/** @file Defines the X64 Namespace Object. Copyright (C) 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent @par Glossary: - Cm or CM - Configuration Manager - Obj or OBJ - Object - X64 or x64 - X64 Architecture **/ #ifndef X64_NAMESPACE_OBJECTS_H_ #define X64_NAMESPACE_OBJECTS_H_ #include #include #pragma pack(1) /** The LOCAL_APIC_MODE enum describes the Local APIC mode in the X64 Namespace */ typedef enum { LocalApicModeInvalid = 0, LocalApicModeXApic, LocalApicModeX2Apic } LOCAL_APIC_MODE; /** The EX64_OBJECT_ID enum describes the Object IDs in the X64 Namespace */ typedef enum X64ObjectID { EX64ObjReserved, ///< 0 - Reserved EX64ObjFadtSciInterrupt, ///< 1 - FADT SCI Interrupt information EX64ObjFadtSciCmdInfo, ///< 2 - FADT SCI CMD information EX64ObjFadtPmBlockInfo, ///< 3 - FADT Power management block info EX64ObjFadtGpeBlockInfo, ///< 4 - FADT GPE block info EX64ObjFadtXpmBlockInfo, ///< 5 - FADT 64-bit Power Management block info EX64ObjFadtXgpeBlockInfo, ///< 6 - FADT 64-bit GPE block info EX64ObjFadtSleepBlockInfo, ///< 7 - FADT Sleep block info EX64ObjFadtResetBlockInfo, ///< 8 - FADT Reset block info EX64ObjFadtMiscInfo, ///< 9 - FADT Legacy fields info EX64ObjWsmtFlagsInfo, ///< 10 - WSMT protection flags info EX64ObjHpetInfo, ///< 11 - HPET device info EX64ObjMadtInfo, ///< 12 - MADT info EX64ObjLocalApicX2ApicInfo, ///< 13 - Local APIC and X2APIC info EX64ObjIoApicInfo, ///< 14 - IO APIC info EX64ObjIntrSourceOverrideInfo, ///< 15 - Interrupt Source Override info EX64ObjLocalApicX2ApicNmiInfo, ///< 16 - Local APIC and X2APIC NMI info EX64ObjMax ///< 17 - Maximum Object ID } EX64_OBJECT_ID; /** A structure that describes the SCI interrupt Information for the Platform. ID: EX64ObjFadtSciInterrupt */ typedef struct CmX64FadtSciInterrupt { /** This is the SCI interrupt field of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ UINT16 SciInterrupt; } CM_X64_FADT_SCI_INTERRUPT; /** A structure that describes the SCI CMD Information for the Platform. ID: EX64ObjFadtSciCmdInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtSciCmdInfo { /** This is the System control interrupt command information of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ UINT32 SciCmd; UINT8 AcpiEnable; UINT8 AcpiDisable; UINT8 S4BiosReq; UINT8 PstateCnt; UINT8 CstCnt; } CM_X64_FADT_SCI_CMD_INFO; /** A structure that describes the power management block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtPmBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtPmBlockInfo { /** This is the PM event block information of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ UINT32 Pm1aEvtBlk; UINT32 Pm1bEvtBlk; UINT32 Pm1aCntBlk; UINT32 Pm1bCntBlk; UINT32 Pm2CntBlk; UINT32 PmTmrBlk; UINT8 Pm1EvtLen; UINT8 Pm1CntLen; UINT8 Pm2CntLen; UINT8 PmTmrLen; } CM_X64_FADT_PM_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the GPE block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtGpeBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtGpeBlockInfo { /** This is the GPE Block information of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ UINT32 Gpe0Blk; UINT32 Gpe1Blk; UINT8 Gpe0BlkLen; UINT8 Gpe1BlkLen; UINT8 Gpe1Base; } CM_X64_FADT_GPE_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the 64bit power management block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtXpmBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtXpmBlockInfo { /** This is the System control interrupt command information of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPm1aEvtBlk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPm1bEvtBlk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPm1aCntBlk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPm1bCntBlk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPm2CntBlk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XPmTmrBlk; } CM_X64_FADT_X_PM_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the 64-bit GPE block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtXgpeBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtXgpeBlockInfo { /** This is the GPE Block information of the FADT Table described in the ACPI Specification */ EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XGpe0Blk; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE XGpe1Blk; } CM_X64_FADT_X_GPE_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the sleep control block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtSleepBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtSleepBlockInfo { EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE SleepControlReg; EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE SleepStatusReg; } CM_X64_FADT_SLEEP_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the Reset control block information. ID: EX64ObjFadtResetBlockInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtResetBlockInfo { EFI_ACPI_6_5_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE ResetReg; UINT8 ResetValue; } CM_X64_FADT_RESET_BLOCK_INFO; /** A structure that describes the miscellaneous FADT fields information. ID: EX64ObjFadtMiscInfo */ typedef struct CmX64FadtFadtMiscInfo { UINT16 PLvl2Lat; UINT16 PLvl3Lat; UINT16 FlushSize; UINT16 FlushStride; UINT8 DutyOffset; UINT8 DutyWidth; UINT8 DayAlrm; UINT8 MonAlrm; UINT8 Century; } CM_X64_FADT_MISC_INFO; /** A structure that describes the WSMT protection flags information. ID: EX64ObjWsmtFlagsInfo */ typedef struct CmX64WsmtFlagsInfo { UINT32 ProtectionFlags; } CM_X64_WSMT_FLAGS_INFO; /** A structure that describes the HPET device information. ID: EX64ObjHpetInfo */ typedef struct CmX64HpetInfo { UINT32 BaseAddressLower32Bit; UINT16 MainCounterMinimumClockTickInPeriodicMode; UINT8 PageProtectionAndOemAttribute; } CM_X64_HPET_INFO; /** A structure that describes the MADT information. ID: EX64ObjMadtInfo */ typedef struct CmX64MadtInfo { UINT32 LocalApicAddress; UINT32 Flags; LOCAL_APIC_MODE ApicMode; } CM_X64_MADT_INFO; /** A structure that describes the Local APIC and X2APIC information. This structure includes fields from the ACPI_6_5_LOCAL_APIC_STRUCTURE and ACPI_6_5_LOCAL_X2APIC_STRUCTURE from the ACPI specifications. Additional fields are included to support CPU SSDT topology generation. ID: EX64ObjLocalApicX2ApicInfo */ typedef struct CmX64LocalApicX2ApicInfo { UINT32 ApicId; UINT32 Flags; UINT32 AcpiProcessorUid; } CM_X64_LOCAL_APIC_X2APIC_INFO; /** A structure that describes the IO APIC information. ID: EX64ObjIoApicInfo */ typedef struct CmX64IoApicInfo { UINT8 IoApicId; UINT32 IoApicAddress; UINT32 GlobalSystemInterruptBase; } CM_X64_IO_APIC_INFO; /** A structure that describes the Interrupt Source Override information. ID: EX64ObjIntrSourceOverrideInfo */ typedef struct CmX64IntrSourceOverrideInfo { UINT8 Bus; UINT8 Source; UINT32 GlobalSystemInterrupt; UINT16 Flags; } CM_X64_INTR_SOURCE_OVERRIDE_INFO; /** A structure that describes the Local APIC NMI information. ID: EX64ObjLocalApicX2ApicNmiInfo */ typedef struct CmX64LocalApicX2ApicNmiInfo { UINT16 Flags; UINT32 AcpiProcessorUid; UINT8 LocalApicLint; } CM_X64_LOCAL_APIC_X2APIC_NMI_INFO; #pragma pack() #endif // X64_NAMESPACE_OBJECTS_H_