## @file # This tool adds EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION for a binary. # # This tool only support CertType - EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID # {0x4aafd29d, 0x68df, 0x49ee, {0x8a, 0xa9, 0x34, 0x7d, 0x37, 0x56, 0x65, 0xa7}} # # This tool has been tested with OpenSSL. # # Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' Pkcs7Sign ''' import os import sys import argparse import subprocess import uuid import struct import collections from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION # # Globals for help information # __prog__ = 'Pkcs7Sign' __version__ = '%s Version %s' % (__prog__, '0.9 ' + gBUILD_VERSION) __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.' __usage__ = '%s -e|-d [options] ' % (__prog__) # # GUID for PKCS7 from UEFI Specification # WIN_CERT_REVISION = 0x0200 WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID = 0x0EF1 EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID = uuid.UUID('{4aafd29d-68df-49ee-8aa9-347d375665a7}') # # typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE { # UINT32 dwLength; # UINT16 wRevision; # UINT16 wCertificateType; # //UINT8 bCertificate[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; # } WIN_CERTIFICATE; # # typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID { # WIN_CERTIFICATE Hdr; # EFI_GUID CertType; # //UINT8 CertData[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; # } WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID; # # typedef struct { # UINT64 MonotonicCount; # WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID AuthInfo; # } EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTHENTICATION; # # # Filename of test signing private cert that is stored in same directory as this tool # TEST_SIGNER_PRIVATE_CERT_FILENAME = 'TestCert.pem' TEST_OTHER_PUBLIC_CERT_FILENAME = 'TestSub.pub.pem' TEST_TRUSTED_PUBLIC_CERT_FILENAME = 'TestRoot.pub.pem' if __name__ == '__main__': # # Create command line argument parser object # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__prog__, version=__version__, usage=__usage__, description=__copyright__, conflict_handler='resolve') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-e", action="store_true", dest='Encode', help='encode file') group.add_argument("-d", action="store_true", dest='Decode', help='decode file') parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest='OutputFile', type=str, metavar='filename', help="specify the output filename", required=True) parser.add_argument("--signer-private-cert", dest='SignerPrivateCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="specify the signer private cert filename. If not specified, a test signer private cert is used.") parser.add_argument("--other-public-cert", dest='OtherPublicCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="specify the other public cert filename. If not specified, a test other public cert is used.") parser.add_argument("--trusted-public-cert", dest='TrustedPublicCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="specify the trusted public cert filename. If not specified, a test trusted public cert is used.") parser.add_argument("--monotonic-count", dest='MonotonicCountStr', type=str, help="specify the MonotonicCount in FMP capsule. If not specified, 0 is used.") parser.add_argument("--signature-size", dest='SignatureSizeStr', type=str, help="specify the signature size for decode process.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest='Verbose', action="store_true", help="increase output messages") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", dest='Quiet', action="store_true", help="reduce output messages") parser.add_argument("--debug", dest='Debug', type=int, metavar='[0-9]', choices=range(0,10), default=0, help="set debug level") parser.add_argument(metavar="input_file", dest='InputFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="specify the input filename") # # Parse command line arguments # args = parser.parse_args() # # Generate file path to Open SSL command # OpenSslCommand = 'openssl' try: OpenSslPath = os.environ['OPENSSL_PATH'] OpenSslCommand = os.path.join(OpenSslPath, OpenSslCommand) except: pass # # Verify that Open SSL command is available # try: Process = subprocess.Popen('%s version' % (OpenSslCommand), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except: print 'ERROR: Open SSL command not available. Please verify PATH or set OPENSSL_PATH' sys.exit(1) Version = Process.communicate() if Process.returncode <> 0: print 'ERROR: Open SSL command not available. Please verify PATH or set OPENSSL_PATH' sys.exit(Process.returncode) print Version[0] # # Read input file into a buffer and save input filename # args.InputFileName = args.InputFile.name args.InputFileBuffer = args.InputFile.read() args.InputFile.close() # # Save output filename and check if path exists # OutputDir = os.path.dirname(args.OutputFile) if not os.path.exists(OutputDir): print 'ERROR: The output path does not exist: %s' % OutputDir sys.exit(1) args.OutputFileName = args.OutputFile try: if