/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: DebugLib.c Abstract: UEFI Debug Library that uses PrintLib to send messages to STDERR --*/ static BOOLEAN mDebugLevelInstalled = FALSE; static EFI_DEBUG_LEVEL_PROTOCOL mDebugLevel = { 0 }; EFI_STATUS DebugLibConstructor ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Returns: --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Initialize Debug Level Protocol // mDebugLevel.DebugLevel = PcdGet32(PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel); // // Install Debug Level Protocol // Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( &ImageHandle, &gEfiDebugLevelProtocolGuid, &mDebugLevel, NULL ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Set flag to show that the Debug Level Protocol has been installed // mDebugLevelInstalled = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID EFIAPI DebugPrint ( IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CHAR8 *Format, ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Wrapper for DebugVPrint () Arguments: ErrorLevel - If error level is set do the debug print. Format - String to use for the print, followed by Print arguments. ... - Print arguments. Returns: None --*/ { CHAR16 Buffer[0x100]; CHAR16 UnicodeBuffer[0x100]; UINT32 Index; VA_LIST Marker; // // Check to see if STDERR is avilable // if (gST->StdErr == NULL) { return; } // // Check driver Debug Level value and global debug level // if (mDebugLevelInstalled) { if ((ErrorLevel & mDebugLevel.DebugLevel) == 0) { return; } } else { if ((ErrorLevel & PcdGet32(PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel)) == 0) { return; } } // // BUGBUG: Need print that take CHAR8 Format and returns CHAR16 Buffer // for (Index = 0; Format[Index] != 0; Index++) { UnicodeBuffer[Index] = Format[Index]; } UnicodeBuffer[Index] = Format[Index]; // // Convert the DEBUG() message to a Unicode String // VA_START (Marker, Format); UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), UnicodeBuffer, Marker); VA_END (Marker); // // Send the print string to the Standard Error device // gST->StdErr->OutputString (gST->StdErr, Buffer); } VOID EFIAPI DebugAssert ( IN CHAR8 *FileName, IN INTN LineNumber, IN CHAR8 *Description ) /*++ Routine Description: Worker function for ASSERT(). If Error Logging hub is loaded log ASSERT information. If Error Logging hub is not loaded CpuBreakpoint (). We use UINT64 buffers due to IPF alignment concerns. Arguments: FileName - File name of failing routine. LineNumber - Line number of failing ASSERT(). Description - Descritption, usally the assertion, Returns: None --*/ { CHAR16 Buffer[0x100]; // // Check to see if STDERR is avilable // if (gST->StdErr == NULL) { return; } // // Generate the ASSERT() message in Unicode format // UnicodeSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), (CHAR16 *)L"ASSERT %s(%d): %s\n", FileName, LineNumber, Description); // // Send the print string to the Standard Error device // gST->StdErr->OutputString (gST->StdErr, Buffer); // // Put break point in module that contained the error. // CpuBreakpoint (); } /** Fills a target buffer with PcdDebugClearMemoryValue, and returns the target buffer. This function fills Length bytes of Buffer with the value specified by PcdDebugClearMemoryValue, and returns Buffer. If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT(). If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS – Buffer + 1), then ASSERT(). @param Buffer Pointer to the target buffer to fill with PcdDebugClearMemoryValue. @param Length Number of bytes in Buffer to fill with zeros PcdDebugClearMemoryValue. @return Buffer **/ VOID * EFIAPI DebugClearMemory ( OUT VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Length ) { // SetMem (Buffer, Length, PcdGet8(PcdDebugClearMemoryValue)); SetMem (Buffer, Length, 0xAF); return Buffer; } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugAssertEnabled ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet8(PcdDebugPropertyMask) & DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED) != 0); } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPrintEnabled ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet8(PcdDebugPropertyMask) & DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED) != 0); } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugCodeEnabled ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet8(PcdDebugPropertyMask) & DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED) != 0); } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugClearMemoryEnabled ( VOID ) { return ((PcdGet8(PcdDebugPropertyMask) & DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED) != 0); }