;; @file ; This is the assembly code for transferring to control to OS S3 waking vector ; for X64 platform ; ; Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; ; This program and the accompanying materials ; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ; ; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ; ;; EXTERN mOriginalHandler:QWORD EXTERN PageFaultHandler:PROC .code EXTERNDEF AsmFixAddress16:DWORD EXTERNDEF AsmJmpAddr32:DWORD AsmTransferControl PROC ; rcx S3WakingVector :DWORD ; rdx AcpiLowMemoryBase :DWORD lea eax, @F mov r8, 2800000000h or rax, r8 push rax shrd ebx, ecx, 20 and ecx, 0fh mov bx, cx mov [@jmp_addr], ebx retf @@: DB 0b8h, 30h, 0 ; mov ax, 30h as selector mov ds, eax mov es, eax mov fs, eax mov gs, eax mov ss, eax mov rax, cr0 mov rbx, cr4 DB 66h and eax, ((NOT 080000001h) AND 0ffffffffh) and bl, NOT (1 SHL 5) mov cr0, rax DB 66h mov ecx, 0c0000080h rdmsr and ah, NOT 1 wrmsr mov cr4, rbx DB 0eah ; jmp far @jmp_addr @jmp_addr DD ? AsmTransferControl ENDP AsmTransferControl32 PROC ; S3WakingVector :DWORD ; AcpiLowMemoryBase :DWORD push rbp mov ebp, esp DB 8dh, 05h ; lea eax, AsmTransferControl16 AsmFixAddress16 DD ? push 28h ; CS push rax retf AsmTransferControl32 ENDP AsmTransferControl16 PROC DB 0b8h, 30h, 0 ; mov ax, 30h as selector mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax mov rax, cr0 ; Get control register 0 DB 66h DB 83h, 0e0h, 0feh ; and eax, 0fffffffeh ; Clear PE bit (bit #0) DB 0fh, 22h, 0c0h ; mov cr0, eax ; Activate real mode DB 0eah ; jmp far AsmJmpAddr32 AsmJmpAddr32 DD ? AsmTransferControl16 ENDP PageFaultHandlerHook PROC push rax ; save all volatile registers push rcx push rdx push r8 push r9 push r10 push r11 ; save volatile fp registers add rsp, -68h stmxcsr [rsp + 60h] movdqa [rsp + 0h], xmm0 movdqa [rsp + 10h], xmm1 movdqa [rsp + 20h], xmm2 movdqa [rsp + 30h], xmm3 movdqa [rsp + 40h], xmm4 movdqa [rsp + 50h], xmm5 add rsp, -20h call PageFaultHandler add rsp, 20h ; load volatile fp registers ldmxcsr [rsp + 60h] movdqa xmm0, [rsp + 0h] movdqa xmm1, [rsp + 10h] movdqa xmm2, [rsp + 20h] movdqa xmm3, [rsp + 30h] movdqa xmm4, [rsp + 40h] movdqa xmm5, [rsp + 50h] add rsp, 68h test al, al pop r11 pop r10 pop r9 pop r8 pop rdx pop rcx pop rax ; restore all volatile registers jnz @F jmp mOriginalHandler @@: add rsp, 08h ; skip error code for PF iretq PageFaultHandlerHook ENDP END