/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: EfiRuntimeLib.h Abstract: Light weight lib to support EFI drivers. --*/ #ifndef _EFI_RUNTIME_LIB_H_ #define _EFI_RUNTIME_LIB_H_ #define MAX_FVB_COUNT 16 #include "EfiStatusCode.h" #include "EfiCommonLib.h" #include "LinkedList.h" #include "GetImage.h" #include "RtDevicePath.h" #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (DxeServices) #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (EventGroup) #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (EventLegacyBios) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (CpuIo) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FirmwareVolume) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FirmwareVolume2) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FirmwareVolumeBlock) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FvbExtension) #include "ProcDep.h" typedef struct { EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_BLOCK_PROTOCOL *Fvb; EFI_FVB_EXTENSION_PROTOCOL *FvbExtension; } FVB_ENTRY; // // Driver Lib Globals. // extern EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *gBS; extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *gST; extern EFI_DXE_SERVICES *gDS; extern UINTN gRtErrorLevel; extern FVB_ENTRY *mFvbEntry; VOID EFIAPI EfiRuntimeLibFvbVirtualNotifyEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) /*++ Routine Description: Notify function to convert pointers to Fvb functions after ExitBootServices Arguments: Event - Event whose notification function is being invoked. Context - Pointer to the notification function¡¯s context, which is implementation-dependent. Returns: None --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiInitializeRuntimeDriverLib ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY RuntimeNotifyEventHandler ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize Runtime Driver Lib if it has not yet been initialized. Arguments: ImageHandle - The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. SystemTable - A pointer to the EFI System Table. RuntimeNotifyEventHandler - Virtual address change notification event Returns: EFI_STATUS always returns EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiShutdownRuntimeDriverLib ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine will free some resources which have been allocated in EfiInitializeRuntimeDriverLib(). If a runtime driver exits with an error, it must call this routine to free the allocated resource before the exiting. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Shotdown the Runtime Driver Lib successfully EFI_UNSUPPORTED - Runtime Driver lib was not initialized at all --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiInitializeSmmDriverLib ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize Smm Driver Lib if it has not yet been initialized. Arguments: ImageHandle - The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. SystemTable - A pointer to the EFI System Table. Returns: EFI_STATUS always returns EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibGetSystemConfigurationTable ( IN EFI_GUID *TableGuid, IN OUT VOID **Table ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the EFI 1.0 System Tabl entry with TableGuid Arguments: TableGuid - Name of entry to return in the system table Table - Pointer in EFI system table associated with TableGuid Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Table returned; EFI_NOT_FOUND - TableGuid not in EFI system table --*/ ; BOOLEAN EfiAtRuntime ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Am I at runtime? Arguments: None Returns: TRUE - At runtime FALSE - Not at runtime --*/ ; BOOLEAN EfiGoneVirtual ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Return TRUE if SetVirtualAddressMap () has been called Arguments: NONE Returns: TRUE - If SetVirtualAddressMap () has been called FALSE - If SetVirtualAddressMap () has not been called --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibGetSystemConfigurationTable ( IN EFI_GUID *TableGuid, IN OUT VOID **Table ) /*++ Routine Description: Get table from configuration table by name Arguments: TableGuid - Table name to search Table - Pointer to the table caller wants Returns: EFI_NOT_FOUND - Not found the table EFI_SUCCESS - Found the table --*/ ; EFI_EVENT RtEfiLibCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT VOID **Registration ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a protocol notification event and return it. Arguments: ProtocolGuid - Protocol to register notification event on. NotifyTpl - Maximum TPL to single the NotifyFunction. NotifyFunction - EFI notification routine. NotifyContext - Context passed into Event when it is created. Registration - Registration key returned from RegisterProtocolNotify(). Returns: The EFI_EVENT that has been registered to be signaled when a ProtocolGuid is added to the system. --*/ ; // // Lock.c // typedef struct { EFI_TPL Tpl; EFI_TPL OwnerTpl; UINTN Lock; } EFI_LOCK; VOID EfiInitializeLock ( IN OUT EFI_LOCK *Lock, IN EFI_TPL Priority ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a basic mutual exclusion lock. Each lock provides mutual exclusion access at it's task priority level. Since there is no-premption (at any TPL) or multiprocessor support, acquiring the lock only consists of raising to the locks TPL. Note on a check build ASSERT()s are used to ensure proper lock usage. Arguments: Lock - The EFI_LOCK structure to initialize Priority - The task priority level of the lock Returns: An initialized Efi Lock structure. --*/ ; // // Macro to initialize the state of a lock when a lock variable is declared // #define EFI_INITIALIZE_LOCK_VARIABLE(Tpl) {Tpl,0,0} VOID EfiAcquireLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Raising to the task priority level of the mutual exclusion lock, and then acquires ownership of the lock. Arguments: Lock - The lock to acquire Returns: Lock owned --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiAcquireLockOrFail ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a basic mutual exclusion lock. Each lock provides mutual exclusion access at it's task priority level. Since there is no-premption (at any TPL) or multiprocessor support, acquiring the lock only consists of raising to the locks TPL. Arguments: Lock - The EFI_LOCK structure to initialize Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Lock Owned. EFI_ACCESS_DENIED - Reentrant Lock Acquisition, Lock not Owned. --*/ ; VOID EfiReleaseLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Releases ownership of the mutual exclusion lock, and