/** @file BDS internal function define the default device path string, it can be replaced by platform device path. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008, Intel Corporation.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "InternalBdsLib.h" /** Concatenates a formatted unicode string to allocated pool. The caller must free the resulting buffer. @param Str Tracks the allocated pool, size in use, and amount of pool allocated. @param Fmt The format string @param ... The data will be printed. @return Allocated buffer with the formatted string printed in it. The caller must free the allocated buffer. The buffer allocation is not packed. **/ CHAR16 * EFIAPI CatPrint ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN CHAR16 *Fmt, ... ) { UINT16 *AppendStr; VA_LIST Args; UINTN StringSize; AppendStr = AllocateZeroPool (0x1000); if (AppendStr == NULL) { return Str->Str; } VA_START (Args, Fmt); UnicodeVSPrint (AppendStr, 0x1000, Fmt, Args); VA_END (Args); if (NULL == Str->Str) { StringSize = StrSize (AppendStr); Str->Str = AllocateZeroPool (StringSize); ASSERT (Str->Str != NULL); } else { StringSize = StrSize (AppendStr); StringSize += (StrSize (Str->Str) - sizeof (UINT16)); Str->Str = ReallocatePool ( StrSize (Str->Str), StringSize, Str->Str ); ASSERT (Str->Str != NULL); } Str->Maxlen = MAX_CHAR * sizeof (UINT16); if (StringSize < Str->Maxlen) { StrCat (Str->Str, AppendStr); Str->Len = StringSize - sizeof (UINT16); } FreePool (AppendStr); return Str->Str; } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathPci ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { PCI_DEVICE_PATH *Pci; Pci = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Pci(%x|%x)", (UINTN) Pci->Device, (UINTN) Pci->Function); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathPccard ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { PCCARD_DEVICE_PATH *Pccard; Pccard = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Pcmcia(Function%x)", (UINTN) Pccard->FunctionNumber); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathMemMap ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEMMAP_DEVICE_PATH *MemMap; MemMap = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"MemMap(%d:%lx-%lx)", (UINTN) MemMap->MemoryType, MemMap->StartingAddress, MemMap->EndingAddress ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathController ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CONTROLLER_DEVICE_PATH *Controller; Controller = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Ctrl(%d)", (UINTN) Controller->ControllerNumber); } /** Convert Vendor device path to device name. @param Str The buffer store device name @param DevPath Pointer to vendor device path **/ VOID DevPathVendor ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH *Vendor; CHAR16 *Type; UINTN DataLength; UINTN Index; UINT32 FlowControlMap; UINT16 Info; Vendor = DevPath; switch (DevicePathType (&Vendor->Header)) { case HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Hw"; break; case MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Msg"; if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiPcAnsiGuid)) { CatPrint (Str, L"VenPcAnsi()"); return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiVT100Guid)) { CatPrint (Str, L"VenVt100()"); return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiVT100PlusGuid)) { CatPrint (Str, L"VenVt100Plus()"); return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiVTUTF8Guid)) { CatPrint (Str, L"VenUft8()"); return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiUartDevicePathGuid )) { FlowControlMap = (((UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->FlowControlMap); switch (FlowControlMap & 0x00000003) { case 0: CatPrint (Str, L"UartFlowCtrl(%s)", L"None"); break; case 1: CatPrint (Str, L"UartFlowCtrl(%s)", L"Hardware"); break; case 2: CatPrint (Str, L"UartFlowCtrl(%s)", L"XonXoff"); break; default: break; } return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiSasDevicePathGuid)) { CatPrint ( Str, L"SAS(%lx,%lx,%x,", ((SAS_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->SasAddress, ((SAS_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->Lun, (UINTN) ((SAS_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->RelativeTargetPort ); Info = (((SAS_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->DeviceTopology); if ((Info & 0x0f) == 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"NoTopology,0,0,0,"); } else if (((Info & 0x0f) == 1) || ((Info & 0x0f) == 2)) { CatPrint ( Str, L"%s,%s,%s,", ((Info & (0x1 << 4)) != 0) ? L"SATA" : L"SAS", ((Info & (0x1 << 5)) != 0) ? L"External" : L"Internal", ((Info & (0x1 << 6)) != 0) ? L"Expanded" : L"Direct" ); if ((Info & 0x0f) == 1) { CatPrint (Str, L"0,"); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%x,", (UINTN) ((Info >> 8) & 0xff)); } } else { CatPrint (Str, L"0,0,0,0,"); } CatPrint (Str, L"%x)", (UINTN) ((SAS_DEVICE_PATH *) Vendor)->Reserved); return ; } else if (CompareGuid (&Vendor->Guid, &gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid)) { CatPrint (Str, L"DebugPort()"); return ; } break; case MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH: Type = L"Media"; break; default: Type = L"?"; break; } CatPrint (Str, L"Ven%s(%g", Type, &Vendor->Guid); DataLength = DevicePathNodeLength (&Vendor->Header) - sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH); if (DataLength > 0) { CatPrint (Str, L","); for (Index = 0; Index < DataLength; Index++) { CatPrint (Str, L"%02x", (UINTN) ((VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH_WITH_DATA *) Vendor)->VendorDefinedData[Index]); } } CatPrint (Str, L")"); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathAcpi ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ACPI_HID_DEVICE_PATH *Acpi; Acpi = DevPath; if ((Acpi->HID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint (Str, L"Acpi(PNP%04x,%x)", (UINTN) EISA_ID_TO_NUM (Acpi->HID), (UINTN) Acpi->UID); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"Acpi(%08x,%x)", (UINTN) Acpi->HID, (UINTN) Acpi->UID); } } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathExtendedAcpi ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ACPI_EXTENDED_HID_DEVICE_PATH *ExtendedAcpi; // // Index for HID, UID and CID strings, 0 for non-exist // UINT16 HIDSTRIdx; UINT16 UIDSTRIdx; UINT16 CIDSTRIdx; UINT16 Index; UINT16 Length; UINT16 Anchor; CHAR8 *AsChar8Array; HIDSTRIdx = 0; UIDSTRIdx = 0; CIDSTRIdx = 0; ExtendedAcpi = DevPath; Length = (UINT16) DevicePathNodeLength ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) ExtendedAcpi); AsChar8Array = (CHAR8 *) ExtendedAcpi; // // find HIDSTR // Anchor = 16; for (Index = Anchor; Index < Length && AsChar8Array[Index] != '\0'; Index++) { ; } if (Index > Anchor) { HIDSTRIdx = Anchor; } // // find UIDSTR // Anchor = (UINT16) (Index + 1); for (Index = Anchor; Index < Length && AsChar8Array[Index] != '\0'; Index++) { ; } if (Index > Anchor) { UIDSTRIdx = Anchor; } // // find CIDSTR // Anchor = (UINT16) (Index + 1); for (Index = Anchor; Index < Length && AsChar8Array[Index] != '\0'; Index++) { ; } if (Index > Anchor) { CIDSTRIdx = Anchor; } if (HIDSTRIdx == 0 && CIDSTRIdx == 0 && ExtendedAcpi->UID == 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"AcpiExp("); if ((ExtendedAcpi->HID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint (Str, L"PNP%04x,", (UINTN) EISA_ID_TO_NUM (ExtendedAcpi->HID)); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%08x,", (UINTN) ExtendedAcpi->HID); } if ((ExtendedAcpi->CID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint (Str, L"PNP%04x,", (UINTN) EISA_ID_TO_NUM (ExtendedAcpi->CID)); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%08x,", (UINTN) ExtendedAcpi->CID); } if (UIDSTRIdx != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%a)", AsChar8Array + UIDSTRIdx); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"\"\")"); } } else { CatPrint (Str, L"AcpiEx("); if ((ExtendedAcpi->HID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint (Str, L"PNP%04x,", (UINTN) EISA_ID_TO_NUM (ExtendedAcpi->HID)); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%08x,", (UINTN) ExtendedAcpi->HID); } if ((ExtendedAcpi->CID & PNP_EISA_ID_MASK) == PNP_EISA_ID_CONST) { CatPrint (Str, L"PNP%04x,", (UINTN) EISA_ID_TO_NUM (ExtendedAcpi->CID)); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%08x,", (UINTN) ExtendedAcpi->CID); } CatPrint (Str, L"%x,", (UINTN) ExtendedAcpi->UID); if (HIDSTRIdx != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%a,", AsChar8Array + HIDSTRIdx); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"\"\","); } if (CIDSTRIdx != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%a,", AsChar8Array + CIDSTRIdx); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"\"\","); } if (UIDSTRIdx != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%a)", AsChar8Array + UIDSTRIdx); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"\"\")"); } } } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathAdrAcpi ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ACPI_ADR_DEVICE_PATH *AcpiAdr; UINT16 Index; UINT16 Length; UINT16 AdditionalAdrCount; AcpiAdr = DevPath; Length = (UINT16) DevicePathNodeLength ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) AcpiAdr); AdditionalAdrCount = (UINT16) ((Length - 8) / 4); CatPrint (Str, L"AcpiAdr(%x", (UINTN) AcpiAdr->ADR); for (Index = 0; Index < AdditionalAdrCount; Index++) { CatPrint (Str, L",%x", (UINTN) *(UINT32 *) ((UINT8 *) AcpiAdr + 8 + Index * 4)); } CatPrint (Str, L")"); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathAtapi ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ATAPI_DEVICE_PATH *Atapi; Atapi = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"Ata(%s,%s)", Atapi->PrimarySecondary ? L"Secondary" : L"Primary", Atapi->SlaveMaster ? L"Slave" : L"Master" ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathScsi ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { SCSI_DEVICE_PATH *Scsi; Scsi = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Scsi(Pun%x,Lun%x)", (UINTN) Scsi->Pun, (UINTN) Scsi->Lun); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathFibre ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { FIBRECHANNEL_DEVICE_PATH *Fibre; Fibre = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Fibre(Wwn%lx,Lun%x)", Fibre->WWN, Fibre->Lun); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPath1394 ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { F1394_DEVICE_PATH *F1394Path; F1394Path = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"1394(%lx)", &F1394Path->Guid); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathUsb ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { USB_DEVICE_PATH *Usb; Usb = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Usb(%x,%x)", (UINTN) Usb->ParentPortNumber, (UINTN) Usb->InterfaceNumber); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathUsbWWID ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { USB_WWID_DEVICE_PATH *UsbWWId; UsbWWId = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"UsbWwid(%x,%x,%x,\"WWID\")", (UINTN) UsbWWId->VendorId, (UINTN) UsbWWId->ProductId, (UINTN) UsbWWId->InterfaceNumber ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathLogicalUnit ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { DEVICE_LOGICAL_UNIT_DEVICE_PATH *LogicalUnit; LogicalUnit = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Unit(%x)", (UINTN) LogicalUnit->Lun); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathUsbClass ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { USB_CLASS_DEVICE_PATH *UsbClass; UsbClass = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"Usb Class(%x,%x,%x,%x,%x)", (UINTN) UsbClass->VendorId, (UINTN) UsbClass->ProductId, (UINTN) UsbClass->DeviceClass, (UINTN) UsbClass->DeviceSubClass, (UINTN) UsbClass->DeviceProtocol ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathSata ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { SATA_DEVICE_PATH *Sata; Sata = DevPath; if (Sata->PortMultiplierPortNumber & SATA_HBA_DIRECT_CONNECT_FLAG) { CatPrint ( Str, L"Sata(%x,%x)", (UINTN) Sata->HBAPortNumber, (UINTN) Sata->Lun ); } else { CatPrint ( Str, L"Sata(%x,%x,%x)", (UINTN) Sata->HBAPortNumber, (UINTN) Sata->PortMultiplierPortNumber, (UINTN) Sata->Lun ); } } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathI2O ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { I2O_DEVICE_PATH *I2OPath; I2OPath = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"I2O(%x)", (UINTN) I2OPath->Tid); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathMacAddr ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MAC_ADDR_DEVICE_PATH *MACDevPath; UINTN HwAddressSize; UINTN Index; MACDevPath = DevPath; HwAddressSize = sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS); if (MACDevPath->IfType == 0x01 || MACDevPath->IfType == 0x00) { HwAddressSize = 6; } CatPrint (Str, L"Mac("); for (Index = 0; Index < HwAddressSize; Index++) { CatPrint (Str, L"%02x", (UINTN) MACDevPath->MacAddress.Addr[Index]); } CatPrint (Str, L")"); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathIPv4 ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { IPv4_DEVICE_PATH *IPDevPath; IPDevPath = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"IPv4(%d.%d.%d.%d:%d)", (UINTN) IPDevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[0], (UINTN) IPDevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[1], (UINTN) IPDevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[2], (UINTN) IPDevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[3], (UINTN) IPDevPath->RemotePort ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathIPv6 ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { IPv6_DEVICE_PATH *IPv6DevPath; IPv6DevPath = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"IPv6(%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x)", (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[0], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[1], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[2], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[3], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[4], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[5], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[6], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[7], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[8], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[9], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[10], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[11], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[12], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[13], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[14], (UINTN) IPv6DevPath->RemoteIpAddress.Addr[15] ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathInfiniBand ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { INFINIBAND_DEVICE_PATH *InfiniBand; InfiniBand = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"Infiniband(%x,%g,%lx,%lx,%lx)", (UINTN) InfiniBand->ResourceFlags, InfiniBand->PortGid, InfiniBand->ServiceId, InfiniBand->TargetPortId, InfiniBand->DeviceId ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathUart ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { UART_DEVICE_PATH *Uart; CHAR8 Parity; Uart = DevPath; switch (Uart->Parity) { case 0: Parity = 'D'; break; case 1: Parity = 'N'; break; case 2: Parity = 'E'; break; case 3: Parity = 'O'; break; case 4: Parity = 'M'; break; case 5: Parity = 'S'; break; default: Parity = 'x'; break; } if (Uart->BaudRate == 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"Uart(DEFAULT,%c,", Parity); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"Uart(%ld,%c,", Uart->BaudRate, Parity); } if (Uart->DataBits == 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"D,"); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%d,", (UINTN) Uart->DataBits); } switch (Uart->StopBits) { case 0: CatPrint (Str, L"D)"); break; case 1: CatPrint (Str, L"1)"); break; case 2: CatPrint (Str, L"1.5)"); break; case 3: CatPrint (Str, L"2)"); break; default: CatPrint (Str, L"x)"); break; } } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathiSCSI ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { ISCSI_DEVICE_PATH_WITH_NAME *IScsi; UINT16 Options; IScsi = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"iSCSI(%a,%x,%lx,", IScsi->iSCSITargetName, (UINTN) IScsi->TargetPortalGroupTag, IScsi->Lun ); Options = IScsi->LoginOption; CatPrint (Str, L"%s,", (((Options >> 1) & 0x0001) != 0) ? L"CRC32C" : L"None"); CatPrint (Str, L"%s,", (((Options >> 3) & 0x0001) != 0) ? L"CRC32C" : L"None"); if (((Options >> 11) & 0x0001) != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%s,", L"None"); } else if (((Options >> 12) & 0x0001) != 0) { CatPrint (Str, L"%s,", L"CHAP_UNI"); } else { CatPrint (Str, L"%s,", L"CHAP_BI"); } CatPrint (Str, L"%s)", (IScsi->NetworkProtocol == 0) ? L"TCP" : L"reserved"); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathHardDrive ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *Hd; Hd = DevPath; switch (Hd->SignatureType) { case SIGNATURE_TYPE_MBR: CatPrint ( Str, L"HD(Part%d,Sig%08x)", (UINTN) Hd->PartitionNumber, (UINTN) *((UINT32 *) (&(Hd->Signature[0]))) ); break; case SIGNATURE_TYPE_GUID: CatPrint ( Str, L"HD(Part%d,Sig%g)", (UINTN) Hd->PartitionNumber, (EFI_GUID *) &(Hd->Signature[0]) ); break; default: CatPrint ( Str, L"HD(Part%d,MBRType=%02x,SigType=%02x)", (UINTN) Hd->PartitionNumber, (UINTN) Hd->MBRType, (UINTN) Hd->SignatureType ); break; } } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathCDROM ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CDROM_DEVICE_PATH *Cd; Cd = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"CDROM(Entry%x)", (UINTN) Cd->BootEntry); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathFilePath ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *Fp; Fp = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"%s", Fp->PathName); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathMediaProtocol ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEDIA_PROTOCOL_DEVICE_PATH *MediaProt; MediaProt = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Media(%g)", &MediaProt->Protocol); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathFvFilePath ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *FvFilePath; FvFilePath = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"%g", &FvFilePath->FvFileName); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathRelativeOffsetRange ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEDIA_RELATIVE_OFFSET_RANGE_DEVICE_PATH *Offset; Offset = DevPath; CatPrint ( Str, L"Offset(%lx,%lx)", Offset->StartingOffset, Offset->EndingOffset ); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathBssBss ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { BBS_BBS_DEVICE_PATH *Bbs; CHAR16 *Type; Bbs = DevPath; switch (Bbs->DeviceType) { case BBS_TYPE_FLOPPY: Type = L"Floppy"; break; case BBS_TYPE_HARDDRIVE: Type = L"Harddrive"; break; case BBS_TYPE_CDROM: Type = L"CDROM"; break; case BBS_TYPE_PCMCIA: Type = L"PCMCIA"; break; case BBS_TYPE_USB: Type = L"Usb"; break; case BBS_TYPE_EMBEDDED_NETWORK: Type = L"Net"; break; case BBS_TYPE_BEV: Type = L"BEV"; break; default: Type = L"?"; break; } CatPrint (Str, L"Legacy-%s", Type); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathEndInstance ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CatPrint (Str, L","); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maixmum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathNodeUnknown ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { CatPrint (Str, L"?"); } /** Convert Device Path to a Unicode string for printing. @param Str The buffer holding the output string. This buffer contains the length of the string and the maximum length reserved for the string buffer. @param DevPath The