD (TempTD)) { // // QH linked next to the TD // break; } TempTD = (TD_STRUCT *) GetTDLinkPtr (TempTD); } // // either no ptr linked next to the TD or QH is linked next to the TD // if (!GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (TempTD)) { // // no ptr linked next to the TD // TempTD->ptrNextQH = PtrQH; SetTDLinkPtrQHorTDSelect (TempTD, TRUE); SetTDLinkPtr (TempTD, PtrQH); SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (TempTD, TRUE); return ; } else { // // QH is linked next to the TD // TempQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetTDLinkPtr (TempTD); } } else { // // a QH is linked to the framelist entry // TempQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame); } // // Set up Flag // LINK = TRUE; // // Avoid the same qh repeated linking in one frame entry // if (TempQH == PtrQH) { LINK = FALSE; return ; } // // if current QH has next QH connected // while (GetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (TempQH)) { // // Get next QH pointer // NextTempQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetQHHorizontalLinkPtr (TempQH); // // Bulk transfer qh may be self-linked, // so, the code below is to aVOID dead-loop when meeting self-linked qh // if (NextTempQH == TempQH) { LINK = FALSE; break; } TempQH = NextTempQH; // // Avoid the same qh repeated linking in one frame entry // if (TempQH == PtrQH) { LINK = FALSE; } } if (LINK) { TempQH->ptrNext = PtrQH; SetQHHorizontalQHorTDSelect (TempQH, TRUE); SetQHHorizontalLinkPtr (TempQH, PtrQH); SetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (TempQH, TRUE); } return ; } } EFI_STATUS ExecuteControlTransfer ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrTD, IN UINT32 wIndex, OUT UINTN *ActualLen, IN UINTN TimeOut, OUT UINT32 *TransferResult ) /*++ Routine Description: Execute Control Transfer Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrTD - TD_STRUCT wIndex - No use ActualLen - Actual transfered Len TimeOut - TimeOut value in milliseconds TransferResult - Transfer result Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Sucess EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - Error --*/ { UINTN ErrTDPos; UINTN Delay; UINTN RequiredLen; BOOLEAN TransferFinished; ErrTDPos = 0; *TransferResult = EFI_USB_NOERROR; RequiredLen = *ActualLen; *ActualLen = 0; Delay = (TimeOut * STALL_1_MILLI_SECOND / 50) + 1; do { TransferFinished = CheckTDsResults ( PtrTD, RequiredLen, TransferResult, &ErrTDPos, ActualLen ); if (TransferFinished) { break; } // // TD is inactive, which means the control transfer is end. // if ((*TransferResult & EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) != EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) { break; } gBS->Stall (50); } while (Delay--); if (*TransferResult != EFI_USB_NOERROR) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS ExecBulkorSyncInterruptTransfer ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrTD, IN UINT32 wIndex, OUT UINTN *ActualLen, OUT UINT8 *DataToggle, IN UINTN TimeOut, OUT UINT32 *TransferResult ) /*++ Routine Description: Execute Bulk or SyncInterrupt Transfer Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrTD - TD_STRUCT wIndex - No use ActualLen - Actual transfered Len DataToggle - Data Toggle TimeOut - TimeOut value in milliseconds TransferResult - Transfer result Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Sucess EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - Error --*/ { UINTN ErrTDPos; UINTN ScrollNum; UINTN Delay; UINTN RequiredLen; BOOLEAN TransferFinished; ErrTDPos = 0; *TransferResult = EFI_USB_NOERROR; RequiredLen = *ActualLen; *ActualLen = 0; Delay = (TimeOut * STALL_1_MILLI_SECOND / 50) + 1; do { TransferFinished = CheckTDsResults ( PtrTD, RequiredLen, TransferResult, &ErrTDPos, ActualLen ); if (TransferFinished) { break; } // // TD is inactive, which means bulk or interrupt transfer's end. // if ((*TransferResult & EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) != EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) { break; } gBS->Stall (50); } while (Delay--); // // has error // if (*TransferResult != EFI_USB_NOERROR) { // // scroll the Data Toggle back to the last success TD // ScrollNum = CountTDsNumber (PtrTD) - ErrTDPos; if (ScrollNum & 