/** @file Template file used to create Gasket.S This file is built on the command line via gcc GasketTemplate.c -S and it will create GasketTemplate.s and this was used to create Gasket.S. You still have to add the extra stack alignment code to the assembly functions. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Portions copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include typedef int8_t INT8; typedef uint8_t UINT8; typedef int16_t INT16; typedef uint16_t UINT16; typedef int32_t INT32; typedef uint32_t UINT32; typedef int64_t INT64; typedef uint64_t UINT64; typedef UINT32 UINTN; typedef int (*GASKET_VOID) (); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN) (UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN_UINTN) (UINTN, UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN) (UINTN, UINTN, UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN) (UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN_10ARGS) (UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN, UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINT64_UINTN) (UINT64, UINTN); typedef UINT64 (*GASKET_UINTN_UINT64_UINTN) (UINTN, UINT64, UINTN); typedef int (*GASKET_UINTN_UINT16) (UINTN, UINT16); int GasketVoid (void *api); int GasketUintn (void *api, UINTN a); int GasketUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b); int GasketUintnUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c); int GasketUintnUintnUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c, UINTN d); int GasketUintn10Args (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c, UINTN d, UINTN e, UINTN f, UINTN g, UINTN h, UINTN i, UINTN j); int GasketUint64Uintn (void *api, UINT64 a, UINTN b); UINT64 GasketUintnUiny64Uintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINT64 b, UINTN c); int GasketUintnUint16 (void *api, UINTN a, UINT16 b); int GasketVoid (void *api) { GASKET_VOID func; func = (GASKET_VOID)api; return func (); } int GasketUintn (void *api, UINTN a) { GASKET_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINTN)api; return func (a); } int GasketUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b) { GASKET_UINTN_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_UINTN)api; return func (a, b); } int GasketUintnUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c) { GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN)api; return func (a, b, c); } int GasketUintnUintnUintnUintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c, UINTN d) { GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN_UINTN)api; return func (a, b, c, d); } int GasketUintn10Args (void *api, UINTN a, UINTN b, UINTN c, UINTN d, UINTN e, UINTN f, UINTN g, UINTN h, UINTN i, UINTN j) { GASKET_UINTN_10ARGS func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_10ARGS)api; return func (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j); } int GasketUint64Uintn (void *api, UINT64 a, UINTN b) { GASKET_UINT64_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINT64_UINTN)api; return func (a, b); } UINT64 GasketUintnUiny64Uintn (void *api, UINTN a, UINT64 b, UINTN c) { GASKET_UINTN_UINT64_UINTN func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_UINT64_UINTN)api; return func (a, b, c); } int GasketUintnUint16 (void *api, UINTN a, UINT16 b) { GASKET_UINTN_UINT16 func; func = (GASKET_UINTN_UINT16)api; return func (a, b); }