/** @file
  Common header file for MP Initialize Library.

  Copyright (c) 2016 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  Copyright (c) 2020, AMD Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#ifndef _MP_LIB_H_
#define _MP_LIB_H_

#include <PiPei.h>

#include <Register/Intel/Cpuid.h>
#include <Register/Amd/Cpuid.h>
#include <Register/Intel/Msr.h>
#include <Register/Intel/LocalApic.h>
#include <Register/Intel/Microcode.h>

#include <Library/MpInitLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
#include <Library/LocalApicLib.h>
#include <Library/CpuLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiCpuLib.h>
#include <Library/TimerLib.h>
#include <Library/SynchronizationLib.h>
#include <Library/MtrrLib.h>
#include <Library/HobLib.h>
#include <Library/PcdLib.h>

#include <Guid/MicrocodePatchHob.h>

#define WAKEUP_AP_SIGNAL SIGNATURE_32 ('S', 'T', 'A', 'P')

  { \
    0x58eb6a19, 0x3699, 0x4c68, { 0xa8, 0x36, 0xda, 0xcd, 0x8e, 0xdc, 0xad, 0x4a } \

//  The MP data for switch BSP

// Default maximum number of entries to store the microcode patches information

// Data structure for microcode patch information
typedef struct {
  UINTN    Address;
  UINTN    Size;

// CPU exchange information for switch BSP
typedef struct {
  UINT8             State;        // offset 0
  UINTN             StackPointer; // offset 4 / 8
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR   Gdtr;         // offset 8 / 16
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR   Idtr;         // offset 14 / 26

// AP loop state when APs are in idle state
// It's value is the same with PcdCpuApLoopMode
typedef enum {
  ApInHltLoop   = 1,
  ApInMwaitLoop = 2,
  ApInRunLoop   = 3

// AP initialization state during APs wakeup
typedef enum {
  ApInitConfig   = 1,
  ApInitReconfig = 2,
  ApInitDone     = 3

// AP state
// The state transitions for an AP when it process a procedure are:
//  Idle ----> Ready ----> Busy ----> Idle
//       [BSP]       [AP]       [AP]
typedef enum {

// CPU volatile registers around INIT-SIPI-SIPI
typedef struct {
  UINTN                          Cr0;
  UINTN                          Cr3;
  UINTN                          Cr4;
  UINTN                          Dr0;
  UINTN                          Dr1;
  UINTN                          Dr2;
  UINTN                          Dr3;
  UINTN                          Dr6;
  UINTN                          Dr7;
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR                Gdtr;
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR                Idtr;
  UINT16                         Tr;

// AP related data
typedef struct {
  SPIN_LOCK                      ApLock;
  volatile UINT32                *StartupApSignal;
  volatile UINTN                 ApFunction;
  volatile UINTN                 ApFunctionArgument;
  BOOLEAN                        CpuHealthy;
  volatile CPU_STATE             State;
  CPU_VOLATILE_REGISTERS         VolatileRegisters;
  BOOLEAN                        Waiting;
  BOOLEAN                        *Finished;
  UINT64                         ExpectedTime;
  UINT64                         CurrentTime;
  UINT64                         TotalTime;
  EFI_EVENT                      WaitEvent;
  UINT32                         ProcessorSignature;
  UINT8                          PlatformId;
  UINT64                         MicrocodeEntryAddr;

// Basic CPU information saved in Guided HOB.
// Because the contents will be shard between PEI and DXE,
// we need to make sure the each fields offset same in different
// architecture.
#pragma pack (1)
typedef struct {
  UINT32                         InitialApicId;
  UINT32                         ApicId;
  UINT32                         Health;
  UINT64                         ApTopOfStack;
#pragma pack ()

// AP reset code information including code address and size,
// this structure will be shared be C code and assembly code.
// It is natural aligned by design.
typedef struct {
  UINT8             *RendezvousFunnelAddress;
  UINTN             ModeEntryOffset;
  UINTN             RendezvousFunnelSize;
  UINT8             *RelocateApLoopFuncAddress;
  UINTN             RelocateApLoopFuncSize;
  UINTN             ModeTransitionOffset;

typedef struct _CPU_MP_DATA  CPU_MP_DATA;

#pragma pack(1)