0x1) { *DataToggle ^= 1; } return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID DelLinkSingleQH ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN UINT16 FrameListIndex, IN BOOLEAN SearchOther, IN BOOLEAN Delete ) /*++ Routine Description: Unlink from frame list and delete single QH Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrQH - QH_STRUCT FrameListIndex - Frame List Index SearchOther - Search Other QH Delete - TRUE is to delete the QH Returns: VOID --*/ { FRAMELIST_ENTRY *pCurFrame; UINTN Index; UINTN BeginFrame; UINTN EndFrame; QH_STRUCT *CurrentQH; QH_STRUCT *NextQH; TD_STRUCT *CurrentTD; VOID *PtrPreQH; BOOLEAN Found; NextQH = NULL; PtrPreQH = NULL; Found = FALSE; if (PtrQH == NULL) { return ; } if (SearchOther) { BeginFrame = 0; EndFrame = 1024; } else { BeginFrame = FrameListIndex; EndFrame = FrameListIndex + 1; } for (Index = BeginFrame; Index < EndFrame; Index++) { pCurFrame = HcDev->FrameListEntry + (Index & 0x3FF); if (GetCurFrameListTerminate (pCurFrame)) { // // current frame list is empty,search next frame list entry // continue; } if (!IsCurFrameListQHorTD (pCurFrame)) { // // TD linked to current framelist // CurrentTD = (TD_STRUCT *) GetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame); while (GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (CurrentTD)) { if (IsTDLinkPtrQHOrTD (CurrentTD)) { // // QH linked next to the TD,break while () // break; } CurrentTD = (TD_STRUCT *) GetTDLinkPtr (CurrentTD); } if (!GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (CurrentTD)) { // // no QH linked next to the last TD, // search next frame list // continue; } // // a QH linked next to the last TD // CurrentQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetTDLinkPtr (CurrentTD); PtrPreQH = CurrentTD; } else { // // a QH linked to current framelist // CurrentQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame); PtrPreQH = NULL; } if (CurrentQH == PtrQH) { if (GetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (PtrQH)) { // // there is QH connected after the QH found // // // retrieve nex qh pointer of the qh found. // NextQH = GetQHHorizontalLinkPtr (PtrQH); } else { NextQH = NULL; } if (PtrPreQH) { // // QH linked to a TD struct // CurrentTD = (TD_STRUCT *) PtrPreQH; SetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (CurrentTD, (BOOLEAN) ((NextQH == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE)); SetTDLinkPtr (CurrentTD, NextQH); CurrentTD->ptrNextQH = NextQH; } else { // // QH linked directly to current framelist entry // SetorClearCurFrameListTerminate (pCurFrame, (BOOLEAN) ((NextQH == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE)); SetCurFrameListPointer (pCurFrame, (UINT8 *) NextQH); } Found = TRUE; // // search next framelist entry // continue; } while (GetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (CurrentQH)) { PtrPreQH = CurrentQH; // // Get next horizontal linked QH // CurrentQH = (QH_STRUCT *) GetQHHorizontalLinkPtr (CurrentQH); // // the qh is found // if (CurrentQH == PtrQH) { break; } } // // search next frame list entry // if (CurrentQH != PtrQH) { // // Not find the QH // continue; } // // find the specified qh, then delink it from // the horizontal QH list in the frame entry. // if (GetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid (PtrQH)) { // // there is QH connected after the QH found // // // retrieve nex qh pointer of the qh found. // NextQH = GetQHHorizontalLinkPtr (PtrQH); } else { // // NO QH connected after the QH found // NextQH = NULL; // // NULL the previous QH's link ptr and set Terminate field. // SetQHHorizontalValidorInvalid ((QH_STRUCT *) PtrPreQH, FALSE); } SetQHHorizontalLinkPtr ((QH_STRUCT *) PtrPreQH, NextQH); ((QH_STRUCT *) PtrPreQH)->ptrNext = NextQH; Found = TRUE; } if (Found && Delete) { // // free memory once used by the specific QH // UhciFreePool (HcDev, (UINT8 *) PtrQH, sizeof (QH_STRUCT)); } return ; } VOID DeleteQueuedTDs ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrFirstTD ) /*++ Routine Description: Delete Queued TDs Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrFirstTD - TD link list head Returns: VOID --*/ { TD_STRUCT *Tptr1; TD_STRUCT *Tptr2; Tptr1 = PtrFirstTD; // // Delete all the TDs in a queue. // while (Tptr1) { Tptr2 = Tptr1; if (!GetTDLinkPtrValidorInvalid (Tptr2)) { Tptr1 = NULL; } else { Tptr1 = GetTDLinkPtr (Tptr2); // // TD link to itself // if (Tptr1 == Tptr2) { Tptr1 = NULL; } } UhciFreePool (HcDev, (UINT8 *) Tptr2, sizeof (TD_STRUCT)); } return ; } VOID InsertQHTDToINTList ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN QH_STRUCT *PtrQH, IN TD_STRUCT *PtrFirstTD, IN UINT8 DeviceAddress, IN UINT8 EndPointAddress, IN UINT8 DataToggle, IN UINTN DataLength, IN UINTN PollingInterval, IN VOID *Mapping, IN UINT8 *DataBuffer, IN EFI_ASYNC_USB_TRANSFER_CALLBACK CallBackFunction, IN VOID *Context ) /*++ Routine Description: Insert QH and TD To Interrupt List Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrQH - QH_STRUCT PtrFirstTD - First TD_STRUCT DeviceAddress - Device Address EndPointAddress - EndPoint Address DataToggle - Data Toggle DataLength - Data length PollingInterval - Polling Interval when inserted to frame list Mapping - Mapping alue DataBuffer - Data buffer CallBackFunction- CallBackFunction after interrupt transfeer Context - CallBackFunction Context passed as function parameter Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Sucess EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Paremeter is error --*/ { INTERRUPT_LIST *Node; Node = AllocatePool (sizeof (INTERRUPT_LIST)); if (Node == NULL) { return ; } // // Fill Node field // Node->Signature = INTERRUPT_LIST_SIGNATURE; Node->DevAddr = DeviceAddress; Node->EndPoint = EndPointAddress; Node->PtrQH = PtrQH; Node->PtrFirstTD = PtrFirstTD; Node->DataToggle = DataToggle; Node->DataLen = DataLength; Node->PollInterval = PollingInterval; Node->Mapping = Mapping; // // DataBuffer is allocated host memory, not mapped memory // Node->DataBuffer = DataBuffer; Node->InterruptCallBack = CallBackFunction; Node->InterruptContext = Context; // // insert the new interrupt transfer to the head of the list. // The interrupt transfer's monitor function scans the whole list from head // to tail. The new interrupt transfer MUST be added to the head of the list // for the sake of error recovery. // InsertHeadList (&(HcDev->InterruptListHead), &(Node->Link)); return ; } EFI_STATUS DeleteAsyncINTQHTDs ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT8 DeviceAddress, IN UINT8 EndPointAddress, OUT UINT8 *DataToggle ) /*++ Routine Description: Delete Async INT QH and TDs Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV DeviceAddress - Device Address EndPointAddress - EndPoint Address DataToggle - Data Toggle Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Sucess EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Paremeter is error --*/ { QH_STRUCT *MatchQH; QH_STRUCT *ptrNextQH; TD_STRUCT *MatchTD; LIST_ENTRY *Link; INTERRUPT_LIST *MatchList; INTERRUPT_LIST *PtrList; BOOLEAN Found; UINT32 Result; UINTN ErrTDPos; UINTN ActualLen; MatchQH = NULL; MatchTD = NULL; MatchList = NULL; // // no interrupt transaction exists // if (IsListEmpty (&(HcDev->InterruptListHead))) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // find the correct QH-TD that need to delete // (by matching Device address and EndPoint number to match QH-TD ) // Found = FALSE; Link = &(HcDev->InterruptListHead); do { Link = Link->ForwardLink; PtrList = INTERRUPT_LIST_FROM_LINK (Link); if ((PtrList->DevAddr == DeviceAddress) && ((PtrList->EndPoint & 0x0f) == (EndPointAddress & 0x0f))) { MatchList = PtrList; Found = TRUE; break; } } while (Link->ForwardLink != &(HcDev->InterruptListHead)); if (!Found) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // get current endpoint's data toggle bit and save. // ExecuteAsyncINTTDs (HcDev, MatchList, &Result, &ErrTDPos, &ActualLen); UpdateAsyncINTQHTDs (MatchList, Result, (UINT32) ErrTDPos); *DataToggle = MatchList->DataToggle; MatchTD = MatchList->PtrFirstTD; MatchQH = MatchList->PtrQH; // // find the first matching QH position in the FrameList // while (MatchQH) { ptrNextQH = MatchQH->ptrNextIntQH; // // Search all the entries // DelLinkSingleQH (HcDev, MatchQH, 0, TRUE, TRUE); MatchQH = ptrNextQH; } // // Call PciIo->Unmap() to unmap the busmaster read/write // HcDev->PciIo->Unmap (HcDev->PciIo, MatchList->Mapping); // // free host data buffer allocated, // mapped data buffer is freed by Unmap // if (MatchList->DataBuffer != NULL) { gBS->FreePool (MatchList->DataBuffer); } // // at last delete the TDs, to aVOID problems // DeleteQueuedTDs (HcDev, MatchTD); // // remove Match node from interrupt list // RemoveEntryList (&(MatchList->Link)); gBS->FreePool (MatchList); return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN CheckTDsResults ( IN TD_STRUCT *PtrTD, IN UINTN RequiredLen, OUT UINT32 *Result, OUT UINTN *ErrTDPos, OUT UINTN *ActualTransferSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Check TDs Results Arguments: PtrTD - TD_STRUCT to check RequiredLen - Required Len Result - Transfer result ErrTDPos - Error TD Position ActualTransferSize - Actual Transfer Size Returns: TRUE - Sucess FALSE - Fail --*/ { UINTN Len; *Result = EFI_USB_NOERROR; *ErrTDPos = 0; // // Init to zero. // *ActualTransferSize = 0; while (PtrTD) { if (IsTDStatusActive (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE; } if (IsTDStatusStalled (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_STALL; } if (IsTDStatusBufferError (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_BUFFER; } if (IsTDStatusBabbleError (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_BABBLE; } if (IsTDStatusNAKReceived (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_NAK; } if (IsTDStatusCRCTimeOutError (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_TIMEOUT; } if (IsTDStatusBitStuffError (PtrTD)) { *Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_BITSTUFF; } // // if any error encountered, stop processing the left TDs. // if (*Result) { return FALSE; } Len = GetTDStatusActualLength (PtrTD) & 0x7FF; *ActualTransferSize += Len; if (*ActualTransferSize <= RequiredLen && Len < PtrTD->TDData.TDTokenMaxLen) { // // transter finished and actural length less than required length // goto Done; } // // Accumulate actual transferred data length in each TD. // PtrTD = (TD_STRUCT *) (PtrTD->ptrNextTD); // // Record the first Error TD's position in the queue, // this value is zero-based. // (*ErrTDPos)++; } Done: return TRUE; } VOID ExecuteAsyncINTTDs ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN INTERRUPT_LIST *PtrList, OUT UINT32 *Result, OUT UINTN *ErrTDPos, OUT UINTN *ActualLen ) /*++ Routine Description: Execute Async Interrupt TDs Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV PtrList - INTERRUPT_LIST Result - Transfer result ErrTDPos - Error TD Position ActualTransferSize - Actual Transfer Size Returns: VOID --*/ { // // *ErrTDPos is zero-based value, indicating the first error TD's position // in the TDs' sequence. // *ErrTDPos value is only valid when *Result is not equal NOERROR. // UINTN RequiredLen; RequiredLen = *ActualLen; CheckTDsResults (PtrList->PtrFirstTD, RequiredLen, Result, ErrTDPos, ActualLen); return ; } VOID UpdateAsyncINTQHTDs ( IN INTERRUPT_LIST *PtrList, IN UINT32 Result, IN UINT32 ErrTDPos ) /*++ Routine Description: Update Async Interrupt QH and TDs Arguments: PtrList - INTERRUPT_LIST Result - Transfer reslut ErrTDPos - Error TD Position Returns: VOID --*/ { QH_STRUCT *PtrFirstQH; QH_STRUCT *PtrQH; TD_STRUCT *PtrFirstTD; TD_STRUCT *PtrTD; UINT8 DataToggle; UINT32 Index; PtrFirstQH = PtrList->PtrQH; PtrFirstTD = PtrList->PtrFirstTD; DataToggle = 0; if (Result == EFI_USB_NOERROR) { PtrTD = PtrFirstTD; while (PtrTD) { DataToggle = GetTDTokenDataToggle (PtrTD); PtrTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; } // // save current DataToggle value to interrupt list. // this value is used for tracing the interrupt endpoint DataToggle. // when this interrupt transfer is deleted, the last DataToggle is saved // PtrList->DataToggle = DataToggle; PtrTD = PtrFirstTD; // // Since DataToggle bit should toggle after each success transaction, // the First TD's DataToggle bit will be updated to XOR of Last TD's // DataToggle bit. If the First TD's DataToggle bit is not equal Last // TD's DataToggle bit, that means it already be the XOR of Last TD's, // so no update is needed. // if (DataToggle == GetTDTokenDataToggle (PtrFirstTD)) { PtrTD = PtrFirstTD; while (PtrTD) { DataToggle ^= 1; if (DataToggle) { SetTDTokenDataToggle1 (PtrTD); } else { SetTDTokenDataToggle0 (PtrTD); } PtrTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; } } // // restore Link Pointer of QH to First TD // (because QH's Link Pointer will change during TD execution) // PtrQH = PtrFirstQH; while (PtrQH) { LinkTDToQH (PtrQH, PtrFirstTD); PtrQH = PtrQH->ptrNextIntQH; } // // set all the TDs active // PtrTD = PtrFirstTD; while (PtrTD) { SetTDStatusActiveorInactive (PtrTD, TRUE); PtrTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; } } else if (((Result & EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) == EFI_USB_ERR_NOTEXECUTE) || ((Result & EFI_USB_ERR_NAK) == EFI_USB_ERR_NAK) ) { // // no update // } else { // // Have Errors // PtrTD = PtrFirstTD; // // not first TD error // if (ErrTDPos != 0) { // // get the last success TD // for (Index = 1; Index < ErrTDPos; Index++) { PtrTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; } // // update Data Toggle in the interrupt list node // PtrList->DataToggle = GetTDTokenDataToggle (PtrTD); // // get the error TD // PtrTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; } else { PtrList->DataToggle = GetTDTokenDataToggle (PtrTD); } // // do not restore the QH's vertical link pointer, // let the callback function do the rest of error handling. // } return ; } VOID ReleaseInterruptList ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ) /*++ Routine Description: Release Interrupt List Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV ListHead - List head Returns: VOID --*/ { LIST_ENTRY *Link; LIST_ENTRY *SavedLink; INTERRUPT_LIST *pNode; TD_STRUCT *PtrTD; TD_STRUCT *ptrNextTD; QH_STRUCT *PtrQH; QH_STRUCT *SavedQH; if (ListHead == NULL) { return ; } Link = ListHead; // // Free all the resources in the interrupt list // SavedLink = Link->ForwardLink; while (!IsListEmpty (ListHead)) { Link = SavedLink; SavedLink = Link->ForwardLink; pNode = INTERRUPT_LIST_FROM_LINK (Link); RemoveEntryList (&pNode->Link); SavedQH = pNode->PtrQH; for (PtrQH = SavedQH; PtrQH != NULL; PtrQH = SavedQH) { SavedQH = PtrQH->ptrNextIntQH; UhciFreePool (HcDev, (UINT8 *) PtrQH, sizeof (QH_STRUCT)); } PtrTD = pNode->PtrFirstTD; while (PtrTD != NULL) { ptrNextTD = PtrTD->ptrNextTD; UhciFreePool (HcDev, (UINT8 *) PtrTD, sizeof (TD_STRUCT)); PtrTD = ptrNextTD; } gBS->FreePool (pNode); } } EFI_STATUS InitializeMemoryManagement ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize Memory Management Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN MemPages; MemPages = NORMAL_MEMORY_BLOCK_UNIT_IN_PAGES; Status = CreateMemoryBlock (HcDev, &MemoryHeader, MemPages); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } HcDev->MemoryHeader = MemoryHeader; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS CreateMemoryBlock ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER **MemoryHeader, IN UINTN MemoryBlockSizeInPages ) /*++ Routine Description: Use PciIo->AllocateBuffer to allocate common buffer for the memory block, and use PciIo->Map to map the common buffer for Bus Master Read/Write. Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV MemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER to output MemoryBlockSizeInPages - MemoryBlockSizeInPages Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *CommonBuffer; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MappedAddress; UINTN MemoryBlockSizeInBytes; VOID *Mapping; // // Allocate memory for MemoryHeader // *MemoryHeader = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER)); if (*MemoryHeader == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } (*MemoryHeader)->Next = NULL; // // set Memory block size // (*MemoryHeader)->MemoryBlockSizeInBytes = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (MemoryBlockSizeInPages); // // each bit in Bit Array will manage 32 bytes memory in memory block // (*MemoryHeader)->BitArraySizeInBytes = ((*MemoryHeader)->MemoryBlockSizeInBytes / 32) / 8; // // Allocate memory for BitArray // (*MemoryHeader)->BitArrayPtr = AllocateZeroPool ((*MemoryHeader)->BitArraySizeInBytes); if ((*MemoryHeader)->BitArrayPtr == NULL) { gBS->FreePool (*MemoryHeader); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Memory Block uses MemoryBlockSizeInPages pages, // and it is allocated as common buffer use. // Status = HcDev->PciIo->AllocateBuffer ( HcDev->PciIo, AllocateAnyPages, EfiBootServicesData, MemoryBlockSizeInPages, &CommonBuffer, 0 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->FreePool ((*MemoryHeader)->BitArrayPtr); gBS->FreePool (*MemoryHeader); return Status; } MemoryBlockSizeInBytes = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (MemoryBlockSizeInPages); Status = HcDev->PciIo->Map ( HcDev->PciIo, EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterCommonBuffer, CommonBuffer, &MemoryBlockSizeInBytes, &MappedAddress, &Mapping ); // // if returned Mapped size is less than the size we request,do not support. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (MemoryBlockSizeInBytes != EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (MemoryBlockSizeInPages))) { HcDev->PciIo->FreeBuffer (HcDev->PciIo, MemoryBlockSizeInPages, CommonBuffer); gBS->FreePool ((*MemoryHeader)->BitArrayPtr); gBS->FreePool (*MemoryHeader); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Set Memory block initial address // (*MemoryHeader)->MemoryBlockPtr = (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) MappedAddress); (*MemoryHeader)->Mapping = Mapping; ZeroMem ( (*MemoryHeader)->MemoryBlockPtr, EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (MemoryBlockSizeInPages) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS FreeMemoryHeader ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader ) /*++ Routine Description: Free Memory Header Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV MemoryHeader - MemoryHeader to be freed Returns: EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Parameter is error EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { if ((MemoryHeader == NULL) || (HcDev == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // unmap the common buffer used by the memory block // HcDev->PciIo->Unmap (HcDev->PciIo, MemoryHeader->Mapping); // // free common buffer // HcDev->PciIo->FreeBuffer ( HcDev->PciIo, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MemoryHeader->MemoryBlockSizeInBytes), MemoryHeader->MemoryBlockPtr ); // // free bit array // gBS->FreePool (MemoryHeader->BitArrayPtr); // // free memory header // gBS->FreePool (MemoryHeader); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS UhciAllocatePool ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, OUT UINT8 **Pool, IN UINTN AllocSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Uhci Allocate Pool Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Pool - Place to store pointer to the memory buffer AllocSize - Alloc Size Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader; MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *TempHeaderPtr; MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *NewMemoryHeader; UINTN RealAllocSize; UINTN MemoryBlockSizeInPages; EFI_STATUS Status; *Pool = NULL; MemoryHeader = HcDev->MemoryHeader; ASSERT (MemoryHeader != NULL); // // allocate unit is 32 bytes (align on 32 byte) // if (AllocSize & 0x1F) { RealAllocSize = (AllocSize / 32 + 1) * 32; } else { RealAllocSize = AllocSize; } // // There may be linked MemoryHeaders. // To allocate a free pool in Memory blocks, // must search in the MemoryHeader link list // until enough free pool is found. // Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; for (TempHeaderPtr = MemoryHeader; TempHeaderPtr != NULL; TempHeaderPtr = TempHeaderPtr->Next) { Status = AllocMemInMemoryBlock ( TempHeaderPtr, (VOID **) Pool, RealAllocSize / 32 ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ZeroMem (*Pool, AllocSize); return EFI_SUCCESS; } } // // There is no enough memory, // Create a new Memory Block // // // if pool size is larger than NORMAL_MEMORY_BLOCK_UNIT_IN_PAGES, // just allocate a large enough memory block. // if (RealAllocSize > EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (NORMAL_MEMORY_BLOCK_UNIT_IN_PAGES)) { MemoryBlockSizeInPages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (RealAllocSize) + 1; } else { MemoryBlockSizeInPages = NORMAL_MEMORY_BLOCK_UNIT_IN_PAGES; } Status = CreateMemoryBlock (HcDev, &NewMemoryHeader, MemoryBlockSizeInPages); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Link the new Memory Block to the Memory Header list // InsertMemoryHeaderToList (MemoryHeader, NewMemoryHeader); Status = AllocMemInMemoryBlock ( NewMemoryHeader, (VOID **) Pool, RealAllocSize / 32 ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ZeroMem (*Pool, AllocSize); } return Status; } VOID UhciFreePool ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev, IN UINT8 *Pool, IN UINTN AllocSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Uhci Free Pool Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Pool - Pool to free AllocSize - Pool size Returns: VOID --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader; MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *TempHeaderPtr; UINTN StartBytePos; UINTN Index; UINT8 StartBitPos; UINT8 Index2; UINTN Count; UINTN RealAllocSize; MemoryHeader = HcDev->MemoryHeader; // // allocate unit is 32 byte (align on 32 byte) // if (AllocSize & 0x1F) { RealAllocSize = (AllocSize / 32 + 1) * 32; } else { RealAllocSize = AllocSize; } // // scan the memory header linked list for // the asigned memory to free. // for (TempHeaderPtr = MemoryHeader;TempHeaderPtr != NULL; TempHeaderPtr = TempHeaderPtr->Next) { if ((Pool >= TempHeaderPtr->MemoryBlockPtr) && ((Pool + RealAllocSize) <= (TempHeaderPtr->MemoryBlockPtr + TempHeaderPtr->MemoryBlockSizeInBytes)) ) { // // Pool is in the Memory Block area, // find the start byte and bit in the bit array // StartBytePos = ((Pool - TempHeaderPtr->MemoryBlockPtr) / 32) / 8; StartBitPos = (UINT8) (((Pool - TempHeaderPtr->MemoryBlockPtr) / 32) & 0x7); // // reset associated bits in bit arry // for (Index = StartBytePos, Index2 = StartBitPos, Count = 0; Count < (RealAllocSize / 32); Count++) { TempHeaderPtr->BitArrayPtr[Index] ^= (UINT8) (bit (Index2)); Index2++; if (Index2 == 8) { Index += 1; Index2 = 0; } } // // break the loop // break; } } // // Release emptied memory blocks (only if the memory block is not // the first one in the memory header list // for (TempHeaderPtr = MemoryHeader->Next; TempHeaderPtr != NULL;) { // // Debug // ASSERT (MemoryHeader->Next != NULL); if (IsMemoryBlockEmptied (TempHeaderPtr)) { DelinkMemoryBlock (MemoryHeader, TempHeaderPtr); // // when the TempHeaderPtr is freed in FreeMemoryHeader(), // the TempHeaderPtr is pointing to nonsense content. // FreeMemoryHeader (HcDev, TempHeaderPtr); // // reset the TempHeaderPtr, continue search for // another empty memory block. // TempHeaderPtr = MemoryHeader->Next; continue; } TempHeaderPtr = TempHeaderPtr->Next; } } VOID InsertMemoryHeaderToList ( IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader, IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *NewMemoryHeader ) /*++ Routine Description: Insert Memory Header To List Arguments: MemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER NewMemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER Returns: VOID --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *TempHeaderPtr; for (TempHeaderPtr = MemoryHeader; TempHeaderPtr != NULL; TempHeaderPtr = TempHeaderPtr->Next) { if (TempHeaderPtr->Next == NULL) { TempHeaderPtr->Next = NewMemoryHeader; break; } } } EFI_STATUS AllocMemInMemoryBlock ( IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeader, OUT VOID **Pool, IN UINTN NumberOfMemoryUnit ) /*++ Routine Description: Alloc Memory In MemoryBlock Arguments: MemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER Pool - Place to store pointer to memory NumberOfMemoryUnit - Number Of Memory Unit Returns: EFI_NOT_FOUND - Can't find the free memory EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { UINTN TempBytePos; UINTN FoundBytePos; UINT8 Index; UINT8 FoundBitPos; UINT8 ByteValue; UINT8 BitValue; UINTN NumberOfZeros; UINTN Count; FoundBytePos = 0; FoundBitPos = 0; ByteValue = MemoryHeader->BitArrayPtr[0]; NumberOfZeros = 0; Index = 0; for (TempBytePos = 0; TempBytePos < MemoryHeader->BitArraySizeInBytes;) { // // Pop out BitValue from a byte in TempBytePos. // BitValue = (UINT8) (ByteValue & 0x1); // // right shift the byte // ByteValue /= 2; if (BitValue == 0) { // // Found a free bit, the NumberOfZeros only record the number // of those consecutive zeros // NumberOfZeros++; // // Found enough consecutive free space, break the loop // if (NumberOfZeros >= NumberOfMemoryUnit) { break; } } else { // // Encountering a '1', meant the bit is ocupied. // if (NumberOfZeros >= NumberOfMemoryUnit) { // // Found enough consecutive free space,break the loop // break; } else { // // the