/** @file * glob(3) -- a superset of the one defined in POSIX 1003.2. * * The [!...] convention to negate a range is supported (SysV, Posix, ksh). * * Optional extra services, controlled by flags not defined by POSIX: * * GLOB_MAGCHAR: * Set in gl_flags if pattern contained a globbing character. * GLOB_NOMAGIC: * Same as GLOB_NOCHECK, but it will only append pattern if it did * not contain any magic characters. [Used in csh style globbing] * GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC: * Use alternately specified directory access functions. * GLOB_TILDE: * expand ~user/foo to the /home/dir/of/user/foo * GLOB_BRACE: * expand {1,2}{a,b} to 1a 1b 2a 2b * GLOB_PERIOD: * allow metacharacters to match leading dots in filenames. * GLOB_NO_DOTDIRS: * . and .. are hidden from wildcards, even if GLOB_PERIOD is set. * gl_matchc: * Number of matches in the current invocation of glob. * Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Guido van Rossum. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. glob.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 10/13/93 NetBSD: glob.c,v 2010/07/19 18:14:08 riz Exp */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning ( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning ( disable : 4018 ) #endif #include <LibConfig.h> #include <sys/cdefs.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <glob.h> //#include <pwd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/fcntl.h> #ifdef HAVE_NBTOOL_CONFIG_H #define NO_GETPW_R #endif #define GLOB_LIMIT_MALLOC 65536 #define GLOB_LIMIT_STAT 128 #define GLOB_LIMIT_READDIR 16384 #define GLOB_INDEX_MALLOC 0 #define GLOB_INDEX_STAT 1 #define GLOB_INDEX_READDIR 2 /* * XXX: For NetBSD 1.4.x compatibility. (kill me l8r) */ #ifndef _DIAGASSERT #define _DIAGASSERT(a) #endif #define DOLLAR '$' #define DOT '.' #define EOS '\0' #define LBRACKET '[' #define NOT '!' #define QUESTION '?' #define QUOTE '\\' #define RANGE '-' #define RBRACKET ']' #define SEP '/' #define STAR '*' #define TILDE '~' #define UNDERSCORE '_' #define LBRACE '{' #define RBRACE '}' #define SLASH '/' #define COMMA ',' #ifndef USE_8BIT_CHARS #define M_QUOTE 0x8000 #define M_PROTECT 0x4000 #define M_MASK 0xffff #define M_ASCII 0x00ff typedef u_short Char; #else #define M_QUOTE (Char)0x80 #define M_PROTECT (Char)0x40 #define M_MASK (Char)0xff #define M_ASCII (Char)0x7f typedef char Char; #endif #define CHAR(c) ((Char)((c)&M_ASCII)) #define META(c) ((Char)((c)|M_QUOTE)) #define M_ALL META('*') #define M_END META(']') #define M_NOT META('!') #define M_ONE META('?') #define M_RNG META('-') #define M_SET META('[') #define ismeta(c) (((c)&M_QUOTE) != 0) static int compare(const void *, const void *); static int g_Ctoc(const Char *, char *, size_t); static int g_lstat(Char *, __gl_stat_t *, glob_t *); static DIR *g_opendir(Char *, glob_t *); static Char *g_strchr(const Char *, int); static int g_stat(Char *, __gl_stat_t *, glob_t *); static int glob0(const Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static int glob1(Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static int glob2(Char *, Char *, Char *, Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static int glob3(Char *, Char *, Char *, Char *, Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static int globextend(const Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static const Char *globtilde(const Char *, Char *, size_t, glob_t *); static int globexp1(const Char *, glob_t *, size_t *); static int globexp2(const Char *, const Char *, glob_t *, int *, size_t *); static int match(Char *, Char *, Char *); #ifdef DEBUG static void qprintf(const char *, Char *); #endif int glob( const char *pattern, int flags, int (*errfunc)(const char *, int), glob_t *pglob ) { const u_char *patnext; int c; Char *bufnext, *bufend, patbuf[MAXPATHLEN+1]; /* 0 = malloc(), 1 = stat(), 2 = readdir() */ size_t limit[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); patnext = (const u_char *) pattern; if (!