/** @file
Calculate Crc32 value and Verify Crc32 value for input data.

Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "ParseInf.h"
#include "EfiUtilityMsgs.h"
#include "CommonLib.h"
#include "Crc32.h"

#define UTILITY_NAME            "GenCrc32"

#define CRC32_NULL              0
#define CRC32_ENCODE            1
#define CRC32_DECODE            2

Version (

Routine Description:

  Displays the standard utility information to SDTOUT






Usage (

Routine Description:

  Displays the utility usage syntax to STDOUT





  // Summary usage
  fprintf (stdout, "Usage: GenCrc32 -e|-d [options] <input_file>\n\n");

  // Copyright declaration
  fprintf (stdout, "Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n");

  // Details Option
  fprintf (stdout, "optional arguments:\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  --version             Show program's version number and exit\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  --debug [DEBUG]       Output DEBUG statements, where DEBUG_LEVEL is 0 (min)\n\
                        - 9 (max)\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -v, --verbose         Print informational statements\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -q, --quiet           Returns the exit code, error messages will be\n\
  fprintf (stdout, "  -s, --silent          Returns only the exit code; informational and error\n\
                        messages are not displayed\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -e, --encode          Calculate CRC32 value for the input file\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -d, --decode          Verify CRC32 value for the input file\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  -o OUTPUT_FILENAME, --output OUTPUT_FILENAME\n\
                        Output file name\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "  --sfo                 Reserved for future use\n");


main (
  int   argc,
  CHAR8 *argv[]

Routine Description:

  Main function.


  argc - Number of command line parameters.
  argv - Array of pointers to parameter strings.

  STATUS_SUCCESS - Utility exits successfully.
  STATUS_ERROR   - Some error occurred during execution.

  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  CHAR8                   *OutputFileName;
  CHAR8                   *InputFileName;
  UINT8                   *FileBuffer;
  UINT32                  FileSize;
  UINT64                  LogLevel;
  UINT8                   FileAction;
  UINT32                  Crc32Value;
  FILE                    *InFile;
  FILE                    *OutFile;

  // Init local variables
  LogLevel       = 0;
  Status         = EFI_SUCCESS;
  InputFileName  = NULL;
  OutputFileName = NULL;
  FileAction     = CRC32_NULL;
  InFile         = NULL;
  OutFile        = NULL;
  Crc32Value     = 0;
  FileBuffer     = NULL;

  SetUtilityName (UTILITY_NAME);

  if (argc == 1) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing options", "no options input");
    Usage ();
    return STATUS_ERROR;

  // Parse command line
  argc --;
  argv ++;

  if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--help") == 0)) {
    Usage ();
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

  if (stricmp (argv[0], "--version") == 0) {
    Version ();
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

  while (argc > 0) {
    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-o") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--output") == 0)) {
      if (argv[1] == NULL || argv[1][0] == '-') {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Output File name is missing for -o option");
        goto Finish;
      OutputFileName = argv[1];
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;

    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-e") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--encode") == 0)) {
      FileAction     = CRC32_ENCODE;
      argc --;
      argv ++;

    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-d") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--decode") == 0)) {
      FileAction     = CRC32_DECODE;
      argc --;
      argv ++;

    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-v") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--verbose") == 0)) {
      SetPrintLevel (VERBOSE_LOG_LEVEL);
      VerboseMsg ("Verbose output Mode Set!");
      argc --;
      argv ++;

    if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-q") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--quiet") == 0)) {
      SetPrintLevel (KEY_LOG_LEVEL);
      KeyMsg ("Quiet output Mode Set!");
      argc --;
      argv ++;

    if (stricmp (argv[0], "--debug") == 0) {
      Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &LogLevel);
      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "%s = %s", argv[0], argv[1]);
        goto Finish;
      if (LogLevel > 9) {
        Error (NULL, 0, 1003, "Invalid option value", "Debug Level range is 0-9, current input level is %d", (int) LogLevel);
        goto Finish;
      SetPrintLevel (LogLevel);
      DebugMsg (NULL, 0, 9, "Debug Mode Set", "Debug Output Mode Level %s is set!", argv[1]);
      argc -= 2;
      argv += 2;

    if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
      Error (NULL, 0, 1000, "Unknown option", argv[0]);
      goto Finish;

