/** @file PEI Module to test APIs defined in EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi. Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include <Library/PeimEntryPoint.h> #include <Library/PeiServicesLib.h> #include "EfiMpServicesUnitTestCommom.h" #define UNIT_TEST_NAME "EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi Unit Test" #define UNIT_TEST_VERSION "0.1" /** Get EDKII_PEI_MP_SERVICES2_PPI pointer. @param[out] MpServices Pointer to the buffer where EDKII_PEI_MP_SERVICES2_PPI is stored. @retval EFI_SUCCESS EDKII_PEI_MP_SERVICES2_PPI interface is returned @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND EDKII_PEI_MP_SERVICES2_PPI interface is not found **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestGetMpServices ( OUT MP_SERVICES *MpServices ) { return PeiServicesLocatePpi (&gEdkiiPeiMpServices2PpiGuid, 0, NULL, (VOID **)&MpServices->Ppi); } /** Retrieve the number of logical processor in the platform and the number of those logical processors that are enabled on this boot. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[out] NumberOfProcessors Pointer to the total number of logical processors in the system, including the BSP and disabled APs. @param[out] NumberOfEnabledProcessors Pointer to the number of processors in the system that are enabled. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Retrieve the number of logical processor successfully @retval Others Retrieve the number of logical processor unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestGetNumberOfProcessors ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, OUT UINTN *NumberOfProcessors, OUT UINTN *NumberOfEnabledProcessors ) { return MpServices.Ppi->GetNumberOfProcessors (MpServices.Ppi, NumberOfProcessors, NumberOfEnabledProcessors); } /** Get detailed information on the requested logical processor. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The handle number of the processor. @param[out] ProcessorInfoBuffer Pointer to the buffer where the processor information is stored. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get information on the requested logical processor successfully @retval Others Get information on the requested logical processor unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestGetProcessorInfo ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, OUT EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *ProcessorInfoBuffer ) { return MpServices.Ppi->GetProcessorInfo (MpServices.Ppi, ProcessorNumber, ProcessorInfoBuffer); } /** Execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] Procedure Pointer to the function to be run on enabled APs of the system. @param[in] SingleThread If TRUE, then all the enabled APs execute the function specified by Procedure one by one, in ascending order of processor handle number. If FALSE, then all the enabled APs execute the function specified by Procedure simultaneously. @param[in] TimeoutInMicroSeconds Indicates the time limit in microseconds for APs to return from Procedure, for blocking mode only. Zero means infinity. @param[in] ProcedureArgument The parameter passed into Procedure for all APs. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs successfully @retval Others Execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestStartupAllAPs ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE Procedure, IN BOOLEAN SingleThread, IN UINTN TimeoutInMicroSeconds, IN VOID *ProcedureArgument ) { return MpServices.Ppi->StartupAllAPs (MpServices.Ppi, Procedure, SingleThread, TimeoutInMicroSeconds, ProcedureArgument); } /** Caller gets one enabled AP to execute a caller-provided function. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] Procedure Pointer to the function to be run on enabled APs of the system. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The handle number of the AP. @param[in] TimeoutInMicroSeconds Indicates the time limit in microseconds for APs to return from Procedure, for blocking mode only. Zero means infinity. @param[in] ProcedureArgument The parameter passed into Procedure for all APs. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Caller gets one enabled AP to execute a caller-provided function successfully @retval Others Caller gets one enabled AP to execute a caller-provided function unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestStartupThisAP ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE Procedure, IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN UINTN TimeoutInMicroSeconds, IN VOID *ProcedureArgument ) { return MpServices.Ppi->StartupThisAP (MpServices.Ppi, Procedure, ProcessorNumber, TimeoutInMicroSeconds, ProcedureArgument); } /** Switch the requested AP to be the BSP from that point onward. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The handle number of AP that is to become the new BSP. @param[in] EnableOldBSP If TRUE, the old BSP will be listed as an enabled AP. Otherwise, it will be disabled. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Switch the requested AP to be the BSP successfully @retval Others Switch the requested AP to be the BSP unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestSwitchBSP ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN BOOLEAN EnableOldBSP ) { return MpServices.Ppi->SwitchBSP (MpServices.Ppi, ProcessorNumber, EnableOldBSP); } /** Caller enables or disables an AP from this point onward. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] ProcessorNumber The handle number of the AP. @param[in] EnableAP Specifies the new state for the processor for enabled, FALSE for disabled. @param[in] HealthFlag If not NULL, a pointer to a value that specifies the new health status of the AP. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Caller enables or disables an AP successfully. @retval Others Caller enables or disables an AP unsuccessfully. **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestEnableDisableAP ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN UINTN ProcessorNumber, IN BOOLEAN EnableAP, IN UINT32 *HealthFlag ) { return MpServices.Ppi->EnableDisableAP (MpServices.Ppi, ProcessorNumber, EnableAP, HealthFlag); } /** Get the handle number for the calling processor. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[out] ProcessorNumber The handle number for the calling processor. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get the handle number for the calling processor successfully. @retval Others Get the handle number for the calling processor unsuccessfully. **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestWhoAmI ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, OUT UINTN *ProcessorNumber ) { return MpServices.Ppi->WhoAmI (MpServices.Ppi, ProcessorNumber); } /** Execute a caller provided function on all enabled CPUs. @param[in] MpServices MP_SERVICES structure. @param[in] Procedure Pointer to the function to be run on enabled CPUs of the system. @param[in] TimeoutInMicroSeconds Indicates the time limit in microseconds for APs to return from Procedure, for blocking mode only. Zero means infinity. @param[in] ProcedureArgument The parameter passed into Procedure for all enabled CPUs. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Execute a caller provided function on all enabled CPUs successfully @retval Others Execute a caller provided function on all enabled CPUs unsuccessfully **/ EFI_STATUS MpServicesUnitTestStartupAllCPUs ( IN MP_SERVICES MpServices, IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE Procedure, IN UINTN TimeoutInMicroSeconds, IN VOID *ProcedureArgument ) { return MpServices.Ppi->StartupAllCPUs (MpServices.Ppi, Procedure, TimeoutInMicroSeconds, ProcedureArgument); } /** Infinite loop procedure to be run on specified AP. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to private data buffer. **/ VOID ApInfiniteLoopProcedure ( IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ProcessorNumber; volatile BOOLEAN InfiniteLoop; MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *LocalContext; LocalContext = (MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *)Buffer; Status = MpServicesUnitTestWhoAmI (LocalContext->MpServices, &ProcessorNumber); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); if (ProcessorNumber == LocalContext->BspNumber) { InfiniteLoop = FALSE; } else { InfiniteLoop = TRUE; } while (InfiniteLoop) { } } /** Procedure to run MP service StartupAllCPUs on AP. @param[in,out] Buffer The pointer to private data buffer. **/ VOID RunMpServiceStartupAllCPUsOnAp ( IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) { MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *LocalContext; LocalContext = (MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *)Buffer; LocalContext->ApProcedureReturnStatus = MpServicesUnitTestStartupAllCPUs ( LocalContext->MpServices, (EFI_AP_PROCEDURE)EmptyProcedure, 0, NULL ); } /** Unit test of PEI MP service StartupAllCPU. All CPUs should execute the Procedure. @param[in] Context Context pointer for this test. @retval UNIT_TEST_PASSED The Unit test has completed and the test case was successful. @retval UNIT_TEST_ERROR_TEST_FAILED A test case assertion has failed. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS EFIAPI TestStartupAllCPUs1 ( IN UNIT_TEST_CONTEXT Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ProcessorIndex; MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *LocalContext; LocalContext = (MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *)Context; SetMem (LocalContext->CommonBuffer, LocalContext->NumberOfProcessors * sizeof (*LocalContext->CommonBuffer), 0xFF); Status = MpServicesUnitTestStartupAllCPUs ( LocalContext->MpServices, (EFI_AP_PROCEDURE)StoreCpuNumbers, 0, (VOID *)LocalContext ); UT_ASSERT_NOT_EFI_ERROR (Status); for (ProcessorIndex = 0; ProcessorIndex < LocalContext->NumberOfProcessors; ProcessorIndex++) { UT_ASSERT_TRUE (LocalContext->CommonBuffer[ProcessorIndex] == ProcessorIndex); } return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } /** Unit test of PEI MP service StartupAllCPU. When this service is called from an AP, the return status should be EFI_DEVICE_ERROR. @param[in] Context Context pointer for this test. @retval UNIT_TEST_PASSED The Unit test has completed and the test case was successful. @retval UNIT_TEST_ERROR_TEST_FAILED A test case assertion has failed. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS EFIAPI TestStartupAllCPUs2 ( IN UNIT_TEST_CONTEXT Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ApNumber; MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *LocalContext; LocalContext = (MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *)Context; for (ApNumber = 0; ApNumber < LocalContext->NumberOfProcessors; ApNumber++) { LocalContext->ApNumber = ApNumber; Status = MpServicesUnitTestStartupThisAP ( LocalContext->MpServices, (EFI_AP_PROCEDURE)RunMpServiceStartupAllCPUsOnAp, ApNumber, 0, (VOID *)LocalContext ); if (ApNumber == LocalContext->BspNumber) { UT_ASSERT_STATUS_EQUAL (Status, EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { UT_ASSERT_NOT_EFI_ERROR (Status); UT_ASSERT_STATUS_EQUAL (LocalContext->ApProcedureReturnStatus, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } } return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } /** Unit test of PEI MP service StartupAllCPU. When called with all CPUs timeout, the return status should be EFI_TIMEOUT. @param[in] Context Context pointer for this test. @retval UNIT_TEST_PASSED The Unit test has completed and the test case was successful. @retval UNIT_TEST_ERROR_TEST_FAILED A test case assertion has failed. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS EFIAPI TestStartupAllCPUs3 ( IN UNIT_TEST_CONTEXT Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *LocalContext; LocalContext = (MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *)Context; Status = MpServicesUnitTestStartupAllCPUs ( LocalContext->MpServices, (EFI_AP_PROCEDURE)ApInfiniteLoopProcedure, RUN_PROCEDURE_TIMEOUT_VALUE, (VOID *)LocalContext ); UT_ASSERT_STATUS_EQUAL (Status, EFI_TIMEOUT); return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } /** Create test suite and unit tests only for EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi. @param[in] Framework A pointer to the framework that is being persisted. @param[in] Context A pointer to the private data buffer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Create test suite and unit tests successfully. @retval Others Create test suite and unit tests unsuccessfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AddTestCaseOnlyForEdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi ( IN UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_HANDLE Framework, IN MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UNIT_TEST_SUITE_HANDLE MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite; MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite = NULL; // // Test StartupAllCPUs function // Status = CreateUnitTestSuite (&MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite, Framework, "Execute a caller provided function on all enabled CPUs", "MpServices.StartupAllCPUs", NULL, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed in CreateUnitTestSuite for MpServiceStartupAllCPUs Test Suite\n")); return Status; } AddTestCase (MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite, "Test StartupAllCPUs 1", "TestStartupAllCPUs1", TestStartupAllCPUs1, InitUTContext, CheckUTContext, Context); AddTestCase (MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite, "Test StartupAllCPUs 2", "TestStartupAllCPUs2", TestStartupAllCPUs2, InitUTContext, CheckUTContext, Context); AddTestCase (MpServiceStartupAllCPUsTestSuite, "Test StartupAllCPUs 3", "TestStartupAllCPUs3", TestStartupAllCPUs3, InitUTContext, CheckUTContext, Context); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Standard PEIM entry point for unit test execution from PEI. Initialize the unit test framework, suite, and unit tests for the EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi and run the unit test. @param[in] FileHandle Handle of the file being invoked. @param[in] PeiServices Pointer to PEI Services table. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PeiEntryPoint ( IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle, IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_HANDLE Framework; MP_SERVICE_UT_CONTEXT Context; Framework = NULL; Context.MpServices.Ppi = NULL; Context.CommonBuffer = NULL; Context.DisabledApNumber = NULL; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a v%a\n", UNIT_TEST_NAME, UNIT_TEST_VERSION)); // // Start setting up the test framework for running the tests. // Status = InitUnitTestFramework (&Framework, UNIT_TEST_NAME, gEfiCallerBaseName, UNIT_TEST_VERSION); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed in InitUnitTestFramework. Status = %r\n", Status)); goto EXIT; } // // Create test suite and unit tests only for EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi. // Status = AddTestCaseOnlyForEdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi (Framework, &Context); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed in AddTestCaseOnlyForEdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi. Status = %r\n", Status)); goto EXIT; } // // Create test suite and unit tests for both EdkiiPeiMpServices2Ppi and EfiMpServiceProtocol. // Status = AddCommonTestCase (Framework, &Context); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Failed in AddCommonTestCase. Status = %r\n", Status)); goto EXIT; } // // Execute the tests. // Status = RunAllTestSuites (Framework); EXIT: if (Framework != NULL) { FreeUnitTestFramework (Framework); } return Status; }