NumberOfZeros only record the number of those consecutive zeros, // so reset the NumberOfZeros to 0 when encountering '1' before finding // enough consecutive '0's // NumberOfZeros = 0; // // reset the (FoundBytePos,FoundBitPos) to the position of '1' // FoundBytePos = TempBytePos; FoundBitPos = Index; } } // // step forward a bit // Index++; if (Index == 8) { // // step forward a byte, getting the byte value, // and reset the bit pos. // TempBytePos += 1; ByteValue = MemoryHeader->BitArrayPtr[TempBytePos]; Index = 0; } } if (NumberOfZeros < NumberOfMemoryUnit) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Found enough free space. // // // The values recorded in (FoundBytePos,FoundBitPos) have two conditions: // 1)(FoundBytePos,FoundBitPos) record the position // of the last '1' before the consecutive '0's, it must // be adjusted to the start position of the consecutive '0's. // 2)the start address of the consecutive '0's is just the start of // the bitarray. so no need to adjust the values of // (FoundBytePos,FoundBitPos). // if ((MemoryHeader->BitArrayPtr[0] & bit (0)) != 0) { FoundBitPos += 1; } // // Have the (FoundBytePos,FoundBitPos) make sense. // if (FoundBitPos > 7) { FoundBytePos += 1; FoundBitPos -= 8; } // // Set the memory as allocated // for (TempBytePos = FoundBytePos, Index = FoundBitPos,Count = 0; Count < NumberOfMemoryUnit; Count ++) { MemoryHeader->BitArrayPtr[TempBytePos] |= bit (Index); Index++; if (Index == 8) { TempBytePos += 1; Index = 0; } } *Pool = MemoryHeader->MemoryBlockPtr + (FoundBytePos * 8 + FoundBitPos) * 32; return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN IsMemoryBlockEmptied ( IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *MemoryHeaderPtr ) /*++ Routine Description: Is Memory Block Emptied Arguments: MemoryHeaderPtr - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER Returns: TRUE - Empty FALSE - Not Empty --*/ { UINTN Index; for (Index = 0; Index < MemoryHeaderPtr->BitArraySizeInBytes; Index++) { if (MemoryHeaderPtr->BitArrayPtr[Index] != 0) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } VOID DelinkMemoryBlock ( IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *FirstMemoryHeader, IN MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *NeedFreeMemoryHeader ) /*++ Routine Description: Delink Memory Block Arguments: FirstMemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER NeedFreeMemoryHeader - MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER Returns: VOID --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *TempHeaderPtr; if ((FirstMemoryHeader == NULL) || (NeedFreeMemoryHeader == NULL)) { return ; } for (TempHeaderPtr = FirstMemoryHeader; TempHeaderPtr != NULL; TempHeaderPtr = TempHeaderPtr->Next) { if (TempHeaderPtr->Next == NeedFreeMemoryHeader) { // // Link the before and after // TempHeaderPtr->Next = NeedFreeMemoryHeader->Next; break; } } } EFI_STATUS DelMemoryManagement ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) /*++ Routine Description: Delete Memory Management Arguments: HcDev - USB_HC_DEV Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success --*/ { MEMORY_MANAGE_HEADER *TempHeaderPtr; for (TempHeaderPtr = HcDev->MemoryHeader->Next; TempHeaderPtr != NULL;) { DelinkMemoryBlock (HcDev->MemoryHeader, TempHeaderPtr); // // when the TempHeaderPtr is freed in FreeMemoryHeader(), // the TempHeaderPtr is pointing to nonsense content. // FreeMemoryHeader (HcDev, TempHeaderPtr); // // reset the TempHeaderPtr,continue free another memory block. // TempHeaderPtr = HcDev->MemoryHeader->Next; } FreeMemoryHeader (HcDev, HcDev->MemoryHeader); return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID CleanUsbTransactions ( IN USB_HC_DEV *HcDev ) { // // only asynchronous interrupt transfers are always alive on the bus // ReleaseInterruptList (HcDev, &(HcDev->InterruptListHead)); } VOID TurnOffUSBEmulation ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo ) /*++ Routine Description: Disable USB Emulation Arguments: PciIo - EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL Returns: VOID --*/ { UINT16 Command; // // Disable USB Emulation // Command = 0; PciIo->Pci.Write ( PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint16, USB_EMULATION, 1, &Command ); return ; }