## @file # # This package manage the VPD PCD information file which will be generated # by build tool's autogen. # The VPD PCD information file will be input for third-party BPDG tool which # is pointed by *_*_*_VPD_TOOL_GUID in conf/tools_def.txt # # # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # import Common.LongFilePathOs as os import re import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger import Common.BuildToolError as BuildToolError import subprocess import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open from Common.Misc import SaveFileOnChange from Common.DataType import * FILE_COMMENT_TEMPLATE = \ """ ## @file # # THIS IS AUTO-GENERATED FILE BY BUILD TOOLS AND PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATION. # # This file lists all VPD informations for a platform collected by build.exe. # # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # """ ## The class manage VpdInfoFile. # # This file contains an ordered (based on position in the DSC file) list of the PCDs specified in the platform description file (DSC). The Value field that will be assigned to the PCD comes from the DSC file, INF file (if not defined in the DSC file) or the DEC file (if not defined in the INF file). This file is used as an input to the BPDG tool. # Format for this file (using EBNF notation) is: # :: = [] # []* # ::= ["#" ]* # ::= "|" "|" "|" # ::= "." # ::= C Variable Name of the Token Space GUID # ::= C Variable Name of the PCD # ::= {"*"} {} # ::= "0x" (a-fA-F0-9){1,8} # ::= # ::= {} {} {} {} # ::= (0-9)+ # ::= ["L"] # ::= 0x22 # ::= {} {} # ::= "{" ["," ]* "}" # ::= ["," ]* # class VpdInfoFile: _rVpdPcdLine = None ## Constructor def __init__(self): ## Dictionary for VPD in following format # # Key : PcdClassObject instance. # @see BuildClassObject.PcdClassObject # Value : offset in different SKU such as [sku1_offset, sku2_offset] self._VpdArray = {} self._VpdInfo = {} ## Add a VPD PCD collected from platform's autogen when building. # # @param vpds The list of VPD PCD collected for a platform. # @see BuildClassObject.PcdClassObject # # @param offset integer value for VPD's offset in specific SKU. # def Add(self, Vpd, skuname, Offset): if (Vpd is None): EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Invalid VPD PCD entry.") if not (Offset >= "0" or Offset == "*"): EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid offset parameter: %s." % Offset) if Vpd.DatumType == TAB_VOID: if Vpd.MaxDatumSize <= "0": EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid max datum size for VPD PCD %s.%s" % (Vpd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Vpd.TokenCName)) elif Vpd.DatumType in TAB_PCD_NUMERIC_TYPES: if not Vpd.MaxDatumSize: Vpd.MaxDatumSize = MAX_SIZE_TYPE[Vpd.DatumType] else: if Vpd.MaxDatumSize <= "0": EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid max datum size for VPD PCD %s.%s" % (Vpd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Vpd.TokenCName)) if Vpd not in self._VpdArray: # # If there is no Vpd instance in dict, that imply this offset for a given SKU is a new one # self._VpdArray[Vpd] = {} self._VpdArray[Vpd].update({skuname:Offset}) ## Generate VPD PCD information into a text file # # If parameter FilePath is invalid, then assert. # If # @param FilePath The given file path which would hold VPD information def Write(self, FilePath): if not (FilePath is not None or len(FilePath) != 0): EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.PARAMETER_INVALID, "Invalid parameter FilePath: %s." % FilePath) Content = FILE_COMMENT_TEMPLATE Pcds = sorted(self._VpdArray.keys(), key=lambda x: x.TokenCName) for Pcd in Pcds: i = 0 PcdTokenCName = Pcd.TokenCName for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd: if (Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]: PcdTokenCName = PcdItem[0] for skuname in self._VpdArray[Pcd]: PcdValue = str(Pcd.SkuInfoList[skuname].DefaultValue).strip() if PcdValue == "" : PcdValue = Pcd.DefaultValue Content += "%s.