/** @file TIS (TPM Interface Specification) functions used by TPM1.2. Copyright (c) 2013 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef enum { PtpInterfaceTis, PtpInterfaceFifo, PtpInterfaceCrb, PtpInterfaceMax, } PTP_INTERFACE_TYPE; // // Max TPM command/reponse length // #define TPMCMDBUFLENGTH 1024 /** Check whether TPM chip exist. @param[in] TisReg Pointer to TIS register. @retval TRUE TPM chip exists. @retval FALSE TPM chip is not found. **/ BOOLEAN Tpm12TisPcPresenceCheck ( IN TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR TisReg ) { UINT8 RegRead; RegRead = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)&TisReg->Access); return (BOOLEAN)(RegRead != (UINT8)-1); } /** Return PTP interface type. @param[in] Register Pointer to PTP register. @return PTP interface type. **/ PTP_INTERFACE_TYPE Tpm12GetPtpInterface ( IN VOID *Register ) { PTP_CRB_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIER InterfaceId; PTP_FIFO_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY InterfaceCapability; if (!Tpm12TisPcPresenceCheck (Register)) { return PtpInterfaceMax; } // // Check interface id // InterfaceId.Uint32 = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)&((PTP_CRB_REGISTERS *)Register)->InterfaceId); InterfaceCapability.Uint32 = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)&((PTP_FIFO_REGISTERS *)Register)->InterfaceCapability); if ((InterfaceId.Bits.InterfaceType == PTP_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIER_INTERFACE_TYPE_CRB) && (InterfaceId.Bits.InterfaceVersion == PTP_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIER_INTERFACE_VERSION_CRB) && (InterfaceId.Bits.CapCRB != 0)) { return PtpInterfaceCrb; } if ((InterfaceId.Bits.InterfaceType == PTP_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIER_INTERFACE_TYPE_FIFO) && (InterfaceId.Bits.InterfaceVersion == PTP_INTERFACE_IDENTIFIER_INTERFACE_VERSION_FIFO) && (InterfaceId.Bits.CapFIFO != 0) && (InterfaceCapability.Bits.InterfaceVersion == INTERFACE_CAPABILITY_INTERFACE_VERSION_PTP)) { return PtpInterfaceFifo; } return PtpInterfaceTis; } /** Check whether the value of a TPM chip register satisfies the input BIT setting. @param[in] Register Address port of register to be checked. @param[in] BitSet Check these data bits are set. @param[in] BitClear Check these data bits are clear. @param[in] TimeOut The max wait time (unit MicroSecond) when checking register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register satisfies the check bit. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The register can't run into the expected status in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12TisPcWaitRegisterBits ( IN UINT8 *Register, IN UINT8 BitSet, IN UINT8 BitClear, IN UINT32 TimeOut ) { UINT8 RegRead; UINT32 WaitTime; for (WaitTime = 0; WaitTime < TimeOut; WaitTime += 30){ RegRead = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)Register); if ((RegRead & BitSet) == BitSet && (RegRead & BitClear) == 0) return EFI_SUCCESS; MicroSecondDelay (30); } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Get BurstCount by reading the burstCount field of a TIS regiger in the time of default TIS_TIMEOUT_D. @param[in] TisReg Pointer to TIS register. @param[out] BurstCount Pointer to a buffer to store the got BurstCount. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get BurstCount. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER TisReg is NULL or BurstCount is NULL. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT BurstCount can't be got in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12TisPcReadBurstCount ( IN TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR TisReg, OUT UINT16 *BurstCount ) { UINT32 WaitTime; UINT8 DataByte0; UINT8 DataByte1; if (BurstCount == NULL || TisReg == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } WaitTime = 0; do { // // TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR->burstCount is UINT16, but it is not 2bytes aligned, // so it needs to use MmioRead8 to read two times // DataByte0 = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)&TisReg->BurstCount); DataByte1 = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)&TisReg->BurstCount + 1); *BurstCount = (UINT16)((DataByte1 << 8) + DataByte0); if (*BurstCount != 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } MicroSecondDelay (30); WaitTime += 30; } while (WaitTime < TIS_TIMEOUT_D); return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Set TPM chip to ready state by sending ready command TIS_PC_STS_READY to Status Register in time. @param[in] TisReg Pointer to TIS register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS TPM chip enters into ready state. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER TisReg is NULL. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT TPM chip can't be set to ready state in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12TisPcPrepareCommand ( IN TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR TisReg ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (TisReg == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } MmioWrite8((UINTN)&TisReg->Status, TIS_PC_STS_READY); Status = Tpm12TisPcWaitRegisterBits ( &TisReg->Status, TIS_PC_STS_READY, 0, TIS_TIMEOUT_B ); return Status; } /** Get the control of TPM chip by sending requestUse command TIS_PC_ACC_RQUUSE to ACCESS Register in the time of default TIS_TIMEOUT_A. @param[in] TisReg Pointer to TIS register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get the control of TPM chip. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER TisReg is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND TPM chip doesn't exit. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Can't get the TPM control in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12TisPcRequestUseTpm ( IN TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR TisReg ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (TisReg == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!Tpm12TisPcPresenceCheck (TisReg)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } MmioWrite8((UINTN)&TisReg->Access, TIS_PC_ACC_RQUUSE); Status = Tpm12TisPcWaitRegisterBits ( &TisReg->Access, (UINT8)(TIS_PC_ACC_ACTIVE |TIS_PC_VALID), 0, TIS_TIMEOUT_A ); return Status; } /** Send a command to TPM for execution and return response data. @param[in] TisReg TPM register space base address. @param[in] BufferIn Buffer for command data. @param[in] SizeIn Size of command data. @param[in, out] BufferOut Buffer for response data. @param[in, out] SizeOut Size of response data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Response data buffer is too small. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unsupported TPM version **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12TisTpmCommand ( IN TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR TisReg, IN UINT8 *BufferIn, IN UINT32 SizeIn, IN OUT UINT8 *BufferOut, IN OUT UINT32 *SizeOut ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 BurstCount; UINT32 Index; UINT32 TpmOutSize; UINT16 Data16; UINT32 Data32; UINT16 RspTag; DEBUG_CODE ( UINTN DebugSize; DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Tpm12TisTpmCommand Send - ")); if (SizeIn > 0x100) { DebugSize = 0x40; } else { DebugSize = SizeIn; } for (Index = 0; Index < DebugSize; Index++) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%02x ", BufferIn[Index])); } if (DebugSize != SizeIn) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "...... ")); for (Index = SizeIn - 0x20; Index < SizeIn; Index++) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%02x ", BufferIn[Index])); } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "\n")); ); TpmOutSize = 0; Status = Tpm12TisPcPrepareCommand (TisReg); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)){ DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm12 is not ready for command!\n")); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Send the command data to Tpm // Index = 0; while (Index < SizeIn) { Status = Tpm12TisPcReadBurstCount (TisReg, &BurstCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Exit; } for (; BurstCount > 0 && Index < SizeIn; BurstCount--) { MmioWrite8((UINTN)&TisReg->DataFifo, *(BufferIn + Index)); Index++; } } // // Check the Tpm status STS_EXPECT change from 1 to 0 // Status = Tpm12TisPcWaitRegisterBits ( &TisReg->Status, (UINT8) TIS_PC_VALID, TIS_PC_STS_EXPECT, TIS_TIMEOUT_C ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Tpm12 The send buffer too small!\n")); Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto Exit; } // // Executed the TPM command and waiting for the response data ready // MmioWrite8((UINTN)&TisReg->Status, TIS_PC_STS_GO); Status = Tpm12TisPcWaitRegisterBits ( &TisReg->Status, (UINT8) (TIS_PC_VALID | TIS_PC_STS_DATA), 0, TIS_TIMEOUT_B ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Wait for Tpm12 response data time out!!\n")); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Exit; } // // Get response data header // Index = 0; BurstCount = 0; while (Index < sizeof (TPM_RSP_COMMAND_HDR)) { Status = Tpm12TisPcReadBurstCount (TisReg, &BurstCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Exit; } for (; BurstCount > 0; BurstCount--) { *(BufferOut + Index) = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)&TisReg->DataFifo); Index++; if (Index == sizeof (TPM_RSP_COMMAND_HDR)) break; } } DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Tpm12TisTpmCommand ReceiveHeader - ")); for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (TPM_RSP_COMMAND_HDR); Index++) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%02x ", BufferOut[Index])); } DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "\n")); ); // // Check the response data header (tag, parasize and returncode) // CopyMem (&Data16, BufferOut, sizeof (UINT16)); RspTag = SwapBytes16 (Data16); if (RspTag != TPM_TAG_RSP_COMMAND && RspTag != TPM_TAG_RSP_AUTH1_COMMAND && RspTag != TPM_TAG_RSP_AUTH2_COMMAND) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "TPM12: Response tag error - current tag value is %x\n", RspTag)); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto Exit; } CopyMem (&Data32, (BufferOut + 2), sizeof (UINT32)); TpmOutSize = SwapBytes32 (Data32); if (*SizeOut < TpmOutSize) { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; goto Exit; } *SizeOut = TpmOutSize; // // Continue