## @file # Override built in function file.open to provide support for long file path # # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # import os import platform import shutil import codecs ## # OpenLongPath # Convert a file path to a long file path # def LongFilePath(FileName): FileName = os.path.normpath(FileName) if platform.system() == 'Windows': if FileName.startswith('\\\\?\\'): return FileName if FileName.startswith('\\\\'): return '\\\\?\\UNC\\' + FileName[2:] if os.path.isabs(FileName): return '\\\\?\\' + FileName return FileName ## # OpenLongFilePath # wrap open to support opening a long file path # def OpenLongFilePath(FileName, Mode='r', Buffer= -1): return open(LongFilePath(FileName), Mode, Buffer) def CodecOpenLongFilePath(Filename, Mode='rb', Encoding=None, Errors='strict', Buffering=1): return codecs.open(LongFilePath(Filename), Mode, Encoding, Errors, Buffering) ## # CopyLongFilePath # wrap copyfile to support copy a long file path # def CopyLongFilePath(src, dst): with open(LongFilePath(src), 'rb') as fsrc: with open(LongFilePath(dst), 'wb') as fdst: shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst)