/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: IScsiIbft.c Abstract: Implementation for iSCSI Boot Firmware Table publication. --*/ #include "IScsiImpl.h" STATIC VOID IScsiInitIbfTableHeader ( IN EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER *Header ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize the header of the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Arguments: Header - The header of the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Returns: None. --*/ { ZeroMem (Header, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER)); Header->Signature = EFI_ACPI_3_0_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_SIGNATURE; Header->Length = IBFT_HEAP_OFFSET; Header->Revision = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_REVISION; Header->Checksum = 0; Header->OemId[0] = 'I'; Header->OemId[1] = 'N'; Header->OemId[2] = 'T'; Header->OemId[3] = 'E'; Header->OemId[4] = 'L'; } STATIC VOID IScsiInitControlSection ( IN EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER *Table, IN UINTN HandleCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize the control section of the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Arguments: Table - The ACPI table. HandleCount - The number of the handles associated with iSCSI sessions, it's equal to the number of iSCSI sessions. Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *Control; UINTN NumOffset; Control = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *) (Table + 1); ZeroMem (Control, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE)); Control->Header.StructureId = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_ID; Control->Header.Version = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_VERSION; Control->Header.Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE); // // Each session occupies two offsets, one for the NIC section, // the other for the Target section. // NumOffset = 2 * HandleCount; if (NumOffset > 4) { // // Need expand the control section if more than 2 NIC/Target sections // exist. // Control->Header.Length = (UINT16) (Control->Header.Length + (NumOffset - 4) * sizeof (UINT16)); } } STATIC VOID IScsiAddHeapItem ( IN OUT UINT8 **Heap, IN VOID *Data, IN UINTN Len ) /*++ Routine Description: Add one item into the heap. Arguments: Heap - On input, the current address of the heap; On output, the address of the heap after the item is added. Data - The data to add into the heap. Len - Length of the Data in byte. Returns: None. --*/ { // // Add one byte for the NULL delimiter. // *Heap -= Len + 1; CopyMem (*Heap, Data, Len); *(*Heap + Len) = 0; } STATIC VOID IScsiFillInitiatorSection ( IN EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER *Table, IN OUT UINT8 **Heap, IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: Fill the Initiator section of the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Arguments: Table - The ACPI table. Heap - The heap. Handle - The handle associated with the iSCSI session. Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *Control; EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE *Initiator; ISCSI_DRIVER_DATA *DriverData; ISCSI_SESSION *Session; ISCSI_PRIVATE_PROTOCOL *IScsiIdentifier; EFI_STATUS Status; Control = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *) (Table + 1); // // Initiator section immediately follows the control section. // Initiator = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE *) ((UINT8 *) Control + IBFT_ROUNDUP (Control->Header.Length)); Control->InitiatorOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) Initiator - (UINTN) Table); ZeroMem (Initiator, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE)); Initiator->Header.StructureId = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE_ID; Initiator->Header.Version = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE_VERSION; Initiator->Header.Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE); Initiator->Header.Flags = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BLOCK_VALID | EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BOOT_SELECTED; // // Get the identifier from the handle. // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Handle, &mIScsiPrivateGuid, (VOID **) &IScsiIdentifier); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (FALSE); return ; } DriverData = ISCSI_DRIVER_DATA_FROM_IDENTIFIER (IScsiIdentifier); Session = &DriverData->Session; // // Fill the iSCSI Initiator Name into the heap. // IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, Session->InitiatorName, Session->InitiatorNameLength - 1); Initiator->IScsiNameLength = (UINT16) (Session->InitiatorNameLength - 1); Initiator->IScsiNameOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); } STATIC VOID IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr ( IN EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *V4, OUT EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *V6 ) /*++ Routine Description: Map the v4 IP address into v6 IP address. Arguments: V4 - The v4 IP address. V6 - The v6 IP address. Returns: None. --*/ { UINTN Index; ZeroMem (V6, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)); V6->Addr[10] = 0xff; V6->Addr[11] = 0xff; for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) { V6->Addr[12 + Index] = V4->Addr[Index]; } } STATIC UINT16 IScsiGetNICPciLocation ( IN EFI_HANDLE Controller ) /*++ Routine Description: Get the NIC's PCI location and return it accroding to the composited format defined in iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Arguments: Controller - The handle of the controller. Returns: UINT16 - The composited representation of the NIC PCI location. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath; EFI_HANDLE PciIoHandle; EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo; UINTN Segment; UINTN Bus; UINTN Device; UINTN Function; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( Controller, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&DevicePath ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return 0; } Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath ( &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, &DevicePath, &PciIoHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return 0; } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (PciIoHandle, &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&PciIo); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return 0; } Status = PciIo->GetLocation (PciIo, &Segment, &Bus, &Device, &Function); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return 0; } return (UINT16) ((Bus << 8) | (Device << 3) | Function); } STATIC EFI_MAC_ADDRESS * IScsiGetMacAddress ( IN EFI_HANDLE Controller ) /*++ Routine Description: Get the MAC address of the controller. Arguments: Controller - The handle of the controller. Returns: EFI_MAC_ADDRESS * - The mac address. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL *Snp; Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( Controller, &gEfiSimpleNetworkProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Snp ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return &Snp->Mode->PermanentAddress; } STATIC VOID IScsiFillNICAndTargetSections ( IN EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER *Table, IN OUT UINT8 **Heap, IN UINTN HandleCount, IN EFI_HANDLE *Handles ) /*++ Routine Description: Fill the NIC and target sections in iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. Arguments: Table - The buffer of the ACPI table. Heap - The heap buffer used to store the variable length parameters such as iSCSI name. HandleCount - The number of handles having iSCSI private protocol installed. Handles - The handle buffer. Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *Control; EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE *Nic; EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE *Target; ISCSI_DRIVER_DATA *DriverData; ISCSI_SESSION_CONFIG_DATA *SessionConfigData; ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_CONFIG_NVDATA *AuthConfig; UINT16 *SectionOffset; UINTN Index; UINT16 Length; EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *Mac; ISCSI_PRIVATE_PROTOCOL *IScsiIdentifier; EFI_STATUS Status; // // Get the offset of the first Nic and Target section. // Control = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *) (Table + 1); Nic = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE *) ((UINTN) Table + Control->InitiatorOffset + IBFT_ROUNDUP (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_INITIATOR_STRUCTURE))); Target = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE *) ((UINTN) Nic + IBFT_ROUNDUP (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE))); SectionOffset = &Control->NIC0Offset; for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Handles[Index], &mIScsiPrivateGuid, (VOID **)&IScsiIdentifier); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ASSERT (FALSE); return ; } DriverData = ISCSI_DRIVER_DATA_FROM_IDENTIFIER (IScsiIdentifier); SessionConfigData = &DriverData->Session.ConfigData; AuthConfig = &DriverData->Session.AuthData.AuthConfig; // // Fill the Nic section. // ZeroMem (Nic, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE)); Nic->Header.StructureId = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE_ID; Nic->Header.Version = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE_VERSION; Nic->Header.Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE); Nic->Header.Index = (UINT8) Index; Nic->Header.Flags = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BLOCK_VALID | EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BOOT_SELECTED | EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE_FLAG_GLOBAL; // // Get the subnet mask prefix length. // Nic->SubnetMaskPrefixLength = IScsiGetSubnetMaskPrefixLength (&SessionConfigData->NvData.SubnetMask); if (SessionConfigData->NvData.InitiatorInfoFromDhcp) { Nic->Origin = IpPrefixOriginDhcp; } else { Nic->Origin = IpPrefixOriginManual; } // // Map the various v4 addresses into v6 addresses. // IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->NvData.LocalIp, &Nic->Ip); IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->NvData.Gateway, &Nic->Gateway); IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->PrimaryDns, &Nic->PrimaryDns); IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->SecondaryDns, &Nic->SecondaryDns); IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->DhcpServer, &Nic->DhcpServer); Mac = IScsiGetMacAddress (DriverData->Controller); CopyMem (Nic->Mac, Mac, sizeof (Nic->Mac)); // // Get the PCI location of the Nic. // Nic->PciLocation = IScsiGetNICPciLocation (DriverData->Controller); *SectionOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) Nic - (UINTN) Table); SectionOffset++; // // Fill the Target section. // ZeroMem (Target, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE)); Target->Header.StructureId = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE_ID; Target->Header.Version = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE_VERSION; Target->Header.Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE); Target->Header.Index = (UINT8) Index; Target->Header.Flags = EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BLOCK_VALID | EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE_FLAG_BOOT_SELECTED; Target->Port = SessionConfigData->NvData.TargetPort; Target->CHAPType = AuthConfig->CHAPType; Target->NicIndex = (UINT8) Index; IScsiMapV4ToV6Addr (&SessionConfigData->NvData.TargetIp, &Target->Ip); CopyMem (Target->BootLun, SessionConfigData->NvData.BootLun, sizeof (Target->BootLun)); // // Target iSCSI Name, CHAP name/secret, reverse CHAP name/secret. // Length = (UINT16) AsciiStrLen (SessionConfigData->NvData.TargetName); IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, SessionConfigData->NvData.TargetName, Length); Target->IScsiNameLength = Length; Target->IScsiNameOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); if (Target->CHAPType != ISCSI_CHAP_NONE) { // // CHAP Name // Length = (UINT16) AsciiStrLen (AuthConfig->CHAPName); IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, AuthConfig->CHAPName, Length); Target->CHAPNameLength = Length; Target->CHAPNameOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); // // CHAP Secret // Length = (UINT16) AsciiStrLen (AuthConfig->CHAPSecret); IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, AuthConfig->CHAPSecret, Length); Target->CHAPSecretLength = Length; Target->CHAPSecretOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); if (Target->CHAPType == ISCSI_CHAP_MUTUAL) { // // Reverse CHAP Name // Length = (UINT16) AsciiStrLen (AuthConfig->ReverseCHAPName); IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, AuthConfig->ReverseCHAPName, Length); Target->ReverseCHAPNameLength = Length; Target->ReverseCHAPNameOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); // // Reverse CHAP Secret // Length = (UINT16) AsciiStrLen (AuthConfig->ReverseCHAPSecret); IScsiAddHeapItem (Heap, AuthConfig->ReverseCHAPSecret, Length); Target->ReverseCHAPSecretLength = Length; Target->ReverseCHAPSecretOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) *Heap - (UINTN) Table); } } *SectionOffset = (UINT16) ((UINTN) Target - (UINTN) Table); SectionOffset++; // // Advance to the next NIC/Target pair // Nic = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE *) ((UINTN) Target + IBFT_ROUNDUP (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE))); Target = (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_TARGET_STRUCTURE *) ((UINTN) Nic + IBFT_ROUNDUP (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_NIC_STRUCTURE))); } } VOID IScsiPublishIbft ( IN VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Publish and remove the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table according to the iSCSI session status. Arguments: None. Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN TableHandle; EFI_ACPI_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL *AcpiSupport; EFI_ACPI_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_HEADER *Table; UINTN HandleCount; EFI_HANDLE *HandleBuffer; UINT8 *Heap; INTN Index; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version; UINT32 Signature; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiSupportProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&AcpiSupport); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return ; } // // Try to remove the old iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. // for (Index = 0;; Index++) { Status = AcpiSupport->GetAcpiTable ( AcpiSupport, Index, (VOID **)&Table, &Version, &TableHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } Signature = Table->Signature; gBS->FreePool (Table); if (Signature == EFI_ACPI_3_0_ISCSI_BOOT_FIRMWARE_TABLE_SIGNATURE) { // // Remove the table. // Status = AcpiSupport->SetAcpiTable ( AcpiSupport, NULL, FALSE, Version, &TableHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return ; } break; } } // // Get all iSCSI private protocols. // Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol, &mIScsiPrivateGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return ; } // // Allocate 4k bytes to hold the ACPI table. // Table = AllocatePool (IBFT_MAX_SIZE); if (Table == NULL) { return ; } Heap = (UINT8 *) Table + IBFT_HEAP_OFFSET; // // Fill in the various section of the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table. // IScsiInitIbfTableHeader (Table); IScsiInitControlSection (Table, HandleCount); IScsiFillInitiatorSection (Table, &Heap, HandleBuffer[0]); IScsiFillNICAndTargetSections (Table, &Heap, HandleCount, HandleBuffer); gBS->FreePool (HandleBuffer); TableHandle = 0; // // Install or update the iBFT table. // Status = AcpiSupport->SetAcpiTable ( AcpiSupport, Table, TRUE, EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_3_0, &TableHandle ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { AcpiSupport->PublishTables (AcpiSupport, EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_3_0); } gBS->FreePool (Table); }