/*++ Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: UnicodeCollation.h Abstract: Unicode Collation protocol that follows the EFI 1.0 specification. --*/ #ifndef _UNICODE_COLLATION_H_ #define _UNICODE_COLLATION_H_ #define EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x1d85cd7f, 0xf43d, 0x11d2, 0x9a, 0xc, 0x0, 0x90, 0x27, 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x4d \ } #define EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION2_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0xa4c751fc, 0x23ae, 0x4c3e, 0x92, 0xe9, 0x49, 0x64, 0xcf, 0x63, 0xf3, 0x49 \ } EFI_FORWARD_DECLARATION (EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL); // // Protocol data structures and defines // #define EFI_UNICODE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK ((CHAR16)(0xfeff)) #define EFI_UNICODE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK_REVERSE ((CHAR16)(0xfffe)) // // Protocol member functions // typedef INTN (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRICOLL) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN CHAR16 *Str1, IN CHAR16 *Str2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two Null-terminated Unicode strings. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. Str1 - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Str2 - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Returns: 0 - Str1 is equivalent to Str2 > 0 - Str1 is lexically greater than Str2 < 0 - Str1 is lexically less than Str2 --*/ ; typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_METAIMATCH) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN CHAR16 *String, IN CHAR16 *Pattern ) /*++ Routine Description: Performs a case-insensitive comparison of a Null-terminated Unicode pattern string and a Null-terminated Unicode string. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. String - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Pattern - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode pattern string. Returns: TRUE - Pattern was found in String. FALSE - Pattern was not found in String. --*/ ; typedef VOID (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRLWR) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN OUT CHAR16 *Str ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts all the Unicode characters in a Null-terminated Unicode string to lower case Unicode characters. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. String - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Returns: NONE --*/ ; typedef VOID (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRUPR) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN OUT CHAR16 *Str ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts all the Unicode characters in a Null-terminated Unicode string to upper case Unicode characters. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. String - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Returns: NONE --*/ ; typedef VOID (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_FATTOSTR) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN UINTN FatSize, IN CHAR8 *Fat, OUT CHAR16 *String ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts an 8.3 FAT file name in an OEM character set to a Null-terminated Unicode string. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. FatSize - The size of the string Fat in bytes. Fat - A pointer to a Null-terminated string that contains an 8.3 file name using an OEM character set. String - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. The string must be preallocated to hold FatSize Unicode characters. Returns: NONE --*/ ; typedef BOOLEAN (EFIAPI *EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRTOFAT) ( IN EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL * This, IN CHAR16 *String, IN UINTN FatSize, OUT CHAR8 *Fat ) /*++ Routine Description: Converts a Null-terminated Unicode string to legal characters in a FAT filename using an OEM character set. Arguments: This - Protocol instance pointer. String - A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string. The string must be preallocated to hold FatSize Unicode characters. FatSize - The size of the string Fat in bytes. Fat - A pointer to a Null-terminated string that contains an 8.3 file name using an OEM character set. Returns: TRUE - Fat is a Long File Name FALSE - Fat is an 8.3 file name --*/ ; typedef struct _EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL { // // general // EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRICOLL StriColl; EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_METAIMATCH MetaiMatch; EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRLWR StrLwr; EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRUPR StrUpr; // // for supporting fat volumes // EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_FATTOSTR FatToStr; EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_STRTOFAT StrToFat; CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages; } EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL; extern EFI_GUID gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid; extern EFI_GUID gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid; #endif