## @file # This file is used to parse meta files # # Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import time import copy import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger from CommonDataClass.DataClass import * from Common.DataType import * from Common.String import * from Common.Misc import Blist, GuidStructureStringToGuidString, CheckPcdDatum ## Base class of parser # # This class is used for derivation purpose. The specific parser for one kind # type file must derive this class and implement some public interfaces. # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # class MetaFileParser(object): # data type (file content) for specific file type DataType = {} ## Constructor of MetaFileParser # # Initialize object of MetaFileParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macros=None, Owner=-1, From=-1): self._Table = Table self._FileType = FileType self.MetaFile = FilePath self._FileDir = os.path.dirname(self.MetaFile) self._Macros = copy.copy(Macros) # for recursive parsing self._Owner = Owner self._From = From # parsr status for parsing self._Content = None self._ValueList = ['', '', '', '', ''] self._Scope = [] self._LineIndex = 0 self._CurrentLine = '' self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SectionName = '' self._InSubsection = False self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SubsectionName = '' self._LastItem = -1 self._Enabled = 0 self._Finished = False ## Store the parsed data in table def _Store(self, *Args): return self._Table.Insert(*Args) ## Virtual method for starting parse def Start(self): raise NotImplementedError ## Set parsing complete flag in both class and table def _Done(self): self._Finished = True ## Do not set end flag when processing included files if self._From == -1: self._Table.SetEndFlag() ## Return the table containg parsed data # # If the parse complete flag is not set, this method will try to parse the # file before return the table # def _GetTable(self): if not self._Finished: self.Start() return self._Table ## Get the parse complete flag def _GetFinished(self): return self._Finished ## Set the complete flag def _SetFinished(self, Value): self._Finished = Value ## Use [] style to query data in table, just for readability # # DataInfo = [data_type, scope1(arch), scope2(platform,moduletype)] # def __getitem__(self, DataInfo): if type(DataInfo) != type(()): DataInfo = (DataInfo,) return self.Table.Query(*DataInfo) ## Data parser for the common format in different type of file # # The common format in the meatfile is like # # xxx1 | xxx2 | xxx3 # def _CommonParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList ## Data parser for the format in which there's path # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # def _PathParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList if len(self._Macros) > 0: for Index in range(0, len(self._ValueList)): Value = self._ValueList[Index] if Value == None or Value == '': continue self._ValueList[Index] = NormPath(Value, self._Macros) ## Skip unsupported data def _Skip(self): EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized content", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine); self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine] ## Section header parser # # The section header is always in following format: # # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>] # def _SectionHeaderParser(self): self._Scope = [] self._SectionName = '' ArchList = set() for Item in GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[1:-1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): if Item == '': continue ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT) # different section should not mix in one section if self._SectionName != '' and self._SectionName != ItemList[0].upper(): EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Different section names in the same section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper() if self._SectionName in self.DataType: self._SectionType = self.DataType[self._SectionName] else: self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) # S1 is always Arch if len(ItemList) > 1: S1 = ItemList[1].upper() else: S1 = 'COMMON' ArchList.add(S1) # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType if len(ItemList) > 2: S2 = ItemList[2].upper() else: S2 = 'COMMON' self._Scope.append([S1, S2]) # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) ## [defines] section parser def _DefineParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList if self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) ## DEFINE name=value parser def _MacroParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, ' ', 1) MacroType = TokenList[0] if len(TokenList) < 2 or TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No macro name/value given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) TokenList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if TokenList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No macro name given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # Macros defined in the command line override ones defined in the meta-data file if not TokenList[0] in self._Macros: if len(TokenList) == 1: self._Macros[TokenList[0]] = '' else: # keep the macro definition for later use self._Macros[TokenList[0]] = ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1], self._Macros, False) return TokenList[0], self._Macros[TokenList[0]] ## [BuildOptions] section parser def _BuildOptionParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) TokenList2 = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], ':', 1) if len(TokenList2) == 2: self._ValueList[0] = TokenList2[0] # toolchain family self._ValueList[1] = TokenList2[1] # keys else: self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[0] if len(TokenList) == 2: # value self._ValueList[2] = ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1], self._Macros) if self._ValueList[1].count('_') != 4: EdkLogger.error( 'Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'%s' must be in format of ____FLAGS" % self._ValueList[1], ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1 ) _SectionParser = {} Table = property(_GetTable) Finished = property(_GetFinished, _SetFinished) ## INF file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # class InfParser(MetaFileParser): # INF file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_UNKNOWN.upper() : MODEL_UNKNOWN, TAB_INF_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, TAB_LIBRARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_PACKAGES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE, TAB_NMAKE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE, TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_INF_PCD_EX.