// MP CPU exchange information for AP reset code
// This structure is required to be packed because fixed field offsets
// into this structure are used in assembly code in this module
typedef struct {
  UINTN                 Lock;
  UINTN                 StackStart;
  UINTN                 StackSize;
  UINTN                 CFunction;
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR       GdtrProfile;
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR       IdtrProfile;
  UINTN                 BufferStart;
  UINTN                 ModeOffset;
  UINTN                 ApIndex;
  UINTN                 CodeSegment;
  UINTN                 DataSegment;
  UINTN                 EnableExecuteDisable;
  UINTN                 Cr3;
  UINTN                 InitFlag;
  CPU_INFO_IN_HOB       *CpuInfo;
  UINTN                 NumApsExecuting;
  CPU_MP_DATA           *CpuMpData;
  UINTN                 InitializeFloatingPointUnitsAddress;
  UINT32                ModeTransitionMemory;
  UINT16                ModeTransitionSegment;
  UINT32                ModeHighMemory;
  UINT16                ModeHighSegment;
  // Enable5LevelPaging indicates whether 5-level paging is enabled in long mode.
  BOOLEAN               Enable5LevelPaging;

#pragma pack()

// CPU MP Data save in memory
struct _CPU_MP_DATA {
  UINT64                         CpuInfoInHob;
  UINT32                         CpuCount;
  UINT32                         BspNumber;
  // The above fields data will be passed from PEI to DXE
  // Please make sure the fields offset same in the different
  // architecture.
  SPIN_LOCK                      MpLock;
  UINTN                          Buffer;
  UINTN                          CpuApStackSize;
  MP_ASSEMBLY_ADDRESS_MAP        AddressMap;
  UINTN                          WakeupBuffer;
  UINTN                          WakeupBufferHigh;
  UINTN                          BackupBuffer;
  UINTN                          BackupBufferSize;

  volatile UINT32                FinishedCount;
  UINT32                         RunningCount;
  BOOLEAN                        SingleThread;
  EFI_AP_PROCEDURE               Procedure;
  VOID                           *ProcArguments;
  BOOLEAN                        *Finished;
  UINT64                         ExpectedTime;
  UINT64                         CurrentTime;
  UINT64                         TotalTime;
  EFI_EVENT                      WaitEvent;
  UINTN                          **FailedCpuList;

  AP_INIT_STATE                  InitFlag;
  BOOLEAN                        SwitchBspFlag;
  UINTN                          NewBspNumber;
  MTRR_SETTINGS                  MtrrTable;
  UINT8                          ApLoopMode;
  UINT8                          ApTargetCState;
  UINT16                         PmCodeSegment;
  CPU_AP_DATA                    *CpuData;
  volatile MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO  *MpCpuExchangeInfo;

  UINT32                         CurrentTimerCount;
  UINTN                          DivideValue;
  UINT8                          Vector;
  BOOLEAN                        PeriodicMode;
  BOOLEAN                        TimerInterruptState;
  UINT64                         MicrocodePatchAddress;
  UINT64                         MicrocodePatchRegionSize;

  // Whether need to use Init-Sipi-Sipi to wake up the APs.
  // Two cases need to set this value to TRUE. One is in HLT
  // loop mode, the other is resume from S3 which loop mode
  // will be hardcode change to HLT mode by PiSmmCpuDxeSmm
  // driver.
  BOOLEAN                        WakeUpByInitSipiSipi;

extern EFI_GUID mCpuInitMpLibHobGuid;

  Assembly code to place AP into safe loop mode.

  Place AP into targeted C-State if MONITOR is supported, otherwise
  place AP into hlt state.
  Place AP in protected mode if the current is long mode. Due to AP maybe
  wakeup by some hardware event. It could avoid accessing page table that
  may not available during booting to OS.

  @param[in] MwaitSupport    TRUE indicates MONITOR is supported.
                             FALSE indicates MONITOR is not supported.
  @param[in] ApTargetCState  Target C-State value.
  @param[in] PmCodeSegment   Protected mode code segment value.
  IN BOOLEAN                 MwaitSupport,
  IN UINTN                   ApTargetCState,
  IN UINTN                   PmCodeSegment,
  IN UINTN                   TopOfApStack,
  IN UINTN                   NumberToFinish

  Assembly code to get starting address and size of the rendezvous entry for APs.
  Information for fixing a jump instruction in the code is also returned.

  @param[out] AddressMap  Output buffer for address map information.
AsmGetAddressMap (

  This function is called by both the BSP and the AP which is to become the BSP to
  Exchange execution context including stack between them. After return from this
  function, the BSP becomes AP and the AP becomes the BSP.

  @param[in] MyInfo      Pointer to buffer holding the exchanging information for the executing processor.
  @param[in] OthersInfo  Pointer to buffer holding the exchanging information for the peer.

AsmExchangeRole (

  Get the pointer to CPU MP Data structure.

  @return  The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
GetCpuMpData (

  Save the pointer to CPU MP Data structure.

