/** @file Top level C file for debugport driver. Contains initialization function. This driver layers on top of SerialIo. ALL CODE IN THE SERIALIO STACK MUST BE RE-ENTRANT AND CALLABLE FROM INTERRUPT CONTEXT Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "DebugPort.h" // // Globals // EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL gDebugPortDriverBinding = { DebugPortSupported, DebugPortStart, DebugPortStop, DEBUGPORT_DRIVER_VERSION, NULL, NULL }; DEBUGPORT_DEVICE *gDebugPortDevice; /** Local worker function to obtain device path information from DebugPort variable. Records requested settings in DebugPort device structure. @param DebugPortDevice Pointer to instance of dubug port device. **/ VOID GetDebugPortVariable ( DEBUGPORT_DEVICE *DebugPortDevice ) { UINTN DataSize; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; EFI_STATUS Status; DataSize = 0; Status = gRT->GetVariable ( (CHAR16 *) EFI_DEBUGPORT_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiDebugPortVariableGuid, NULL, &DataSize, DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { if (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable != NULL) { FreePool (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable); } DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable = AllocatePool (DataSize); if (DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable != NULL) { gRT->GetVariable ( (CHAR16 *) EFI_DEBUGPORT_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiDebugPortVariableGuid, NULL, &DataSize, DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable ); DevicePath = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable; while (!IsDevicePathEnd (DevicePath) && !IS_UART_DEVICEPATH (DevicePath)) { DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (DevicePath); } if (IsDevicePathEnd (DevicePath)) { FreePool (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable); DebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable = NULL; } else { CopyMem ( &DebugPortDevice->BaudRate, &((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->BaudRate, sizeof (((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->BaudRate) ); DebugPortDevice->ReceiveFifoDepth = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_FIFO_DEPTH; DebugPortDevice->Timeout = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; CopyMem ( &DebugPortDevice->Parity, &((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->Parity, sizeof (((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->Parity) ); CopyMem ( &DebugPortDevice->DataBits, &((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->DataBits, sizeof (((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->DataBits) ); CopyMem ( &DebugPortDevice->StopBits, &((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->StopBits, sizeof (((UART_DEVICE_PATH *) DevicePath)->StopBits) ); } } } } // // implementation code // /** Debug Port Driver entry point. Reads DebugPort variable to determine what device and settings to use as the debug port. Binds exclusively to SerialIo. Reverts to defaults if no variable is found. @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fails to allocate memory for device. @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitializeDebugPortDriver ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Install driver model protocol(s). // Status = EfiLibInstallDriverBindingComponentName2 ( ImageHandle, SystemTable, &gDebugPortDriverBinding, ImageHandle, &gDebugPortComponentName, &gDebugPortComponentName2 ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Allocate and Initialize dev structure // gDebugPortDevice = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (DEBUGPORT_DEVICE)); if (gDebugPortDevice == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Fill in static and default pieces of device structure first. // gDebugPortDevice->Signature = DEBUGPORT_DEVICE_SIGNATURE; gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface.Reset = DebugPortReset; gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface.Read = DebugPortRead; gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface.Write = DebugPortWrite; gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface.Poll = DebugPortPoll; gDebugPortDevice->BaudRate = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE; gDebugPortDevice->ReceiveFifoDepth = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_FIFO_DEPTH; gDebugPortDevice->Timeout = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; gDebugPortDevice->Parity = (EFI_PARITY_TYPE) DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_PARITY; gDebugPortDevice->DataBits = DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_DATA_BITS; gDebugPortDevice->StopBits = (EFI_STOP_BITS_TYPE) DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_STOP_BITS; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Checks to see if there's not already a DebugPort interface somewhere. If there's a DEBUGPORT variable, the device path must match exactly. If there's no DEBUGPORT variable, then device path is not checked and does not matter. Checks to see that there's a serial io interface on the controller handle that can be bound BY_DRIVER | EXCLUSIVE. If all these tests succeed, then we return EFI_SUCCESS, else, EFI_UNSUPPORTED or other error returned by OpenProtocol. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @param ControllerHandle Handle of device to test. @param RemainingDevicePath Optional parameter use to pick a specific child device to start. @retval EFI_SUCCESS This driver supports this device. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Debug Port device is not supported. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fails to allocate memory for device. @retval others Some error occurs. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortSupported ( IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *RemainingDevicePath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Dp1; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Dp2; EFI_SERIAL_IO_PROTOCOL *SerialIo; EFI_DEBUGPORT_PROTOCOL *DebugPortInterface; EFI_HANDLE TempHandle; // // Check to see that there's not a debugport protocol already published // if (gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &DebugPortInterface) != EFI_NOT_FOUND) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Read DebugPort variable to determine debug port selection and parameters // GetDebugPortVariable (gDebugPortDevice); if (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable != NULL) { // // There's a DEBUGPORT variable, so do LocateDevicePath and check to see if // the closest matching handle matches the controller handle, and if it does, // check to see that the remaining device path has the DebugPort GUIDed messaging // device path only. Otherwise, it's a mismatch and EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. // Dp1 = DuplicateDevicePath ((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable); if (Dp1 == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Dp2 = Dp1; Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath ( &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, &Dp2, &TempHandle ); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS && TempHandle != ControllerHandle) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS && (Dp2->Type != 3 || Dp2->SubType != 10 || *((UINT16 *) Dp2->Length) != 20)) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS && CompareMem (&gEfiDebugPortDevicePathGuid, Dp2 + 1, sizeof (EFI_GUID))) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } FreePool (Dp1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &SerialIo, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER | EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_EXCLUSIVE ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Binds exclusively to serial io on the controller handle, Produces DebugPort protocol and DevicePath on new handle. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @param ControllerHandle Handle of device to bind driver to. @param RemainingDevicePath Optional parameter use to pick a specific child device to start. @retval EFI_SUCCESS This driver is added to ControllerHandle. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fails to allocate memory for device. @retval others Some error occurs. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortStart ( IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *RemainingDevicePath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; DEBUGPORT_DEVICE_PATH DebugPortDP; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL EndDP; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Dp1; Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER | EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_EXCLUSIVE ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoDeviceHandle = ControllerHandle; // // Initialize the Serial Io interface... // Status = gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->SetAttributes ( gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, gDebugPortDevice->BaudRate, gDebugPortDevice->ReceiveFifoDepth, gDebugPortDevice->Timeout, gDebugPortDevice->Parity, gDebugPortDevice->DataBits, gDebugPortDevice->StopBits ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gDebugPortDevice->BaudRate = 0; gDebugPortDevice->Parity = DefaultParity; gDebugPortDevice->DataBits = 0; gDebugPortDevice->StopBits = DefaultStopBits; gDebugPortDevice->ReceiveFifoDepth = 0; Status = gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->SetAttributes ( gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, gDebugPortDevice->BaudRate, gDebugPortDevice->ReceiveFifoDepth, gDebugPortDevice->Timeout, gDebugPortDevice->Parity, gDebugPortDevice->DataBits, gDebugPortDevice->StopBits ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); return Status; } } gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->Reset (gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding); // // Create device path instance for DebugPort // DebugPortDP.Header.Type = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH; DebugPortDP.Header.SubType = MSG_VENDOR_DP; SetDevicePathNodeLength (&(DebugPortDP.Header), sizeof (DebugPortDP)); CopyMem (&DebugPortDP.Guid, &gEfiDebugPortDevicePathGuid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); Dp1 = DevicePathFromHandle (ControllerHandle); if (Dp1 == NULL) { Dp1 = &EndDP; SetDevicePathEndNode (Dp1); } gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDevicePath = AppendDevicePathNode (Dp1, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &DebugPortDP); if (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDevicePath == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Publish DebugPort and Device Path protocols // Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDevicePath, &gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid, &gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); return Status; } // // Connect debugport child to serial io // Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, This->DriverBindingHandle, gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); UINTN BufferSize; BufferSize = 48; DebugPortWrite ( &gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface, 0, &BufferSize, "DebugPort driver failed to open child controller\n\n" ); DEBUG_CODE_END (); gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); return Status; } DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); UINTN BufferSize; BufferSize = 38; DebugPortWrite ( &gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface, 0, &BufferSize, "Hello World from the DebugPort driver\n\n" ); DEBUG_CODE_END (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Stop this driver on ControllerHandle by removing Serial IO protocol on the ControllerHandle. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @param ControllerHandle Handle of device to stop driver on @param NumberOfChildren Number of Handles in ChildHandleBuffer. If number of children is zero stop the entire bus driver. @param ChildHandleBuffer List of Child Handles to Stop. @retval EFI_SUCCESS This driver is removed ControllerHandle. @retval other This driver was not removed from this device. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortStop ( IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN UINTN NumberOfChildren, IN EFI_HANDLE *ChildHandleBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (NumberOfChildren == 0) { // // Close the bus driver // gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding = NULL; gBS->CloseProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle ); FreePool (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDevicePath); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { // // Disconnect SerialIo child handle // Status = gBS->CloseProtocol ( gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoDeviceHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, This->DriverBindingHandle, gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Unpublish our protocols (DevicePath, DebugPort) // Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDevicePath, &gEfiDebugPortProtocolGuid, &gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortInterface, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->OpenProtocol ( ControllerHandle, &gEfiSerialIoProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, This->DriverBindingHandle, gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER ); } else { gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortDeviceHandle = NULL; } } return Status; } /** DebugPort protocol member function. Calls SerialIo:GetControl to flush buffer. We cannot call SerialIo:SetAttributes because it uses pool services, which use locks, which affect TPL, so it's not interrupt context safe or re-entrant. SerialIo:Reset() calls SetAttributes, so it can't be used either. The port itself should be fine since it was set up during initialization. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @return EFI_SUCCESS Always. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortReset ( IN EFI_DEBUGPORT_PROTOCOL *This ) { UINTN BufferSize; UINTN BitBucket; while (This->Poll (This) == EFI_SUCCESS) { BufferSize = 1; This->Read (This, 0, &BufferSize, &BitBucket); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** DebugPort protocol member function. Calls SerialIo:Read() after setting if it's different than the last SerialIo access. @param This Pointer to DebugPort protocol. @param Timeout Timeout value. @param BufferSize On input, the size of Buffer. On output, the amount of data actually written. @param Buffer Pointer to buffer to read. @retval EFI_SUCCESS @retval others **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortRead ( IN EFI_DEBUGPORT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 Timeout, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) { DEBUGPORT_DEVICE *DebugPortDevice; UINTN LocalBufferSize; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 *BufferPtr; DebugPortDevice = DEBUGPORT_DEVICE_FROM_THIS (This); BufferPtr = Buffer; LocalBufferSize = *BufferSize; do { Status = DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->Read ( DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, &LocalBufferSize, BufferPtr ); if (Status == EFI_TIMEOUT) { if (Timeout > DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) { Timeout -= DEBUGPORT_UART_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } else { Timeout = 0; } } else if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } BufferPtr += LocalBufferSize; LocalBufferSize = *BufferSize - (BufferPtr - (UINT8 *) Buffer); } while (LocalBufferSize != 0 && Timeout > 0); *BufferSize = (UINTN) (BufferPtr - (UINT8 *) Buffer); return Status; } /** DebugPort protocol member function. Calls SerialIo:Write() Writes 8 bytes at a time and does a GetControl between 8 byte writes to help insure reads are interspersed This is poor-man's flow control. @param This Pointer to DebugPort protocol. @param Timeout Timeout value. @param BufferSize On input, the size of Buffer. On output, the amount of data actually written. @param Buffer Pointer to buffer to read. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data was written. @retval others Fails when writting datas to debug port device. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortWrite ( IN EFI_DEBUGPORT_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 Timeout, IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { DEBUGPORT_DEVICE *DebugPortDevice; UINTN Position; UINTN WriteSize; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 SerialControl; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; DebugPortDevice = DEBUGPORT_DEVICE_FROM_THIS (This); WriteSize = 8; for (Position = 0; Position < *BufferSize && !EFI_ERROR (Status); Position += WriteSize) { DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->GetControl ( DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, &SerialControl ); if (*BufferSize - Position < 8) { WriteSize = *BufferSize - Position; } Status = DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->Write ( DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, &WriteSize, &((UINT8 *) Buffer)[Position] ); } *BufferSize = Position; return Status; } /** DebugPort protocol member function. Calls SerialIo:Write() after setting if it's different than the last SerialIo access. @param This Pointer to DebugPort protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS At least 1 character is ready to be read from the DebugPort interface. @retval EFI_NOT_READY There are no characters ready to read from the DebugPort interface @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A hardware failure occured... (from SerialIo) **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI DebugPortPoll ( IN EFI_DEBUGPORT_PROTOCOL *This ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 SerialControl; DEBUGPORT_DEVICE *DebugPortDevice; DebugPortDevice = DEBUGPORT_DEVICE_FROM_THIS (This); Status = DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding->GetControl ( DebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding, &SerialControl ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if ((SerialControl & EFI_SERIAL_INPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY) != 0) { Status = EFI_NOT_READY; } else { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } } return Status; } /** Unload function that is registered in the LoadImage protocol. It un-installs protocols produced and deallocates pool used by the driver. Called by the core when unloading the driver. @param ImageHandle @retval EFI_SUCCESS Unload Debug Port driver successfully. @retval EFI_ABORTED Serial IO is still binding. @retval others Fails to unload Debug Port driver. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI ImageUnloadHandler ( EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (gDebugPortDevice->SerialIoBinding != NULL) { return EFI_ABORTED; } Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( ImageHandle, &gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid, &gDebugPortDevice->DriverBindingInterface, &gEfiComponentNameProtocolGuid, &gDebugPortDevice->ComponentNameInterface, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Clean up allocations // if (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable != NULL) { FreePool (gDebugPortDevice->DebugPortVariable); } FreePool (gDebugPortDevice); return EFI_SUCCESS; }