/** @file
  Class for arbitrary sized FIFO queues.

  The FIFO is empty if both the Read and Write indexes are equal.
  The FIFO is full if the next write would make the Read and Write indexes equal.

  Member variable NumElements is the maximum number of elements that can be
  contained in the FIFO.
    If NumElements is ZERO, there is an error.
    NumElements should be in the range 1:N.

  Members WriteIndex and ReadIndex are indexes into the array implementing the
  FIFO.  They should be in the range 0:(NumElements - 1).

  One element of the FIFO is always reserved as the "terminator" element.  Thus,
  the capacity of a FIFO is actually NumElements-1.

  Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
  under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
  distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at

#include  <Uefi.h>
#include  <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include  <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include  <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>

#include  <LibConfig.h>

#include  <assert.h>
#include  <errno.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <stdint.h>
#include  <wchar.h>
#include  <Containers/Fifo.h>

/** Determine number of items available to read from the FIFO.

    The number of items are either the number of bytes, or the number of elements
    depending upon the value of the As enumerator.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[in]    As        An enumeration variable whose value determines whether the
                            returned value is the number of bytes or the number of elements
                            currently contained by the FIFO.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is empty.
    @retval   >=0     The number of items contained by the FIFO.
FIFO_NumInQueue (
  cFIFO        *Self,
  FIFO_ElemBytes    As
  size_t    Count;

  if(Self->ReadIndex <= Self->WriteIndex) {
    Count = Self->WriteIndex - Self->ReadIndex;
  else {
    Count = Self->NumElements - (Self->ReadIndex - Self->WriteIndex);
  if(As == AsBytes) {
    Count *= Self->ElementSize;
  return Count;

/** Determine amount of free space in the FIFO that can be written into.

    The number of items are either the number of bytes, or the number of elements
    depending upon the value of the As enumerator.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[in]    As        An enumeration variable whose value determines whether the
                            returned value is the number of bytes or the number of elements
                            currently available in the FIFO.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is full.
    @retval   >=0     The number of items which can be accepted by the FIFO.
FIFO_FreeSpace (
  cFIFO            *Self,
  FIFO_ElemBytes    As
  size_t    Count;
  UINT32    RDex;
  UINT32    WDex;

  RDex = Self->ReadIndex;
  WDex = Self->WriteIndex;

  if(RDex <= WDex) {
    Count = (Self->NumElements - (WDex - RDex)) - 1;
  else {
    Count = (RDex - WDex)-1;
  if(As == AsBytes) {
    Count *= Self->ElementSize;
  return Count;

/** Reduce the FIFO contents by NumElem elements.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[in]    NumElem   Number of elements to delete from the FIFO.

    @retval   0   FIFO is now empty.
    @retval   N>0 There are still N elements in the FIFO.
    @retval   -1  There are fewer than NumElem elements in the FIFO.
FIFO_Reduce (
  cFIFO    *Self,
  size_t    NumElem
  size_t    QCount;
  ssize_t   RetVal;

  assert(Self != NULL);

  QCount = FIFO_NumInQueue(Self, AsElements);
  if(NumElem > QCount) {
    RetVal = -1;
    errno   = EINVAL;
  else {
    RetVal = (ssize_t)ModuloAdd(Self->ReadIndex, (UINT32)NumElem, Self->NumElements);
    Self->ReadIndex = (UINT32)RetVal;

    RetVal = (ssize_t)(QCount - NumElem);
  return RetVal;

/** Test whether the FIFO is empty.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.

    @retval   TRUE    The FIFO is empty.
    @retval   FALSE   There is data in the FIFO.
FIFO_IsEmpty (
  cFIFO *Self
  assert(Self != NULL);

  return (BOOLEAN)(Self->WriteIndex == Self->ReadIndex);

/** Test whether the FIFO is full.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.

    @retval   TRUE    The FIFO is full.
    @retval   FALSE   There is free space in the FIFO.
FIFO_IsFull (
  cFIFO *Self
  assert(Self != NULL);

  return (BOOLEAN)(ModuloIncrement(Self->WriteIndex, Self->NumElements) == (INT32)Self->ReadIndex);

/** Add one or more elements to the FIFO.

    This function allows one to add one or more elements, as specified by Count,
    to the FIFO.  Each element is of the size specified when the FIFO object
    was instantiated (FIFO.ElementSize).

    pElement points to the first byte of the first element to be added.
    If multiple elements are to be added, the elements are expected to be
    organized as a packed array.

