/** @file Copyright (c) 2005 - 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: Ip4If.c Abstract: Implement IP4 pesudo interface. **/ #include "Ip4Impl.h" // // Mac address with all zero, used to determine whethter the ARP // resolve succeeded. Failed ARP requests zero the MAC address buffer. // STATIC EFI_MAC_ADDRESS mZeroMacAddress; STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnFrameSent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnArpResolved ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnFrameReceived ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); STATIC VOID Ip4CancelFrameArp ( IN IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue, IN EFI_STATUS IoStatus, IN IP4_FRAME_TO_CANCEL FrameToCancel, OPTIONAL IN VOID *Context ); /** Wrap a transmit request into a newly allocated IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN. @param Interface The interface to send out from @param IpInstance The IpInstance that transmit the packet. NULL if the packet is sent by the IP4 driver itself. @param Packet The packet to transmit @param CallBack Call back function to execute if transmission finished. @param Context Opaque parameter to the call back. @return The wrapped token if succeed or NULL **/ STATIC IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN * Ip4WrapLinkTxToken ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance, OPTIONAL IN NET_BUF *Packet, IN IP4_FRAME_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *MnpToken; EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_TRANSMIT_DATA *MnpTxData; IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Count; Token = NetAllocatePool (sizeof (IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN) + \ (Packet->BlockOpNum - 1) * sizeof (EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_FRAGMENT_DATA)); if (Token == NULL) { return NULL; } Token->Signature = IP4_FRAME_TX_SIGNATURE; NetListInit (&Token->Link); Token->Interface = Interface; Token->IpInstance = IpInstance; Token->CallBack = CallBack; Token->Packet = Packet; Token->Context = Context; CopyMem (&Token->DstMac, &mZeroMacAddress, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Token->SrcMac, &Interface->Mac, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); MnpToken = &(Token->MnpToken); MnpToken->Status = EFI_NOT_READY; Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4OnFrameSent, Token, &MnpToken->Event ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { NetFreePool (Token); return NULL; } MnpTxData = &Token->MnpTxData; MnpToken->Packet.TxData = MnpTxData; MnpTxData->DestinationAddress = &Token->DstMac; MnpTxData->SourceAddress = &Token->SrcMac; MnpTxData->ProtocolType = IP4_ETHER_PROTO; MnpTxData->DataLength = Packet->TotalSize; MnpTxData->HeaderLength = 0; Count = Packet->BlockOpNum; NetbufBuildExt (Packet, (NET_FRAGMENT *) MnpTxData->FragmentTable, &Count); MnpTxData->FragmentCount = (UINT16)Count; return Token; } /** Free the link layer transmit token. It will close the event then free the memory used. @param Token Token to free @return NONE **/ STATIC VOID Ip4FreeLinkTxToken ( IN IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token ) { NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Token, IP4_FRAME_TX_SIGNATURE); gBS->CloseEvent (Token->MnpToken.Event); NetFreePool (Token); } /** Create an IP_ARP_QUE structure to request ARP service. @param Interface The interface to send ARP from. @param DestIp The destination IP (host byte order) to request MAC for @return Point to newly created IP4_ARP_QUE if succeed, otherwise NULL. **/ STATIC IP4_ARP_QUE * Ip4CreateArpQue ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_ADDR DestIp ) { IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue; EFI_STATUS Status; ArpQue = NetAllocatePool (sizeof (IP4_ARP_QUE)); if (ArpQue == NULL) { return NULL; } ArpQue->Signature = IP4_FRAME_ARP_SIGNATURE; NetListInit (&ArpQue->Link); NetListInit (&ArpQue->Frames); ArpQue->Interface = Interface; Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4OnArpResolved, ArpQue, &ArpQue->OnResolved ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { NetFreePool (ArpQue); return NULL; } ArpQue->Ip = DestIp; CopyMem (&ArpQue->Mac, &mZeroMacAddress, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); return ArpQue; } /** Remove all the transmit requests queued on the ARP queue, then free it. @param ArpQue Arp queue to free @param IoStatus The transmit status returned to transmit requests' callback. @return NONE **/ STATIC VOID Ip4FreeArpQue ( IN IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue, IN