  @param[in] CpuMpData  The pointer to CPU MP Data structure will be saved.
SaveCpuMpData (
  IN CPU_MP_DATA   *CpuMpData

  Get available system memory below 1MB by specified size.

  @param[in] WakeupBufferSize   Wakeup buffer size required

  @retval other   Return wakeup buffer address below 1MB.
  @retval -1      Cannot find free memory below 1MB.
GetWakeupBuffer (
  IN UINTN                WakeupBufferSize

  Get available EfiBootServicesCode memory below 4GB by specified size.

  This buffer is required to safely transfer AP from real address mode to
  protected mode or long mode, due to the fact that the buffer returned by
  GetWakeupBuffer() may be marked as non-executable.

  @param[in] BufferSize   Wakeup transition buffer size.

  @retval other   Return wakeup transition buffer address below 4GB.
  @retval 0       Cannot find free memory below 4GB.
GetModeTransitionBuffer (
  IN UINTN                BufferSize

  This function will be called by BSP to wakeup AP.

  @param[in] CpuMpData          Pointer to CPU MP Data
  @param[in] Broadcast          TRUE:  Send broadcast IPI to all APs
                                FALSE: Send IPI to AP by ApicId
  @param[in] ProcessorNumber    The handle number of specified processor
  @param[in] Procedure          The function to be invoked by AP
  @param[in] ProcedureArgument  The argument to be passed into AP function
  @param[in] WakeUpDisabledAps  Whether need to wake up disabled APs in broadcast mode.
WakeUpAP (
  IN CPU_MP_DATA               *CpuMpData,
  IN BOOLEAN                   Broadcast,
  IN UINTN                     ProcessorNumber,
  IN EFI_AP_PROCEDURE          Procedure,              OPTIONAL
  IN VOID                      *ProcedureArgument,     OPTIONAL
  IN BOOLEAN                   WakeUpDisabledAps       OPTIONAL

  Initialize global data for MP support.

  @param[in] CpuMpData  The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
InitMpGlobalData (
  IN CPU_MP_DATA               *CpuMpData

  Worker function to execute a caller provided function on all enabled APs.

  @param[in]  Procedure               A pointer to the function to be run on
                                      enabled APs of the system.
  @param[in]  SingleThread            If TRUE, then all the enabled APs execute
                                      the function specified by Procedure one by
                                      one, in ascending order of processor handle
                                      number.  If FALSE, then all the enabled APs
                                      execute the function specified by Procedure
  @param[in]  ExcludeBsp              Whether let BSP also trig this task.
  @param[in]  WaitEvent               The event created by the caller with CreateEvent()
  @param[in]  TimeoutInMicroseconds   Indicates the time limit in microseconds for
                                      APs to return from Procedure, either for
                                      blocking or non-blocking mode.
  @param[in]  ProcedureArgument       The parameter passed into Procedure for
                                      all APs.
  @param[out] FailedCpuList           If all APs finish successfully, then its
                                      content is set to NULL. If not all APs
                                      finish before timeout expires, then its
                                      content is set to address of the buffer
                                      holding handle numbers of the failed APs.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In blocking mode, all APs have finished before
                                  the timeout expired.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In non-blocking mode, function has been dispatched
                                  to all enabled APs.
  @retval others                  Failed to Startup all APs.

StartupAllCPUsWorker (
  IN  EFI_AP_PROCEDURE          Procedure,
  IN  BOOLEAN                   SingleThread,
  IN  BOOLEAN                   ExcludeBsp,
  IN  EFI_EVENT                 WaitEvent               OPTIONAL,
  IN  UINTN                     TimeoutInMicroseconds,
  IN  VOID                      *ProcedureArgument      OPTIONAL,
  OUT UINTN                     **FailedCpuList         OPTIONAL

  Worker function to let the caller get one enabled AP to execute a caller-provided

  @param[in]  Procedure               A pointer to the function to be run on
                                      enabled APs of the system.
  @param[in]  ProcessorNumber         The handle number of the AP.
  @param[in]  WaitEvent               The event created by the caller with CreateEvent()
  @param[in]  TimeoutInMicroseconds   Indicates the time limit in microseconds for
                                      APs to return from Procedure, either for
                                      blocking or non-blocking mode.
  @param[in]  ProcedureArgument       The parameter passed into Procedure for
                                      all APs.
  @param[out] Finished                If AP returns from Procedure before the
                                      timeout expires, its content is set to TRUE.
                                      Otherwise, the value is set to FALSE.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS             In blocking mode, specified AP finished before
                                  the timeout expires.
  @retval others                  Failed to Startup AP.

StartupThisAPWorker (
  IN  EFI_AP_PROCEDURE          Procedure,
  IN  UINTN                     ProcessorNumber,
  IN  EFI_EVENT                 WaitEvent               OPTIONAL,
  IN  UINTN                     TimeoutInMicroseconds,
  IN  VOID                      *ProcedureArgument      OPTIONAL,
  OUT BOOLEAN                   *Finished               OPTIONAL

  Worker function to switch the requested AP to be the BSP from that point onward.

  @param[in] ProcessorNumber   The handle number of AP that is to become the new BSP.
  @param[in] EnableOldBSP      If TRUE, then the old BSP will be listed as an
                               enabled AP. Otherwise, it will be disabled.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          BSP successfully switched.
  @retval others               Failed to switch BSP.

SwitchBSPWorker (
  IN UINTN                     ProcessorNumber,
  IN BOOLEAN                   EnableOldBSP

  Worker function to let the caller enable or disable an AP from this point onward.
  This service may only be called from the BSP.

  @param[in] ProcessorNumber   The handle number of AP.
  @param[in] EnableAP          Specifies the new state for the processor for
                               enabled, FALSE for disabled.
  @param[in] HealthFlag        If not NULL, a pointer to a value that specifies
                               the new health status of the AP.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          The specified AP was enabled or disabled successfully.
  @retval others               Failed to Enable/Disable AP.

EnableDisableApWorker (
  IN  UINTN                     ProcessorNumber,
  IN  BOOLEAN                   EnableAP,
  IN  UINT32                    *HealthFlag OPTIONAL

  Get pointer to CPU MP Data structure from GUIDed HOB.

  @return  The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
GetCpuMpDataFromGuidedHob (

/** Checks status of specified AP.

  This function checks whether the specified AP has finished the task assigned
  by StartupThisAP(), and whether timeout expires.

  @param[in]  ProcessorNumber       The handle number of processor.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Specified AP has finished task assigned by StartupThisAPs().
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           The timeout expires.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         Specified AP has not finished task and timeout has not expired.
CheckThisAP (
  IN UINTN        ProcessorNumber

  Checks status of all APs.

  This function checks whether all APs have finished task assigned by StartupAllAPs(),
  and whether timeout expires.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           All APs have finished task assigned by StartupAllAPs().
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           The timeout expires.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY         APs have not finished task and timeout has not expired.
CheckAllAPs (

  Checks APs status and updates APs status if needed.

CheckAndUpdateApsStatus (

  Detect whether specified processor can find matching microcode patch and load it.

  @param[in]  CpuMpData        The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
  @param[in]  ProcessorNumber  The handle number of the processor. The range is
                               from 0 to the total number of logical processors
                               minus 1.
MicrocodeDetect (
  IN CPU_MP_DATA             *CpuMpData,
  IN UINTN                   ProcessorNumber

  Shadow the required microcode patches data into memory.

  @param[in, out]  CpuMpData    The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.
ShadowMicrocodeUpdatePatch (
  IN OUT CPU_MP_DATA             *CpuMpData

  Get the cached microcode patch base address and size from the microcode patch
  information cache HOB.

  @param[out] Address       Base address of the microcode patches data.
                            It will be updated if the microcode patch
                            information cache HOB is found.
  @param[out] RegionSize    Size of the microcode patches data.
                            It will be updated if the microcode patch
                            information cache HOB is found.

  @retval  TRUE     The microcode patch information cache HOB is found.
  @retval  FALSE    The microcode patch information cache HOB is not found.

GetMicrocodePatchInfoFromHob (
  UINT64                         *Address,
  UINT64                         *RegionSize

  Detect whether Mwait-monitor feature is supported.

  @retval TRUE    Mwait-monitor feature is supported.
  @retval FALSE   Mwait-monitor feature is not supported.
IsMwaitSupport (

  Enable Debug Agent to support source debugging on AP function.

EnableDebugAgent (

  Find the current Processor number by APIC ID.

  @param[in]  CpuMpData         Pointer to PEI CPU MP Data
  @param[out] ProcessorNumber   Return the pocessor number found

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          ProcessorNumber is found and returned.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND        ProcessorNumber is not found.
GetProcessorNumber (
  IN CPU_MP_DATA               *CpuMpData,
  OUT UINTN                    *ProcessorNumber

  This funtion will try to invoke platform specific microcode shadow logic to
  relocate microcode update patches into memory.

  @param[in, out] CpuMpData  The pointer to CPU MP Data structure.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              Shadow microcode success.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES     No enough resource to complete the operation.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED          Can't find platform specific microcode shadow
PlatformShadowMicrocode (
  IN OUT CPU_MP_DATA             *CpuMpData