    @param[in]    Self        Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[in]    pElement    Pointer to the element(s) to enqueue (add).
    @param[in]    Count       Number of elements to add.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is full.
    @retval   >=0     The number of elements added to the FIFO.
FIFO_Enqueue (
  cFIFO        *Self,
  const void   *pElement,
  size_t        Count
  uintptr_t     ElemPtr;
  uintptr_t     QPtr;
  size_t        i;
  UINT32        SizeOfElement;
  UINT32        Windex;

  assert(Self != NULL);
  assert(pElement != NULL);

  if(FIFO_IsFull(Self)) {                                                 // FIFO is full so can't add to it
    Count = 0;                                                              // Zero characters added
  else {                                                                  // Otherwise, FIFO is not full...
    Count = MIN(Count, Self->FreeSpace(Self, AsElements));                  // Smaller of requested or available space
    SizeOfElement = Self->ElementSize;                                      // Size of Elements, in bytes
    Windex = Self->WriteIndex;                                              // Index of first writable slot in FIFO

    ElemPtr = (uintptr_t)pElement;                                          // Addr. of element to add, as an integer
    QPtr    = (uintptr_t)Self->Queue + (SizeOfElement * Windex);            // Addr. in FIFO to write, as an integer

    for(i = 0; i < Count; ++i) {                                            // For Count elements...
      (void)CopyMem((void *)QPtr, (const void *)ElemPtr, SizeOfElement);      // Copy an element into the FIFO
      Windex = (UINT32)ModuloIncrement(Windex, Self->NumElements);            // Increment the Write index, wrap if necessary
      if(Windex == 0) {                                                       // If the index wrapped
        QPtr = (uintptr_t)Self->Queue;                                          // Go to the beginning
      else {
        QPtr += SizeOfElement;                                                // Otherwise, point to next in FIFO
      ElemPtr += SizeOfElement;                                               // And also point to next Element to add
    Self->WriteIndex = Windex;                                              // Finally, save the new Write Index
  return Count;                                                           // Number of elements added to FIFO

/** Read or copy elements from the FIFO.

    This function allows one to read one or more elements, as specified by Count,
    from the FIFO.  Each element is of the size specified when the FIFO object
    was instantiated (FIFO.ElementSize).

    pElement points to the destination of the first byte of the first element
    to be read. If multiple elements are to be read, the elements are expected
    to be organized as a packed array.

    @param[in]    Self        Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[out]   pElement    Pointer to where to store the element(s) read from the FIFO.
    @param[in]    Count       Number of elements to dequeue.
    @param[in]    Consume     If TRUE, consume read elements.  Otherwise, preserve.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is empty.
    @retval   >=0     The number of elements read from the FIFO.
FIFO_Dequeue (
  cFIFO    *Self,
  void     *pElement,
  size_t    Count,
  BOOLEAN   Consume
  UINTN         QPtr;
  UINT32        RDex;
  UINT32        SizeOfElement;
  UINT32        i;

  assert(Self != NULL);
  assert(pElement != NULL);

  if(FIFO_IsEmpty(Self)) {
    Count = 0;
  else {
    RDex          = Self->ReadIndex;                                  // Get this FIFO's Read Index
    SizeOfElement = Self->ElementSize;                                // Get size of this FIFO's elements
    Count         = MIN(Count, Self->Count(Self, AsElements));        // Lesser of requested or actual

    QPtr = (UINTN)Self->Queue + (RDex * SizeOfElement);           // Point to Read location in FIFO
    for(i = 0; i < Count; ++i) {                                      // Iterate Count times...
      (void)CopyMem(pElement, (const void *)QPtr, SizeOfElement);   // Copy element from FIFO to caller's buffer
      RDex = (UINT32)ModuloIncrement(RDex, Self->NumElements);          // Increment Read Index
      if(RDex == 0) {                                                   // If the index wrapped
        QPtr = (UINTN)Self->Queue;                                        // Point back to beginning of data
      else {                                                            // Otherwise
        QPtr += SizeOfElement;                                        // Point to the next element in FIFO
      pElement = (char*)pElement + SizeOfElement;                   // Point to next element in caller's buffer
    }                                                                 // Iterate: for loop
    if(Consume) {                                                     // If caller requests data consumption
      Self->ReadIndex = RDex;                                           // Set FIFO's Read Index to new Index
  return Count;                                                     // Return number of elements actually read

/** Read elements from the FIFO.

    Read the specified number of elements from the FIFO, removing each element read.
    The number of elements actually read from the FIFO is returned.  This number can differ
    from the Count requested if more elements are requested than are in the FIFO.