reading the remaining data // while ( Index < TpmOutSize ) { for (; BurstCount > 0; BurstCount--) { *(BufferOut + Index) = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)&TisReg->DataFifo); Index++; if (Index == TpmOutSize) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; goto Exit; } } Status = Tpm12TisPcReadBurstCount (TisReg, &BurstCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Exit; } } Exit: DEBUG_CODE ( DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "Tpm12TisTpmCommand Receive - ")); for (Index = 0; Index < TpmOutSize; Index++) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%02x ", BufferOut[Index])); } DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "\n")); ); MmioWrite8((UINTN)&TisReg->Status, TIS_PC_STS_READY); return Status; } /** This service enables the sending of commands to the TPM12. @param[in] InputParameterBlockSize Size of the TPM12 input parameter block. @param[in] InputParameterBlock Pointer to the TPM12 input parameter block. @param[in,out] OutputParameterBlockSize Size of the TPM12 output parameter block. @param[in] OutputParameterBlock Pointer to the TPM12 output parameter block. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command byte stream was successfully sent to the device and a response was successfully received. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command was not successfully sent to the device or a response was not successfully received from the device. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The output parameter block is too small. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm12SubmitCommand ( IN UINT32 InputParameterBlockSize, IN UINT8 *InputParameterBlock, IN OUT UINT32 *OutputParameterBlockSize, IN UINT8 *OutputParameterBlock ) { PTP_INTERFACE_TYPE PtpInterface; // // Special handle for TPM1.2 to check PTP too, because PTP/TIS share same register address. // PtpInterface = Tpm12GetPtpInterface ((VOID *) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress)); switch (PtpInterface) { case PtpInterfaceFifo: case PtpInterfaceTis: return Tpm12TisTpmCommand ( (TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress), InputParameterBlock, InputParameterBlockSize, OutputParameterBlock, OutputParameterBlockSize ); case PtpInterfaceCrb: // // No need to support CRB because it is only accept TPM2 command. // default: return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } /** Check whether the value of a TPM chip register satisfies the input BIT setting. @param[in] Register Address port of register to be checked. @param[in] BitSet Check these data bits are set. @param[in] BitClear Check these data bits are clear. @param[in] TimeOut The max wait time (unit MicroSecond) when checking register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register satisfies the check bit. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The register can't run into the expected status in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12PtpCrbWaitRegisterBits ( IN UINT32 *Register, IN UINT32 BitSet, IN UINT32 BitClear, IN UINT32 TimeOut ) { UINT32 RegRead; UINT32 WaitTime; for (WaitTime = 0; WaitTime < TimeOut; WaitTime += 30){ RegRead = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)Register); if ((RegRead & BitSet) == BitSet && (RegRead & BitClear) == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } MicroSecondDelay (30); } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Get the control of TPM chip. @param[in] CrbReg Pointer to CRB register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get the control of TPM chip. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER CrbReg is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND TPM chip doesn't exit. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Can't get the TPM control in time. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12PtpCrbRequestUseTpm ( IN PTP_CRB_REGISTERS_PTR CrbReg ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MmioWrite32((UINTN)&CrbReg->LocalityControl, PTP_CRB_LOCALITY_CONTROL_REQUEST_ACCESS); Status = Tpm12PtpCrbWaitRegisterBits ( &CrbReg->LocalityStatus, PTP_CRB_LOCALITY_STATUS_GRANTED, 0, PTP_TIMEOUT_A ); return Status; } /** This service requests use TPM12. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get the control of TPM12 chip. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND TPM12 not found. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm12RequestUseTpm ( VOID ) { PTP_INTERFACE_TYPE PtpInterface; // // Special handle for TPM1.2 to check PTP too, because PTP/TIS share same register address. // Some other program might leverage this function to check the existence of TPM chip. // PtpInterface = Tpm12GetPtpInterface ((VOID *) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress)); switch (PtpInterface) { case PtpInterfaceCrb: return Tpm12PtpCrbRequestUseTpm ((PTP_CRB_REGISTERS_PTR) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress)); case PtpInterfaceFifo: case PtpInterfaceTis: return Tpm12TisPcRequestUseTpm ((TIS_PC_REGISTERS_PTR) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdTpmBaseAddress)); default: return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } }