# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # #This file is used to parse a strings file and create or add to a string database file. # ## # Import Modules # import re import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger from Common.BuildToolError import * from UniClassObject import * from StringIO import StringIO from struct import pack ## # Static definitions # EFI_HII_SIBT_END = '0x00' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_SCSU = '0x10' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_SCSU_FONT = '0x11' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU = '0x12' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_SCSU_FONT = '0x13' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2 = '0x14' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2_FONT = '0x15' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2 = '0x16' EFI_HII_SIBT_STRINGS_UCS2_FONT = '0x17' EFI_HII_SIBT_DUPLICATE = '0x20' EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP2 = '0x21' EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP1 = '0x22' EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT1 = '0x30' EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT2 = '0x31' EFI_HII_SIBT_EXT4 = '0x32' EFI_HII_SIBT_FONT = '0x40' EFI_HII_PACKAGE_STRINGS = '0x04' EFI_HII_PACKAGE_FORM = '0x02' StringPackageType = EFI_HII_PACKAGE_STRINGS StringPackageForm = EFI_HII_PACKAGE_FORM StringBlockType = EFI_HII_SIBT_STRING_UCS2 StringSkipType = EFI_HII_SIBT_SKIP2 HexHeader = '0x' COMMENT = '// ' DEFINE_STR = '#define' COMMENT_DEFINE_STR = COMMENT + DEFINE_STR NOT_REFERENCED = 'not referenced' COMMENT_NOT_REFERENCED = ' ' + COMMENT + NOT_REFERENCED CHAR_ARRAY_DEFIN = 'unsigned char' COMMON_FILE_NAME = 'Strings' OFFSET = 'offset' STRING = 'string' TO = 'to' STRING_TOKEN = re.compile('STRING_TOKEN *\(([A-Z0-9_]+) *\)', re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE) COMPATIBLE_STRING_TOKEN = re.compile('STRING_TOKEN *\(([A-Za-z0-9_]+) *\)', re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE) EFI_HII_ARRAY_SIZE_LENGTH = 4 EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER_LENGTH = 4 EFI_HII_HDR_SIZE_LENGTH = 4 EFI_HII_STRING_OFFSET_LENGTH = 4 EFI_STRING_ID = 1 EFI_STRING_ID_LENGTH = 2 EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW = 0 EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_LENGTH = 2 EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_NUMBER = 16 EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR_LENGTH = EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER_LENGTH + EFI_HII_HDR_SIZE_LENGTH + EFI_HII_STRING_OFFSET_LENGTH + EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_LENGTH * EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_NUMBER + EFI_STRING_ID_LENGTH H_C_FILE_HEADER = ['//', \ '// DO NOT EDIT -- auto-generated file', \ '//', \ '// This file is generated by the StrGather utility', \ '//'] LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME = '$LANGUAGE_NAME' PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME = '$PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME' ## Convert a dec number to a hex string # # Convert a dec number to a formatted hex string in length digit # The digit is set to default 8 # The hex string starts with "0x" # DecToHexStr(1000) is '0x000003E8' # DecToHexStr(1000, 6) is '0x0003E8' # # @param Dec: The number in dec format # @param Digit: The needed digit of hex string # # @retval: The formatted hex string # def DecToHexStr(Dec, Digit = 8): return eval("'0x%0" + str(Digit) + "X' % int(Dec)") ## Convert a dec number to a hex list # # Convert a dec number to a formatted hex list in size digit # The digit is set to default 8 # DecToHexList(1000) is ['0xE8', '0x03', '0x00', '0x00'] # DecToHexList(1000, 6) is ['0xE8', '0x03', '0x00'] # # @param Dec: The number in dec format # @param Digit: The needed digit of hex list # # @retval: A list for formatted hex string # def DecToHexList(Dec, Digit = 8): Hex = eval("'%0" + str(Digit) + "X' % int(Dec)" ) List = [] for Bit in range(Digit - 2, -1, -2): List.append(HexHeader + Hex[Bit:Bit + 2]) return List ## Convert a acsii string to a hex list # # Convert a acsii string to a formatted hex list # AscToHexList('en-US') is ['0x65', '0x6E', '0x2D', '0x55', '0x53'] # # @param Ascii: The acsii string # # @retval: A list for formatted hex string # def AscToHexList(Ascii): List = [] for Item in Ascii: List.append('0x%2X' % ord(Item)) return List ## Create header of .h file # # Create a header of .h file # # @param BaseName: The basename of strings # # @retval Str: A string for .h file header # def CreateHFileHeader(BaseName): Str = '' for Item in H_C_FILE_HEADER: Str = WriteLine(Str, Item) Str = WriteLine(Str, '#ifndef _' + BaseName.upper() + '_STRINGS_DEFINE_H_') Str = WriteLine(Str, '#define _' + BaseName.upper() + '_STRINGS_DEFINE_H_') return Str ## Create content of .h file # # Create content of .h file # # @param BaseName: The basename of strings # @param UniObjectClass A UniObjectClass instance # @param IsCompatibleMode Compatible mode # @param UniGenCFlag UniString is generated into AutoGen C file when it is set to True # # @retval Str: A string of .h file content # def CreateHFileContent(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode, UniGenCFlag): Str = '' ValueStartPtr = 60 Line = COMMENT_DEFINE_STR + ' ' + LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME + ' ' * (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME)) + DecToHexStr(0, 4) + COMMENT_NOT_REFERENCED Str = WriteLine(Str, Line) Line = COMMENT_DEFINE_STR + ' ' + PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME + ' ' * (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME_STRING_NAME)) + DecToHexStr(1, 4) + COMMENT_NOT_REFERENCED Str = WriteLine(Str, Line) for Index in range(2, len(UniObjectClass.OrderedStringList[UniObjectClass.LanguageDef[0][0]])): StringItem = UniObjectClass.OrderedStringList[UniObjectClass.LanguageDef[0][0]][Index] Name = StringItem.StringName Token = StringItem.Token Referenced = StringItem.Referenced if Name != None: Line = '' if Referenced == True: if (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + Name)) <= 0: Line = DEFINE_STR + ' ' + Name + ' ' + DecToHexStr(Token, 4) else: Line = DEFINE_STR + ' ' + Name + ' ' * (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + Name)) + DecToHexStr(Token, 4) else: if (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + Name)) <= 0: Line = COMMENT_DEFINE_STR + ' ' + Name + ' ' + DecToHexStr(Token, 4) + COMMENT_NOT_REFERENCED else: Line = COMMENT_DEFINE_STR + ' ' + Name + ' ' * (ValueStartPtr - len(DEFINE_STR + Name)) + DecToHexStr(Token, 4) + COMMENT_NOT_REFERENCED Str = WriteLine(Str, Line) Str = WriteLine(Str, '') if IsCompatibleMode or UniGenCFlag: Str = WriteLine(Str, 'extern unsigned char ' + BaseName + 'Strings[];') return Str ## Create a complete .h file # # Create a complet .h file with file header and file content # # @param BaseName: The basename of strings # @param UniObjectClass A UniObjectClass instance # @param IsCompatibleMode Compatible mode # @param UniGenCFlag UniString is generated into AutoGen C file when it is set to True # # @retval Str: A string of complete .h file # def CreateHFile(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode, UniGenCFlag): HFile = WriteLine('', CreateHFileContent(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode, UniGenCFlag)) return HFile ## Create header of .c file # # Create a header of .c file # # @retval Str: A string for .c file header # def CreateCFileHeader(): Str = '' for Item in H_C_FILE_HEADER: Str = WriteLine(Str, Item) return Str ## Create a buffer to store all items in an array # # @param BinBuffer Buffer to contain Binary data. # @param Array: The array need to be formatted # def CreateBinBuffer(BinBuffer, Array): for Item in Array: BinBuffer.write(pack("B", int(Item,16))) ## Create a formatted string all items in an array # # Use ',' to join each item in an array, and break an new line when reaching the width (default is 16) # # @param Array: The array need to be formatted # @param Width: The line length, the default value is set to 16 # # @retval ArrayItem: A string for all formatted array items # def CreateArrayItem(Array, Width = 16): MaxLength = Width Index = 0 Line = ' ' ArrayItem = '' for Item in Array: if Index < MaxLength: Line = Line + Item + ', ' Index = Index + 1 else: ArrayItem = WriteLine(ArrayItem, Line) Line = ' ' + Item + ', ' Index = 1 ArrayItem = Write(ArrayItem, Line.rstrip()) return ArrayItem ## CreateCFileStringValue # # Create a line with string value # # @param Value: Value of the string # # @retval Str: A formatted string with string value # def CreateCFileStringValue(Value): Value = [StringBlockType] + Value Str = WriteLine('', CreateArrayItem(Value)) return Str ## Create content of .c file # # Create content of .c file # # @param BaseName: The basename of strings # @param UniObjectClass A UniObjectClass instance # @param IsCompatibleMode Compatible mode # @param UniBinBuffer UniBinBuffer to contain UniBinary data. # # @retval Str: A string of .c file content # def CreateCFileContent(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode, UniBinBuffer=None): # # Init array length # TotalLength = EFI_HII_ARRAY_SIZE_LENGTH Str = '' Offset = 0 # # Create lines for each language's strings # for IndexI in range(len(UniObjectClass.LanguageDef)): Language = UniObjectClass.LanguageDef[IndexI][0] LangPrintName = UniObjectClass.LanguageDef[IndexI][1] StringBuffer = StringIO() StrStringValue = '' ArrayLength = 0 NumberOfUseOtherLangDef = 0 Index = 0 for IndexJ in range(1, len(UniObjectClass.OrderedStringList[UniObjectClass.LanguageDef[IndexI][0]])): Item = UniObjectClass.FindByToken(IndexJ, Language) Name = Item.StringName Value = Item.StringValueByteList Referenced = Item.Referenced Token = Item.Token Length = Item.Length UseOtherLangDef = Item.UseOtherLangDef if UseOtherLangDef != '' and Referenced: NumberOfUseOtherLangDef = NumberOfUseOtherLangDef + 1 Index = Index + 1 else: if NumberOfUseOtherLangDef > 0: StrStringValue = WriteLine(StrStringValue, CreateArrayItem([StringSkipType] + DecToHexList(NumberOfUseOtherLangDef, 4))) CreateBinBuffer (StringBuffer, ([StringSkipType] + DecToHexList(NumberOfUseOtherLangDef, 4))) NumberOfUseOtherLangDef = 0 ArrayLength = ArrayLength + 3 if Referenced and Item.Token > 0: Index = Index + 1 StrStringValue = WriteLine(StrStringValue, "// %s: %s:%s" % (DecToHexStr(Index, 4), Name, DecToHexStr(Token, 4))) StrStringValue = Write(StrStringValue, CreateCFileStringValue(Value)) CreateBinBuffer (StringBuffer, [StringBlockType] + Value) ArrayLength = ArrayLength + Item.Length + 1 # 1 is for the length of string type # # EFI_HII_PACKAGE_HEADER # Offset = EFI_HII_STRING_PACKAGE_HDR_LENGTH + len(Language) + 1 ArrayLength = Offset + ArrayLength + 1 # # Create PACKAGE HEADER # Str = WriteLine(Str, '// PACKAGE HEADER\n') TotalLength = TotalLength + ArrayLength List = DecToHexList(ArrayLength, 6) + \ [StringPackageType] + \ DecToHexList(Offset) + \ DecToHexList(Offset) + \ DecToHexList(EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW, EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_LENGTH * 2) * EFI_HII_LANGUAGE_WINDOW_NUMBER + \ DecToHexList(EFI_STRING_ID, 4) + \ AscToHexList(Language) + \ DecToHexList(0, 2) Str = WriteLine(Str, CreateArrayItem(List, 16) + '\n') # # Create PACKAGE DATA # Str = WriteLine(Str, '// PACKAGE DATA\n') Str = Write(Str, StrStringValue) # # Add an EFI_HII_SIBT_END at last # Str = WriteLine(Str, ' ' + EFI_HII_SIBT_END + ",") # # Create binary UNI string # if UniBinBuffer: CreateBinBuffer (UniBinBuffer, List) UniBinBuffer.write (StringBuffer.getvalue()) UniBinBuffer.write (pack("B", int(EFI_HII_SIBT_END,16))) StringBuffer.close() # # Create line for string variable name # "unsigned char $(BaseName)Strings[] = {" # AllStr = WriteLine('', CHAR_ARRAY_DEFIN + ' ' + BaseName + COMMON_FILE_NAME + '[] = {\n' ) if IsCompatibleMode: # # Create FRAMEWORK_EFI_HII_PACK_HEADER in compatible mode # AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, '// FRAMEWORK PACKAGE HEADER Length') AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, CreateArrayItem(DecToHexList(TotalLength + 2)) + '\n') AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, '// FRAMEWORK PACKAGE HEADER Type') AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, CreateArrayItem(DecToHexList(2, 4)) + '\n') else: # # Create whole array length in UEFI mode # AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, '// STRGATHER_OUTPUT_HEADER') AllStr = WriteLine(AllStr, CreateArrayItem(DecToHexList(TotalLength)) + '\n') # # Join