// // Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.<BR> // // This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // ENTRY &ram_start &ram_size ;If system is running then stop the execution so we can load symbols. break ;Reset all windows WINPAGE.RESET AREA.Reset AREA.Create SYMBOL 300. 100. AREA.View SYMBOL AREA.Select SYMBOL SYS.Option BE OFF ; Added based on suggestion from Lauterbach support. MMU.TABLEWALK ON MMU.ON GOSUB load_symbols &ram_start &ram_size ;Open some windows. WINPOS 83.125 29.063 48. 9. 0. 0. W003 Register WINPOS 83.25 10. 48. 9. 0. 1. W002 Var.Local END find_system_table: ENTRY &mem_start &mem_size &mem_ptr=&mem_start+&mem_size RPT ( &mem_ptr=&mem_ptr-0x400000 // 4 MB &word1=Data.LONG(D:&mem_ptr) &word2=Data.LONG(D:&mem_ptr+0x04) IF &word1==0x20494249 ( IF &word2==0x54535953 ( &result=Data.LONG(D:&mem_ptr+0x08) RETURN &result ) ) ) WHILE &mem_ptr>&mem_start &result=0 RETURN &result compare_guid: ENTRY &guid IF Data.LONG(D:&guid)==0x49152E77 ( IF Data.LONG(D:&guid+0x04)==0x47641ADA ( IF Data.LONG(D:&guid+0x08)==0xFE7AA2B7 ( IF Data.LONG(D:&guid+0x0C)==0x8B5ED9FE ( RETURN 0 ) ) ) ) RETURN 1 find_debug_info_table_header: ENTRY &system_table &config_table_entries=Data.LONG(D:&system_table+0x40) &config_table_pointer=Data.LONG(D:&system_table+0x44) RPT &config_table_entries ( GOSUB compare_guid &config_table_pointer ENTRY &result IF &result==0 ( &result=Data.LONG(D:&config_table_pointer+0x10) RETURN &result ) &config_table_pointer=&config_table_pointer+0x14 ) RETURN 0; valid_pe_header: ENTRY &header IF Data.BYTE(D:&header+0x00)==0x4D ( IF Data.BYTE(D:&header+0x01)==0x5A ( IF Data.BYTE(D:&header+0x80)==0x50 ( IF Data.BYTE(D:&header+0x81)==0x45 ( RETURN 1 ) ) ) ) RETURN 0 get_file_string: ENTRY &stringOffset local &string &more_string=data.string(d:&stringOffset) if (string.len("&more_string")>=128.) ( &string="&string"+"&more_string" &stringOffset=&stringOffset+string.len("&more_string") //Get remaining file string GOSUB get_file_string &stringOffset ENTRY &more_string &string="&string"+"&more_string" ) else ( &string="&string"+"&more_string" &more_string="" ) RETURN &string load_symbol_file: ENTRY &header &load_address GOSUB valid_pe_header &header ENTRY &result IF &result==1 ( &debugOffset=Data.LONG(D:&header+0x0128) &stringOffset=&header+&debugOffset+0x002C &stringOffset=&stringOffset+11. GOSUB get_file_string &stringOffset ENTRY &filestring &filestring="c:"+"&filestring" PRINT "&filestring 0x" &load_address Data.load.elf &filestring &load_address /nocode /noclear ) RETURN pe_headersize: ENTRY &header; RETURN Data.LONG(D:&header+0x00AC) load_symbols: ENTRY &mem_start &mem_size GOSUB find_system_table &mem_start &mem_size ENTRY &system_table GOSUB find_debug_info_table_header &system_table ENTRY &debug_info_table_header &debug_info_table=Data.LONG(D:&debug_info_table_header+0x08) &debug_info_table_size=Data.LONG(D:&debug_info_table_header+0x04) &index=0 RPT &debug_info_table_size ( &debug_image_info=Data.LONG(D:&debug_info_table+&index) IF &debug_image_info==0 RETURN &loaded_image_protocol=Data.LONG(D:&debug_image_info+0x04); &image_base=Data.LONG(D:&loaded_image_protocol+0x20); GOSUB pe_headersize &image_base ENTRY &header_size &image_load_address=&image_base+&header_size GOSUB load_symbol_file &image_base &image_load_address &index=&index+0x4 ) RETURN