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, TAB_INF_PCD.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, TAB_SOURCES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, TAB_GUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_GUID, TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, TAB_PPIS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PPI, TAB_DEPEX.upper() : MODEL_EFI_DEPEX, TAB_BINARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE, TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION } ## Constructor of InfParser # # Initialize object of InfParser # # @param FilePath The path of module description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macros=None): MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macros) ## Parser starter def Start(self): NmakeLine = '' try: self._Content = open(self.MetaFile, 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) # parse the file line by line IsFindBlockComment = False for Index in range(0, len(self._Content)): # skip empty, commented, block commented lines Line = CleanString(self._Content[Index], AllowCppStyleComment=True) NextLine = '' if Index + 1 < len(self._Content): NextLine = CleanString(self._Content[Index + 1]) if Line == '': continue if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_R8_START) > -1: IsFindBlockComment = True continue if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_R8_END) > -1: IsFindBlockComment = False continue if IsFindBlockComment: continue self._LineIndex = Index self._CurrentLine = Line # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._SectionHeaderParser() continue # merge two lines specified by '\' in section NMAKE elif self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE: if Line[-1] == '\\': if NextLine == '': self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1] NmakeLine = '' else: if NextLine[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and NextLine[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1] NmakeLine = '' else: NmakeLine = NmakeLine + ' ' + Line[0:-1] continue else: self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line NmakeLine = '' elif Line.upper().startswith('DEFINE '): # file private macros self._MacroParser() continue # section content self._ValueList = ['','',''] # parse current line, result will be put in self._ValueList self._SectionParser[self._SectionType](self) if self._ValueList == None: continue # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, Platform, BelongsToItem=-1, # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1 # for Arch, Platform in self._Scope: self._Store(self._SectionType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, Platform, self._Owner, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._LineIndex+1, -1, 0 ) self._Done() ## Data parser for the format in which there's path # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # def _IncludeParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList if len(self._Macros) > 0: for Index in range(0, len(self._ValueList)): Value = self._ValueList[Index] if Value.upper().find('$(EFI_SOURCE)\Edk'.upper()) > -1 or Value.upper().find('$(EFI_SOURCE)/Edk'.upper()) > -1: Value = '$(EDK_SOURCE)' + Value[17:] if Value.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or Value.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: pass elif Value.startswith('.'): pass elif Value.startswith('$('): pass else: Value = '$(EFI_SOURCE)/' + Value if Value == None or Value == '': continue self._ValueList[Index] = NormPath(Value, self._Macros) ## Parse [Sources] section # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # def _SourceFileParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # For Acpi tables, remove macro like ' TABLE_NAME=Sata1' if 'COMPONENT_TYPE' in self._Macros: if self._Macros['COMPONENT_TYPE'].upper() == 'ACPITABLE': self._ValueList[0] = GetSplitValueList(self._ValueList[0], ' ', 1)[0] if self._Macros['BASE_NAME'] == 'Microcode': pass if len(self._Macros) > 0: for Index in range(0, len(self._ValueList)): Value = self._ValueList[Index] if Value == None or Value == '': continue self._ValueList[Index] = NormPath(Value, self._Macros) ## Parse [Binaries] section # # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use. # def _BinaryFileParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 2) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type or path specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( | [| ])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if not TokenList[0]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( | [| ])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if not TokenList[1]: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file path specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( | [| ])", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList self._ValueList[1] = NormPath(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros) ## [defines] section parser def _DefineParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList self._Macros[TokenList[0]] = ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1], self._Macros, False) if self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) ## [nmake] section parser (R8.x style only) def _NmakeParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList # remove macros self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros, False) # remove self-reference in macro setting #self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], {self._ValueList[0]:''}) ## [FixedPcd], [FeaturePcd], [PatchPcd], [Pcd] and [PcdEx] sections parser def _PcdParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) > 1: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (.)