/** @file
  Basic TPM command functions.

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "CommonHeader.h"

  Single function calculates SHA1 digest value for all raw data. It
  combines Sha1Init(), Sha1Update() and Sha1Final().

  @param[in]  Data          Raw data to be digested.
  @param[in]  DataLen       Size of the raw data.
  @param[out] Digest        Pointer to a buffer that stores the final digest.

  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS   Always successfully calculate the final digest.
TpmCommHashAll (
  IN  CONST UINT8                   *Data,
  IN        UINTN                   DataLen,
  OUT       TPM_DIGEST              *Digest
  VOID     *Sha1Ctx;
  UINTN    CtxSize;

  CtxSize = Sha1GetContextSize ();
  Sha1Ctx = AllocatePool (CtxSize);
  ASSERT (Sha1Ctx != NULL);

  Sha1Init (Sha1Ctx);
  Sha1Update (Sha1Ctx, Data, DataLen);
  Sha1Final (Sha1Ctx, (UINT8 *)Digest);

  FreePool (Sha1Ctx);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;