/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: EfiDriverLib.h Abstract: Light weight lib to support EFI drivers. --*/ #ifndef _EFI_DRIVER_LIB_H_ #define _EFI_DRIVER_LIB_H_ #include "EfiStatusCode.h" #include "EfiCommonLib.h" #include "EfiPerf.h" #include "LinkedList.h" #include "GetImage.h" #include "EfiImageFormat.h" #include "EfiCompNameSupport.h" #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (DxeServices) #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (EventGroup) #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (EventLegacyBios) #include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (FrameworkDevicePath) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FirmwareVolume) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (FirmwareVolume2) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DataHub) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DriverBinding) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (ComponentName) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (ComponentName2) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DriverConfiguration) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DriverConfiguration2) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DriverDiagnostics) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DriverDiagnostics2) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (DebugMask) #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(ECP_CPU_IPF) VOID EFIAPI EcpEfiBreakPoint ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Generates a breakpoint on the CPU. Generates a breakpoint on the CPU. The breakpoint must be implemented such that code can resume normal execution after the breakpoint. Arguments: VOID Returns: VOID --*/ ; VOID EFIAPI EcpMemoryFence ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Used to serialize load and store operations. All loads and stores that proceed calls to this function are guaranteed to be globally visible when this function returns. Arguments: VOID Returns: VOID --*/ ; #endif typedef struct { CHAR8 *Language; CHAR16 *UnicodeString; } EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE; #if (EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION >= 0x00020000) #define LANGUAGE_RFC_3066 #define LANGUAGE_CODE_ENGLISH "en-US" #else #define LANGUAGE_ISO_639_2 #define LANGUAGE_CODE_ENGLISH "eng" #endif // // Macros for EFI Driver Library Functions that are really EFI Boot Services // #define EfiCopyMem(_Destination, _Source, _Length) gBS->CopyMem ((_Destination), (_Source), (_Length)) #define EfiSetMem(_Destination, _Length, _Value) gBS->SetMem ((_Destination), (_Length), (_Value)) #define EfiZeroMem(_Destination, _Length) gBS->SetMem ((_Destination), (_Length), 0) // // Driver Lib Globals. // extern EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *gBS; extern EFI_DXE_SERVICES *gDS; extern EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES *gRT; extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *gST; extern UINTN gErrorLevel; extern EFI_GUID gEfiCallerIdGuid; extern EFI_DEBUG_MASK_PROTOCOL *gDebugMaskInterface; EFI_STATUS EfiInitializeDriverLib ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize Driver Lib if it has not yet been initialized. Arguments: ImageHandle - The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. SystemTable - A pointer to the EFI System Table. Returns: EFI_STATUS always returns EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS DxeInitializeDriverLib ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize Driver Lib if it has not yet been initialized. Arguments: ImageHandle - The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image. SystemTable - A pointer to the EFI System Table. Returns: EFI_STATUS always returns EFI_SUCCESS --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibInstallDriverBinding ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable, IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *DriverBinding, IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize a driver by installing the Driver Binding Protocol onto the driver's DriverBindingHandle. This is typically the same as the driver's ImageHandle, but it can be different if the driver produces multiple DriverBinding Protocols. This function also initializes the EFI Driver Library that initializes the global variables gST, gBS, gRT. Arguments: ImageHandle - The image handle of the driver SystemTable - The EFI System Table that was passed to the driver's entry point DriverBinding - A Driver Binding Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverBindingHandle - The handle that DriverBinding is to be installe onto. If this parameter is NULL, then a new handle is created. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS is DriverBinding is installed onto DriverBindingHandle Otherwise, then return status from gBS->InstallProtocolInterface() --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibInstallAllDriverProtocols ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable, IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *DriverBinding, IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle, IN EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL *ComponentName, OPTIONAL IN EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION_PROTOCOL *DriverConfiguration, OPTIONAL IN EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS_PROTOCOL *DriverDiagnostics OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize a driver by installing the Driver Binding Protocol onto the driver's DriverBindingHandle. This is typically the same as the driver's ImageHandle, but it can be different if the driver produces multiple DriverBinding Protocols. This function also initializes the EFI Driver Library that initializes the global variables gST, gBS, gRT. Arguments: ImageHandle - The image handle of the driver SystemTable - The EFI System Table that was passed to the driver's entry point DriverBinding - A Driver Binding Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverBindingHandle - The handle that DriverBinding is to be installe onto. If this parameter is NULL, then a new handle is created. ComponentName - A Component Name Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverConfiguration - A Driver Configuration Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverDiagnostics - A Driver Diagnostics Protocol instance that this driver is producing Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if all the protocols were installed onto DriverBindingHandle Otherwise, then return status from gBS->InstallProtocolInterface() --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibInstallAllDriverProtocols2 ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable, IN EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL *DriverBinding, IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle, IN EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL *ComponentName2, OPTIONAL IN EFI_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION2_PROTOCOL *DriverConfiguration2, OPTIONAL IN EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTICS2_PROTOCOL *DriverDiagnostics2 OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Intialize a driver by installing the Driver Binding Protocol onto the driver's DriverBindingHandle. This is typically the same as the driver's ImageHandle, but it can be different if the driver produces multiple DriverBinding Protocols. This function also initializes the EFI Driver Library that initializes the global variables gST, gBS, gRT. Arguments: ImageHandle - The image handle of the driver SystemTable - The EFI System Table that was passed to the driver's entry point DriverBinding - A Driver Binding Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverBindingHandle - The handle that DriverBinding is to be installe onto. If this parameter is NULL, then a new handle is created. ComponentName2 - A Component Name2 Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverConfiguration2- A Driver Configuration2 Protocol instance that this driver is producing DriverDiagnostics2 - A Driver Diagnostics2 Protocol instance that this driver is producing Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if all the protocols were installed onto DriverBindingHandle Otherwise, then return status from gBS->InstallProtocolInterface() --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibGetSystemConfigurationTable ( IN EFI_GUID *TableGuid, OUT VOID **Table ) /*++ Routine Description: Return the EFI 1.0 System Tabl entry with TableGuid Arguments: TableGuid - Name of entry to return in the system table Table - Pointer in EFI system table associated with TableGuid Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Table returned; EFI_NOT_FOUND - TableGuid not in EFI system table --*/ ; BOOLEAN EfiLibCompareLanguage ( CHAR8 *Language1, CHAR8 *Language2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Compare two languages to say whether they are identical. Arguments: Language1 - first language Language2 - second language Returns: TRUE - identical FALSE - not identical --*/ ; // // DevicePath.c // BOOLEAN EfiIsDevicePathMultiInstance ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) /*++ Routine Description: Return TRUE is this is a multi instance device path. Arguments: DevicePath - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: TRUE - If DevicePath is multi instance. FALSE - If DevicePath is not multi instance. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiDevicePathInstance ( IN OUT EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL **DevicePath, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Function retrieves the next device path instance from a device path data structure. Arguments: DevicePath - A pointer to a device path data structure. Size - A pointer to the size of a device path instance in bytes. Returns: This function returns a pointer to the current device path instance. In addition, it returns the size in bytes of the current device path instance in Size, and a pointer to the next device path instance in DevicePath. If there are no more device path instances in DevicePath, then DevicePath will be set to NULL. --*/ ; UINTN EfiDevicePathSize ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath ) /*++ Routine Description: Calculate the size of a whole device path. Arguments: DevPath - The pointer to the device path data. Returns: Size of device path data structure.. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiAppendDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src1, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Function is used to append a Src1 and Src2 together. Arguments: Src1 - A pointer to a device path data structure. Src2 - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: A pointer to the new device path is returned. NULL is returned if space for the new device path could not be allocated from pool. It is up to the caller to free the memory used by Src1 and Src2 if they are no longer needed. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiDevicePathFromHandle ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: Locate device path protocol interface on a device handle. Arguments: Handle - The device handle Returns: Device path protocol interface located. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiDuplicateDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevPath ) /*++ Routine Description: Duplicate a new device path data structure from the old one. Arguments: DevPath - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: A pointer to the new allocated device path data. Caller must free the memory used by DevicePath if it is no longer needed. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiAppendDevicePathNode ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src1, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Function is used to append a device path node to the end of another device path. Arguments: Src1 - A pointer to a device path data structure. Src2 - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: This function returns a pointer to the new device path. If there is not enough temporary pool memory available to complete this function, then NULL is returned. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiFileDevicePath ( IN EFI_HANDLE Device OPTIONAL, IN CHAR16 *FileName ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a device path that appends a MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH with FileNameGuid to the device path of DeviceHandle. Arguments: Device - Optional Device Handle to use as Root of the Device Path FileName - FileName Returns: EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL that was allocated from dynamic memory or NULL pointer. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * EfiAppendDevicePathInstance ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Instance ) /*++ Routine Description: Append a device path instance to another. Arguments: Src - The device path instance to be appended with. Instance - The device path instance appending the other. Returns: The contaction of these two. --*/ ; // // Lock.c // typedef struct { EFI_TPL Tpl; EFI_TPL OwnerTpl; UINTN Lock; } EFI_LOCK; VOID EfiInitializeLock ( IN OUT EFI_LOCK *Lock, IN EFI_TPL Priority ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a basic mutual exclusion lock. Each lock provides mutual exclusion access at it's task priority level. Since there is no-premption (at any TPL) or multiprocessor support, acquiring the lock only consists of raising to the locks TPL. Note on a check build ASSERT()s are used to ensure proper lock usage. Arguments: Lock - The EFI_LOCK structure to initialize Priority - The task priority level of the lock Returns: An initialized Efi Lock structure. --*/ ; // // Macro to initialize the state of a lock when a lock variable is declared // #define EFI_INITIALIZE_LOCK_VARIABLE(Tpl) {Tpl,0,0} VOID EfiAcquireLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Raising to the task priority level of the mutual exclusion lock, and then acquires ownership of the lock. Arguments: Lock - The lock to acquire Returns: None --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiAcquireLockOrFail ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a basic mutual exclusion lock. Each lock provides mutual exclusion access at it's task priority level. Since there is no-premption (at any TPL) or multiprocessor support, acquiring the lock only consists of raising to the locks TPL. Arguments: Lock - The EFI_LOCK structure to initialize Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Lock Owned. EFI_ACCESS_DENIED - Reentrant Lock Acquisition, Lock not Owned. --*/ ; VOID EfiReleaseLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Releases ownership of the mutual exclusion lock, and restores the previous task priority level. Arguments: Lock - The lock to release Returns: None --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocatePool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate EfiBootServicesData pool of size AllocationSize Arguments: AllocationSize - Pool size Returns: Pointer to the pool allocated --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocateRuntimePool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate EfiRuntimeServicesData pool of size AllocationSize Arguments: AllocationSize - Pool size Returns: Pointer to the pool allocated --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocateZeroPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate EfiBootServicesData pool of size AllocationSize and set memory to zero. Arguments: AllocationSize - Pool size Returns: Pointer to the pool allocated --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocateRuntimeZeroPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate EfiRuntimeServicesData pool of size AllocationSize and set memory to zero. Arguments: AllocationSize - Pool size Returns: Pointer to the pool allocated --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocateCopyPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate BootServicesData pool and use a buffer provided by caller to fill it. Arguments: AllocationSize - The size to allocate Buffer - Buffer that will be filled into the buffer allocated Returns: Pointer of the buffer allocated. --*/ ; VOID * EfiLibAllocateRuntimeCopyPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate RuntimeServicesData pool and use a buffer provided by caller to fill it. Arguments: AllocationSize - The size to allocate Buffer - Buffer that will be filled into the buffer allocated Returns: Pointer of the buffer allocated. --*/ ; // // Event.c // EFI_EVENT EfiLibCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT VOID **Registration ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a protocol notification event and return it. Arguments: ProtocolGuid - Protocol to register notification event on. NotifyTpl - Maximum TPL to single the NotifyFunction. NotifyFunction - EFI notification routine. NotifyContext - Context passed into Event when it is created. Registration - Registration key returned from RegisterProtocolNotify(). Returns: The EFI_EVENT that has been registered to be signaled when a ProtocolGuid is added to the system. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibNamedEventSignal ( IN EFI_GUID *Name ) /*++ Routine Description: Signals a named event. All registered listeners will run. The listeners should register using EfiLibNamedEventListen() function. NOTE: For now, the named listening/signalling is implemented on a protocol interface being installed and uninstalled. In the future, this maybe implemented based on a dedicated mechanism. Arguments: Name - Name to perform the signaling on. The name is a GUID. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if successfull. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibNamedEventListen ( IN EFI_GUID * Name, IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Listenes to signals on the name. EfiLibNamedEventSignal() signals the event. NOTE: For now, the named listening/signalling is implemented on a protocol interface being installed and uninstalled. In the future, this maybe implemented based on a dedicated mechanism. Arguments: Name - Name to register the listener on. NotifyTpl - Maximum TPL to singnal the NotifyFunction. NotifyFunction - The listener routine. NotifyContext - Context passed into the listener routine. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if successful. --*/ ; // // Handle.c // EFI_STATUS EfiLibLocateHandleProtocolByProtocols ( IN OUT EFI_HANDLE * Handle, OPTIONAL OUT VOID **Interface, OPTIONAL ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Function locates Protocol and/or Handle on which all Protocols specified as a variable list are installed. It supports continued search. The caller must assure that no handles are added or removed while performing continued search, by e.g., rising the TPL and not calling any handle routines. Otherwise the behavior is undefined. Arguments: Handle - The address of handle to receive the handle on which protocols indicated by the variable list are installed. If points to NULL, all handles are searched. If pointing to a handle returned from previous call, searches starting from next handle. If NULL, the parameter is ignored. Interface - The address of a pointer to a protocol interface that will receive the interface indicated by first variable argument. If NULL, the parameter is ignored. ... - A variable argument list containing protocol GUIDs. Must end with NULL. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - All the protocols where found on same handle. EFI_NOT_FOUND - A Handle with all the protocols installed was not found. Other values as may be returned from LocateHandleBuffer() or HandleProtocol(). --*/ ; // // Debug.c init // EFI_STATUS EfiDebugAssertInit ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Locate Debug Assert Protocol and set as mDebugAssert Arguments: None Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // Unicode String Support // EFI_STATUS EfiLibLookupUnicodeString ( CHAR8 *Language, CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages, EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE *UnicodeStringTable, CHAR16 **UnicodeString ) /*++ Routine Description: Translate a unicode string to a specified language if supported. Arguments: Language - The name of language to translate to SupportedLanguages - Supported languages set UnicodeStringTable - Pointer of one item in translation dictionary UnicodeString - The translated string Returns: EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter EFI_UNSUPPORTED - System not supported this language or this string translation EFI_SUCCESS - String successfully translated --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibAddUnicodeString ( CHAR8 *Language, CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages, EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE **UnicodeStringTable, CHAR16 *UnicodeString ) /*++ Routine Description: Add an translation to the dictionary if this language if supported. Arguments: Language - The name of language to translate to SupportedLanguages - Supported languages set UnicodeStringTable - Translation dictionary UnicodeString - The corresponding string for the language to be translated to Returns: EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Invalid parameter EFI_UNSUPPORTED - System not supported this language EFI_ALREADY_STARTED - Already has a translation item of this language EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - No enough buffer to be allocated EFI_SUCCESS - String successfully translated --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibFreeUnicodeStringTable ( EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE *UnicodeStringTable ) /*++ Routine Description: Free a string table. Arguments: UnicodeStringTable - The string table to be freed. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The table successfully freed. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibReportStatusCode ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE Type, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN UINT32 Instance, IN EFI_GUID *CallerId OPTIONAL, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_DATA *Data OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Report status code. Arguments: Type - Code type Value - Code value Instance - Instance number CallerId - Caller name DevicePath - Device path that to be reported Returns: Status code. EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - No enough buffer could be allocated --*/ ; EFI_STATUS ReportStatusCodeWithDevicePath ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_TYPE Type, IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN UINT32 Instance, IN EFI_GUID * CallerId OPTIONAL, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * DevicePath ) /*++ Routine Description: Report device path through status code. Arguments: Type - Code type Value - Code value Instance - Instance number CallerId - Caller name DevicePath - Device path that to be reported Returns: Status code. EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - No enough buffer could be allocated --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiCreateEventLegacyBoot ( IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT EFI_EVENT *LegacyBootEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a Legacy Boot Event. Tiano extended the CreateEvent Type enum to add a legacy boot event type. This was bad as Tiano did not own the enum. In UEFI 2.0 CreateEventEx was added and now it's possible to not voilate the UEFI specification by declaring a GUID for the legacy boot event class. This library supports the R8.5/EFI 1.10 form and R8.6/UEFI 2.0 form and allows common code to work both ways. Arguments: LegacyBootEvent Returns the EFI event returned from gBS->CreateEvent(Ex) Returns: EFI_SUCCESS Event was created. Other Event was not created. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiCreateEventReadyToBoot ( IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT EFI_EVENT *ReadyToBootEvent ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a Read to Boot Event. Tiano extended the CreateEvent Type enum to add a ready to boot event type. This was bad as Tiano did not own the enum. In UEFI 2.0 CreateEventEx was added and now it's possible to not voilate the UEFI specification and use the ready to boot event class defined in UEFI 2.0. This library supports the R8.5/EFI 1.10 form and R8.6/UEFI 2.0 form and allows common code to work both ways. Arguments: @param LegacyBootEvent Returns the EFI event returned from gBS->CreateEvent(Ex) Return: EFI_SUCCESS - Event was created. Other - Event was not created. --*/ ; VOID EFIAPI EfiInitializeFwVolDevicepathNode ( IN MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *FvDevicePathNode, IN EFI_GUID *NameGuid ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a Firmware Volume (FV) Media Device Path node. Tiano extended the EFI 1.10 device path nodes. Tiano does not own this enum so as we move to UEFI 2.0 support we must use a mechanism that conforms with the UEFI 2.0 specification to define the FV device path. An UEFI GUIDed device path is defined for PIWG extensions of device path. If the code is compiled to conform with the UEFI 2.0 specification use the new device path else use the old form for backwards compatability. Arguments: FvDevicePathNode - Pointer to a FV device path node to initialize NameGuid - FV file name to use in FvDevicePathNode --*/ ; EFI_GUID * EFIAPI EfiGetNameGuidFromFwVolDevicePathNode ( IN MEDIA_FW_VOL_FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *FvDevicePathNode ) /*++ Routine Description: Check to see if the Firmware Volume (FV) Media Device Path is valid. Tiano extended the EFI 1.10 device path nodes. Tiano does not own this enum so as we move to UEFI 2.0 support we must use a mechanism that conforms with the UEFI 2.0 specification to define the FV device path. An UEFI GUIDed device path is defined for PIWG extensions of device path. If the code is compiled to conform with the UEFI 2.0 specification use the new device path else use the old form for backwards compatability. The return value to this function points to a location in FvDevicePathNode and it does not allocate new memory for the GUID pointer that is returned. Arguments: FvDevicePathNode - Pointer to FV device path to check Return: NULL - FvDevicePathNode is not valid. Other - FvDevicePathNode is valid and pointer to NameGuid was returned. --*/ ; VOID EfiLibSafeFreePool ( IN VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Free pool safely. Arguments: Buffer - The allocated pool entry to free Returns: Pointer of the buffer allocated. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibTestManagedDevice ( IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle, IN EFI_GUID *ManagedProtocolGuid ) /*++ Routine Description: Test to see if the controller is managed by a specific driver. Arguments: ControllerHandle - Handle for controller to test DriverBindingHandle - Driver binding handle for controller ManagedProtocolGuid - The protocol guid the driver opens on controller Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The controller is managed by the driver EFI_UNSUPPORTED - The controller is not managed by the driver --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiLibTestChildHandle ( IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle, IN EFI_HANDLE ChildHandle, IN EFI_GUID *ConsumedGuid ) /*++ Routine Description: Test to see if the child handle is the child of the controller Arguments: ControllerHandle - Handle for controller (parent) ChildHandle - Child handle to test ConsumsedGuid - Protocol guid consumed by child from controller Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The child handle is the child of the controller EFI_UNSUPPORTED - The child handle is not the child of the controller --*/ ; #endif