/** @file HMAC-SHA256 KDF Wrapper Implementation over OpenSSL. Copyright (c) 2018 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "InternalCryptLib.h" #include #include /** Derive HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Md Message Digest. @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize Salt size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN HkdfMdExtractAndExpand ( IN CONST EVP_MD *Md, IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *pHkdfCtx; BOOLEAN Result; if ((Key == NULL) || (Salt == NULL) || (Info == NULL) || (Out == NULL) || (KeySize > INT_MAX) || (SaltSize > INT_MAX) || (InfoSize > INT_MAX) || (OutSize > INT_MAX)) { return FALSE; } pHkdfCtx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id (EVP_PKEY_HKDF, NULL); if (pHkdfCtx == NULL) { return FALSE; } Result = EVP_PKEY_derive_init (pHkdfCtx) > 0; if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md (pHkdfCtx, Md) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_salt (pHkdfCtx, Salt, (UINT32)SaltSize) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key (pHkdfCtx, Key, (UINT32)KeySize) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_add1_hkdf_info (pHkdfCtx, Info, (UINT32)InfoSize) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_derive (pHkdfCtx, Out, &OutSize) > 0; } EVP_PKEY_CTX_free (pHkdfCtx); pHkdfCtx = NULL; return Result; } /** Derive HMAC-based Extract key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Md message digest. @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize salt size in bytes. @param[out] PrkOut Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] PrkOutSize size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval true Hkdf generated successfully. @retval false Hkdf generation failed. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN HkdfMdExtract ( IN CONST EVP_MD *Md, IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, OUT UINT8 *PrkOut, UINTN PrkOutSize ) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *pHkdfCtx; BOOLEAN Result; if ((Key == NULL) || (Salt == NULL) || (PrkOut == NULL) || (KeySize > INT_MAX) || (SaltSize > INT_MAX) || (PrkOutSize > INT_MAX)) { return FALSE; } pHkdfCtx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id (EVP_PKEY_HKDF, NULL); if (pHkdfCtx == NULL) { return FALSE; } Result = EVP_PKEY_derive_init (pHkdfCtx) > 0; if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md (pHkdfCtx, Md) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_hkdf_mode ( pHkdfCtx, EVP_PKEY_HKDEF_MODE_EXTRACT_ONLY ) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_salt ( pHkdfCtx, Salt, (uint32_t)SaltSize ) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key ( pHkdfCtx, Key, (uint32_t)KeySize ) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_derive (pHkdfCtx, PrkOut, &PrkOutSize) > 0; } EVP_PKEY_CTX_free (pHkdfCtx); pHkdfCtx = NULL; return Result; } /** Derive SHA256 HMAC-based Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Md Message Digest. @param[in] Prk Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] PrkSize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN HkdfMdExpand ( IN CONST EVP_MD *Md, IN CONST UINT8 *Prk, IN UINTN PrkSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { EVP_PKEY_CTX *pHkdfCtx; BOOLEAN Result; if ((Prk == NULL) || (Info == NULL) || (Out == NULL) || (PrkSize > INT_MAX) || (InfoSize > INT_MAX) || (OutSize > INT_MAX)) { return FALSE; } pHkdfCtx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id (EVP_PKEY_HKDF, NULL); if (pHkdfCtx == NULL) { return FALSE; } Result = EVP_PKEY_derive_init (pHkdfCtx) > 0; if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_hkdf_md (pHkdfCtx, Md) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_hkdf_mode (pHkdfCtx, EVP_PKEY_HKDEF_MODE_EXPAND_ONLY) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_hkdf_key (pHkdfCtx, Prk, (UINT32)PrkSize) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_CTX_add1_hkdf_info (pHkdfCtx, Info, (UINT32)InfoSize) > 0; } if (Result) { Result = EVP_PKEY_derive (pHkdfCtx, Out, &OutSize) > 0; } EVP_PKEY_CTX_free (pHkdfCtx); pHkdfCtx = NULL; return Result; } /** Derive HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize Salt size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha256ExtractAndExpand ( IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { return HkdfMdExtractAndExpand (EVP_sha256 (), Key, KeySize, Salt, SaltSize, Info, InfoSize, Out, OutSize); } /** Derive SHA256 HMAC-based Extract key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize salt size in bytes. @param[out] PrkOut Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] PrkOutSize size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval true Hkdf generated successfully. @retval false Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha256Extract ( IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, OUT UINT8 *PrkOut, UINTN PrkOutSize ) { return HkdfMdExtract ( EVP_sha256 (), Key, KeySize, Salt, SaltSize, PrkOut, PrkOutSize ); } /** Derive SHA256 HMAC-based Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Prk Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] PrkSize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha256Expand ( IN CONST UINT8 *Prk, IN UINTN PrkSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { return HkdfMdExpand (EVP_sha256 (), Prk, PrkSize, Info, InfoSize, Out, OutSize); } /** Derive SHA384 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize Salt size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha384ExtractAndExpand ( IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { return HkdfMdExtractAndExpand (EVP_sha384 (), Key, KeySize, Salt, SaltSize, Info, InfoSize, Out, OutSize); } /** Derive SHA384 HMAC-based Extract key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Key Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] KeySize key size in bytes. @param[in] Salt Pointer to the salt(non-secret) value. @param[in] SaltSize salt size in bytes. @param[out] PrkOut Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] PrkOutSize size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval true Hkdf generated successfully. @retval false Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha384Extract ( IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, OUT UINT8 *PrkOut, UINTN PrkOutSize ) { return HkdfMdExtract ( EVP_sha384 (), Key, KeySize, Salt, SaltSize, PrkOut, PrkOutSize ); } /** Derive SHA384 HMAC-based Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). @param[in] Prk Pointer to the user-supplied key. @param[in] PrkSize Key size in bytes. @param[in] Info Pointer to the application specific info. @param[in] InfoSize Info size in bytes. @param[out] Out Pointer to buffer to receive hkdf value. @param[in] OutSize Size of hkdf bytes to generate. @retval TRUE Hkdf generated successfully. @retval FALSE Hkdf generation failed. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha384Expand ( IN CONST UINT8 *Prk, IN UINTN PrkSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize ) { return HkdfMdExpand (EVP_sha384 (), Prk, PrkSize, Info, InfoSize, Out, OutSize); }