/** @file This file defines the EFI Redfish Discover Protocol interface. (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR> SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent @par Revision Reference: - Some corrections and revises are added to UEFI Specification 2.9. - This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.8. **/ #ifndef EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL_H_ #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL_H_ // // GUID definitions // #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { \ 0x5db12509, 0x4550, 0x4347, { 0x96, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x6e, 0x86, 0x9f } \ } #define REDFISH_DISCOVER_TOKEN_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('R', 'F', 'T', 'S') typedef UINT32 EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_FLAG; #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_HOST_INTERFACE 0x00000001 ///< Discover Redfish server reported in SMBIOS 42h. #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_SSDP 0x00000002 ///< Discover Redfish server using UPnP Http search method. #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_SSDP_UDP6 0x00000004 ///< Use UDP version 6. #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_KEEP_ALIVE 0x00000008 ///< Keep to send UPnP Search in the duration indicated in ///< EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_DURATION_MASK. #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_RENEW 0x00000010 ///< Set this bit to indicate this function to notify the caller ///< a list of all Redfish servers it found. Otherwise, this fucntion ///< just notify the caller new found Redfish servers. ///< #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_VALIDATION 0x80000000 ///< Validate Redfish service for host interface instance. #define EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_DURATION_MASK 0x0f000000 ///< 2 to the Power of Duration. The valid value of duration is between ///< 3 to 15. The corresponding duration is 8 to 2^15 seconds. ///< Duration is only valid when EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_KEEP_ALIVE ///< is set to 1. typedef struct _EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL; typedef struct { EFI_HANDLE RedfishRestExHandle; ///< REST EX EFI handle associated with this Redfish service. BOOLEAN IsUdp6; ///< Indicates it's IP versino 6. EFI_IP_ADDRESS RedfishHostIpAddress; ///< IP address of Redfish service. UINTN RedfishVersion; ///< Redfish service version. CHAR16 *Location; ///< Redfish service location. CHAR16 *Uuid; ///< Redfish service UUID. CHAR16 *Os; ///< Redfish service OS. CHAR16 *OsVersion; ///< Redfish service OS version. CHAR16 *Product; ///< Redfish service product name. CHAR16 *ProductVer; ///< Redfish service product version. BOOLEAN UseHttps; ///< Using HTTPS. } EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_INFORMATION; typedef struct { EFI_STATUS Status; ///< Status of Redfish service discovery. EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_INFORMATION Information; ///< Redfish service discovered. } EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_INSTANCE; typedef struct { UINTN NumberOfServiceFound; ///< Must be 0 when pass to Acquire (). EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_INSTANCE *RedfishInstances; ///< Must be NULL when pass to Acquire (). } EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST; typedef struct { EFI_MAC_ADDRESS MacAddress; ///< MAC address of network interfase to discover Redfish service. BOOLEAN IsIpv6; ///< Indicates it's IP versino 6. EFI_IP_ADDRESS SubnetId; ///< Subnet ID. UINT8 SubnetPrefixLength; ///< Subnet prefix-length for IPv4 and IPv6. UINT16 VlanId; ///< VLAN ID. } EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_INTERFACE; typedef struct { UINT32 Signature; ///< Token signature. EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST DiscoverList; ///< The memory of EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST is ///< allocated by Acquire() and freed when caller invoke Release(). EFI_EVENT Event; ///< The TPL_CALLBACK event to be notified when Redfish services ///< are discovered or any errors occurred during discovery. UINTN Timeout; ///< The timeout value declared in EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_TOKEN ///< determines the seconds to drop discover process. ///< Basically, the nearby Redfish services must response in >=1 ///< and <= 5 seconds. The valid timeout value used to have ///< asynchronous discovery is >= 1 and <= 5 seconds. Set the ///< timeout to zero means to discover Redfish service synchronously. ///< Event in token is created by caller to listen the Reefish services ///< found by Acquire(). } EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_TOKEN; /** This function gets the NIC list which Redfish discover protocol can discover Redfish service on it. @param[in] This EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] ImageHandle EFI Image handle request the NIC list, @param[out] NumberOfNetworkInterfaces Number of NICs can do Redfish service discovery. @param[out] NetworkInterfaces NIC instances. It's an array of instance. The number of entries in array is indicated by NumberOfNetworkInterfaces. Caller has to release the memory allocated by Redfish discover protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS REST EX instances of discovered Redfish are released. @retval Others Fail to remove the entry **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_LIST)( IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, OUT UINTN *NumberOfNetworkInterfaces, OUT EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_INTERFACE **NetworkInterfaces ); /** This function acquires Redfish services by discovering static Redfish setting according to Redfish Host Interface or through SSDP. Returns a list of EFI handles in EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST. Each of EFI handle has cooresponding EFI REST EX instance installed on it. Each REST EX isntance is a child instance which created through EFI REST EX serivce protoocl for communicating with specific Redfish service. @param[in] This EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] ImageHandle EFI image owns these Redfish service instances. @param[in] TargetNetworkInterface Target NIC to do the discovery. NULL means discover Redfish service on all NICs on platform. @param[in] Flags Redfish service discover flags. @param[in] Token EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_TOKEN instance. The memory of EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST and the strings in EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_INFORMATION are all allocated by Acquire() and must be freed when caller invoke Release(). @retval EFI_SUCCESS REST EX instance of discovered Redfish services are returned. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERS ImageHandle == NULL, Flags == 0, Token == NULL, Token->Timeout > 5, or Token->Event == NULL. @retval Others Fail acquire Redfish services. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_ACQUIRE_SERVICE)( IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_INTERFACE *TargetNetworkInterface OPTIONAL, IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_FLAG Flags, IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_TOKEN *Token ); /** This function aborts Redfish service discovery on the given network interface. @param[in] This EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] TargetNetworkInterface Target NIC to do the discovery. @retval EFI_SUCCESS REST EX instance of discovered Redfish services are returned. @retval Others Fail to abort Redfish service discovery. **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_ABORT_ACQUIRE)( IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_INTERFACE *TargetNetworkInterface OPTIONAL ); /** This function releases Redfish services found by RedfishServiceAcquire(). @param[in] This EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] List The Redfish service to release. @retval EFI_SUCCESS REST EX instances of discovered Redfish are released. @retval Others Fail to remove the entry **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_RELEASE_SERVICE)( IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVERED_LIST *List ); struct _EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_PROTOCOL { EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_NETWORK_LIST GetNetworkInterfaceList; EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_ACQUIRE_SERVICE AcquireRedfishService; EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_ABORT_ACQUIRE AbortAcquireRedfishService; EFI_REDFISH_DISCOVER_RELEASE_SERVICE ReleaseRedfishService; }; extern EFI_GUID gEfiRedfishDiscoverProtocolGuid; #endif