device path. **/ VOID DevPathFvPath ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN VOID *DevPath ) { MEDIA_FW_VOL_DEVICE_PATH *FvPath; FvPath = DevPath; CatPrint (Str, L"Fv(%g)", &FvPath->FvName); } DEVICE_PATH_STRING_TABLE DevPathTable[] = { { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_PCI_DP, DevPathPci }, { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_PCCARD_DP, DevPathPccard }, { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_MEMMAP_DP, DevPathMemMap }, { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_VENDOR_DP, DevPathVendor }, { HARDWARE_DEVICE_PATH, HW_CONTROLLER_DP, DevPathController }, { ACPI_DEVICE_PATH, ACPI_DP, DevPathAcpi }, { ACPI_DEVICE_PATH, ACPI_EXTENDED_DP, DevPathExtendedAcpi }, { ACPI_DEVICE_PATH, ACPI_ADR_DP, DevPathAdrAcpi }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_ATAPI_DP, DevPathAtapi }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_SCSI_DP, DevPathScsi }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_FIBRECHANNEL_DP, DevPathFibre }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_1394_DP, DevPath1394 }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_USB_DP, DevPathUsb }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_USB_WWID_DP, DevPathUsbWWID }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_DEVICE_LOGICAL_UNIT_DP, DevPathLogicalUnit }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_USB_CLASS_DP, DevPathUsbClass }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_SATA_DP, DevPathSata }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_I2O_DP, DevPathI2O }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_MAC_ADDR_DP, DevPathMacAddr }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_IPv4_DP, DevPathIPv4 }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_IPv6_DP, DevPathIPv6 }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_INFINIBAND_DP, DevPathInfiniBand }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_UART_DP, DevPathUart }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_VENDOR_DP, DevPathVendor }, { MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH, MSG_ISCSI_DP, DevPathiSCSI }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_HARDDRIVE_DP, DevPathHardDrive }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_CDROM_DP, DevPathCDROM }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_VENDOR_DP, DevPathVendor }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_FILEPATH_DP, DevPathFilePath }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_PROTOCOL_DP, DevPathMediaProtocol }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_PIWG_FW_VOL_DP, DevPathFvPath, }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_PIWG_FW_FILE_DP, DevPathFvFilePath }, { MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, MEDIA_RELATIVE_OFFSET_RANGE_DP, DevPathRelativeOffsetRange, }, { BBS_DEVICE_PATH, BBS_BBS_DP, DevPathBssBss }, { END_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE, END_INSTANCE_DEVICE_PATH_SUBTYPE, DevPathEndInstance }, { 0, 0, NULL } }; /** This function converts an input device structure to a Unicode string. @param DevPath A pointer to the device path structure. @return A new allocated Unicode string that represents the device path. **/ CHAR16 * EFIAPI DevicePathToStr ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath ) { POOL_PRINT Str; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPathNode; VOID (*DumpNode) (POOL_PRINT *, VOID *); UINTN Index; UINTN NewSize; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *ToText; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL *DevPathToText; ZeroMem (&Str, sizeof (Str)); if (DevPath == NULL) { goto Done; } Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDevicePathToTextProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &DevPathToText ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ToText = DevPathToText->ConvertDevicePathToText ( DevPath, FALSE, TRUE ); ASSERT (ToText != NULL); return ToText; } // // Process each device path node // DevPathNode = DevPath; while (!IsDevicePathEnd (DevPathNode)) { // // Find the handler to dump this device path node // DumpNode = NULL; for (Index = 0; DevPathTable[Index].Function; Index += 1) { if (DevicePathType (DevPathNode) == DevPathTable[Index].Type && DevicePathSubType (DevPathNode) == DevPathTable[Index].SubType ) { DumpNode = DevPathTable[Index].Function; break; } } // // If not found, use a generic function // if (!DumpNode) { DumpNode = DevPathNodeUnknown; } // // Put a path seperator in if needed // if (Str.Len && DumpNode != DevPathEndInstance) { CatPrint (&Str, L"/"); } // // Print this node of the device path // DumpNode (&Str, DevPathNode); // // Next device path node // DevPathNode = NextDevicePathNode (DevPathNode); } Done: NewSize = (Str.Len + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16); Str.Str = ReallocatePool (NewSize, NewSize, Str.Str); ASSERT (Str.Str != NULL); Str.Str[Str.Len] = 0; return Str.Str; }