/** @file
Register names for SPI device.
Copyright (c) 2017 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
#ifndef REGS_SPI_H_
#define REGS_SPI_H_
#define R_SPI_BASE 0x10 ///< 32-bit Memory Base Address Register
#define B_SPI_BAR0_MASK 0x0FFF
#define R_SPI_BCR 0xDC ///< BIOS Control Register
#define B_SPI_BCR_SRC (BIT3 | BIT2) ///< SPI Read Configuration (SRC)
#define V_SPI_BCR_SRC_PREF_DIS_CACHE_DIS 0x04 ///< Prefetch Disable, Cache Disable
#define B_SPI_BCR_BIOSWE BIT0 ///< Write Protect Disable (WPD)
/// SPI Host Interface Registers
#define R_SPI_HSFS 0x04 ///< Hardware Sequencing Flash Status and Control Register(32bits)
#define B_SPI_HSFS_FDBC_MASK 0x3F000000 ///< Flash Data Byte Count ( <= 64), Count = (Value in this field) + 1.
#define N_SPI_HSFS_FDBC 24
#define B_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_MASK 0x001E0000 ///< Flash Cycle.
#define N_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE 17
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_READ 0 ///< Flash Cycle Read
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_WRITE 2 ///< Flash Cycle Write
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_4K_ERASE 3 ///< Flash Cycle 4K Block Erase
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_64K_ERASE 4 ///< Flash Cycle 64K Sector Erase
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_READ_SFDP 5 ///< Flash Cycle Read SFDP
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_READ_JEDEC_ID 6 ///< Flash Cycle Read JEDEC ID
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_WRITE_STATUS 7 ///< Flash Cycle Write Status
#define V_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_READ_STATUS 8 ///< Flash Cycle Read Status
#define B_SPI_HSFS_CYCLE_FGO BIT16 ///< Flash Cycle Go.
#define B_SPI_HSFS_FDV BIT14 ///< Flash Descriptor Valid
#define B_SPI_HSFS_SCIP BIT5 ///< SPI Cycle in Progress
#define B_SPI_HSFS_FCERR BIT1 ///< Flash Cycle Error
#define B_SPI_HSFS_FDONE BIT0 ///< Flash Cycle Done
#define R_SPI_FADDR 0x08 ///< SPI Flash Address
#define B_SPI_FADDR_MASK 0x07FFFFFF ///< SPI Flash Address Mask (0~26bit)
#define R_SPI_FDATA00 0x10 ///< SPI Data 00 (32 bits)
#define R_SPI_FRAP 0x50 ///< SPI Flash Regions Access Permissions Register
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRWA_PLATFORM BIT12 //< Region write access for Region4 PlatformData
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRWA_GBE BIT11 //< Region write access for Region3 GbE
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRWA_SEC BIT10 ///< Region Write Access for Region2 SEC
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRWA_BIOS BIT9 ///< Region Write Access for Region1 BIOS
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRWA_FLASHD BIT8 ///< Region Write Access for Region0 Flash Descriptor
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRRA_PLATFORM BIT4 ///< Region read access for Region4 PlatformData
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRRA_GBE BIT3 ///< Region read access for Region3 GbE
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRRA_SEC BIT2 ///< Region Read Access for Region2 SEC
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRRA_BIOS BIT1 ///< Region Read Access for Region1 BIOS
#define B_SPI_FRAP_BRRA_FLASHD BIT0 ///< Region Read Access for Region0 Flash Descriptor
#define R_SPI_FREG0_FLASHD 0x54 ///< Flash Region 0 (Flash Descriptor) (32bits)
#define B_SPI_FREG0_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Size, [30:16] here represents limit[26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG0_LIMIT 4 ///< Bit 30:16 identifies address bits [26:12]
#define B_SPI_FREG0_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Base, [14:0] here represents base [26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG0_BASE 12 ///< Bit 14:0 identifies address bits [26:2]
#define R_SPI_FREG1_BIOS 0x58 ///< Flash Region 1 (BIOS) (32bits)
#define B_SPI_FREG1_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Size, [30:16] here represents limit[26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG1_LIMIT 4 ///< Bit 30:16 identifies address bits [26:12]
#define B_SPI_FREG1_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Base, [14:0] here represents base [26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG1_BASE 12 ///< Bit 14:0 identifies address bits [26:2]
#define R_SPI_FREG2_SEC 0x5C ///< Flash Region 2 (SEC) (32bits)
#define B_SPI_FREG2_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Size, [30:16] here represents limit[26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG2_LIMIT 4 //< Bit 30:16 identifies address bits [26:12]
#define B_SPI_FREG2_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Base, [14:0] here represents base [26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG2_BASE 12 //< Bit 14:0 identifies address bits [26:2]
#define R_SPI_FREG3_GBE 0x60 //< Flash Region 3(GbE)(32bits)
#define B_SPI_FREG3_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Size, [30:16] here represents limit[26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG3_LIMIT 4 //< Bit 30:16 identifies address bits [26:12]
#define B_SPI_FREG3_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Base, [14:0] here represents base [26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG3_BASE 12 //< Bit 14:0 identifies address bits [26:2]
#define R_SPI_FREG4_PLATFORM_DATA 0x64 ///< Flash Region 4 (Platform Data) (32bits)
#define B_SPI_FREG4_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Size, [30:16] here represents limit[26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG4_LIMIT 4 ///< Bit 30:16 identifies address bits [26:12]
#define B_SPI_FREG4_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Base, [14:0] here represents base [26:12]
#define N_SPI_FREG4_BASE 12 ///< Bit 14:0 identifies address bits [26:2]
#define S_SPI_FREGX 4 ///< Size of Flash Region register
#define B_SPI_FREGX_LIMIT_MASK 0x7FFF0000 ///< Flash Region Limit [30:16] represents [26:12], [11:0] are assumed to be FFFh
#define N_SPI_FREGX_LIMIT 16 ///< Region limit bit position
#define N_SPI_FREGX_LIMIT_REPR 12 ///< Region limit bit represents position
#define B_SPI_FREGX_BASE_MASK 0x00007FFF ///< Flash Region Base, [14:0] represents [26:12]
#define R_SPI_FDOC 0xB4 ///< Flash Descriptor Observability Control Register (32 bits)
#define B_SPI_FDOC_FDSS_MASK (BIT14 | BIT13 | BIT12) ///< Flash Descriptor Section Select
#define V_SPI_FDOC_FDSS_FSDM 0x0000 ///< Flash Signature and Descriptor Map
#define V_SPI_FDOC_FDSS_COMP 0x1000 ///< Component
#define B_SPI_FDOC_FDSI_MASK 0x0FFC ///< Flash Descriptor Section Index
#define R_SPI_FDOD 0xB8 ///< Flash Descriptor Observability Data Register (32 bits)
#define R_SPI_LVSCC 0xC4 ///