# TianoCore edk2 GitHub Bug Report Template # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # name: 🐛 Bug Report description: File a bug report title: "[Bug]: " labels: ["type:bug", "state:needs-triage"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | 👋 Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report! - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Is there an existing issue for this? description: | Please search to see if an issue already exists for the bug you encountered.   [Seach existing issues](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/issues) options: - label: I have searched existing issues required: true - type: checkboxes id: bug_type attributes: label: Bug Type description: | What type of code does this bug affect? options: - label: Firmware - label: Tool - label: Unit Test - type: checkboxes id: code_first attributes: label: Code first? description: | Is this part of a [code first](https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II-Code-First-Process) change? options: - label: "Yes" - type: dropdown id: packages_impacted attributes: label: What packages are impacted? description: | *Select all that apply* multiple: true options: - ArmPkg - ArmPlatformPkg - ArmVirtPkg - BaseTools - Build or CI Code - CryptoPkg - DynamicTablesPkg - EmbeddedPkg - EmulatorPkg - FatPkg - FmpDevicePkg - IntelFsp2Pkg - IntelFsp2WrapperPkg - MdeModulePkg - MdePkg - NetworkPkg - OvmfPkg - PcAtChipsetPkg - PrmPkg - RedfishPkg - SecurityPkg - ShellPkg - SignedCapsulePkg - SourceLevelDebugPkg - StandaloneMmPkg - UefiCpuPkg - UefiPayloadPkg - UnitTestFrameworkPkg - Other validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: targets_impacted attributes: label: Which targets are impacted by this bug? description: | *Select all that apply* multiple: true options: - DEBUG - NO-TARGET - NOOPT - RELEASE - type: textarea id: current_behavior attributes: label: Current Behavior description: A concise description of the bug that you're experiencing. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: expected_behavior attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: A concise description of what you expected to happen. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: steps_to_reproduce attributes: label: Steps To Reproduce description: Steps to reproduce the behavior. placeholder: | <example> 1. In this environment (OS, toolchain, platform info, etc.)... 2. Acquire the source code using these commands... 3. Build the code using these commands... 4. Flash the image using these commands... 5. Boot using this process... 6. Change option(s)... 7. See error... validations: required: true - type: textarea id: build_environment attributes: label: Build Environment description: | Examples: - **OS**: Ubuntu 24.04 or Windows 11... - **Tool Chain**: GCC5 or VS2022 or CLANGPDB... value: | - OS(s): - Tool Chain(s): render: markdown validations: required: true - type: textarea id: version_info attributes: label: Version Information description: > What version of this repo is known to reproduce the problem? The problem is assumed to be present from this version and later. If an earlier version is not known other than the latest commit, indicate that and put the current *edk2/master* commit SHA. placeholder: | Commit: <SHA> -or- Tag: <Tag> render: text validations: required: true - type: markdown attributes: value: | **Urgency Key** - 🟢 **Low** - A minor change with little to no important functional impact - It is not important to fix this in a specific time frame - 🟡 **Medium** - An important change with a functional impact - Will be prioritized above *low* issues in the normal course of development - 🔥 **High** - A critical change that has a significant functional impact - Must be fixed immediately - type: dropdown id: urgency attributes: label: Urgency description: How urgent is it to fix this bug? multiple: false options: - Low - Medium - High validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: fix_owner attributes: label: Are you going to fix this? description: Indicate if you are going to fix this or requesting someone else fix it. multiple: false options: - I will fix it - Someone else needs to fix it validations: required: true - type: dropdown id: needs_maintainer_feedback attributes: label: Do you need maintainer feedback? description: Indicate if you would like a maintainer to provide feedback on this submission. multiple: false options: - No maintainer feedback needed - Maintainer feedback requested validations: required: true - type: textarea id: anything_else attributes: label: Anything else? description: | Links? References? Anything that will give us more context about the issue you are encountering. Serial debug logs and/or debugger logs are especially helpful! Tip: You can attach images or log files by clicking this area to highlight it and then dragging files in. validations: required: false