# # Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Intel Corporation # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # # Filename: build_rule.template # ## Syntax # # "*" is used to indicate that the source files will be processed at the same time. # "?" is used to indicate that the source files will be processed one by one. # # "[" [.][.][, [.][.]] "]" # ]> # (?|*). [(\n|,) (?|*).] # # ]> # # # # # # ]> # # [] # # is the MODULE_TYPE in EDK2 or COMPONENT_TYPE in EDK. # Missing will cause an exception and break build. # Missing will cause that related build target won't be generated but # won't break build. # ## Placeholders for string substitution # # ${src} Source file(s) to be built (full path) # ${s_path} Source file directory (absolute path) # ${s_dir} Source file relative directory within a module # (Note: ${s_dir} is always equals to "." if source file is given in absolute path.) # ${s_name} Source file name without path # ${s_base} Source file name without extension and path # ${s_ext} Source file extension # # ${dst} Destination file(s) built from ${src} (full path) # ${d_path} Destination file directory (absolute path) # ${d_name} Destination file name without path # ${d_base} Destination file name without extension and path # ${d_ext} Destination file extension # # (+) Directory separator # ## Macro # $(WORKSPACE) Workspace directory # $(OUTPUT_DIR) Directory for intermediate files for building a module # $(DEBUG_DIR) Directory for files used to debug a module # $(BUILD_DIR) All files for building a platform will be put in this directory # $(BIN_DIR) Common directory for executable files # $(FV_DIR) Directory to store flash image files # $(INC) Search path of current module # $(INC_LIST) A file containing search pathes of current module # $(LIBS) Static library files of current module # $(_FLAGS) Tools flags of current module # $(MODULE_NAME) Current module name # $(MODULE_TYPE) Current module type # $(ARCH) Architecture of current module # $(TOOLCHAIN) Toolchain used to build current module # $(TARGET) Target of current module (DEBUG/RELEASE) # $() Path of tool # $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH) Path of build tools # $() File list of each file type # (Note: The macro name is derived from file type name. For example, # C-Code-File will have C_CODE_FILES macro.) # $() Macro point to a file containing list of files of a file type # ( # Note: The macro and file name are derived from file type name. # For example, C-Code-File will have C_CODE_FILES_LIST macro pointing # to $(OUTPUT_DIR)/c_code_files.lst. The list file and macro name # will be generated only when this macro is used in command line. # This is intended to get over the long command line limitation. # ) # # $(CP) copy command # $(MV) move command # $(RM) delete command # $(MD) create dir command # $(RD) remove dir command # ## Reserved File-Type # # Don't change following names of file types and their associated files, # which are also used in tools' code # # C-Code-File # C-Header-File # Dynamic-Library-File # Static-Library-File # Visual-Form-Representation-File # Unicode-Text-File # [C-Code-File] ?.c ?.C ?.cc ?.CC ?.cpp ?.Cpp ?.CPP $(MAKE_FILE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj "$(CC)" /Fo${dst} $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(CC)" -o ${dst} $(CC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(SYMRENAME)" $(SYMRENAME_FLAGS) ${dst} [C-Header-File] *.h, *.H [Assembly-Code-File.COMMON.COMMON] ?.asm, ?.Asm, ?.ASM ?.S, ?.s $(MAKE_FILE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj "$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} > ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i Trim --source-code --convert-hex -o ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i "$(ASM)" /Fo${dst} $(ASM_FLAGS) /I${s_path} $(INC) ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii "$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} > ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i Trim --source-code -o ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i "$(ASM)" -o ${dst} $(ASM_FLAGS) $(INC) ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii [Assembly-Code-File.COMMON.IPF] ?.s $(MAKE_FILE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj "$(PP)" $(PP_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} > ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i Trim --source-code -o ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.i "$(ASM)" -o ${dst} $(ASM_FLAGS) ${d_path}(+)${s_base}.iii [Visual-Form-Representation-File] ?.vfr ?.Vfr ?.VFR $(MAKE_FILE) $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.c -$(MD) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir} > NUL 2>&1 "$(VFRPP)" $(VFRPP_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} > $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i Trim --vfr-file -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i -$(MD) ${d_path} > NUL 2>&1 "$(VFR)" $(VFR_FLAGS) --output-directory ${d_path} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii [Object-File] *.obj *.o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).lib "$(SLINK)" $(SLINK_FLAGS) /OUT:${dst} @$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST) "$(SLINK)" -cr ${dst} $(SLINK_FLAGS) @$(OBJECT_FILES_LIST) [Static-Library-File] *.lib $(MAKE_FILE) $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).dll "$(DLINK)" /OUT:${dst} $(DLINK_FLAGS) $(DLINK_SPATH) @$(STATIC_LIBRARY_FILES_LIST) "$(DLINK)" -o ${dst} $(DLINK_FLAGS) -\( $(DLINK_SPATH) @$(STATIC_LIBRARY_FILES_LIST) -\) $(DLINK2_FLAGS) "$(OBJCOPY)" $(OBJCOPY_FLAGS) ${dst} [Static-Library-File.USER_DEFINED] *.lib $(MAKE_FILE) $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME) "$(DLINK)" $(DLINK_FLAGS) $(DLINK_SPATH) @$(STATIC_LIBRARY_FILES_LIST) "$(DLINK)" $(DLINK_FLAGS) -\( $(DLINK_SPATH) @$(STATIC_LIBRARY_FILES_LIST) -\) $(DLINK2_FLAGS) [Dynamic-Library-File] ?.dll $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).efi GenFw -e $(MODULE_TYPE) -o ${dst} ${src} $(CP) ${dst} $(OUTPUT_DIR) $(CP) ${dst} $(BIN_DIR) -$(CP) $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)*.map $(OUTPUT_DIR) [Dependency-Expression-File] ?.dxs, ?.Dxs, ?.DXS $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).depex "$(PP)" $(CC_FLAGS) $(APP_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} > $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i Trim --source-code -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i GenDepex -t $(MODULE_TYPE) -o ${dst} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii [Acpi-Source-Language-File] ?.asl, ?.Asl, ?.ASL $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.aml $(MAKE_FILE) Trim --asl-file -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i ${src} "$(ASLPP)" $(ASLPP_FLAGS) $(INC) /I${s_path} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i > $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii "$(ASL)" $(ASL_FLAGS)${dst} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii Trim --asl-file -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i ${src} "$(ASLPP)" $(ASLPP_FLAGS) $(INC) -I${s_path} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.i > $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii "$(ASL)" $(ASL_FLAGS)${dst} $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.iii [C-Code-File.AcpiTable] ?.c $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.acpi $(MAKE_FILE) "$(ASLCC)" /Fo$(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj $(CC_FLAGS) $(ASLCC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(ASLDLINK)" /OUT:$(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll $(ASLDLINK_FLAGS) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj GenFw -o ${dst} -c $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll "$(ASLCC)" -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj $(CC_FLAGS) $(ASLCC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(ASLDLINK)" -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll $(ASLDLINK_FLAGS) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj GenFw -o ${dst} -c $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll [Acpi-Table-Code-File] ?.aslc, ?.act $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.acpi $(MAKE_FILE) "$(ASLCC)" /Fo$(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj $(CC_FLAGS) $(ASLCC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(ASLDLINK)" /OUT:$(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll $(ASLDLINK_FLAGS) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj GenFw -o ${dst} -c $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll "$(ASLCC)" -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj $(CC_FLAGS) $(ASLCC_FLAGS) $(INC) ${src} "$(ASLDLINK)" -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll $(ASLDLINK_FLAGS) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj GenFw -o ${dst} -c $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.dll [Masm16-Code-File] ?.asm16, ?.Asm16, ?.ASM16 $(MAKE_FILE) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_base}.com cd $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir} "$(ASM)" /nologo /c /omf /Fo$(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj ${src} "$(ASMLINK)" $(ASMLINK_FLAGS) $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_dir}(+)${s_base}.obj,${dst},,,, [Microcode-File] ?.txt, ?.TXT, ?.Txt, ?.mut $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)${s_base}.mcb GenFw -o ${dst} -m ${src} [Microcode-Binary-File] *.mcb $(OUTPUT_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).bin GenFw -o ${dst} -j $(MICROCODE_BINARY_FILES) -$(CP) ${dst} $(BIN_DIR) [EFI-Image-File] ?.efi, ?.Efi, ?.EFI [Unicode-Text-File] *.uni, *.Uni, *.UNI $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)AutoGen.c $(DEBUG_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME)StrDefs.h [Efi-Image.UEFI_OPTIONROM] ?.efi, ?.EFI, ?.Efi $(BIN_DIR)(+)$(MODULE_NAME).rom $(OPTROM) -i $(PCI_DEVICE_ID) -f $(PCI_VENDOR_ID) -l $(PCI_CLASS_CODE) -o $dst $(OPTROM_FLAGS) $src