EFI_STATUS IoStatus ) { NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (ArpQue, IP4_FRAME_ARP_SIGNATURE); // // Remove all the frame waiting the ARP response // Ip4CancelFrameArp (ArpQue, IoStatus, NULL, NULL); gBS->CloseEvent (ArpQue->OnResolved); NetFreePool (ArpQue); } /** Create a link layer receive token to wrap the receive request @param Interface The interface to receive from @param IpInstance The instance that request the receive (NULL for IP4 driver itself) @param CallBack Call back function to execute when finished. @param Context Opaque parameters to the callback @return Point to created IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN if succeed, otherwise NULL. **/ STATIC IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN * Ip4CreateLinkRxToken ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance, IN IP4_FRAME_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *MnpToken; IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Token; EFI_STATUS Status; Token = NetAllocatePool (sizeof (IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN)); if (Token == NULL) { return NULL; } Token->Signature = IP4_FRAME_RX_SIGNATURE; Token->Interface = Interface; Token->IpInstance = IpInstance; Token->CallBack = CallBack; Token->Context = Context; MnpToken = &Token->MnpToken; MnpToken->Status = EFI_NOT_READY; Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4OnFrameReceived, Token, &MnpToken->Event ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { NetFreePool (Token); return NULL; } MnpToken->Packet.RxData = NULL; return Token; } /** Free the link layer request token. It will close the event then free the memory used. @param Token Request token to free @return NONE **/ STATIC VOID Ip4FreeFrameRxToken ( IN IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Token ) { NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Token, IP4_FRAME_RX_SIGNATURE); gBS->CloseEvent (Token->MnpToken.Event); NetFreePool (Token); } /** Remove all the frames on the ARP queue that pass the FrameToCancel, that is, either FrameToCancel is NULL or it returns true for the frame. @param ArpQue ARP frame to remove the frames from. @param IoStatus The status returned to the cancelled frames' callback function. @param FrameToCancel Function to select which frame to cancel. @param Context Opaque parameter to the FrameToCancel. @return NONE **/ STATIC VOID Ip4CancelFrameArp ( IN IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue, IN EFI_STATUS IoStatus, IN IP4_FRAME_TO_CANCEL FrameToCancel, OPTIONAL IN VOID *Context ) { NET_LIST_ENTRY *Entry; NET_LIST_ENTRY *Next; IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &ArpQue->Frames) { Token = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN, Link); if ((FrameToCancel == NULL) || FrameToCancel (Token, Context)) { NetListRemoveEntry (Entry); Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, Token->Packet, IoStatus, 0, Token->Context); Ip4FreeLinkTxToken (Token); } } } /** Remove all the frames on the interface that pass the FrameToCancel, either queued on ARP queues or that have already been delivered to MNP and not yet recycled. @param Interface Interface to remove the frames from @param IoStatus The transmit status returned to the frames' callback @param FrameToCancel Function to select the frame to cancel, NULL to select all @param Context Opaque parameters passed to FrameToCancel @return NONE **/ VOID Ip4CancelFrames ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN EFI_STATUS IoStatus, IN IP4_FRAME_TO_CANCEL FrameToCancel, OPTIONAL IN VOID *Context ) { NET_LIST_ENTRY *Entry; NET_LIST_ENTRY *Next; IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue; IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; // // Cancel all the pending frames on ARP requests // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &Interface->ArpQues) { ArpQue = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_ARP_QUE, Link); Ip4CancelFrameArp (ArpQue, IoStatus, FrameToCancel, Context); if (NetListIsEmpty (&ArpQue->Frames)) { NetListRemoveEntry (Entry); Interface->Arp->Cancel (Interface->Arp, &ArpQue->Ip, ArpQue->OnResolved); Ip4FreeArpQue (ArpQue, EFI_ABORTED); } } // // Cancel all the frames that have been delivered to MNP // but not yet recycled. // NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &Interface->SentFrames) { Token = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN, Link); if ((FrameToCancel == NULL) || FrameToCancel (Token, Context)) { NetListRemoveEntry (Entry); Interface->Mnp->Cancel (Interface->Mnp, &Token->MnpToken); Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, Token->Packet, IoStatus, 0, Token->Context); Ip4FreeLinkTxToken (Token); } } } /** Create an IP4_INTERFACE. Delay the creation of ARP instance until the interface is configured. @param Mnp The shared MNP child of this IP4 service binding instance @param Controller The controller this IP4 service binding instance is installed. Most like the UNDI handle. @param ImageHandle This driver's image handle @return Point to the created IP4_INTERFACE, otherwise NULL. **/ IP4_INTERFACE * Ip4CreateInterface ( IN EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_PROTOCOL *Mnp, IN EFI_HANDLE Controller, IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle ) { IP4_INTERFACE *Interface; EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE SnpMode; Interface = NetAllocatePool (sizeof (IP4_INTERFACE)); if ((Interface == NULL) || (Mnp == NULL)) { return NULL; } Interface->Signature = IP4_INTERFACE_SIGNATURE; NetListInit (&Interface->Link); Interface->RefCnt = 1; Interface->Ip = IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS; Interface->SubnetMask = IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS; Interface->Configured = FALSE; Interface->Controller = Controller; Interface->Image = ImageHandle; Interface->Mnp = Mnp; Interface->Arp = NULL; Interface->ArpHandle = NULL; NetListInit (&Interface->ArpQues); NetListInit (&Interface->SentFrames); Interface->RecvRequest = NULL; // // Get the interface's Mac address and broadcast mac address from SNP // if (EFI_ERROR (Mnp->GetModeData (Mnp, NULL, &SnpMode))) { NetFreePool (Interface); return NULL; } CopyMem (&Interface->Mac, &SnpMode.CurrentAddress, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Interface->BroadcastMac, &SnpMode.BroadcastAddress, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); Interface->HwaddrLen = SnpMode.HwAddressSize; NetListInit (&Interface->IpInstances); Interface->PromiscRecv = FALSE; return Interface; } /** Set the interface's address, create and configure the ARP child if necessary. @param Interface The interface to set the address @param IpAddr The interface's IP address @param SubnetMask The interface's netmask @retval EFI_SUCCESS The interface is configured with Ip/netmask pair, and a ARP is created for it. @retval Others Failed to set the interface's address. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4SetAddress ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_ADDR IpAddr, IN IP4_ADDR SubnetMask ) { EFI_ARP_CONFIG_DATA ArpConfig; EFI_STATUS Status; INTN Type; INTN Len; IP4_ADDR Netmask; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Interface, IP4_INTERFACE_SIGNATURE); ASSERT (!Interface->Configured); // // Set the ip/netmask, then compute the subnet broadcast // and network broadcast for easy access. When computing // nework broadcast, the subnet mask is most like longer // than the default netmask (not subneted) as defined in // RFC793. If that isn't the case, we are aggregating the // networks, use the subnet's mask instead. // Interface->Ip = IpAddr; Interface->SubnetMask = SubnetMask; Interface->SubnetBrdcast = (IpAddr | ~SubnetMask); Type = NetGetIpClass (IpAddr); Len = NetGetMaskLength (SubnetMask); Netmask = mIp4AllMasks[NET_MIN (Len, Type << 3)]; Interface->NetBrdcast = (IpAddr | ~Netmask); // // If the address is NOT all zero, create then configure an ARP child. // Pay attention: DHCP configures its station address as // Interface->Arp = NULL; Interface->ArpHandle = NULL; if (IpAddr != IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS) { Status = NetLibCreateServiceChild ( Interface->Controller, Interface->Image, &gEfiArpServiceBindingProtocolGuid, &Interface->ArpHandle ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status;; } Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Interface->ArpHandle, &gEfiArpProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Interface->Arp, Interface->Image, Interface->Controller, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } IpAddr = HTONL (IpAddr); ArpConfig.SwAddressType = IP4_ETHER_PROTO; ArpConfig.SwAddressLength = 4; ArpConfig.StationAddress = &IpAddr; ArpConfig.EntryTimeOut = 0; ArpConfig.RetryCount = 0; ArpConfig.RetryTimeOut = 0; Status = Interface->Arp->Configure (Interface->Arp, &ArpConfig); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->CloseProtocol ( Interface->ArpHandle, &gEfiArpProtocolGuid, Interface->Image, Interface->Controller ); goto ON_ERROR; } } Interface->Configured = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; ON_ERROR: NetLibDestroyServiceChild ( Interface->Controller, Interface->Image, &gEfiArpServiceBindingProtocolGuid, &Interface->ArpHandle ); return Status; } /** Fileter function to cancel all the frame related to an IP instance. @param Frame The transmit request to test whether to cancel @param Context The context which is the Ip instance that issued the transmit. @retval TRUE The frame belongs to this instance and is to be removed @retval FALSE The frame doesn't belong to this instance. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN Ip4CancelInstanceFrame ( IN IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Frame, IN VOID *Context ) { if (Frame->IpInstance == (IP4_PROTOCOL *) Context) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** If there is a pending receive request, cancel it. Don't call the receive request's callback because this function can be only called if the instance or driver is tearing itself down. It doesn't make sense to call it back. But it is necessary to call the transmit token's callback to give it a chance to free the packet and update the upper layer's transmit request status, say that from the UDP. @param Interface The interface used by the IpInstance @return None **/ VOID Ip4CancelReceive ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Token; if ((Token = Interface->RecvRequest) != NULL) { OldTpl = NET_RAISE_TPL (NET_TPL_LOCK); Interface->RecvRequest = NULL; Interface->Mnp->Cancel (Interface->Mnp, &Token->MnpToken); Ip4FreeFrameRxToken (Token); NET_RESTORE_TPL (OldTpl); } } /** Free the interface used by IpInstance. All the IP instance with the same Ip/Netmask pair share the same interface. It is reference counted. All the frames haven't been sent will be cancelled. Because the IpInstance is optional, the caller must remove IpInstance from the interface's instance list itself. @param Interface The interface used by the IpInstance @param IpInstance The Ip instance that free the interface. NULL if the Ip driver is releasing the default interface. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The interface use IpInstance is freed. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4FreeInterface ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance OPTIONAL ) { NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Interface, IP4_INTERFACE_SIGNATURE); ASSERT (Interface->RefCnt > 0); // // Remove all the pending transmit token related to this IP instance. // Ip4CancelFrames (Interface, EFI_ABORTED, Ip4CancelInstanceFrame, IpInstance); if (--Interface->RefCnt > 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Destory the interface if this is the last IP instance that // has the address. Remove all the system transmitted packets // from this interface, cancel the receive request if there is // one, and destory the ARP requests. // Ip4CancelFrames (Interface, EFI_ABORTED, Ip4CancelInstanceFrame, NULL); Ip4CancelReceive (Interface); ASSERT (NetListIsEmpty (&Interface->IpInstances)); ASSERT (NetListIsEmpty (&Interface->ArpQues)); ASSERT (NetListIsEmpty (&Interface->SentFrames)); if (Interface->Arp != NULL) { gBS->CloseProtocol ( Interface->ArpHandle, &gEfiArpProtocolGuid, Interface->Image, Interface->Controller ); NetLibDestroyServiceChild ( Interface->Controller, Interface->Image, &gEfiArpServiceBindingProtocolGuid, Interface->ArpHandle ); } NetListRemoveEntry (&Interface->Link); NetFreePool (Interface); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Callback function when ARP request are finished. It will cancelled all the queued frame if the ARP requests failed. Or transmit them if the request succeed. @param Event The Arp request event @param Context The context of the callback, a point to the ARP queue @return None **/ STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnArpResolved ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { NET_LIST_ENTRY *Entry; NET_LIST_ENTRY *Next; IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue; IP4_INTERFACE *Interface; IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; EFI_STATUS Status; ArpQue = (IP4_ARP_QUE *) Context; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (ArpQue, IP4_FRAME_ARP_SIGNATURE); NetListRemoveEntry (&ArpQue->Link); // // ARP resolve failed for some reason. Release all the frame // and ARP queue itself. Ip4FreeArpQue will call the frame's // owner back. // if (NET_MAC_EQUAL (&ArpQue->Mac, &mZeroMacAddress, ArpQue->Interface->HwaddrLen)) { Ip4FreeArpQue (ArpQue, EFI_NO_MAPPING); return ; } // // ARP resolve succeeded, Transmit all the frame. Release the ARP // queue. It isn't necessary