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) ## [depex] section parser def _DepexParser(self): self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine] _SectionParser = { MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : _DefineParser, MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : MetaFileParser._BuildOptionParser, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : _IncludeParser, # for R8.x modules MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, # for R8.x modules MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE : _NmakeParser, # for R8.x modules MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC : _PcdParser, MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE : _SourceFileParser, MODEL_EFI_GUID : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_PPI : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_DEPEX : _DepexParser, MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE : _BinaryFileParser, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._Skip, } ## DSC file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # class DscParser(MetaFileParser): # DSC file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_SKUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID, TAB_LIBRARIES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_HII_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_VPD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD, TAB_COMPONENTS.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT, TAB_COMPONENTS_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH, TAB_DSC_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_INCLUDE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE, TAB_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IF, TAB_IF_DEF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFDEF, TAB_IF_N_DEF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_IFNDEF, TAB_ELSE_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSEIF, TAB_ELSE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ELSE, TAB_END_IF.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_CONDITIONAL_STATEMENT_ENDIF, } # sections which allow "!include" directive _IncludeAllowedSection = [ TAB_LIBRARIES.upper(), TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper(), TAB_SKUIDS.upper(), TAB_COMPONENTS.upper(), TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper(), TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_HII_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_VPD_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII_NULL.upper(), TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD_NULL.upper(), ] # operators which can be used in "!if/!ifdef/!ifndef" directives _OP_ = { "!" : lambda a: not a, "!=" : lambda a,b: a!=b, "==" : lambda a,b: a==b, ">" : lambda a,b: a>b, "<" : lambda a,b: a" : lambda a,b: a>=b, ">=" : lambda a,b: a>=b, "<=" : lambda a,b: a<=b, "=<" : lambda a,b: a<=b, } ## Constructor of DscParser # # Initialize object of DscParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing) # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive) # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macros=None, Owner=-1, From=-1): MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macros, Owner, From) # to store conditional directive evaluation result self._Eval = Blist() ## Parser starter def Start(self): try: if self._Content == None: self._Content = open(self.MetaFile, 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) for Index in range(0, len(self._Content)): Line = CleanString(self._Content[Index]) # skip empty line if Line == '': continue self._CurrentLine = Line self._LineIndex = Index # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._SectionHeaderParser() continue # subsection ending elif Line[0] == '}': self._InSubsection = False self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN self._SubsectionName = '' self._Owner = -1 continue # subsection header elif Line[0] == TAB_OPTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_OPTION_END: self._SubsectionHeaderParser() continue # directive line elif Line[0] == '!': self._DirectiveParser() continue # file private macros elif Line.upper().startswith('DEFINE '): self._MacroParser() continue elif Line.upper().startswith('EDK_GLOBAL '): (Name, Value) = self._MacroParser() for Arch, ModuleType in self._Scope: self._LastItem = self._Store( MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, Name, Value, '', Arch, 'COMMON', self._Owner, self._From, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._Enabled ) continue # section content if self._InSubsection: SectionType = self._SubsectionType SectionName = self._SubsectionName if self._Owner == -1: self._Owner = self._LastItem else: SectionType = self._SectionType SectionName = self._SectionName self._ValueList = ['', '', ''] self._SectionParser[SectionType](self) if self._ValueList == None: continue # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, ModuleType, BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile=-1, # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1 # for Arch, ModuleType in self._Scope: self._LastItem = self._Store( SectionType, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, ModuleType, self._Owner, self._From, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._Enabled ) self._Done() ## [defines] section parser def _DefineParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # 'FLASH_DEFINITION', 'OUTPUT_DIRECTORY' need special processing if TokenList[0] in ['FLASH_DEFINITION', 'OUTPUT_DIRECTORY']: TokenList[1] = NormPath(TokenList[1], self._Macros) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList ## parser def _SubsectionHeaderParser(self): self._SubsectionName = self._CurrentLine[1:-1].upper() if self._SubsectionName in self.DataType: self._SubsectionType = self.DataType[self._SubsectionName] else: self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized sub-section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) ## Directive statement parser def _DirectiveParser(self): self._ValueList = ['','',''] TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, ' ', 1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList DirectiveName = self._ValueList[0].upper() if DirectiveName not in self.DataType: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Unknown directive [%s]" % DirectiveName, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if DirectiveName