%s|%s|%s|%s|%s \n" % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdTokenCName, skuname, str(self._VpdArray[Pcd][skuname]).strip(), str(Pcd.MaxDatumSize).strip(), PcdValue) i += 1 return SaveFileOnChange(FilePath, Content, False) ## Read an existing VPD PCD info file. # # This routine will read VPD PCD information from existing file and construct # internal PcdClassObject array. # This routine could be used by third-party tool to parse VPD info file content. # # @param FilePath The full path string for existing VPD PCD info file. def Read(self, FilePath): try: fd = open(FilePath, "r") except: EdkLogger.error("VpdInfoFile", BuildToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "Fail to open file %s for written." % FilePath) Lines = fd.readlines() for Line in Lines: Line = Line.strip() if len(Line) == 0 or Line.startswith("#"): continue # # the line must follow output format defined in BPDG spec. # try: PcdName, SkuId, Offset, Size, Value = Line.split("#")[0].split("|") PcdName, SkuId, Offset, Size, Value = PcdName.strip(), SkuId.strip(), Offset.strip(), Size.strip(), Value.strip() TokenSpaceName, PcdTokenName = PcdName.split(".") except: EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.PARSER_ERROR, "Fail to parse VPD information file %s" % FilePath) Found = False if (TokenSpaceName, PcdTokenName) not in self._VpdInfo: self._VpdInfo[(TokenSpaceName, PcdTokenName)] = [] self._VpdInfo[(TokenSpaceName, PcdTokenName)].append((SkuId, Offset, Value)) for VpdObject in self._VpdArray: VpdObjectTokenCName = VpdObject.TokenCName for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd: if (VpdObject.TokenCName, VpdObject.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]: VpdObjectTokenCName = PcdItem[0] for sku in VpdObject.SkuInfoList: if VpdObject.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TokenSpaceName and VpdObjectTokenCName == PcdTokenName.strip() and sku == SkuId: if self._VpdArray[VpdObject][sku] == "*": if Offset == "*": EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "The offset of %s has not been fixed up by third-party BPDG tool." % PcdName) self._VpdArray[VpdObject][sku] = Offset Found = True if not Found: EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.PARSER_ERROR, "Can not find PCD defined in VPD guid file.") ## Get count of VPD PCD collected from platform's autogen when building. # # @return The integer count value def GetCount(self): Count = 0 for OffsetList in self._VpdArray.values(): Count += len(OffsetList) return Count ## Get an offset value for a given VPD PCD # # Because BPDG only support one Sku, so only return offset for SKU default. # # @param vpd A given VPD PCD def GetOffset(self, vpd): if vpd not in self._VpdArray: return None if len(self._VpdArray[vpd]) == 0: return None return self._VpdArray[vpd] def GetVpdInfo(self, arg): (PcdTokenName, TokenSpaceName) = arg return self._VpdInfo.get((TokenSpaceName, PcdTokenName)) ## Call external BPDG tool to process VPD file # # @param ToolPath The string path name for BPDG tool # @param VpdFileName The string path name for VPD information guid.txt # def CallExtenalBPDGTool(ToolPath, VpdFileName): assert ToolPath is not None, "Invalid parameter ToolPath" assert VpdFileName is not None and os.path.exists(VpdFileName), "Invalid parameter VpdFileName" OutputDir = os.path.dirname(VpdFileName) FileName = os.path.basename(VpdFileName) BaseName, ext = os.path.splitext(FileName) OutputMapFileName = os.path.join(OutputDir, "%s.map" % BaseName) OutputBinFileName = os.path.join(OutputDir, "%s.bin" % BaseName) try: PopenObject = subprocess.Popen(' '.join([ToolPath, '-o', OutputBinFileName, '-m', OutputMapFileName, '-q', '-f', VpdFileName]), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr= subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) except Exception as X: EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.COMMAND_FAILURE, ExtraData=str(X)) (out, error) = PopenObject.communicate() print(out.decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')) while PopenObject.returncode is None : PopenObject.wait() if PopenObject.returncode != 0: if PopenObject.returncode != 0: EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_1, "Fail to call BPDG tool", str(error)) EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.COMMAND_FAILURE, "Fail to execute BPDG tool with exit code: %d, the error message is: \n %s" % \ (PopenObject.returncode, str(error))) return PopenObject.returncode