restores the previous task priority level. Arguments: Lock - The lock to release Returns: None --*/ ; #define EfiCopyMem EfiCommonLibCopyMem #define EfiSetMem EfiCommonLibSetMem #define EfiZeroMem EfiCommonLibZeroMem INTN EfiCompareMem ( IN VOID *MemOne, IN VOID *MemTwo, IN UINTN Len ) /*++ Routine Description: Compares two memory buffers of a given length. Arguments: MemOne - First memory buffer MemTwo - Second memory buffer Len - Length of Mem1 and Mem2 memory regions to compare Returns: = 0 if MemOne == MemTwo > 0 if MemOne > MemTwo < 0 if MemOne < MemTwo --*/ ; // // Debug.c init // EFI_STATUS EfiDebugAssertInit ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Locate Debug Assert Protocol and set as mDebugAssert Arguments: None Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // Wrapper for EFI runtime functions // VOID EfiResetSystem ( IN EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType, IN EFI_STATUS ResetStatus, IN UINTN DataSize, IN CHAR16 *ResetData ) /*++ Routine Description: Resets the entire platform. Arguments: ResetType - The type of reset to perform. ResetStatus - The status code for the reset. DataSize - The size, in bytes, of ResetData. ResetData - A data buffer that includes a Null-terminated Unicode string, optionally followed by additional binary data. Returns: None --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiGetNextHighMonotonicCount ( OUT UINT32 *HighCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the next high 32 bits of the platform¡¯s monotonic counter. Arguments: HighCount - Pointer to returned value. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiGetTime ( OUT EFI_TIME *Time, OUT EFI_TIME_CAPABILITIES *Capabilities ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the current time and date information, and the time-keeping capabilities of the hardware platform. Arguments: Time - A pointer to storage to receive a snapshot of the current time. Capabilities - An optional pointer to a buffer to receive the real time clock device¡¯s capabilities. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiSetTime ( OUT EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the current local time and date information. Arguments: Time - A pointer to the current time. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiGetWakeupTime ( OUT BOOLEAN *Enabled, OUT BOOLEAN *Pending, OUT EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the current wakeup alarm clock setting. Arguments: Enabled - Indicates if the alarm is currently enabled or disabled. Pending - Indicates if the alarm signal is pending and requires acknowledgement. Time - The current alarm setting. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiSetWakeupTime ( IN BOOLEAN Enable, IN EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the system wakeup alarm clock time. Arguments: Enable - Enable or disable the wakeup alarm. Time - If Enable is TRUE, the time to set the wakeup alarm for. If Enable is FALSE, then this parameter is optional, and may be NULL. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiGetVariable ( IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID * VendorGuid, OUT UINT32 *Attributes OPTIONAL, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, OUT VOID *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the value of a variable. Arguments: VariableName - A Null-terminated Unicode string that is the name of the vendor¡¯s variable. VendorGuid - A unique identifier for the vendor. Attributes - If not NULL, a pointer to the memory location to return the attributes bitmask for the variable. DataSize - On input, the size in bytes of the return Data buffer. On output the size of data returned in Data. Data - The buffer to return the contents of the variable. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiGetNextVariableName ( IN OUT UINTN *VariableNameSize, IN OUT CHAR16 *VariableName, IN OUT EFI_GUID *VendorGuid ) /*++ Routine Description: Enumerates the current variable names. Arguments: VariableNameSize - The size of the VariableName buffer. VariableName - On input, supplies the last VariableName that was returned by GetNextVariableName(). On output, returns the Nullterminated Unicode string of the current variable. VendorGuid - On input, supplies the last VendorGuid that was returned by GetNextVariableName(). On output, returns the VendorGuid of the current variable. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiSetVariable ( IN CHAR16 *VariableName, IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid, IN UINT32 Attributes, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the value of a variable. Arguments: VariableName - A Null-terminated Unicode string that is the name of the vendor¡¯s variable. VendorGuid - A unique identifier for the vendor. Attributes - Attributes bitmask to set for the variable. DataSize - The size in bytes of the Data buffer. Data - The contents for the variable. Returns: Status code --*/ ; #if (EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION >= 0x00020000) EFI_STATUS EfiQueryVariableInfo ( IN UINT32 Attributes, OUT UINT64 *MaximumVariableStorageSize, OUT UINT64 *RemainingVariableStorageSize, OUT UINT64 *MaximumVariableSize ) /*++ Routine Description: This code returns information about the EFI variables. Arguments: Attributes Attributes bitmask to specify the type of variables on which to return information. MaximumVariableStorageSize Pointer to the maximum size of the storage space available for the EFI variables associated with the attributes specified. RemainingVariableStorageSize Pointer to the remaining size of the storage space available for the EFI variables associated with the attributes specified. MaximumVariableSize Pointer to the maximum size of the individual EFI variables associated with the attributes specified. Returns: Status code --*/ ; #endif EFI_STATUS EfiReportStatusCode ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE CodeType, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN UINT32 Instance, IN EFI_GUID * CallerId, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_DATA * Data OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Status Code reporter Arguments: CodeType - Type of Status Code. Value - Value to output for Status Code. Instance - Instance Number of this status code. CallerId - ID of the caller of this status code. Data - Optional data associated with this status code. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiConvertPointer ( IN UINTN DebugDisposition, IN OUT VOID *Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines the new virtual address that is to be used on subsequent memory accesses. Arguments: DebugDisposition - Supplies type information for the pointer being converted. Address - A pointer to a pointer that is to be fixed to be the value needed for the new virtual address mappings being applied. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiConvertList ( IN UINTN DebugDisposition, IN OUT EFI_LIST_ENTRY *ListHead ) /*++ Routine Description: Conver the standard Lib double linked list to a virtual mapping. Arguments: DebugDisposition - Argument to EfiConvertPointer (EFI 1.0 API) ListHead - Head of linked list to convert Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; // // Base IO Class Functions // EFI_STATUS EfiIoRead ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an IO read into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of read transaction, and repeat operation to use Address - IO address to read Count - Number of times to read the IO address. Buffer - Buffer to read data into. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; UINT8 IoRead8 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a one byte IO read Arguments: Address - IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; UINT16 IoRead16 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a two byte IO read Arguments: Address - IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; UINT32 IoRead32 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a four byte IO read Arguments: Address - IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiIoWrite ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an IO write into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of write transaction, and repeat operation to use Address - IO address to write Count - Number of times to write the IO address. Buffer - Buffer to write data from. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; VOID IoWrite8 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT8 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a one byte IO write Arguments: Address - IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID IoWrite16 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT16 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a two byte IO write Arguments: Address - IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID IoWrite32 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT32 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a four byte IO write Arguments: Address - IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiMemRead ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform a Memory mapped IO read into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of each read transaction. Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Count - Number of Width quanta to read Buffer - Buffer to read data into. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; UINT8 MemRead8 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a one byte Memory mapped IO read Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; UINT16 MemRead16 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a two byte Memory mapped IO read Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; UINT32 MemRead32 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a four byte Memory mapped IO read Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; UINT64 MemRead64 ( IN UINT64 Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a eight byte Memory mapped IO read Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Returns: Data read --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiMemWrite ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform a memory mapped IO write into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of write transaction, and repeat operation to use Address - IO address to write Count - Number of times to write the IO address. Buffer - Buffer to write data from. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; VOID MemWrite8 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT8 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a one byte Memory mapped IO write Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID MemWrite16 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT16 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a two byte Memory mapped IO write Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID MemWrite32 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT32 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a four byte Memory mapped IO write Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID MemWrite64 ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT64 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Do a eight byte Memory mapped IO write Arguments: Address - Memory mapped IO address to write Data - Data to write to Address Returns: NONE --*/ ; // // Platform specific functions // UINT8 PciRead8 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an one byte PCI config cycle read Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Returns: Data read from PCI config space --*/ ; UINT16 PciRead16 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an two byte PCI config cycle read Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Returns: Data read from PCI config space --*/ ; UINT32 PciRead32 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an four byte PCI config cycle read Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Returns: Data read from PCI config space --*/ ; VOID PciWrite8 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register, UINT8 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an one byte PCI config cycle write Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Data - Data to write Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID PciWrite16 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register, UINT16 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an two byte PCI config cycle write Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Data - Data to write Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID PciWrite32 ( UINT8 Segment, UINT8 Bus, UINT8 DevFunc, UINT8 Register, UINT32 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform an four byte PCI config cycle write Arguments: Segment - PCI Segment ACPI _SEG Bus - PCI Bus DevFunc - PCI Device(7:3) and Func(2:0) Register - PCI config space register Data - Data to write Returns: NONE --*/ ; VOID EfiStall ( IN UINTN Microseconds ) /*++ Routine Description: Delay for at least the request number of microseconds Arguments: Microseconds - Number of microseconds to delay. Returns: NONE --*/ ; // // FVB Services. // EFI_STATUS EfiFvbInitialize ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize globals and register Fvb Protocol notification function. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbShutdown ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Release resources allocated in EfiFvbInitialize. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbReadBlock ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_LBA Lba, IN UINTN Offset, IN OUT UINTN *NumBytes, IN UINT8 *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Reads specified number of bytes into a buffer from the specified block Arguments: Instance - The FV instance to be read from Lba - The logical block address to be read from Offset - Offset into the block at which to begin reading NumBytes - Pointer that on input contains the total size of the buffer. On output, it contains the total number of bytes read Buffer - Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that will be used to hold the data read Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbWriteBlock ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_LBA Lba, IN UINTN Offset, IN OUT UINTN *NumBytes, IN UINT8 *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Writes specified number of bytes from the input buffer to the block Arguments: Instance - The FV instance to be written to Lba - The starting logical block index to write to Offset - Offset into the block at which to begin writing NumBytes - Pointer that on input contains the total size of the buffer. On output, it contains the total number of bytes actually written Buffer - Pointer to a caller allocated buffer that contains the source for the write Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbEraseBlock ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_LBA Lba ) /*++ Routine Description: Erases and initializes a firmware volume block Arguments: Instance - The FV instance to be erased Lba - The logical block index to be erased Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbGetVolumeAttributes ( IN UINTN Instance, OUT EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES *Attributes ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves attributes, insures positive polarity of attribute bits, returns resulting attributes in output parameter Arguments: Instance - The FV instance whose attributes is going to be returned Attributes - Output buffer which contains attributes Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbSetVolumeAttributes ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES Attributes ) /*++ Routine Description: Modifies the current settings of the firmware volume according to the input parameter. Arguments: Instance - The FV instance whose attributes is going to be modified Attributes - It is a pointer to EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES containing the desired firmware volume settings. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbGetPhysicalAddress ( IN UINTN Instance, OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves the physical address of a memory mapped FV Arguments: Instance - The FV instance whose base address is going to be returned Address - Pointer to a caller allocated EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS that on successful return, contains the base address of the firmware volume. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbGetBlockSize ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_LBA Lba, OUT UINTN *BlockSize, OUT UINTN *NumOfBlocks ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieve the size of a logical block Arguments: Instance - The FV instance whose block size is going to be returned Lba - Indicates which block to return the size for. BlockSize - A pointer to a caller allocated UINTN in which the size of the block is returned NumOfBlocks - a pointer to a caller allocated UINTN in which the number of consecutive blocks starting with Lba is returned. All blocks in this range have a size of BlockSize Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The firmware volume was read successfully and contents are in Buffer --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiFvbEraseCustomBlockRange ( IN UINTN Instance, IN EFI_LBA StartLba, IN UINTN OffsetStartLba, IN EFI_LBA LastLba, IN UINTN OffsetLastLba ) /*++ Routine Description: Erases and initializes a specified range of a firmware volume Arguments: Instance - The FV instance to be erased StartLba - The starting logical block index to be erased OffsetStartLba - Offset into the starting block at which to begin erasing LastLba - The last logical block index to be erased OffsetLastLba - Offset into the last block at which to end erasing Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiCpuFlushCache ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Start, IN UINT64 Length ) /*++ Routine Description: Flush cache with specified range. Arguments: Start - Start address Length - Length in bytes Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RtEfiCreateEventLegacyBoot ( IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT EFI_EVENT *LegacyBootEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a Legacy Boot Event. Tiano extended the CreateEvent Type enum to add a legacy boot event type. This was bad as Tiano did not own the enum. In UEFI 2.0 CreateEventEx was added and now it's possible to not voilate the UEFI specification by declaring a GUID for the legacy boot event class. This library supports the R8.5/EFI 1.10 form and R8.6/UEFI 2.0 form and allows common code to work both ways. Arguments: LegacyBootEvent Returns the EFI event returned from gBS->CreateEvent(Ex) Returns: EFI_SUCCESS Event was created. Other Event was not created. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RtEfiCreateEventReadyToBoot ( IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT EFI_EVENT *ReadyToBootEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a Read to Boot Event. Tiano extended the CreateEvent Type enum to add a ready to boot event type. This was bad as Tiano did not own the enum. In UEFI 2.0 CreateEventEx was added and now it's possible to not voilate the UEFI specification and use the ready to boot event class defined in UEFI 2.0. This library supports the R8.5/EFI 1.10 form and R8.6/UEFI 2.0 form and allows common code to work both ways. Arguments: ReadyToBootEvent Returns the EFI event returned from gBS->CreateEvent(Ex) Return: EFI_SUCCESS - Event was created. Other - Event was not created. --*/ ; #endif