## @file # Common routines used by all tools # # Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import sys import string import thread import threading import time import re import cPickle import array from UserDict import IterableUserDict from UserList import UserList from Common import EdkLogger as EdkLogger from Common import GlobalData as GlobalData from BuildToolError import * ## Regular expression used to find out place holders in string template gPlaceholderPattern = re.compile("\$\{([^$()\s]+)\}", re.MULTILINE|re.UNICODE) ## Dictionary used to store file time stamp for quick re-access gFileTimeStampCache = {} # {file path : file time stamp} ## Dictionary used to store dependencies of files gDependencyDatabase = {} # arch : {file path : [dependent files list]} ## callback routine for processing variable option # # This function can be used to process variable number of option values. The # typical usage of it is specify architecure list on command line. # (e.g. -a IA32 X64 IPF) # # @param Option Standard callback function parameter # @param OptionString Standard callback function parameter # @param Value Standard callback function parameter # @param Parser Standard callback function parameter # # @retval # def ProcessVariableArgument(Option, OptionString, Value, Parser): assert Value is None Value = [] RawArgs = Parser.rargs while RawArgs: Arg = RawArgs[0] if (Arg[:2] == "--" and len(Arg) > 2) or \ (Arg[:1] == "-" and len(Arg) > 1 and Arg[1] != "-"): break Value.append(Arg) del RawArgs[0] setattr(Parser.values, Option.dest, Value) ## Convert GUID string in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx style to C structure style # # @param Guid The GUID string # # @retval string The GUID string in C structure style # def GuidStringToGuidStructureString(Guid): GuidList = Guid.split('-') Result = '{' for Index in range(0,3,1): Result = Result + '0x' + GuidList[Index] + ', ' Result = Result + '{0x' + GuidList[3][0:2] + ', 0x' + GuidList[3][2:4] for Index in range(0,12,2): Result = Result + ', 0x' + GuidList[4][Index:Index+2] Result += '}}' return Result ## Convert GUID structure in byte array to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # # @param GuidValue The GUID value in byte array # # @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format # def GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(GuidValue): guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "") guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",") if len(guidValueList) != 16: return '' #EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue) try: return "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % ( int(guidValueList[3], 16), int(guidValueList[2], 16), int(guidValueList[1], 16), int(guidValueList[0], 16), int(guidValueList[5], 16), int(guidValueList[4], 16), int(guidValueList[7], 16), int(guidValueList[6], 16), int(guidValueList[8], 16), int(guidValueList[9], 16), int(guidValueList[10], 16), int(guidValueList[11], 16), int(guidValueList[12], 16), int(guidValueList[13], 16), int(guidValueList[14], 16), int(guidValueList[15], 16) ) except: return '' ## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # # @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format # # @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format # def GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue): guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "") guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",") if len(guidValueList) != 11: return '' #EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue) try: return "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % ( int(guidValueList[0], 16), int(guidValueList[1], 16), int(guidValueList[2], 16), int(guidValueList[3], 16), int(guidValueList[4], 16), int(guidValueList[5], 16), int(guidValueList[6], 16), int(guidValueList[7], 16), int(guidValueList[8], 16), int(guidValueList[9], 16), int(guidValueList[10], 16) ) except: return '' ## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx # # @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format # # @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx format # def GuidStructureStringToGuidValueName(GuidValue): guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "") guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",") if len(guidValueList) != 11: EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue) return "%08x_%04x_%04x_%02x%02x_%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % ( int(guidValueList[0], 16), int(guidValueList[1], 16), int(guidValueList[2], 16), int(guidValueList[3], 16), int(guidValueList[4], 16), int(guidValueList[5], 16), int(guidValueList[6], 16), int(guidValueList[7], 16), int(guidValueList[8], 16), int(guidValueList[9], 16), int(guidValueList[10], 16) ) ## Create directories # # @param Directory The directory name # def CreateDirectory(Directory): if Directory == None or Directory.strip() == "": return True try: if not os.access(Directory, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(Directory) except: return False return True ## Remove directories, including files and sub-directories in it # # @param Directory The directory name # def RemoveDirectory(Directory, Recursively=False): if Directory == None or Directory.strip() == "" or not os.path.exists(Directory): return if Recursively: CurrentDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(Directory) for File in os.listdir("."): if os.path.isdir(File): RemoveDirectory(File, Recursively) else: os.remove(File) os.chdir(CurrentDirectory) os.rmdir(Directory) ## Check if given file is changed or not # # This method is used to check if a file is changed or not between two build # actions. It makes use a cache to store files timestamp. # # @param File The path of file # # @retval True If the given file is changed, doesn't exist, or can't be # found in timestamp cache # @retval False If the given file is changed # def IsChanged(File): if not os.path.exists(File): return True FileState = os.stat(File) TimeStamp = FileState[-2] if File