/** @file IA-32 processor specific functions to enable SMM profile. Copyright (c) 2012 - 2024, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h" #include "SmmProfileInternal.h" /** Create SMM page table for S3 path. @param[out] Cr3 The base address of the page tables. **/ VOID InitSmmS3Cr3 ( OUT UINTN *Cr3 ) { ASSERT (Cr3 != NULL); *Cr3 = GenSmmPageTable (PagingPae, mPhysicalAddressBits); return; } /** Allocate pages for creating 4KB-page based on 2MB-page when page fault happens. 32-bit firmware does not need it. **/ VOID InitPagesForPFHandler ( VOID ) { } /** Update page table to map the memory correctly in order to make the instruction which caused page fault execute successfully. And it also save the original page table to be restored in single-step exception. 32-bit firmware does not need it. @param PageTable PageTable Address. @param PFAddress The memory address which caused page fault exception. @param CpuIndex The index of the processor. @param ErrorCode The Error code of exception. @param IsValidPFAddress The flag indicates if SMM profile data need be added. **/ VOID RestorePageTableAbove4G ( UINT64 *PageTable, UINT64 PFAddress, UINTN CpuIndex, UINTN ErrorCode, BOOLEAN *IsValidPFAddress ) { } /** Clear TF in FLAGS. @param SystemContext A pointer to the processor context when the interrupt occurred on the processor. **/ VOID ClearTrapFlag ( IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { SystemContext.SystemContextIa32->Eflags &= (UINTN) ~BIT8; }