for us to cache the ARP binding because // we always check the ARP cache first before transmit. // Interface = ArpQue->Interface; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &ArpQue->Frames) { NetListRemoveEntry (Entry); Token = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN, Link); CopyMem (&Token->DstMac, &ArpQue->Mac, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); Status = Interface->Mnp->Transmit (Interface->Mnp, &Token->MnpToken); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, Token->Packet, Status, 0, Token->Context); Ip4FreeLinkTxToken (Token); continue; } NetListInsertTail (&Interface->SentFrames, &Token->Link); } Ip4FreeArpQue (ArpQue, EFI_SUCCESS); } /** Callback funtion when frame transmission is finished. It will call the frame owner's callback function to tell it the result. @param Event The transmit token's event @param Context Context which is point to the token. @return None. **/ STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnFrameSent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; Token = (IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *) Context; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Token, IP4_FRAME_TX_SIGNATURE); NetListRemoveEntry (&Token->Link); Token->CallBack ( Token->IpInstance, Token->Packet, Token->MnpToken.Status, 0, Token->Context ); Ip4FreeLinkTxToken (Token); } /** Send a frame from the interface. If the next hop is broadcast or multicast address, it is transmitted immediately. If the next hop is a unicast, it will consult ARP to resolve the NextHop's MAC. If some error happened, the CallBack won't be called. So, the caller must test the return value, and take action when there is an error. @param Interface The interface to send the frame from @param IpInstance The IP child that request the transmission. NULL if it is the IP4 driver itself. @param Packet The packet to transmit. @param NextHop The immediate destination to transmit the packet to. @param CallBack Function to call back when transmit finished. @param Context Opaque parameter to the call back. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resource to send the frame @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING Can't resolve the MAC for the nexthop @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet is successfully transmitted. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4SendFrame ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance, OPTIONAL IN NET_BUF *Packet, IN IP4_ADDR NextHop, IN IP4_FRAME_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_LINK_TX_TOKEN *Token; NET_LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_ARP_QUE *ArpQue; EFI_ARP_PROTOCOL *Arp; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (Interface->Configured); Token = Ip4WrapLinkTxToken (Interface, IpInstance, Packet, CallBack, Context); if (Token == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Get the destination MAC address for multicast and broadcasts. // Don't depend on ARP to solve the address since there maybe no // ARP at all. Ip4Output has set NextHop to for // all the broadcasts. // if (NextHop == IP4_ALLONE_ADDRESS) { CopyMem (&Token->DstMac, &Interface->BroadcastMac, sizeof (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS)); goto SEND_NOW; } else if (IP4_IS_MULTICAST (NextHop)) { Status = Ip4GetMulticastMac (Interface->Mnp, NextHop, &Token->DstMac); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } goto SEND_NOW; } // // Can only send out multicast/broadcast if the IP address is zero // if ((Arp = Interface->Arp) == NULL) { Status = EFI_NO_MAPPING; goto ON_ERROR; } // // First check whether this binding is in the ARP cache. // NextHop = HTONL (NextHop); Status = Arp->Request (Arp, &NextHop, NULL, &Token->DstMac); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { goto SEND_NOW; } else if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { goto ON_ERROR; } // // Have to do asynchronous ARP resolution. First check // whether there is already a pending request. // ArpQue = NULL; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &Interface->ArpQues) { ArpQue = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_ARP_QUE, Link); if (ArpQue->Ip == NextHop) { break; } } // // Found a pending ARP request, enqueue the frame then return // if (Entry != &Interface->ArpQues) { NetListInsertTail (&ArpQue->Frames, &Token->Link); return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // First frame to NextHop, issue an asynchronous ARP requests // ArpQue = Ip4CreateArpQue (Interface, NextHop); if (ArpQue == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_ERROR; } Status = Arp->Request (Arp, &ArpQue->Ip, ArpQue->OnResolved, ArpQue->Mac.Addr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Status != EFI_NOT_READY)) { Ip4FreeArpQue (ArpQue, EFI_NO_MAPPING); goto ON_ERROR; } NetListInsertHead (&ArpQue->Frames, &Token->Link); NetListInsertHead (&Interface->ArpQues, &ArpQue->Link); return EFI_SUCCESS; SEND_NOW: Status = Interface->Mnp->Transmit (Interface->Mnp, &Token->MnpToken); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_ERROR; } NetListInsertTail (&Interface->SentFrames, &Token->Link); return EFI_SUCCESS; ON_ERROR: Ip4FreeLinkTxToken (Token); return Status; } /** Call back function when the received packet is freed. Check Ip4OnFrameReceived for information. @param Context Context, which is the IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN. @return None. **/ STATIC VOID Ip4RecycleFrame ( IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Frame; Frame = (IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *) Context; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Frame, IP4_FRAME_RX_SIGNATURE); gBS->SignalEvent (Frame->MnpToken.Packet.RxData->RecycleEvent); Ip4FreeFrameRxToken (Frame); } /** Received a frame from MNP, wrap it in net buffer then deliver it to IP's input function. The ownship of the packet also transferred to IP. When Ip is finished with this packet, it will call NetbufFree to release the packet, NetbufFree will again call the Ip4RecycleFrame to signal MNP's event and free the token used. @param Event The receive event delivered to MNP for receive. @param Context Context for the callback. @return None. **/ STATIC VOID EFIAPI Ip4OnFrameReceived ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *MnpToken; EFI_MANAGED_NETWORK_RECEIVE_DATA *MnpRxData; IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Token; NET_FRAGMENT Netfrag; NET_BUF *Packet; UINT32 Flag; Token = (IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *) Context; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Token, IP4_FRAME_RX_SIGNATURE); // // First clear the interface's receive request in case the // caller wants to call Ip4ReceiveFrame in the callback. // Token->Interface->RecvRequest = NULL; MnpToken = &Token->MnpToken; MnpRxData = MnpToken->Packet.RxData; if (EFI_ERROR (MnpToken->Status) || (MnpRxData == NULL)) { Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, NULL, MnpToken->Status, 0, Token->Context); Ip4FreeFrameRxToken (Token); return ; } // // Wrap the frame in a net buffer then deliever it to IP input. // IP will reassemble the packet, and deliver it to upper layer // Netfrag.Len = MnpRxData->DataLength; Netfrag.Bulk = MnpRxData->PacketData; Packet = NetbufFromExt (&Netfrag, 1, 0, IP4_MAX_HEADLEN, Ip4RecycleFrame, Token); if (Packet == NULL) { gBS->SignalEvent (MnpRxData->RecycleEvent); Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, NULL, EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 0, Token->Context); Ip4FreeFrameRxToken (Token); return ; } Flag = (MnpRxData->BroadcastFlag ? IP4_LINK_BROADCAST : 0); Flag |= (MnpRxData->MulticastFlag ? IP4_LINK_MULTICAST : 0); Flag |= (MnpRxData->PromiscuousFlag ? IP4_LINK_PROMISC : 0); Token->CallBack (Token->IpInstance, Packet, EFI_SUCCESS, Flag, Token->Context); } /** Request to receive the packet from the interface. @param Interface The interface to receive the frames from @param IpInstance The instance that requests the receive. NULL for the driver itself. @param CallBack Function to call when receive finished. @param Context Opaque parameter to the callback @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED There is already a pending receive request. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resource to receive @retval EFI_SUCCESS The recieve request has been started. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4ReceiveFrame ( IN IP4_INTERFACE *Interface, IN IP4_PROTOCOL *IpInstance, OPTIONAL IN IP4_FRAME_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_LINK_RX_TOKEN *Token; EFI_STATUS Status; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (Interface, IP4_INTERFACE_SIGNATURE); if (Interface->RecvRequest != NULL) { return EFI_ALREADY_STARTED; } Token = Ip4CreateLinkRxToken (Interface, IpInstance, CallBack, Context); if (Token == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = Interface->Mnp->Receive (Interface->Mnp, &Token->MnpToken); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Ip4FreeFrameRxToken (Token); return Status; } Interface->RecvRequest = Token; return EFI_SUCCESS; }