/** @file IA-32/x64 PatchInstructionX86() Copyright (C) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> Copyright (C) 2018, Red Hat, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "BaseLibInternals.h" /** Patch the immediate operand of an IA32 or X64 instruction such that the byte, word, dword or qword operand is encoded at the end of the instruction's binary representation. This function should be used to update object code that was compiled with NASM from assembly source code. Example: NASM source code: mov eax, strict dword 0 ; the imm32 zero operand will be patched ASM_PFX(gPatchCr3): mov cr3, eax C source code: X86_ASSEMBLY_PATCH_LABEL gPatchCr3; PatchInstructionX86 (gPatchCr3, AsmReadCr3 (), 4); @param[out] InstructionEnd Pointer right past the instruction to patch. The immediate operand to patch is expected to comprise the trailing bytes of the instruction. If InstructionEnd is closer to address 0 than ValueSize permits, then ASSERT(). @param[in] PatchValue The constant to write to the immediate operand. The caller is responsible for ensuring that PatchValue can be represented in the byte, word, dword or qword operand (as indicated through ValueSize); otherwise ASSERT(). @param[in] ValueSize The size of the operand in bytes; must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. ASSERT() otherwise. **/ VOID EFIAPI PatchInstructionX86 ( OUT X86_ASSEMBLY_PATCH_LABEL *InstructionEnd, IN UINT64 PatchValue, IN UINTN ValueSize ) { // // The equality ((UINTN)InstructionEnd == ValueSize) would assume a zero-size // instruction at address 0; forbid it. // ASSERT ((UINTN)InstructionEnd > ValueSize); switch (ValueSize) { case 1: ASSERT (PatchValue <= MAX_UINT8); *((UINT8 *)(UINTN)InstructionEnd - 1) = (UINT8)PatchValue; break; case 2: ASSERT (PatchValue <= MAX_UINT16); WriteUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)(UINTN)InstructionEnd - 1, (UINT16)PatchValue); break; case 4: ASSERT (PatchValue <= MAX_UINT32); WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)(UINTN)InstructionEnd - 1, (UINT32)PatchValue); break; case 8: WriteUnaligned64 ((UINT64 *)(UINTN)InstructionEnd - 1, PatchValue); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); } }