//++ // Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> // This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // Module Name: // // SwitchStack.s // // Abstract: // // Contains an implementation of a stack switch for the Itanium-based architecture. // // // // Revision History: // //-- .file "SwitchStack.s" #include <Asm.h> #include <Ia_64Gen.h> // Define hardware RSE Configuration Register // // RS Configuration (RSC) bit field positions #define RSC_MODE 0 #define RSC_PL 2 #define RSC_BE 4 // RSC bits 5-15 reserved #define RSC_MBZ0 5 #define RSC_MBZ0_V 0x3ff #define RSC_LOADRS 16 #define RSC_LOADRS_LEN 14 // RSC bits 30-63 reserved #define RSC_MBZ1 30 #define RSC_MBZ1_V 0x3ffffffffULL // RSC modes // Lazy #define RSC_MODE_LY (0x0) // Store intensive #define RSC_MODE_SI (0x1) // Load intensive #define RSC_MODE_LI (0x2) // Eager #define RSC_MODE_EA (0x3) // RSC Endian bit values #define RSC_BE_LITTLE 0 #define RSC_BE_BIG 1 // RSC while in kernel: enabled, little endian, pl = 0, eager mode #define RSC_KERNEL ((RSC_MODE_EA<<RSC_MODE) | (RSC_BE_LITTLE<<RSC_BE)) // Lazy RSC in kernel: enabled, little endian, pl = 0, lazy mode #define RSC_KERNEL_LAZ ((RSC_MODE_LY<<RSC_MODE) | (RSC_BE_LITTLE<<RSC_BE)) // RSE disabled: disabled, pl = 0, little endian, eager mode #define RSC_KERNEL_DISABLED ((RSC_MODE_LY<<RSC_MODE) | (RSC_BE_LITTLE<<RSC_BE)) //VOID //SwitchStacks ( // VOID *ContinuationFunction, // UINTN Parameter, // UINTN NewTopOfStack, // UINTN NewBSPStore OPTIONAL //) ///*++ // //Input Arguments // // ContinuationFunction - This is a pointer to the PLABEL of the function that should be called once the // new stack has been created. // Parameter - The parameter to pass to the continuation function // NewTopOfStack - This is the new top of the memory stack for ensuing code. This is mandatory and // should be non-zero // NewBSPStore - This is the new BSP store for the ensuing code. It is optional on IA-32 and mandatory on Itanium-based platform. // //--*/ PROCEDURE_ENTRY(SwitchStacks) mov r16 = -0x10;; and r16 = r34, r16;; // get new stack value in R16, 0 the last nibble. mov r15 = r35;; // Get new BspStore into R15 mov r13 = r32;; // this is a pointer to the PLABEL of the continuation function. mov r17 = r33;; // this is the parameter to pass to the continuation function alloc r11=0,0,0,0 // Set 0-size frame ;; flushrs;; mov r21 = RSC_KERNEL_DISABLED // for rse disable ;; mov ar.rsc = r21 // turn off RSE add sp = r0, r16;; // transfer to the EFI stack mov ar.bspstore = r15 // switch to EFI BSP invala // change of ar.bspstore needs invala. mov r18 = RSC_KERNEL_LAZ // RSC enabled, Lazy mode ;; mov ar.rsc = r18 // turn rse on, in kernel mode ;; alloc r11=0,0,1,0;; // alloc 0 outs going to ensuing DXE IPL service mov out0 = r17 ld8 r16 = [r13],8;; // r16 = address of continuation function from the PLABEL ld8 gp = [r13] // gp = gp of continuation function from the PLABEL mov b6 = r16 ;; br.call.sptk.few b0=b6;; // Call the continuation function ;; PROCEDURE_EXIT(SwitchStacks)