    // Get Input file file name.
    InputFileName = argv[0];
    argc --;
    argv ++;

  VerboseMsg ("%s tool start.", UTILITY_NAME);

  // Check Input parameters
  if (FileAction == CRC32_NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "either the encode or the decode option must be specified!");
    return STATUS_ERROR;
  } else if (FileAction == CRC32_ENCODE) {
    VerboseMsg ("File will be encoded by Crc32");
  } else if (FileAction == CRC32_DECODE) {
    VerboseMsg ("File will be decoded by Crc32");

  if (InputFileName == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "Input files are not specified");
    goto Finish;
  } else {
    VerboseMsg ("Input file name is %s", InputFileName);

  if (OutputFileName == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 1001, "Missing option", "Output file are not specified");
    goto Finish;
  } else {
    VerboseMsg ("Output file name is %s", OutputFileName);

  // Open Input file and read file data.
  InFile = fopen (LongFilePath (InputFileName), "rb");
  if (InFile == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Error opening file", InputFileName);
    return STATUS_ERROR;

  fseek (InFile, 0, SEEK_END);
  FileSize = ftell (InFile);
  fseek (InFile, 0, SEEK_SET);

  FileBuffer = (UINT8 *) malloc (FileSize);
  if (FileBuffer == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 4001, "Resource", "memory cannot be allocated!");
    fclose (InFile);
    goto Finish;

  fread (FileBuffer, 1, FileSize, InFile);
  fclose (InFile);
  VerboseMsg ("the size of the input file is %u bytes", (unsigned) FileSize);

  // Open output file
  OutFile = fopen (LongFilePath (OutputFileName), "wb");
  if (OutFile == NULL) {
    Error (NULL, 0, 0001, "Error opening file", OutputFileName);
    goto Finish;

  // Calculate Crc32 value
  if (FileAction == CRC32_ENCODE) {
    Status = CalculateCrc32 (FileBuffer, FileSize, &Crc32Value);
    if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 3000, "Invalid", "Calculate CRC32 value failed!");
      goto Finish;
    // Done, write output file.
    fwrite (&Crc32Value, 1, sizeof (Crc32Value), OutFile);
    VerboseMsg ("The calculated CRC32 value is 0x%08x", (unsigned) Crc32Value);
    fwrite (FileBuffer, 1, FileSize, OutFile);
    VerboseMsg ("the size of the encoded file is %u bytes", (unsigned) FileSize + sizeof (UINT32));
  } else {
    // Verify Crc32 Value
    if (FileSize < sizeof (UINT32)) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 3000, "Invalid", "Input file is invalid!");
      goto Finish;
    Status = CalculateCrc32 (FileBuffer + sizeof (UINT32), FileSize - sizeof (UINT32), &Crc32Value);
    if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 3000, "Invalid", "Calculate CRC32 value failed!");
      goto Finish;
    VerboseMsg ("The calculated CRC32 value is 0x%08x and File Crc32 value is 0x%08x", (unsigned) Crc32Value, (unsigned) (*(UINT32 *)FileBuffer));
    if (Crc32Value != *(UINT32 *)FileBuffer) {
      Error (NULL, 0, 3000, "Invalid", "CRC32 value of input file is not correct!");
      Status = STATUS_ERROR;
      goto Finish;
    // Done, write output file.
    fwrite (FileBuffer + sizeof (UINT32), 1, FileSize - sizeof (UINT32), OutFile);
    VerboseMsg ("the size of the decoded file is %u bytes", (unsigned) FileSize - sizeof (UINT32));

  if (FileBuffer != NULL) {
    free (FileBuffer);

  if (OutFile != NULL) {
    fclose (OutFile);

  VerboseMsg ("%s tool done with return code is 0x%x.", UTILITY_NAME, GetUtilityStatus ());

  return GetUtilityStatus ();