package data # AllStr = Write(AllStr, Str) return AllStr ## Create end of .c file # # Create end of .c file # # @retval Str: A string of .h file end # def CreateCFileEnd(): Str = Write('', '};') return Str ## Create a .c file # # Create a complete .c file # # @param BaseName: The basename of strings # @param UniObjectClass A UniObjectClass instance # @param IsCompatibleMode Compatible Mode # # @retval CFile: A string of complete .c file # def CreateCFile(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode): CFile = '' #CFile = WriteLine(CFile, CreateCFileHeader()) CFile = WriteLine(CFile, CreateCFileContent(BaseName, UniObjectClass, IsCompatibleMode)) CFile = WriteLine(CFile, CreateCFileEnd()) return CFile ## GetFileList # # Get a list for all files # # @param IncludeList: A list of all path to be searched # @param SkipList: A list of all types of file could be skipped # # @retval FileList: A list of all files found # def GetFileList(SourceFileList, IncludeList, SkipList): if IncludeList == None: EdkLogger.error("UnicodeStringGather", AUTOGEN_ERROR, "Include path for unicode file is not defined") FileList = [] if SkipList == None: SkipList = [] for File in SourceFileList: for Dir in IncludeList: if not os.path.exists(Dir): continue File = os.path.join(Dir, File.Path) # # Ignore Dir # if os.path.isfile(File) != True: continue # # Ignore file listed in skip list # IsSkip = False for Skip in SkipList: if os.path.splitext(File)[1].upper() == Skip.upper(): EdkLogger.verbose("Skipped %s for string token uses search" % File) IsSkip = True break if not IsSkip: FileList.append(File) break return FileList ## SearchString # # Search whether all string defined in UniObjectClass are referenced # All string used should be set to Referenced # # @param UniObjectClass: Input UniObjectClass # @param FileList: Search path list # @param IsCompatibleMode Compatible Mode # # @retval UniObjectClass: UniObjectClass after searched # def SearchString(UniObjectClass, FileList, IsCompatibleMode): if FileList == []: return UniObjectClass for File in FileList: if os.path.isfile(File): Lines = open(File, 'r') for Line in Lines: if not IsCompatibleMode: StringTokenList = STRING_TOKEN.findall(Line) else: StringTokenList = COMPATIBLE_STRING_TOKEN.findall(Line) for StrName in StringTokenList: EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, "Found string identifier: " + StrName) UniObjectClass.SetStringReferenced(StrName) UniObjectClass.ReToken() return UniObjectClass ## GetStringFiles # # This function is used for UEFI2.1 spec # # def GetStringFiles(UniFilList, SourceFileList, IncludeList, SkipList, BaseName, IsCompatibleMode = False, ShellMode = False, UniGenCFlag = True, UniGenBinBuffer = None): Status = True ErrorMessage = '' if len(UniFilList) > 0: if ShellMode: # # support ISO 639-2 codes in .UNI files of EDK Shell # Uni = UniFileClassObject(UniFilList, True) else: Uni = UniFileClassObject(UniFilList, IsCompatibleMode) else: EdkLogger.error("UnicodeStringGather", AUTOGEN_ERROR, 'No unicode files given') FileList = GetFileList(SourceFileList, IncludeList, SkipList) Uni = SearchString(Uni, FileList, IsCompatibleMode) HFile = CreateHFile(BaseName, Uni, IsCompatibleMode, UniGenCFlag) CFile = None if IsCompatibleMode or UniGenCFlag: CFile = CreateCFile(BaseName, Uni, IsCompatibleMode) if UniGenBinBuffer: CreateCFileContent(BaseName, Uni, IsCompatibleMode, UniGenBinBuffer) return HFile, CFile # # Write an item # def Write(Target, Item): return Target + Item # # Write an item with a break line # def WriteLine(Target, Item): return Target + Item + '\n' # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. if __name__ == '__main__': EdkLogger.info('start') UniFileList = [ r'C:\\Edk\\Strings2.uni', r'C:\\Edk\\Strings.uni' ] SrcFileList = [] for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk('C:\\Edk'): for File in Files: SrcFileList.append(File) IncludeList = [ r'C:\\Edk' ] SkipList = ['.inf', '.uni'] BaseName = 'DriverSample' (h, c) = GetStringFiles(UniFileList, SrcFileList, IncludeList, SkipList, BaseName, True) hfile = open('unistring.h', 'w') cfile = open('unistring.c', 'w') hfile.write(h) cfile.write(c) EdkLogger.info('end')