(flags & GLOB_APPEND)) { pglob->gl_pathc = 0; pglob->gl_pathv = NULL; if (!(flags & GLOB_DOOFFS)) pglob->gl_offs = 0; } pglob->gl_flags = flags & ~GLOB_MAGCHAR; pglob->gl_errfunc = errfunc; pglob->gl_matchc = 0; bufnext = patbuf; bufend = bufnext + MAXPATHLEN; if (flags & GLOB_NOESCAPE) { while (bufnext < bufend && (c = *patnext++) != EOS) *bufnext++ = c; } else { /* Protect the quoted characters. */ while (bufnext < bufend && (c = *patnext++) != EOS) if (c == QUOTE) { if ((c = *patnext++) == EOS) { c = QUOTE; --patnext; } *bufnext++ = c | M_PROTECT; } else *bufnext++ = c; } *bufnext = EOS; if (flags & GLOB_BRACE) return globexp1(patbuf, pglob, limit); else return glob0(patbuf, pglob, limit); } /* * Expand recursively a glob {} pattern. When there is no more expansion * invoke the standard globbing routine to glob the rest of the magic * characters */ static int globexp1(const Char *pattern, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { const Char* ptr = pattern; int rv; _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); /* Protect a single {}, for find(1), like csh */ if (pattern[0] == LBRACE && pattern[1] == RBRACE && pattern[2] == EOS) return glob0(pattern, pglob, limit); while ((ptr = (const Char *) g_strchr(ptr, LBRACE)) != NULL) if (!globexp2(ptr, pattern, pglob, &rv, limit)) return rv; return glob0(pattern, pglob, limit); } /* * Recursive brace globbing helper. Tries to expand a single brace. * If it succeeds then it invokes globexp1 with the new pattern. * If it fails then it tries to glob the rest of the pattern and returns. */ static int globexp2(const Char *ptr, const Char *pattern, glob_t *pglob, int *rv, size_t *limit) { int i; Char *lm, *ls; const Char *pe, *pm, *pl; Char patbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; _DIAGASSERT(ptr != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(rv != NULL); /* copy part up to the brace */ for (lm = patbuf, pm = pattern; pm != ptr; *lm++ = *pm++) continue; ls = lm; /* Find the balanced brace */ for (i = 0, pe = ++ptr; *pe; pe++) if (*pe == LBRACKET) { /* Ignore everything between [] */ for (pm = pe++; *pe != RBRACKET && *pe != EOS; pe++) continue; if (*pe == EOS) { /* * We could not find a matching RBRACKET. * Ignore and just look for RBRACE */ pe = pm; } } else if (*pe == LBRACE) i++; else if (*pe == RBRACE) { if (i == 0) break; i--; } /* Non matching braces; just glob the pattern */ if (i != 0 || *pe == EOS) { /* * we use `pattern', not `patbuf' here so that that * unbalanced braces are passed to the match */ *rv = glob0(pattern, pglob, limit); return 0; } for (i = 0, pl = pm = ptr; pm <= pe; pm++) { switch (*pm) { case LBRACKET: /* Ignore everything between [] */ for (pl = pm++; *pm != RBRACKET && *pm != EOS; pm++) continue; if (*pm == EOS) { /* * We could not find a matching RBRACKET. * Ignore and just look for RBRACE */ pm = pl; } break; case LBRACE: i++; break; case RBRACE: if (i) { i--; break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case COMMA: if (i && *pm == COMMA) break; else { /* Append the current string */ for (lm = ls; (pl < pm); *lm++ = *pl++) continue; /* * Append the rest of the pattern after the * closing brace */ for (pl = pe + 1; (*lm++ = *pl++) != EOS;) continue; /* Expand the current pattern */ #ifdef DEBUG qprintf("globexp2:", patbuf); #endif *rv = globexp1(patbuf, pglob, limit); /* move after the comma, to the next string */ pl = pm + 1; } break; default: break; } } *rv = 0; return 0; } /* * expand tilde from the passwd file. */ static const Char * globtilde(const Char *pattern, Char *patbuf, size_t patsize, glob_t *pglob) { const char *h; const Char *p; Char *b; char *d; Char *pend = &patbuf[patsize / sizeof(Char)]; pend--; _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(patbuf != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if (*pattern != TILDE || !(pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_TILDE)) return pattern; /* Copy up to the end of the string or / */ for (p = pattern + 1, d = (char *)(void *)patbuf; d < (char *)(void *)pend && *p && *p != SLASH; *d++ = *p++) continue; if (d == (char *)(void *)pend) return NULL; *d = EOS; d = (char *)(void *)patbuf; if (*d == EOS) { /* * handle a plain ~ or ~/ by expanding $HOME * first and then trying the password file */ if ((h = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) { return pattern; } } else { /* * Expand a ~user */ return pattern; } /* Copy the home directory */ for (b = patbuf; b < pend && *h; *b++ = *h++) continue; if (b == pend) return NULL; /* Append the rest of the pattern */ while (b < pend && (*b++ = *p++) != EOS) continue; if (b == pend) return NULL; return patbuf; } /* * The main glob() routine: compiles the pattern (optionally processing * quotes), calls glob1() to do the real pattern matching, and finally * sorts the list (unless unsorted operation is requested). Returns 0 * if things went well, nonzero if errors occurred. It is not an error * to find no matches. */ static int glob0(const Char *pattern, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { const Char *qpatnext; int c, error; __gl_size_t oldpathc; Char *bufnext, patbuf[MAXPATHLEN+1]; _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if ((qpatnext = globtilde(pattern, patbuf, sizeof(patbuf), pglob)) == NULL) return GLOB_ABEND; oldpathc = pglob->gl_pathc; bufnext = patbuf; /* We don't need to check for buffer overflow any more. */ while ((c = *qpatnext++) != EOS) { switch (c) { case LBRACKET: c = *qpatnext; if (c == NOT) ++qpatnext; if (*qpatnext == EOS || g_strchr(qpatnext+1, RBRACKET) == NULL) { *bufnext++ = LBRACKET; if (c == NOT) --qpatnext; break; } *bufnext++ = M_SET; if (c == NOT) *bufnext++ = M_NOT; c = *qpatnext++; do { *bufnext++ = CHAR(c); if (*qpatnext == RANGE && (c = qpatnext[1]) != RBRACKET) { *bufnext++ = M_RNG; *bufnext++ = CHAR(c); qpatnext += 2; } } while ((c = *qpatnext++) != RBRACKET); pglob->gl_flags |= GLOB_MAGCHAR; *bufnext++ = M_END; break; case QUESTION: pglob->gl_flags |= GLOB_MAGCHAR; *bufnext++ = M_ONE; break; case STAR: pglob->gl_flags |= GLOB_MAGCHAR; /* collapse adjacent stars to one, * to avoid exponential behavior */ if (bufnext == patbuf || bufnext[-1] != M_ALL) *bufnext++ = M_ALL; break; default: *bufnext++ = CHAR(c); break; } } *bufnext = EOS; #ifdef DEBUG qprintf("glob0:", patbuf); #endif if ((error = glob1(patbuf, pglob, limit)) != 0) return error; if (pglob->gl_pathc == oldpathc) { /* * If there was no match we are going to append the pattern * if GLOB_NOCHECK was specified or if GLOB_NOMAGIC was * specified and the pattern did not contain any magic * characters GLOB_NOMAGIC is there just for compatibility * with csh. */ if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_NOCHECK) || ((pglob->gl_flags & (GLOB_NOMAGIC|GLOB_MAGCHAR)) == GLOB_NOMAGIC)) { return globextend(pattern, pglob, limit); } else { return GLOB_NOMATCH; } } else if (!(pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_NOSORT)) { qsort(pglob->gl_pathv + pglob->gl_offs + oldpathc, (size_t)pglob->gl_pathc - oldpathc, sizeof(char *), compare); } return 0; } static int compare(const void *p, const void *q) { _DIAGASSERT(p != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(q != NULL); return strcoll(*(const char * const *)p, *(const char * const *)q); } static int glob1(Char *pattern, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { Char pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN+1]; _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); /* A null pathname is invalid -- POSIX 1003.1 sect. 2.4. */ if (*pattern == EOS) return 0; /* * we save one character so that we can use ptr >= limit, * in the general case when we are appending non nul chars only. */ return glob2(pathbuf, pathbuf, pathbuf + (sizeof(pathbuf) / sizeof(*pathbuf)) - 1, pattern, pglob, limit); } /* * The functions glob2 and glob3 are mutually recursive; there is one level * of recursion for each segment in the pattern that contains one or more * meta characters. */ static int glob2(Char *pathbuf, Char *pathend, Char *pathlim, Char *pattern, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { __gl_stat_t sb; Char *p, *q; int anymeta; Char *pend; ptrdiff_t diff; _DIAGASSERT(pathbuf != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pathend != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); /* * Loop over pattern segments until end of pattern or until * segment with meta character found. */ for (anymeta = 0;;) { if (*pattern == EOS) { /* End of pattern? */ *pathend = EOS; if (g_lstat(pathbuf, &sb, pglob)) return 0; if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_LIMIT) && limit[GLOB_INDEX_STAT]++ >= GLOB_LIMIT_STAT) { errno = 0; *pathend++ = SEP; *pathend = EOS; return GLOB_NOSPACE; } if (((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_MARK) && pathend[-1] != SEP) && (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) || // (S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode) && (0 && (g_stat(pathbuf, &sb, pglob) == 0) && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)))) { if (pathend >= pathlim) return GLOB_ABORTED; *pathend++ = SEP; *pathend = EOS; } ++pglob->gl_matchc; return globextend(pathbuf, pglob, limit); } /* Find end of next segment, copy tentatively to pathend. */ q = pathend; p = pattern; while (*p != EOS && *p != SEP) { if (ismeta(*p)) anymeta = 1; if (q >= pathlim) return GLOB_ABORTED; *q++ = *p++; } /* * No expansion, or path ends in slash-dot shash-dot-dot, * do next segment. */ if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_PERIOD) { for (pend = pathend; pend > pathbuf && pend[-1] == '/'; pend--) continue; diff = pend - pathbuf; } else { /* XXX: GCC */ diff = 0; pend = pathend; } if ((!anymeta) || ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_PERIOD) && (diff >= 1 && pend[-1] == DOT) && (diff >= 2 && (pend[-2] == SLASH || pend[-2] == DOT)) && (diff < 3 || pend[-3] == SLASH))) { pathend = q; pattern = p; while (*pattern == SEP) { if (pathend >= pathlim) return GLOB_ABORTED; *pathend++ = *pattern++; } } else /* Need expansion, recurse. */ return glob3(pathbuf, pathend, pathlim, pattern, p, pglob, limit); } /* NOTREACHED */ } static int glob3(Char *pathbuf, Char *pathend, Char *pathlim, Char *pattern, Char *restpattern, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { struct dirent *dp; DIR *dirp; int error; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; /* * The readdirfunc declaration can't be prototyped, because it is * assigned, below, to two functions which are prototyped in glob.h * and dirent.h as taking pointers to differently typed opaque * structures. */ struct dirent *(*readdirfunc)(void *); _DIAGASSERT(pathbuf != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pathend != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(restpattern != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); *pathend = EOS; errno = 0; if ((dirp = g_opendir(pathbuf, pglob)) == NULL) { if (pglob->gl_errfunc) { if (g_Ctoc(pathbuf, buf, sizeof(buf))) return GLOB_ABORTED; if (pglob->gl_errfunc(buf, errno) || pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ERR) return GLOB_ABORTED; } /* * Posix/XOpen: glob should return when it encounters a * directory that it cannot open or read * XXX: Should we ignore ENOTDIR and ENOENT though? * I think that Posix had in mind EPERM... */ if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ERR) return GLOB_ABORTED; return 0; } error = 0; /* Search directory for matching names. */ if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC) readdirfunc = pglob->gl_readdir; else readdirfunc = (struct dirent *(*)(void *)) readdir; while ((dp = (*readdirfunc)(dirp)) != NULL) { u_char *sc; Char *dc; if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_LIMIT) && limit[GLOB_INDEX_READDIR]++ >= GLOB_LIMIT_READDIR) { errno = 0; *pathend++ = SEP; *pathend = EOS; return GLOB_NOSPACE; } /* * Initial DOT must be matched literally, unless we have * GLOB_PERIOD set. */ if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_PERIOD) == 0) if (dp->FileName[0] == DOT && *pattern != DOT) continue; /* * If GLOB_NO_DOTDIRS is set, . and .. vanish. */ if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_NO_DOTDIRS) && (dp->FileName[0] == DOT) && ((dp->FileName[1] == EOS) || ((dp->FileName[1] == DOT) && (dp->FileName[2] == EOS)))) continue; /* * The resulting string contains EOS, so we can * use the pathlim character, if it is the nul */ for (sc = (u_char *) dp->FileName, dc = pathend; dc <= pathlim && (*dc++ = *sc++) != EOS;) continue; /* * Have we filled the buffer without seeing EOS? */ if (dc > pathlim && *pathlim != EOS) { /* * Abort when requested by caller, otherwise * reset pathend back to last SEP and continue * with next dir entry. */ if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ERR) { error = GLOB_ABORTED; break; } else { *pathend = EOS; continue; } } if (!match(pathend, pattern, restpattern)) { *pathend = EOS; continue; } error = glob2(pathbuf, --dc, pathlim, restpattern, pglob, limit); if (error) break; } if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC) (*pglob->gl_closedir)(dirp); else closedir(dirp); /* * Again Posix X/Open issue with regards to error handling. */ if ((error || errno) && (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ERR)) return GLOB_ABORTED; return error; } /* * Extend the gl_pathv member of a glob_t structure to accommodate a new item, * add the new item, and update gl_pathc. * * This assumes the BSD realloc, which only copies the block when its size * crosses a power-of-two boundary; for v7 realloc, this would cause quadratic * behavior. * * Return 0 if new item added, error code if memory couldn't be allocated. * * Invariant of the glob_t structure: * Either gl_pathc is zero and gl_pathv is NULL; or gl_pathc > 0 and * gl_pathv points to (gl_offs + gl_pathc + 1) items. */ static int globextend(const Char *path, glob_t *pglob, size_t *limit) { char **pathv; size_t i, newsize, len; char *copy; const Char *p; _DIAGASSERT(path != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); newsize = sizeof(*pathv) * (2 + pglob->gl_pathc + pglob->gl_offs); pathv = pglob->gl_pathv ? realloc(pglob->gl_pathv, newsize) : malloc(newsize); if (pathv == NULL) return GLOB_NOSPACE; if (pglob->gl_pathv == NULL && pglob->gl_offs > 0) { /* first time around -- clear initial gl_offs items */ pathv += pglob->gl_offs; for (i = pglob->gl_offs + 1; --i > 0; ) *--pathv = NULL; } pglob->gl_pathv = pathv; for (p = path; *p++;) continue; len = (size_t)(p - path); limit[GLOB_INDEX_MALLOC] += len; if ((copy = malloc(len)) != NULL) { if (g_Ctoc(path, copy, len)) { free(copy); return GLOB_ABORTED; } pathv[pglob->gl_offs + pglob->gl_pathc++] = copy; } pathv[pglob->gl_offs + pglob->gl_pathc] = NULL; if ((pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_LIMIT) && (newsize + limit[GLOB_INDEX_MALLOC]) >= GLOB_LIMIT_MALLOC) { errno = 0; return GLOB_NOSPACE; } return copy == NULL ? GLOB_NOSPACE : 0; } /* * pattern matching function for filenames. Each occurrence of the * * pattern causes a recursion level. */ static int match(Char *name, Char *pat, Char *patend) { int ok, negate_range; Char c, k; _DIAGASSERT(name != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pat != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(patend != NULL); while (pat < patend) { c = *pat++; switch (c & M_MASK) { case M_ALL: if (pat == patend) return 1; do if (match(name, pat, patend)) return 1; while (*name++ != EOS); return 0; case M_ONE: if (*name++ == EOS) return 0; break; case M_SET: ok = 0; if ((k = *name++) == EOS) return 0; if ((negate_range = ((*pat & M_MASK) == M_NOT)) != EOS) ++pat; while (((c = *pat++) & M_MASK) != M_END) if ((*pat & M_MASK) == M_RNG) { if (c <= k && k <= pat[1]) ok = 1; pat += 2; } else if (c == k) ok = 1; if (ok == negate_range) return 0; break; default: if (*name++ != c) return 0; break; } } return *name == EOS; } /* Free allocated data belonging to a glob_t structure. */ void globfree(glob_t *pglob) { size_t i; char **pp; _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if (pglob->gl_pathv != NULL) { pp = pglob->gl_pathv + pglob->gl_offs; for (i = pglob->gl_pathc; i--; ++pp) if (*pp) free(*pp); free(pglob->gl_pathv); pglob->gl_pathv = NULL; pglob->gl_pathc = 0; } } static DIR * g_opendir(Char *str, glob_t *pglob) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; _DIAGASSERT(str != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if (!*str) (void)strlcpy(buf, ".", sizeof(buf)); else { if (g_Ctoc(str, buf, sizeof(buf))) return NULL; } if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC) return (*pglob->gl_opendir)(buf); return opendir(buf); } static int g_lstat(Char *fn, __gl_stat_t *sb, glob_t *pglob) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; _DIAGASSERT(fn != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(sb != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if (g_Ctoc(fn, buf, sizeof(buf))) return -1; if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC) return (*pglob->gl_lstat)(buf, sb); return lstat(buf, sb); } static int g_stat(Char *fn, __gl_stat_t *sb, glob_t *pglob) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; _DIAGASSERT(fn != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(sb != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(pglob != NULL); if (g_Ctoc(fn, buf, sizeof(buf))) return -1; if (pglob->gl_flags & GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC) return (*pglob->gl_stat)(buf, sb); return stat(buf, sb); } static Char * g_strchr(const Char *str, int ch) { _DIAGASSERT(str != NULL); do { if (*str == ch) return __UNCONST(str); } while (*str++); return NULL; } static int g_Ctoc(const Char *str, char *buf, size_t len) { char *dc; _DIAGASSERT(str != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(buf != NULL); if (len == 0) return 1; for (dc = buf; len && (*dc++ = *str++) != EOS; len--) continue; return len == 0; } #ifdef DEBUG static void qprintf(const char *str, Char *s) { Char *p; _DIAGASSERT(str != NULL); _DIAGASSERT(s != NULL); (void)printf("%s:\n", str); for (p = s; *p; p++) (void)printf("%c", CHAR(*p)); (void)printf("\n"); for (p = s; *p; p++) (void)printf("%c", *p & M_PROTECT ? '"' : ' '); (void)printf("\n"); for (p = s; *p; p++) (void)printf("%c", ismeta(*p) ? '_' : ' '); (void)printf("\n"); } #endif