/** @file
  Declaration of the boot file download function.

Copyright (c) 2015 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
(C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#ifndef __EFI_HTTP_BOOT_HTTP_H__
#define __EFI_HTTP_BOOT_HTTP_H__

#define HTTP_BOOT_BLOCK_SIZE                 1500
#define HTTP_USER_AGENT_EFI_HTTP_BOOT        "UefiHttpBoot/1.0"

// Record the data length and start address of a data block.
typedef struct {
  LIST_ENTRY                 Link;        // Link to the EntityDataList in HTTP_BOOT_CACHE_CONTENT
  UINT8                      *Block;      // If NULL, the data is in previous data block.
  UINT8                      *DataStart;  // Point to somewhere in the Block
  UINTN                      DataLength;

// Structure for a cache item
typedef struct {
  LIST_ENTRY                 Link;            // Link to the CacheList in driver's private data.
  EFI_HTTP_REQUEST_DATA      *RequestData;
  HTTP_IO_RESPONSE_DATA      *ResponseData;   // Not include any message-body data.
  HTTP_BOOT_IMAGE_TYPE       ImageType;
  UINTN                      EntityLength;
  LIST_ENTRY                 EntityDataList;  // Entity data (message-body)

// Callback data for HTTP_BODY_PARSER_CALLBACK()
typedef struct {
  EFI_STATUS                 Status;
  // Cache info.
  BOOLEAN                    NewBlock;
  UINT8                      *Block;

  // Caller provided buffer to load the file in.
  UINTN                      CopyedSize;
  UINTN                      BufferSize;
  UINT8                      *Buffer;


  Discover all the boot information for boot file.

  @param[in, out]    Private        The pointer to the driver's private data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          Successfully obtained all the boot information .
  @retval Others               Failed to retrieve the boot information.

HttpBootDiscoverBootInfo (

  Create a HttpIo instance for the file download.

  @param[in]    Private        The pointer to the driver's private data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          Successfully created.
  @retval Others               Failed to create HttpIo.

HttpBootCreateHttpIo (
  IN     HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA       *Private

  This function download the boot file by using UEFI HTTP protocol.

  @param[in]       Private         The pointer to the driver's private data.
  @param[in]       HeaderOnly      Only request the response header, it could save a lot of time if
                                   the caller only want to know the size of the requested file.
  @param[in, out]  BufferSize      On input the size of Buffer in bytes. On output with a return
                                   code of EFI_SUCCESS, the amount of data transferred to
                                   Buffer. On output with a return code of EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL,
                                   the size of Buffer required to retrieve the requested file.
  @param[out]      Buffer          The memory buffer to transfer the file to. IF Buffer is NULL,
                                   then the size of the requested file is returned in
  @param[out]      ImageType       The image type of the downloaded file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              The file was loaded.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER    BufferSize is NULL or Buffer Size is not NULL but Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES     Could not allocate needed resources
  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL     The BufferSize is too small to read the current directory entry.
                                   BufferSize has been updated with the size needed to complete
                                   the request.
  @retval Others                   Unexpected error happened.

HttpBootGetBootFile (
  IN     BOOLEAN                  HeaderOnly,
  IN OUT UINTN                    *BufferSize,
     OUT UINT8                    *Buffer,
     OUT HTTP_BOOT_IMAGE_TYPE     *ImageType

  Clean up all cached data.

  @param[in]          Private         The pointer to the driver's private data.

HttpBootFreeCacheList (
