/** @file Timer Library Functions Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: TimerLib.h **/ #ifndef __TIMER_LIB__ #define __TIMER_LIB__ /** Stalls the CPU for at least the given number of microseconds. Stalls the CPU for the number of microseconds specified by MicroSeconds. @param MicroSeconds The minimum number of microseconds to delay. @return MicroSeconds **/ UINTN EFIAPI MicroSecondDelay ( IN UINTN MicroSeconds ); /** Stalls the CPU for at least the given number of nanoseconds. Stalls the CPU for the number of nanoseconds specified by NanoSeconds. @param NanoSeconds The minimum number of nanoseconds to delay. @return NanoSeconds **/ UINTN EFIAPI NanoSecondDelay ( IN UINTN NanoSeconds ); /** Retrieves the current value of a 64-bit free running performance counter. Retrieves the current value of a 64-bit free running performance counter. The counter can either count up by 1 or count down by 1. If the physical performance counter counts by a larger increment, then the counter values must be translated. The properties of the counter can be retrieved from GetPerformanceCounterProperties(). @return The current value of the free running performance counter. **/ UINT64 EFIAPI GetPerformanceCounter ( VOID ); /** Retrieves the 64-bit frequency in Hz and the range of performance counter values. If StartValue is not NULL, then the value that the performance counter starts with immediately after is it rolls over is returned in StartValue. If EndValue is not NULL, then the value that the performance counter end with immediately before it rolls over is returned in EndValue. The 64-bit frequency of the performance counter in Hz is always returned. If StartValue is less than EndValue, then the performance counter counts up. If StartValue is greater than EndValue, then the performance counter counts down. For example, a 64-bit free running counter that counts up would have a StartValue of 0 and an EndValue of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. A 24-bit free running counter that counts down would have a StartValue of 0xFFFFFF and an EndValue of 0. @param StartValue The value the performance counter starts with when it rolls over. @param EndValue The value that the performance counter ends with before it rolls over. @return The frequency in Hz. **/ UINT64 EFIAPI GetPerformanceCounterProperties ( IN UINT64 *StartValue, OPTIONAL IN UINT64 *EndValue OPTIONAL ); #endif