/** @file QNC Smm Library Services that implements SMM Region access, S/W SMI generation and detection. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BOOT_SERVICE_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA 0 #define RUNTIME_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA 1 /** Triggers a run time or boot time SMI. This function triggers a software SMM interrupt and set the APMC status with an 8-bit Data. @param Data The value to set the APMC status. **/ VOID InternalTriggerSmi ( IN UINT8 Data ) { UINT16 PM1BLK_Base; UINT16 GPE0BLK_Base; UINT32 NewValue; // // Get PM1BLK_Base & GPE0BLK_Base // PM1BLK_Base = PcdGet16 (PcdPm1blkIoBaseAddress); GPE0BLK_Base = (UINT16)(LpcPciCfg32 (R_QNC_LPC_GPE0BLK) & 0xFFFF); // // Enable APM SMI // IoOr32 ((GPE0BLK_Base + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIE), B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIE_APM); // // Enable SMI globally // NewValue = QNCPortRead (QUARK_NC_HOST_BRIDGE_SB_PORT_ID, QNC_MSG_FSBIC_REG_HMISC); NewValue |= SMI_EN; QNCPortWrite (QUARK_NC_HOST_BRIDGE_SB_PORT_ID, QNC_MSG_FSBIC_REG_HMISC, NewValue); // // Set APM_STS // IoWrite8 (PcdGet16 (PcdSmmDataPort), Data); // // Generate the APM SMI // IoWrite8 (PcdGet16 (PcdSmmActivationPort), PcdGet8 (PcdSmmActivationData)); // // Clear the APM SMI Status Bit // IoWrite32 ((GPE0BLK_Base + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS), B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS_APM); // // Set the EOS Bit // IoOr32 ((GPE0BLK_Base + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS), B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS_EOS); } /** Triggers an SMI at boot time. This function triggers a software SMM interrupt at boot time. **/ VOID EFIAPI TriggerBootServiceSoftwareSmi ( VOID ) { InternalTriggerSmi (BOOT_SERVICE_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA); } /** Triggers an SMI at run time. This function triggers a software SMM interrupt at run time. **/ VOID EFIAPI TriggerRuntimeSoftwareSmi ( VOID ) { InternalTriggerSmi (RUNTIME_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA); } /** Gets the software SMI data. This function tests if a software SMM interrupt happens. If a software SMI happens, it retrieves the SMM data and returns it as a non-negative value; otherwise a negative value is returned. @return Data The data retrieved from SMM data port in case of a software SMI; otherwise a negative value. **/ INTN InternalGetSwSmiData ( VOID ) { UINT8 SmiStatus; UINT8 Data; SmiStatus = IoRead8 ((UINT16)(LpcPciCfg32 (R_QNC_LPC_GPE0BLK) & 0xFFFF) + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS); if (((SmiStatus & B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS_APM) != 0) && (IoRead8 (PcdGet16 (PcdSmmActivationPort)) == PcdGet8 (PcdSmmActivationData))) { Data = IoRead8 (PcdGet16 (PcdSmmDataPort)); return (INTN)(UINTN)Data; } return -1; } /** Test if a boot time software SMI happened. This function tests if a software SMM interrupt happened. If a software SMM interrupt happened and it was triggered at boot time, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. @retval TRUE A software SMI triggered at boot time happened. @retval FLASE No software SMI happened or the software SMI was triggered at run time. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsBootServiceSoftwareSmi ( VOID ) { return (BOOLEAN) (InternalGetSwSmiData () == BOOT_SERVICE_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA); } /** Test if a run time software SMI happened. This function tests if a software SMM interrupt happened. If a software SMM interrupt happened and it was triggered at run time, it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE. @retval TRUE A software SMI triggered at run time happened. @retval FLASE No software SMI happened or the software SMI was triggered at boot time. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsRuntimeSoftwareSmi ( VOID ) { return (BOOLEAN) (InternalGetSwSmiData () == RUNTIME_SOFTWARE_SMI_DATA); } /** Clear APM SMI Status Bit; Set the EOS bit. **/ VOID EFIAPI ClearSmi ( VOID ) { UINT16 GPE0BLK_Base; // // Get GpeBase // GPE0BLK_Base = (UINT16)(LpcPciCfg32 (R_QNC_LPC_GPE0BLK) & 0xFFFF); // // Clear the APM SMI Status Bit // IoOr16 (GPE0BLK_Base + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS, B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS_APM); // // Set the EOS Bit // IoOr32 (GPE0BLK_Base + R_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS, B_QNC_GPE0BLK_SMIS_EOS); } /** This routine is the chipset code that accepts a request to "open" a region of SMRAM. The region could be legacy ABSEG, HSEG, or TSEG near top of physical memory. The use of "open" means that the memory is visible from all boot-service and SMM agents. @retval FALSE Cannot open a locked SMRAM region @retval TRUE Success to open SMRAM region. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI QNCOpenSmramRegion ( VOID ) { UINT32 Smram; // Read the SMRAM register Smram = QncHsmmcRead (); // // Is the platform locked? // if (Smram & SMM_LOCKED) { // Cannot Open a locked region DEBUG ((EFI_D_WARN, "Cannot open a locked SMRAM region\n")); return FALSE; } // // Open all SMRAM regions for Host access only // Smram |= (SMM_WRITE_OPEN | SMM_READ_OPEN); // Open for Host. Smram &= ~(NON_HOST_SMM_WR_OPEN | NON_HOST_SMM_RD_OPEN); // Not for others. // // Write the SMRAM register // QncHsmmcWrite (Smram); return TRUE; } /** This routine is the chipset code that accepts a request to "close" a region of SMRAM. The region could be legacy AB or TSEG near top of physical memory. The use of "close" means that the memory is only visible from SMM agents, not from BS or RT code. @retval FALSE Cannot open a locked SMRAM region @retval TRUE Success to open SMRAM region. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI QNCCloseSmramRegion ( VOID ) { UINT32 Smram; // Read the SMRAM register. Smram = QncHsmmcRead (); // // Is the platform locked? // if(Smram & SMM_LOCKED) { // Cannot Open a locked region DEBUG ((EFI_D_WARN, "Cannot close a locked SMRAM region\n")); return FALSE; } Smram &= (~(SMM_WRITE_OPEN | SMM_READ_OPEN | NON_HOST_SMM_WR_OPEN | NON_HOST_SMM_RD_OPEN)); QncHsmmcWrite (Smram); return TRUE; } /** This routine is the chipset code that accepts a request to "lock" SMRAM. The region could be legacy AB or TSEG near top of physical memory. The use of "lock" means that the memory can no longer be opened to BS state. **/ VOID EFIAPI QNCLockSmramRegion ( VOID ) { UINT32 Smram; // Read the SMRAM register. Smram = QncHsmmcRead (); if(Smram & SMM_LOCKED) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_WARN, "SMRAM region already locked!\n")); } Smram |= SMM_LOCKED; QncHsmmcWrite (Smram); return; }