    @param[in]    Self        Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[out]   pElement    Pointer to where to store the element read from the FIFO.
    @param[in]    Count       Number of elements to dequeue.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is empty.
    @retval   >=0     The number of elements read from the FIFO.
FIFO_Read (
  cFIFO    *Self,
  void     *pElement,
  size_t    Count
  return FIFO_Dequeue(Self, pElement, Count, TRUE);

/** Make a copy of the FIFO's data.
    The contents of the FIFO is copied out and linearized without affecting the
    FIFO contents.  This function is idempotent.

    @param[in]    Self        Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[out]   pElement    Pointer to where to store the elements copied from the FIFO.
    @param[in]    Count       Number of elements to copy.

    @retval   0       The FIFO is empty.
    @retval   >=0     The number of elements copied from the FIFO.
FIFO_Copy (
  cFIFO    *Self,
  void     *pElement,
  size_t    Count
  return FIFO_Dequeue(Self, pElement, Count, FALSE);

/** Get the FIFO's current Read Index.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.
FIFO_GetRDex (
  cFIFO *Self
  assert(Self != NULL);

  return Self->ReadIndex;

/** Get the FIFO's current Write Index.

    @param[in]    Self      Pointer to the FIFO instance.

    @return   The current value of the FIFO's WriteIndex member is returned.
FIFO_GetWDex (
  cFIFO *Self
  assert(Self != NULL);

  return Self->WriteIndex;

/** Cleanly delete a FIFO instance.

    @param[in]    Self              Pointer to the FIFO instance.
FIFO_Delete (
  cFIFO *Self
  assert(Self != NULL);

  if(Self->Queue != NULL) {
    Self->Queue = NULL;     // Zombie catcher

/** Empty the FIFO, discarding up to NumToFlush elements.

    @param[in]    Self              Pointer to the FIFO instance.
    @param[in]    NumToFlush        Number of elements to flush from the FIFO.
                                    If larger than the number of elements in the
                                    FIFO, the FIFO is emptied.

    @return     Returns the number of elements remaining in the FIFO after the flush.
FIFO_Flush (
  cFIFO  *Self,
  size_t  NumToFlush
  size_t  NumInQ;
  size_t  Remainder;

  assert(Self != NULL);

  NumInQ = FIFO_NumInQueue(Self, AsElements);
  if(NumToFlush >= NumInQ) {
    Self->ReadIndex   = 0;
    Self->WriteIndex  = 0;
    Remainder = 0;
  else {
    Remainder = FIFO_Reduce(Self, NumToFlush);
  return Remainder;

/** Remove the most recently added element from the FIFO.

    @param[in]    Self              Pointer to the FIFO instance.

    @return     Returns the number of elements remaining in the FIFO.
FIFO_Truncate (
  cFIFO  *Self
  size_t  Remainder;

  assert(Self != NULL);

  Remainder = FIFO_NumInQueue(Self, AsElements);
  if(Remainder > 0) {
    Self->WriteIndex = (UINT32)ModuloDecrement(Self->WriteIndex, Self->NumElements);
  return Remainder;

/** Construct a new instance of a FIFO Queue.

    @param[in]    NumElements   Number of elements to be contained in the new FIFO.
    @param[in]    ElementSize   Size, in bytes, of an element.

    @retval   NULL      Unable to create the instance.
    @retval   NonNULL   Pointer to the new FIFO instance.
  UINT32    NumElements,
  size_t    ElementSize
  cFIFO        *FIFO;
  UINT8        *Queue;

  if((NumElements > 2) && (ElementSize > 0)) {
    FIFO = (cFIFO *)AllocatePool(sizeof(cFIFO));
    if(FIFO != NULL) {
      Queue = (UINT8 *)AllocateZeroPool(NumElements * ElementSize);
      if(Queue != NULL) {
        FIFO->Write       = FIFO_Enqueue;
        FIFO->Read        = FIFO_Read;
        FIFO->Copy        = FIFO_Copy;
        FIFO->IsEmpty     = FIFO_IsEmpty;
        FIFO->IsFull      = FIFO_IsFull;
        FIFO->Count       = FIFO_NumInQueue;
        FIFO->FreeSpace   = FIFO_FreeSpace;
        FIFO->Flush       = FIFO_Flush;
        FIFO->Truncate    = FIFO_Truncate;
        FIFO->Delete      = FIFO_Delete;
        FIFO->GetRDex     = FIFO_GetRDex;
        FIFO->GetWDex     = FIFO_GetWDex;

        FIFO->Queue       = Queue;
        FIFO->ElementSize = (UINT32)ElementSize;
        FIFO->NumElements = (UINT32)NumElements;
        FIFO->ReadIndex   = 0;
        FIFO->WriteIndex  = 0;
      else {
        FIFO = NULL;
  return FIFO;