/** @file Main file for attrib shell level 2 function. (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib.h" STATIC CONST SHELL_PARAM_ITEM ResetParamList[] = { { L"-w", TypeValue }, { L"-s", TypeValue }, { L"-c", TypeValue }, { L"-fwui", TypeFlag }, { NULL, TypeMax } }; /** Function for 'reset' command. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle to the Image (NULL if Internal). @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to the System Table (NULL if Internal). **/ SHELL_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunReset ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Package; CONST CHAR16 *String; CHAR16 *ProblemParam; SHELL_STATUS ShellStatus; UINT64 OsIndications; UINT32 Attr; UINTN DataSize; ShellStatus = SHELL_SUCCESS; ProblemParam = NULL; // // initialize the shell lib (we must be in non-auto-init...) // Status = ShellInitialize (); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // parse the command line // Status = ShellCommandLineParse (ResetParamList, &Package, &ProblemParam, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if ((Status == EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED) && (ProblemParam != NULL)) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM), gShellLevel2HiiHandle, L"reset", ProblemParam); FreePool (ProblemParam); return (SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { ASSERT (FALSE); } } else { // // check for "-?" // if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-?")) { ASSERT (FALSE); } else if (ShellCommandLineGetRawValue (Package, 1) != NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellLevel2HiiHandle, L"reset"); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-fwui")) { DataSize = sizeof (OsIndications); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_SUPPORT_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Attr, &DataSize, &OsIndications ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_UNSUPPORTED; goto Error; } if ((OsIndications & EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI) != 0) { DataSize = sizeof (OsIndications); Status = gRT->GetVariable ( EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, &Attr, &DataSize, &OsIndications ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { OsIndications = EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI; } else { OsIndications |= EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI; } Status = gRT->SetVariable ( EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_VARIABLE_NAME, &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, sizeof (OsIndications), &OsIndications ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_UNSUPPORTED; goto Error; } } // // check for warm reset flag, then shutdown reset flag, then cold (default) reset flag // if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-w")) { if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-s") || ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-c")) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellLevel2HiiHandle, L"reset"); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { String = ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-w"); if (String != NULL) { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, StrSize (String), (VOID *)String); } else { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } } else if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-s")) { if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-c")) { ShellPrintHiiEx (-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellLevel2HiiHandle, L"reset"); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { String = ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-s"); DEBUG_CODE ( ShellPrintEx (-1, -1, L"Reset with %s (%d bytes)\n", String, String != NULL ? StrSize (String) : 0); ); if (String != NULL) { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetShutdown, EFI_SUCCESS, StrSize (String), (VOID *)String); } else { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetShutdown, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } } else { // // this is default so dont worry about flag... // String = ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-c"); if (String != NULL) { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetCold, EFI_SUCCESS, StrSize (String), (VOID *)String); } else { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetCold, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } } } // // we should never get here... so the free and return are for formality more than use // as the ResetSystem function should not return... // Error: // // free the command line package // ShellCommandLineFreeVarList (Package); // // return the status // return (ShellStatus); }