/** @file Entry point to the Standalone MM Foundation when initialized during the SEC phase on ARM platforms Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SPM_MAJOR_VER_MASK 0xFFFF0000 #define SPM_MINOR_VER_MASK 0x0000FFFF #define SPM_MAJOR_VER_SHIFT 16 #define FFA_NOT_SUPPORTED -1 STATIC CONST UINT32 mSpmMajorVer = SPM_MAJOR_VERSION; STATIC CONST UINT32 mSpmMinorVer = SPM_MINOR_VERSION; STATIC CONST UINT32 mSpmMajorVerFfa = SPM_MAJOR_VERSION_FFA; STATIC CONST UINT32 mSpmMinorVerFfa = SPM_MINOR_VERSION_FFA; #define BOOT_PAYLOAD_VERSION 1 PI_MM_CPU_DRIVER_ENTRYPOINT CpuDriverEntryPoint = NULL; /** Retrieve a pointer to and print the boot information passed by privileged secure firmware. @param [in] SharedBufAddress The pointer memory shared with privileged firmware. **/ EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_BOOT_INFO * GetAndPrintBootinformation ( IN VOID *SharedBufAddress ) { EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_BOOT_INFO *PayloadBootInfo; EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_CPU_INFO *PayloadCpuInfo; UINTN Index; PayloadBootInfo = (EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_BOOT_INFO *)SharedBufAddress; if (PayloadBootInfo == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "PayloadBootInfo NULL\n")); return NULL; } if (PayloadBootInfo->Header.Version != BOOT_PAYLOAD_VERSION) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "Boot Information Version Mismatch. Current=0x%x, Expected=0x%x.\n", PayloadBootInfo->Header.Version, BOOT_PAYLOAD_VERSION )); return NULL; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "NumSpMemRegions - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->NumSpMemRegions)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpMemBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpMemBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpMemLimit - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpMemLimit)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpImageBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpImageBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpStackBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpStackBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpHeapBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpHeapBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpNsCommBufBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpNsCommBufBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpSharedBufBase - 0x%lx\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpSharedBufBase)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpImageSize - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpImageSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpPcpuStackSize - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpPcpuStackSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpHeapSize - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpHeapSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpNsCommBufSize - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpNsCommBufSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SpSharedBufSize - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->SpSharedBufSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "NumCpus - 0x%x\n", PayloadBootInfo->NumCpus)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CpuInfo - 0x%p\n", PayloadBootInfo->CpuInfo)); PayloadCpuInfo = (EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_CPU_INFO *)PayloadBootInfo->CpuInfo; if (PayloadCpuInfo == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "PayloadCpuInfo NULL\n")); return NULL; } for (Index = 0; Index < PayloadBootInfo->NumCpus; Index++) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Mpidr - 0x%lx\n", PayloadCpuInfo[Index].Mpidr)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "LinearId - 0x%x\n", PayloadCpuInfo[Index].LinearId)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Flags - 0x%x\n", PayloadCpuInfo[Index].Flags)); } return PayloadBootInfo; } /** A loop to delegated events. @param [in] EventCompleteSvcArgs Pointer to the event completion arguments. **/ VOID EFIAPI DelegatedEventLoop ( IN ARM_SVC_ARGS *EventCompleteSvcArgs ) { BOOLEAN FfaEnabled; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN SvcStatus; while (TRUE) { ArmCallSvc (EventCompleteSvcArgs); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Received delegated event\n")); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X0 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X1 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg1)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X2 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg2)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X3 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg3)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X4 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg4)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X5 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg5)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X6 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg6)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "X7 : 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg7)); // // ARM TF passes SMC FID of the MM_COMMUNICATE interface as the Event ID upon // receipt of a synchronous MM request. Use the Event ID to distinguish // between synchronous and asynchronous events. // if ((ARM_SMC_ID_MM_COMMUNICATE != (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0) && (ARM_SVC_ID_FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_REQ != (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "UnRecognized Event - 0x%x\n", (UINT32)EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0)); Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { FfaEnabled = FeaturePcdGet (PcdFfaEnable); if (FfaEnabled) { Status = CpuDriverEntryPoint ( EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0, EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg6, EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg3 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed delegated event 0x%x, Status 0x%x\n", EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg3, Status )); } } else { Status = CpuDriverEntryPoint ( EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0, EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg3, EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg1 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed delegated event 0x%x, Status 0x%x\n", EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0, Status )); } } } switch (Status) { case EFI_SUCCESS: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_SUCCESS; break; case EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_INVALID_PARAMS; break; case EFI_ACCESS_DENIED: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_DENIED; break; case EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_NO_MEMORY; break; case EFI_UNSUPPORTED: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; default: SvcStatus = ARM_SVC_SPM_RET_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } if (FfaEnabled) { EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_RESP; EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg1 = 0; EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg2 = 0; EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg3 = ARM_SVC_ID_SP_EVENT_COMPLETE; EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg4 = SvcStatus; } else { EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_SP_EVENT_COMPLETE; EventCompleteSvcArgs->Arg1 = SvcStatus; } } } /** Query the SPM version, check compatibility and return success if compatible. @retval EFI_SUCCESS SPM versions compatible. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED SPM versions not compatible. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetSpmVersion ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 CalleeSpmMajorVer; UINT16 CallerSpmMajorVer; UINT16 CalleeSpmMinorVer; UINT16 CallerSpmMinorVer; UINT32 SpmVersion; ARM_SVC_ARGS SpmVersionArgs; if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdFfaEnable)) { SpmVersionArgs.Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_FFA_VERSION_AARCH32; SpmVersionArgs.Arg1 = mSpmMajorVerFfa << SPM_MAJOR_VER_SHIFT; SpmVersionArgs.Arg1 |= mSpmMinorVerFfa; CallerSpmMajorVer = mSpmMajorVerFfa; CallerSpmMinorVer = mSpmMinorVerFfa; } else { SpmVersionArgs.Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_SPM_VERSION_AARCH32; CallerSpmMajorVer = mSpmMajorVer; CallerSpmMinorVer = mSpmMinorVer; } ArmCallSvc (&SpmVersionArgs); SpmVersion = SpmVersionArgs.Arg0; if (SpmVersion == FFA_NOT_SUPPORTED) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } CalleeSpmMajorVer = ((SpmVersion & SPM_MAJOR_VER_MASK) >> SPM_MAJOR_VER_SHIFT); CalleeSpmMinorVer = ((SpmVersion & SPM_MINOR_VER_MASK) >> 0); // Different major revision values indicate possibly incompatible functions. // For two revisions, A and B, for which the major revision values are // identical, if the minor revision value of revision B is greater than // the minor revision value of revision A, then every function in // revision A must work in a compatible way with revision B. // However, it is possible for revision B to have a higher // function count than revision A. if ((CalleeSpmMajorVer == CallerSpmMajorVer) && (CalleeSpmMinorVer >= CallerSpmMinorVer)) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "SPM Version: Major=0x%x, Minor=0x%x\n", CalleeSpmMajorVer, CalleeSpmMinorVer )); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "Incompatible SPM Versions.\n Callee Version: Major=0x%x, Minor=0x%x.\n Caller: Major=0x%x, Minor>=0x%x.\n", CalleeSpmMajorVer, CalleeSpmMinorVer, CallerSpmMajorVer, CallerSpmMinorVer )); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return Status; } /** Initialize parameters to be sent via SVC call. @param[out] InitMmFoundationSvcArgs Args structure @param[out] Ret Return Code **/ STATIC VOID InitArmSvcArgs ( OUT ARM_SVC_ARGS *InitMmFoundationSvcArgs, OUT INT32 *Ret ) { if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdFfaEnable)) { InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_FFA_MSG_SEND_DIRECT_RESP; InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg1 = 0; InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg2 = 0; InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg3 = ARM_SVC_ID_SP_EVENT_COMPLETE; InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg4 = *Ret; } else { InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg0 = ARM_SVC_ID_SP_EVENT_COMPLETE; InitMmFoundationSvcArgs->Arg1 = *Ret; } } /** The entry point of Standalone MM Foundation. @param [in] SharedBufAddress Pointer to the Buffer between SPM and SP. @param [in] SharedBufSize Size of the shared buffer. @param [in] cookie1 Cookie 1 @param [in] cookie2 Cookie 2 **/ VOID EFIAPI _ModuleEntryPoint ( IN VOID *SharedBufAddress, IN UINT64 SharedBufSize, IN UINT64 cookie1, IN UINT64 cookie2 ) { PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT ImageContext; EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_BOOT_INFO *PayloadBootInfo; ARM_SVC_ARGS InitMmFoundationSvcArgs; EFI_STATUS Status; INT32 Ret; UINT32 SectionHeaderOffset; UINT16 NumberOfSections; VOID *HobStart; VOID *TeData; UINTN TeDataSize; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageBase; // Get Secure Partition Manager Version Information Status = GetSpmVersion (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto finish; } PayloadBootInfo = GetAndPrintBootinformation (SharedBufAddress); if (PayloadBootInfo == NULL) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto finish; } // Locate PE/COFF File information for the Standalone MM core module Status = LocateStandaloneMmCorePeCoffData ( (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *)(UINTN)PayloadBootInfo->SpImageBase, &TeData, &TeDataSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto finish; } // Obtain the PE/COFF Section information for the Standalone MM core module Status = GetStandaloneMmCorePeCoffSections ( TeData, &ImageContext, &ImageBase, &SectionHeaderOffset, &NumberOfSections ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto finish; } // // ImageBase may deviate from ImageContext.ImageAddress if we are dealing // with a TE image, in which case the latter points to the actual offset // of the image, whereas ImageBase refers to the address where the image // would start if the stripped PE headers were still in place. In either // case, we need to fix up ImageBase so it refers to the actual current // load address. // ImageBase += (UINTN)TeData - ImageContext.ImageAddress; // Update the memory access permissions of individual sections in the // Standalone MM core module Status = UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions ( &ImageContext, ImageBase, SectionHeaderOffset, NumberOfSections, ArmSetMemoryRegionNoExec, ArmSetMemoryRegionReadOnly, ArmClearMemoryRegionReadOnly ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto finish; } if (ImageContext.ImageAddress != (UINTN)TeData) { ImageContext.ImageAddress = (UINTN)TeData; ArmSetMemoryRegionNoExec (ImageBase, SIZE_4KB); ArmClearMemoryRegionReadOnly (ImageBase, SIZE_4KB); Status = PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage (&ImageContext); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } // // Create Hoblist based upon boot information passed by privileged software // HobStart = CreateHobListFromBootInfo (&CpuDriverEntryPoint, PayloadBootInfo); // // Call the MM Core entry point // ProcessModuleEntryPointList (HobStart); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Shared Cpu Driver EP %p\n", (VOID *)CpuDriverEntryPoint)); finish: if (Status == RETURN_UNSUPPORTED) { Ret = -1; } else if (Status == RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER) { Ret = -2; } else if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { Ret = -7; } else { Ret = 0; } ZeroMem (&InitMmFoundationSvcArgs, sizeof (InitMmFoundationSvcArgs)); InitArmSvcArgs (&InitMmFoundationSvcArgs, &Ret); DelegatedEventLoop (&InitMmFoundationSvcArgs); }