in ['!IF', '!IFDEF', '!INCLUDE', '!IFNDEF', '!ELSEIF'] and self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing expression", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) # keep the directive in database first self._LastItem = self._Store( self.DataType[DirectiveName], self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], 'COMMON', 'COMMON', self._Owner, self._From, self._LineIndex + 1, -1, self._LineIndex + 1, -1, 0 ) # process the directive if DirectiveName == "!INCLUDE": if not self._SectionName in self._IncludeAllowedSection: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData="'!include' is not allowed under section [%s]" % self._SectionName) # the included file must be relative to the parsing file IncludedFile = os.path.join(self._FileDir, self._ValueList[1]) Parser = DscParser(IncludedFile, self._FileType, self._Table, self._Macros, From=self._LastItem) # set the parser status with current status Parser._SectionName = self._SectionName Parser._SectionType = self._SectionType Parser._Scope = self._Scope Parser._Enabled = self._Enabled try: Parser.Start() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData="Failed to parse content in file %s" % IncludedFile) # update current status with sub-parser's status self._SectionName = Parser._SectionName self._SectionType = Parser._SectionType self._Scope = Parser._Scope self._Enabled = Parser._Enabled else: if DirectiveName in ["!IF", "!IFDEF", "!IFNDEF"]: # evaluate the expression Result = self._Evaluate(self._ValueList[1]) if DirectiveName == "!IFNDEF": Result = not Result self._Eval.append(Result) elif DirectiveName in ["!ELSEIF"]: # evaluate the expression self._Eval[-1] = (not self._Eval[-1]) & self._Evaluate(self._ValueList[1]) elif DirectiveName in ["!ELSE"]: self._Eval[-1] = not self._Eval[-1] elif DirectiveName in ["!ENDIF"]: if len(self._Eval) > 0: self._Eval.pop() else: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "!IF..[!ELSE]..!ENDIF doesn't match", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if self._Eval.Result == False: self._Enabled = 0 - len(self._Eval) else: self._Enabled = len(self._Eval) ## Evaludate the value of expression in "if/ifdef/ifndef" directives def _Evaluate(self, Expression): TokenList = Expression.split() TokenNumber = len(TokenList) # one operand, guess it's just a macro name if TokenNumber == 1: return TokenList[0] in self._Macros # two operands, suppose it's "!xxx" format elif TokenNumber == 2: Op = TokenList[0] if Op not in self._OP_: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Unsupported operator [%s]" % Op, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=Expression) if TokenList[1].upper() == 'TRUE': Value = True else: Value = False return self._OP_[Op](Value) # three operands elif TokenNumber == 3: Name = TokenList[0] if Name not in self._Macros: return False Value = TokenList[2] if Value[0] in ["'", '"'] and Value[-1] in ["'", '"']: Value = Value[1:-1] Op = TokenList[1] if Op not in self._OP_: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Unsupported operator [%s]" % Op, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=Expression) return self._OP_[Op](self._Macros[Name], Value) else: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=Expression) ## PCD sections parser # # [PcdsFixedAtBuild] # [PcdsPatchableInModule] # [PcdsFeatureFlag] # [PcdsDynamicEx # [PcdsDynamicExDefault] # [PcdsDynamicExVpd] # [PcdsDynamicExHii] # [PcdsDynamic] # [PcdsDynamicDefault] # [PcdsDynamicVpd] # [PcdsDynamicHii] # def _PcdParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(ReplaceMacro(self._CurrentLine, self._Macros), TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) == 2: self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1] if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (.|)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if self._ValueList[2] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD value given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (.|)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) ## [components] section parser def _ComponentParser(self): if self._CurrentLine[-1] == '{': self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine[0:-1].strip() self._InSubsection = True else: self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine if len(self._Macros) > 0: self._ValueList[0] = NormPath(self._ValueList[0], self._Macros) def _LibraryClassParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class or instance specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (|)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if TokenList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (|)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library instance specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (|)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList if len(self._Macros) > 0: self._ValueList[1] = NormPath(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros) def _CompponentSourceOverridePathParser(self): if len(self._Macros) > 0: self._ValueList[0] = NormPath(self._CurrentLine, self._Macros) _SectionParser = { MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : _DefineParser, MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : _LibraryClassParser, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD : _PcdParser, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT : _ComponentParser, MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_PATH : _CompponentSourceOverridePathParser, MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : MetaFileParser._BuildOptionParser, MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._Skip, } ## DEC file parser class # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # class DecParser(MetaFileParser): # DEC file supported data types (one type per section) DataType = { TAB_DEC_DEFINES.