/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: VfrCompiler.cpp Abstract: --*/ #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "process.h" #include "VfrCompiler.h" VOID CVfrCompiler::SET_RUN_STATUS ( IN COMPILER_RUN_STATUS Status ) { mRunStatus = Status; } BOOLEAN CVfrCompiler::IS_RUN_STATUS ( IN COMPILER_RUN_STATUS Status ) { return mRunStatus == Status; } VOID CVfrCompiler::OptionInitialization ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 **Argv ) { INT32 Index; mOptions.VfrFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.RecordListFile[0] = '\0'; mOptions.CreateRecordListFile = FALSE; mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile = FALSE; mOptions.PkgOutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.COutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.OutputDirectory[0] = '\0'; mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.IncludePaths = NULL; mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions = NULL; for (Index = 1; (Index < Argc) && (Argv[Index][0] == '-'); Index++) { if ((_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-?") == 0) || (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-h") == 0)) { Usage (); SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_DEAD); return; } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-l") == 0) { mOptions.CreateRecordListFile = TRUE; gCIfrRecordInfoDB.TurnOn (); } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-i") == 0) { Index++; if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) { printf ("%s -i - missing path argument\n", PROGRAM_NAME); goto Fail; } AppendIncludePath(Argv[Index]); } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-od") == 0) { Index++; if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) { printf ("%s -od - missing output directory name\n", PROGRAM_NAME); goto Fail; } strcpy (mOptions.OutputDirectory, Argv[Index]); } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-ibin") == 0) { mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile = TRUE; } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-nostrings") == 0) { } else if (_stricmp(Argv[Index], "-ppflag") == 0) { Index++; if ((Index >= Argc) || (Argv[Index][0] == '-')) { printf ("%s -od - missing C-preprocessor argument\n", PROGRAM_NAME); goto Fail; } AppendCPreprocessorOptions (Argv[Index]); } else { printf ("%s unrecognized option %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, Argv[Index]); Usage (); goto Fail; } } if (Index != Argc - 1) { printf ("%s must specify VFR file name", PROGRAM_NAME); Usage (); goto Fail; } else { strcpy (mOptions.VfrFileName, Argv[Index]); } if (SetBaseFileName() != 0) { goto Fail; } if (SetPkgOutputFileName () != 0) { goto Fail; } if (SetCOutputFileName() != 0) { goto Fail; } if (SetPreprocessorOutputFileName () != 0) { goto Fail; } if (SetRecordListFileName () != 0) { goto Fail; } return; Fail: SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FAILED); mOptions.VfrFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.RecordListFile[0] = '\0'; mOptions.CreateRecordListFile = FALSE; mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile = FALSE; mOptions.PkgOutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.COutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.OutputDirectory[0] = '\0'; mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName[0] = '\0'; mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] = '\0'; if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { delete mOptions.IncludePaths; mOptions.IncludePaths = NULL; } if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { delete mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions; mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions = NULL; } } VOID CVfrCompiler::AppendIncludePath ( IN INT8 *PathStr ) { UINT32 Len = 0; INT8 *IncludePaths = NULL; Len = strlen (" -I ") + strlen (PathStr) + 1; if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { Len += strlen (mOptions.IncludePaths); } IncludePaths = new INT8[Len]; if (IncludePaths == NULL) { printf ("%s memory allocation failure\n", PROGRAM_NAME); return; } IncludePaths[0] = '\0'; if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { strcat (IncludePaths, mOptions.IncludePaths); } strcat (IncludePaths, " -I "); strcat (IncludePaths, PathStr); if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { delete mOptions.IncludePaths; } mOptions.IncludePaths = IncludePaths; } VOID CVfrCompiler::AppendCPreprocessorOptions ( IN INT8 *Options ) { UINT32 Len = 0; INT8 *Opt = NULL; Len = strlen (Options) + strlen (" ") + 1; if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { Len += strlen (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions); } Opt = new INT8[Len]; if (Opt == NULL) { printf ("%s memory allocation failure\n", PROGRAM_NAME); return; } Opt[0] = 0; if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { strcat (Opt, mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions); } strcat (Opt, " "); strcat (Opt, Options); if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { delete mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions; } mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions = Opt; } INT8 CVfrCompiler::SetBaseFileName ( VOID ) { INT8 *pFileName, *pPath, *pExt; if (mOptions.VfrFileName[0] == '\0') { return -1; } pFileName = mOptions.VfrFileName; while ((pPath = strchr (pFileName, '\\')) != NULL) { pFileName = pPath + 1; } if (pFileName == NULL) { return -1; } if ((pExt = strchr (pFileName, '.')) == NULL) { return -1; } strncpy (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName, pFileName, pExt - pFileName); mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[pExt - pFileName] = '\0'; return 0; } INT8 CVfrCompiler::SetPkgOutputFileName ( VOID ) { if (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] == '\0') { return -1; } strcpy (mOptions.PkgOutputFileName, mOptions.OutputDirectory); strcat (mOptions.PkgOutputFileName, mOptions.VfrBaseFileName); strcat (mOptions.PkgOutputFileName, VFR_PACKAGE_FILENAME_EXTENSION); return 0; } INT8 CVfrCompiler::SetCOutputFileName ( VOID ) { if (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] == '\0') { return -1; } strcpy (mOptions.COutputFileName, mOptions.OutputDirectory); strcat (mOptions.COutputFileName, mOptions.VfrBaseFileName); strcat (mOptions.COutputFileName, ".c"); return 0; } INT8 CVfrCompiler::SetPreprocessorOutputFileName ( VOID ) { if (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] == '\0') { return -1; } strcpy (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName, mOptions.OutputDirectory); strcat (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName, mOptions.VfrBaseFileName); strcat (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName, VFR_PREPROCESS_FILENAME_EXTENSION); return 0; } INT8 CVfrCompiler::SetRecordListFileName ( VOID ) { if (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName[0] == '\0') { return -1; } strcpy (mOptions.RecordListFile, mOptions.OutputDirectory); strcat (mOptions.RecordListFile, mOptions.VfrBaseFileName); strcat (mOptions.RecordListFile, VFR_RECORDLIST_FILENAME_EXTENSION); return 0; } CVfrCompiler::CVfrCompiler ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 **Argv ) { mPreProcessCmd = PREPROCESSOR_COMMAND; mPreProcessOpt = PREPROCESSOR_OPTIONS; OptionInitialization(Argc, Argv); if ((IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_FAILED)) || (IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD))) { return; } SET_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_INITIALIZED); } CVfrCompiler::~CVfrCompiler ( VOID ) { if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { delete mOptions.IncludePaths; mOptions.IncludePaths = NULL; } if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { delete mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions; mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions = NULL; } SET_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD); } VOID CVfrCompiler::Usage ( VOID ) { UINT32 Index; CONST INT8 *Help[] = { " ", "VfrCompile version " VFR_COMPILER_VERSION, " ", " Usage: VfrCompile {options} [VfrFile]", " ", " where options include:", " -? or -h prints this help", " -l create an output IFR listing file", " -i IncPath add IncPath to the search path for VFR included files", " -od OutputDir deposit all output files to directory OutputDir (default=cwd)", " -ibin create an IFR HII pack file" " -ppflag C-preprocessor argument", " where parameters include:", " VfrFile name of the input VFR script file", " ", NULL }; for (Index = 0; Help[Index] != NULL; Index++) { fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", Help[Index]); } } VOID CVfrCompiler::PreProcess ( VOID ) { FILE *pVfrFile = NULL; UINT32 CmdLen = 0; INT8 *PreProcessCmd = NULL; if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_INITIALIZED)) { goto Fail; } if ((pVfrFile = fopen (mOptions.VfrFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf ("%s could not open input VFR file - %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, mOptions.VfrFileName); goto Fail; } fclose (pVfrFile); CmdLen = strlen (mPreProcessCmd) + strlen (mPreProcessOpt) + strlen (mOptions.VfrFileName) + strlen (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName); if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { CmdLen += strlen (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions); } if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { CmdLen += strlen (mOptions.IncludePaths); } PreProcessCmd = new INT8[CmdLen + 10]; if (PreProcessCmd == NULL) { printf ("%s could not allocate memory\n", PROGRAM_NAME); goto Fail; } strcpy (PreProcessCmd, mPreProcessCmd), strcat (PreProcessCmd, " "); strcat (PreProcessCmd, mPreProcessOpt), strcat (PreProcessCmd, " "); if (mOptions.IncludePaths != NULL) { strcat (PreProcessCmd, mOptions.IncludePaths), strcat (PreProcessCmd, " "); } if (mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions != NULL) { strcat (PreProcessCmd, mOptions.CPreprocessorOptions), strcat (PreProcessCmd, " "); } strcat (PreProcessCmd, mOptions.VfrFileName), strcat (PreProcessCmd, " > "); strcat (PreProcessCmd, mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName); if (system (PreProcessCmd) != 0) { printf ("%s failed to spawn C preprocessor on VFR file \n\t - %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, PreProcessCmd); goto Fail; } delete PreProcessCmd; SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_PREPROCESSED); return; Fail: if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD)) { SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FAILED); } delete PreProcessCmd; } extern UINT8 VfrParserStart (IN FILE *); VOID CVfrCompiler::Compile ( VOID ) { FILE *VfrFile = NULL; if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_PREPROCESSED)) { goto Fail; } if ((VfrFile = fopen (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf ("%s failed to open input VFR preprocessor output file - %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName); goto Fail; } if (VfrParserStart (VfrFile) != 0) { goto Fail; } fclose (VfrFile); if (gCFormPkg.HavePendingUnassigned () == TRUE) { gCFormPkg.PendingAssignPrintAll (); goto Fail; } SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_COMPILEED); return; Fail: if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD)) { printf ("%s compile error!\n", PROGRAM_NAME); SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FAILED); } if (VfrFile != NULL) { fclose (VfrFile); } } VOID CVfrCompiler::GenBinary ( VOID ) { FILE *pFile = NULL; if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_COMPILEED)) { goto Fail; } if (mOptions.CreateIfrPkgFile == TRUE) { if ((pFile = fopen (mOptions.PkgOutputFileName, "wb")) == NULL) { printf ("can not open PkgFileName\n", mOptions.PkgOutputFileName); goto Fail; } if (gCFormPkg.BuildPkg (pFile) != VFR_RETURN_SUCCESS) { fclose (pFile); goto Fail; } fclose (pFile); } SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_GENBINARY); return; Fail: if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD)) { SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FAILED); } } static const char *gSourceFileHeader[] = { "//", "// DO NOT EDIT -- auto-generated file", "//", "// This file is generated by the vfrcompiler utility", "//", NULL }; VOID CVfrCompiler::GenCFile ( VOID ) { FILE *pFile; UINT32 Index; if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_GENBINARY)) { goto Fail; } if ((pFile = fopen (mOptions.COutputFileName, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("failed to open output C file - %s\n", mOptions.COutputFileName); goto Fail; } for (Index = 0; gSourceFileHeader[Index] != NULL; Index++) { fprintf (pFile, "%s\n", gSourceFileHeader[Index]); } gCVfrBufferConfig.OutputCFile (pFile, mOptions.VfrBaseFileName); if (gCFormPkg.GenCFile (mOptions.VfrBaseFileName, pFile) != VFR_RETURN_SUCCESS) { fclose (pFile); goto Fail; } fclose (pFile); SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FINISHED); return; Fail: if (!IS_RUN_STATUS(STATUS_DEAD)) { SET_RUN_STATUS (STATUS_FAILED); } } VOID CVfrCompiler::GenRecordListFile ( VOID ) { FILE *pInFile = NULL; FILE *pOutFile = NULL; INT8 LineBuf[MAX_LINE_LEN]; UINT32 LineNo; if (mOptions.CreateRecordListFile == TRUE) { if ((mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName[0] == '\0') || (mOptions.RecordListFile[0] == '\0')) { return; } if ((pInFile = fopen (mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName, "r")) == NULL) { printf ("%s failed to open input VFR preprocessor output file - %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, mOptions.PreprocessorOutputFileName); return; } if ((pOutFile = fopen (mOptions.RecordListFile, "w")) == NULL) { printf ("%s failed to open record list file for writing - %s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, mOptions.RecordListFile); goto Err1; } fprintf (pOutFile, "//\n// VFR compiler version " VFR_COMPILER_VERSION "\n//\n"); LineNo = 0; while (!feof (pInFile)) { if (fgets (LineBuf, MAX_LINE_LEN, pInFile) != NULL) { fprintf (pOutFile, "%s", LineBuf); LineNo++; gCIfrRecordInfoDB.IfrRecordOutput (pOutFile, LineNo); } } fclose (pOutFile); fclose (pInFile); } return; Err1: fclose (pInFile); } INT32 main ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 **Argv ) { COMPILER_RUN_STATUS Status; CVfrCompiler Compiler(Argc, Argv); Compiler.PreProcess(); Compiler.Compile(); Compiler.GenBinary(); Compiler.GenCFile(); Compiler.GenRecordListFile (); Status = Compiler.RunStatus (); if ((Status == STATUS_DEAD) || (Status == STATUS_FAILED)) { return 2; } return 0; }