/** @file Library for performing UEFI GOP Blt operations on a framebuffer Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef __FRAMEBUFFER_BLT_LIB__ #define __FRAMEBUFFER_BLT_LIB__ #include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h> // // Opaque structure for the frame buffer configure. // typedef struct FRAME_BUFFER_CONFIGURE FRAME_BUFFER_CONFIGURE; /** Create the configuration for a video frame buffer. The configuration is returned in the caller provided buffer. @param[in] FrameBuffer Pointer to the start of the frame buffer. @param[in] FrameBufferInfo Describes the frame buffer characteristics. @param[in,out] Configure The created configuration information. @param[in,out] ConfigureSize Size of the configuration information. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The configuration was successful created. @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The Configure is to too small. The required size is returned in ConfigureSize. @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The requested mode is not supported by this implementaion. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI FrameBufferBltConfigure ( IN VOID *FrameBuffer, IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *FrameBufferInfo, IN OUT FRAME_BUFFER_CONFIGURE *Configure, IN OUT UINTN *ConfigureSize ); /** Performs a UEFI Graphics Output Protocol Blt operation. @param[in] Configure Pointer to a configuration which was successfully created by FrameBufferBltConfigure (). @param[in,out] BltBuffer The data to transfer to screen. @param[in] BltOperation The operation to perform. @param[in] SourceX The X coordinate of the source for BltOperation. @param[in] SourceY The Y coordinate of the source for BltOperation. @param[in] DestinationX The X coordinate of the destination for BltOperation. @param[in] DestinationY The Y coordinate of the destination for BltOperation. @param[in] Width The width of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels. @param[in] Height The height of a rectangle in the blt rectangle in pixels. @param[in] Delta Not used for EfiBltVideoFill and EfiBltVideoToVideo operation. If a Delta of 0 is used, the entire BltBuffer will be operated on. If a subrectangle of the BltBuffer is used, then Delta represents the number of bytes in a row of the BltBuffer. @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter were passed in. @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The Blt operation was performed successfully. **/ RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI FrameBufferBlt ( IN FRAME_BUFFER_CONFIGURE *Configure, IN OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *BltBuffer, OPTIONAL IN EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_OPERATION BltOperation, IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta ); #endif