/** @file Copyright (c) 2011-2018, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef LCD_PLATFORM_LIB_H_ #define LCD_PLATFORM_LIB_H_ #include #define LCD_VRAM_SIZE SIZE_8MB // // Modes definitions // #define VGA 0 #define SVGA 1 #define XGA 2 #define SXGA 3 #define WSXGA 4 #define UXGA 5 #define HD 6 // // VGA Mode: 640 x 480 // #define VGA_H_RES_PIXELS 640 #define VGA_V_RES_PIXELS 480 #define VGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 23750000 /* 0x016A6570 */ #define VGA_H_SYNC ( 80 - 1) #define VGA_H_FRONT_PORCH ( 16 - 1) #define VGA_H_BACK_PORCH ( 64 - 1) #define VGA_V_SYNC ( 4 - 1) #define VGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define VGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 13 - 1) // // SVGA Mode: 800 x 600 // #define SVGA_H_RES_PIXELS 800 #define SVGA_V_RES_PIXELS 600 #define SVGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 38250000 /* 0x0247A610 */ #define SVGA_H_SYNC ( 80 - 1) #define SVGA_H_FRONT_PORCH ( 32 - 1) #define SVGA_H_BACK_PORCH (112 - 1) #define SVGA_V_SYNC ( 4 - 1) #define SVGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define SVGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 17 - 1) // // XGA Mode: 1024 x 768 // #define XGA_H_RES_PIXELS 1024 #define XGA_V_RES_PIXELS 768 #define XGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 63500000 /* 0x03C8EEE0 */ #define XGA_H_SYNC (104 - 1) #define XGA_H_FRONT_PORCH ( 48 - 1) #define XGA_H_BACK_PORCH (152 - 1) #define XGA_V_SYNC ( 4 - 1) #define XGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define XGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 23 - 1) // // SXGA Mode: 1280 x 1024 // #define SXGA_H_RES_PIXELS 1280 #define SXGA_V_RES_PIXELS 1024 #define SXGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 109000000 /* 0x067F3540 */ #define SXGA_H_SYNC (136 - 1) #define SXGA_H_FRONT_PORCH ( 80 - 1) #define SXGA_H_BACK_PORCH (216 - 1) #define SXGA_V_SYNC ( 7 - 1) #define SXGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define SXGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 29 - 1) // // WSXGA+ Mode: 1680 x 1050 // #define WSXGA_H_RES_PIXELS 1680 #define WSXGA_V_RES_PIXELS 1050 #define WSXGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 147000000 /* 0x08C30AC0 */ #define WSXGA_H_SYNC (170 - 1) #define WSXGA_H_FRONT_PORCH (104 - 1) #define WSXGA_H_BACK_PORCH (274 - 1) #define WSXGA_V_SYNC ( 5 - 1) #define WSXGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 4 - 1) #define WSXGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 41 - 1) // // UXGA Mode: 1600 x 1200 // #define UXGA_H_RES_PIXELS 1600 #define UXGA_V_RES_PIXELS 1200 #define UXGA_OSC_FREQUENCY 161000000 /* 0x0998AA40 */ #define UXGA_H_SYNC (168 - 1) #define UXGA_H_FRONT_PORCH (112 - 1) #define UXGA_H_BACK_PORCH (280 - 1) #define UXGA_V_SYNC ( 4 - 1) #define UXGA_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define UXGA_V_BACK_PORCH ( 38 - 1) // // HD Mode: 1920 x 1080 // #define HD_H_RES_PIXELS 1920 #define HD_V_RES_PIXELS 1080 #define HD_OSC_FREQUENCY 165000000 /* 0x09D5B340 */ #define HD_H_SYNC ( 79 - 1) #define HD_H_FRONT_PORCH (128 - 1) #define HD_H_BACK_PORCH (328 - 1) #define HD_V_SYNC ( 5 - 1) #define HD_V_FRONT_PORCH ( 3 - 1) #define HD_V_BACK_PORCH ( 32 - 1) // // Colour Masks // #define LCD_24BPP_RED_MASK 0x00FF0000 #define LCD_24BPP_GREEN_MASK 0x0000FF00 #define LCD_24BPP_BLUE_MASK 0x000000FF #define LCD_24BPP_RESERVED_MASK 0xFF000000 #define LCD_16BPP_555_RED_MASK 0x00007C00 #define LCD_16BPP_555_GREEN_MASK 0x000003E0 #define LCD_16BPP_555_BLUE_MASK 0x0000001F #define LCD_16BPP_555_RESERVED_MASK 0x00000000 #define LCD_16BPP_565_RED_MASK 0x0000F800 #define LCD_16BPP_565_GREEN_MASK 0x000007E0 #define LCD_16BPP_565_BLUE_MASK 0x0000001F #define LCD_16BPP_565_RESERVED_MASK 0x00008000 #define LCD_12BPP_444_RED_MASK 0x00000F00 #define LCD_12BPP_444_GREEN_MASK 0x000000F0 #define LCD_12BPP_444_BLUE_MASK 0x0000000F #define LCD_12BPP_444_RESERVED_MASK 0x0000F000 /** The enumeration indexes maps the PL111 LcdBpp values used in the LCD Control Register **/ typedef enum { LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_1 = 0, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_2, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_4, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_8, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_555, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_24, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_16_565, LCD_BITS_PER_PIXEL_12_444 } LCD_BPP; EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformInitializeDisplay ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ); EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformGetVram ( OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS* VramBaseAddress, OUT UINTN* VramSize ); UINT32 LcdPlatformGetMaxMode ( VOID ); EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformSetMode ( IN UINT32 ModeNumber ); EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformQueryMode ( IN UINT32 ModeNumber, OUT EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *Info ); EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformGetTimings ( IN UINT32 ModeNumber, OUT UINT32* HRes, OUT UINT32* HSync, OUT UINT32* HBackPorch, OUT UINT32* HFrontPorch, OUT UINT32* VRes, OUT UINT32* VSync, OUT UINT32* VBackPorch, OUT UINT32* VFrontPorch ); EFI_STATUS LcdPlatformGetBpp ( IN UINT32 ModeNumber, OUT LCD_BPP* Bpp ); #endif /* LCD_PLATFORM_LIB_H_ */