args.MonotonicCountStr.upper().startswith('0X'): args.MonotonicCountValue = (long)(args.MonotonicCountStr, 16) else: args.MonotonicCountValue = (long)(args.MonotonicCountStr) except: args.MonotonicCountValue = (long)(0) if args.Encode: # # Save signer private cert filename and close private cert file # try: args.SignerPrivateCertFileName = args.SignerPrivateCertFile.name args.SignerPrivateCertFile.close() except: try: # # Get path to currently executing script or executable # if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.executable else: Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.argv[0] if Pkcs7ToolPath.startswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = Pkcs7ToolPath[1:] if Pkcs7ToolPath.endswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = RsaToolPath[:-1] args.SignerPrivateCertFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(Pkcs7ToolPath)), TEST_SIGNER_PRIVATE_CERT_FILENAME) args.SignerPrivateCertFile = open(args.SignerPrivateCertFileName, 'rb') args.SignerPrivateCertFile.close() except: print 'ERROR: test signer private cert file %s missing' % (args.SignerPrivateCertFileName) sys.exit(1) # # Save other public cert filename and close public cert file # try: args.OtherPublicCertFileName = args.OtherPublicCertFile.name args.OtherPublicCertFile.close() except: try: # # Get path to currently executing script or executable # if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.executable else: Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.argv[0] if Pkcs7ToolPath.startswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = Pkcs7ToolPath[1:] if Pkcs7ToolPath.endswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = RsaToolPath[:-1] args.OtherPublicCertFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(Pkcs7ToolPath)), TEST_OTHER_PUBLIC_CERT_FILENAME) args.OtherPublicCertFile = open(args.OtherPublicCertFileName, 'rb') args.OtherPublicCertFile.close() except: print 'ERROR: test other public cert file %s missing' % (args.OtherPublicCertFileName) sys.exit(1) format = "Q%ds" % len(args.InputFileBuffer) FullInputFileBuffer = struct.pack(format,args.MonotonicCountValue, args.InputFileBuffer) # # Sign the input file using the specified private key and capture signature from STDOUT # Process = subprocess.Popen('%s smime -sign -binary -signer "%s" -outform DER -md sha256 -certfile "%s"' % (OpenSslCommand, args.SignerPrivateCertFileName, args.OtherPublicCertFileName), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) Signature = Process.communicate(input=FullInputFileBuffer)[0] if Process.returncode <> 0: sys.exit(Process.returncode) # # Write output file that contains Signature, and Input data # args.OutputFile = open(args.OutputFileName, 'wb') args.OutputFile.write(Signature) args.OutputFile.write(args.InputFileBuffer) args.OutputFile.close() if args.Decode: # # Save trusted public cert filename and close public cert file # try: args.TrustedPublicCertFileName = args.TrustedPublicCertFile.name args.TrustedPublicCertFile.close() except: try: # # Get path to currently executing script or executable # if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.executable else: Pkcs7ToolPath = sys.argv[0] if Pkcs7ToolPath.startswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = Pkcs7ToolPath[1:] if Pkcs7ToolPath.endswith('"'): Pkcs7ToolPath = RsaToolPath[:-1] args.TrustedPublicCertFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(Pkcs7ToolPath)), TEST_TRUSTED_PUBLIC_CERT_FILENAME) args.TrustedPublicCertFile = open(args.TrustedPublicCertFileName, 'rb') args.TrustedPublicCertFile.close() except: print 'ERROR: test trusted public cert file %s missing' % (args.TrustedPublicCertFileName) sys.exit(1) if not args.SignatureSizeStr: print "ERROR: please use the option --signature-size to specify the size of the signature data!" sys.exit(1) else: if args.SignatureSizeStr.upper().startswith('0X'): SignatureSize = (long)(args.SignatureSizeStr, 16) else: SignatureSize = (long)(args.SignatureSizeStr) if SignatureSize < 0: print "ERROR: The value of option --signature-size can't be set to negative value!" sys.exit(1) elif SignatureSize > len(args.InputFileBuffer): print "ERROR: The value of option --signature-size is exceed the size of the input file !" sys.exit(1) args.SignatureBuffer = args.InputFileBuffer[0:SignatureSize] args.InputFileBuffer = args.InputFileBuffer[SignatureSize:] format = "Q%ds" % len(args.InputFileBuffer) FullInputFileBuffer = struct.pack(format,args.MonotonicCountValue, args.InputFileBuffer) # # Save output file contents from input file # open(args.OutputFileName, 'wb').write(FullInputFileBuffer) # # Verify signature # Process = subprocess.Popen('%s smime -verify -inform DER -content %s -CAfile %s' % (OpenSslCommand, args.OutputFileName, args.TrustedPublicCertFileName), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) Process.communicate(input=args.SignatureBuffer)[0] if Process.returncode <> 0: print 'ERROR: Verification failed' os.remove (args.OutputFileName) sys.exit(Process.returncode) open(args.OutputFileName, 'wb').write(args.InputFileBuffer)