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, TAB_INCLUDES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE, TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, TAB_GUIDS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_GUID, TAB_PPIS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PPI, TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_NULL.upper() : MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, } ## Constructor of DecParser # # Initialize object of DecParser # # @param FilePath The path of platform description file # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file # def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macro=None): MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Macro, -1) ## Parser starter def Start(self): try: if self._Content == None: self._Content = open(self.MetaFile, 'r').readlines() except: EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile) for Index in range(0, len(self._Content)): Line = CleanString(self._Content[Index]) # skip empty line if Line == '': continue self._CurrentLine = Line self._LineIndex = Index # section header if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END: self._SectionHeaderParser() continue elif Line.startswith('DEFINE '): self._MacroParser() continue elif len(self._SectionType) == 0: continue # section content self._ValueList = ['','',''] self._SectionParser[self._SectionType[0]](self) if self._ValueList == None: continue # # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, BelongsToItem=-1, LineBegin=-1, # ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, FeatureFlag='', Enabled=-1 # for Arch, ModuleType, Type in self._Scope: self._LastItem = self._Store( Type, self._ValueList[0], self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2], Arch, ModuleType, self._Owner, self._LineIndex+1, -1, self._LineIndex+1, -1, 0 ) self._Done() ## Section header parser # # The section header is always in following format: # # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>] # def _SectionHeaderParser(self): self._Scope = [] self._SectionName = '' self._SectionType = [] ArchList = set() for Item in GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[1:-1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT): if Item == '': continue ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT) # different types of PCD are permissible in one section self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper() if self._SectionName in self.DataType: if self.DataType[self._SectionName] not in self._SectionType: self._SectionType.append(self.DataType[self._SectionName]) else: EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized section", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) continue if MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG in self._SectionType and len(self._SectionType) > 1: EdkLogger.error( 'Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "%s must not be in the same section of other types of PCD" % TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine ) # S1 is always Arch if len(ItemList) > 1: S1 = ItemList[1].upper() else: S1 = 'COMMON' ArchList.add(S1) # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType if len(ItemList) > 2: S2 = ItemList[2].upper() else: S2 = 'COMMON' if [S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]] not in self._Scope: self._Scope.append([S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]]) # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine) ## [guids], [ppis] and [protocols] section parser def _GuidParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) if len(TokenList) < 2: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name or value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( = )", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if TokenList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( = )", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID value specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " ( = )", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) if TokenList[1][0] != '{' or TokenList[1][-1] != '}' or GuidStructureStringToGuidString(TokenList[1]) == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value format", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " ( = )", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) self._ValueList[0] = TokenList[0] self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[1] ## PCD sections parser # # [PcdsFixedAtBuild] # [PcdsPatchableInModule] # [PcdsFeatureFlag] # [PcdsDynamicEx # [PcdsDynamic] # def _PcdParser(self): TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1) self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT) # check PCD information if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # check PCD datum information if len(TokenList) < 2 or TokenList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD Datum information given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) ValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1]) # check if there's enough datum information given if len(ValueList) != 3: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid PCD Datum information given", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # check default value if ValueList[0] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DefaultValue in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # check datum type if ValueList[1] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DatumType in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # check token of the PCD if ValueList[2] == '': EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing Token in PCD Datum information", ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \ " (.|||)", File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) # check format of default value against the datum type IsValid, Cause = CheckPcdDatum(ValueList[1], ValueList[0]) if not IsValid: EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, Cause, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1) self._ValueList[2] = ValueList[0].strip() + '|' + ValueList[1].strip() + '|' + ValueList[2].strip() _SectionParser = { MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : MetaFileParser._DefineParser, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser, MODEL_EFI_GUID : _GuidParser, MODEL_EFI_PPI : _GuidParser, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : _GuidParser, MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC : _PcdParser, MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX : _PcdParser, MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip, MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION : MetaFileParser._Skip, } ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': pass