in gFileTimeStampCache and TimeStamp == gFileTimeStampCache[File]: FileChanged = False else: FileChanged = True gFileTimeStampCache[File] = TimeStamp return FileChanged ## Store content in file # # This method is used to save file only when its content is changed. This is # quite useful for "make" system to decide what will be re-built and what won't. # # @param File The path of file # @param Content The new content of the file # @param IsBinaryFile The flag indicating if the file is binary file or not # # @retval True If the file content is changed and the file is renewed # @retval False If the file content is the same # def SaveFileOnChange(File, Content, IsBinaryFile=True): if not IsBinaryFile: Content = Content.replace("\n", os.linesep) if os.path.exists(File): try: if Content == open(File, "rb").read(): return False except: EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File) CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(File)) try: if GlobalData.gIsWindows: try: from PyUtility import SaveFileToDisk if not SaveFileToDisk(File, Content): EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File) except: Fd = open(File, "wb") Fd.write(Content) Fd.close() else: Fd = open(File, "wb") Fd.write(Content) Fd.close() except: EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File) return True ## Make a Python object persistent on file system # # @param Data The object to be stored in file # @param File The path of file to store the object # def DataDump(Data, File): Fd = None try: Fd = open(File, 'wb') cPickle.dump(Data, Fd, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except: EdkLogger.error("", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File, RaiseError=False) finally: if Fd != None: Fd.close() ## Restore a Python object from a file # # @param File The path of file stored the object # # @retval object A python object # @retval None If failure in file operation # def DataRestore(File): Data = None Fd = None try: Fd = open(File, 'rb') Data = cPickle.load(Fd) except Exception, e: EdkLogger.verbose("Failed to load [%s]\n\t%s" % (File, str(e))) Data = None finally: if Fd != None: Fd.close() return Data ## Retrieve and cache the real path name in file system # # @param Root The root directory of path relative to # # @retval str The path string if the path exists # @retval None If path doesn't exist # class DirCache: _CACHE_ = set() _UPPER_CACHE_ = {} def __init__(self, Root): self._Root = Root for F in os.listdir(Root): self._CACHE_.add(F) self._UPPER_CACHE_[F.upper()] = F # =[] operator def __getitem__(self, Path): Path = Path[len(os.path.commonprefix([Path, self._Root])):] if not Path: return self._Root if Path and Path[0] == os.path.sep: Path = Path[1:] if Path in self._CACHE_: return os.path.join(self._Root, Path) UpperPath = Path.upper() if UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_: return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath]) IndexList = [] LastSepIndex = -1 SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep) while SepIndex > -1: Parent = UpperPath[:SepIndex] if Parent not in self._UPPER_CACHE_: break LastSepIndex = SepIndex SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, LastSepIndex + 1) if LastSepIndex == -1: return None Cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._Root) SepIndex = LastSepIndex while SepIndex > -1: Parent = Path[:SepIndex] ParentKey = UpperPath[:SepIndex] if ParentKey not in self._UPPER_CACHE_: os.chdir(Cwd) return None if Parent in self._CACHE_: ParentDir = Parent else: ParentDir = self._UPPER_CACHE_[ParentKey] for F in os.listdir(ParentDir): Dir = os.path.join(ParentDir, F) self._CACHE_.add(Dir) self._UPPER_CACHE_[Dir.upper()] = Dir SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, SepIndex + 1) os.chdir(Cwd) if Path in self._CACHE_: return os.path.join(self._Root, Path) elif UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_: return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath]) return None ## Get all files of a directory # # @param Root: Root dir # @param SkipList : The files need be skipped # # @retval A list of all files # def GetFiles(Root, SkipList=None, FullPath = True): OriPath = Root FileList = [] for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(Root): if SkipList: for Item in SkipList: if Item in Dirs: Dirs.remove(Item) for File in Files: File = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File)) if not FullPath: File = File[len(OriPath) + 1:] FileList.append(File) return FileList ## Check if gvien file exists or not # # @param File File name or path to be checked # @param Dir The directory the file is relative to # # @retval True if file exists # @retval False if file doesn't exists # def ValidFile(File, Ext=None): if Ext != None: Dummy, FileExt = os.path.splitext(File) if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower(): return False if not os.path.exists(File): return False return True def RealPath(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''): NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File)) NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile] if not NewFile and OverrideDir: NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File)) NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile] return NewFile def RealPath2(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''): if OverrideDir: NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))] if NewFile: if OverrideDir[-1] == os.path.sep: return NewFile[len(OverrideDir):], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)] else: return NewFile[len(OverrideDir)+1:], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)] NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))] if NewFile: if Dir: if Dir[-1] == os.path.sep: return NewFile[len(Dir):], NewFile[0:len(Dir)] else: return NewFile[len(Dir)+1:], NewFile[0:len(Dir)] else: return NewFile, '' return None, None ## Check if gvien file exists or not # # def ValidFile2(AllFiles, File, Ext=None, Workspace='', EfiSource='', EdkSource='', Dir='.', OverrideDir=''): NewFile = File if Ext != None: Dummy, FileExt = os.path.splitext(File) if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower(): return False, File # Replace the R8 macros if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None: if OverrideDir.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1: OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource) if OverrideDir.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource) # Replace the default dir to current dir if Dir == '.': Dir = os.getcwd() Dir = Dir[len(Workspace)+1:] # First check if File has R8 definition itself if File.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or File.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: NewFile = File.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource) NewFile = NewFile.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource) NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(NewFile)] if NewFile != None: return True, NewFile # Second check the path with override value if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None: NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))] if NewFile != None: return True, NewFile # Last check the path with normal definitions File = os.path.join(Dir, File) NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(File)] if NewFile != None: return True, NewFile return False, File ## Check if gvien file exists or not # # def ValidFile3(AllFiles, File, Workspace='', EfiSource='', EdkSource='', Dir='.', OverrideDir=''): # Replace the R8 macros if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None: if OverrideDir.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1: OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource) if OverrideDir.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: OverrideDir = OverrideDir.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource) # Replace the default dir to current dir # Dir is current module dir related to workspace if Dir == '.': Dir = os.getcwd() Dir = Dir[len(Workspace)+1:] NewFile = File RelaPath = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(Dir)] NewRelaPath = RelaPath while(True): # First check if File has R8 definition itself if File.find('$(EFI_SOURCE)') > -1 or File.find('$(EDK_SOURCE)') > -1: File = File.replace('$(EFI_SOURCE)', EfiSource) File = File.replace('$(EDK_SOURCE)', EdkSource) NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(File)] if NewFile != None: NewRelaPath = os.path.dirname(NewFile) File = os.path.basename(NewFile) #NewRelaPath = NewFile[:len(NewFile) - len(File.replace("..\\", '').replace("../", '')) - 1] break # Second check the path with override value if OverrideDir != '' and OverrideDir != None: NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))] if NewFile != None: #NewRelaPath = os.path.dirname(NewFile) NewRelaPath = NewFile[:len(NewFile) - len(File.replace("..\\", '').replace("../", '')) - 1] break # Last check the path with normal definitions NewFile = AllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))] if NewFile != None: break # No file found break return NewRelaPath, RelaPath, File def GetRelPath(Path1, Path2): FileName = os.path.basename(Path2) L1 = os.path.normpath(Path1).split(os.path.normpath('/')) L2 = os.path.normpath(Path2).split(os.path.normpath('/')) for Index in range(0, len(L1)): if L1[Index] != L2[Index]: FileName = '../' * (len(L1) - Index) for Index2 in range(Index, len(L2)): FileName = os.path.join(FileName, L2[Index2]) break return os.path.normpath(FileName) ## Get GUID value from given packages # # @param CName The CName of the GUID # @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in # # @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package # @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages # def GuidValue(CName, PackageList): for P in PackageList: if CName in P.Guids: return P.Guids[CName] return None ## Get Protocol value from given packages # # @param CName The CName of the GUID # @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in # # @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package # @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages # def ProtocolValue(CName, PackageList): for P in PackageList: if CName in P.Protocols: return P.Protocols[CName] return None ## Get PPI value from given packages # # @param CName The CName of the GUID # @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in # # @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package # @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages # def PpiValue(CName, PackageList): for P in PackageList: if CName in P.Ppis: return P.Ppis[CName] return None ## A string template class # # This class implements a template for string replacement. A string template # looks like following # # ${BEGIN} other_string ${placeholder_name} other_string ${END} # # The string between ${BEGIN} and ${END} will be repeated as many times as the # length of "placeholder_name", which is a list passed through a dict. The # "placeholder_name" is the key name of the dict. The ${BEGIN} and ${END} can # be not used and, in this case, the "placeholder_name" must not a list and it # will just be replaced once. # class TemplateString(object): _REPEAT_START_FLAG = "BEGIN" _REPEAT_END_FLAG = "END" class Section(object): _LIST_TYPES = [type([]), type(set()), type((0,))] def __init__(self, TemplateSection, PlaceHolderList): self._Template = TemplateSection self._PlaceHolderList = [] # Split the section into sub-sections according to the position of placeholders if PlaceHolderList: self._SubSectionList = [] SubSectionStart = 0 # # The placeholders passed in must be in the format of # # PlaceHolderName, PlaceHolderStartPoint, PlaceHolderEndPoint # for PlaceHolder,Start,End in PlaceHolderList: self._SubSectionList.append(TemplateSection[SubSectionStart:Start]) self._SubSectionList.append(TemplateSection[Start:End]) self._PlaceHolderList.append(PlaceHolder) SubSectionStart = End if SubSectionStart < len(TemplateSection): self._SubSectionList.append(TemplateSection[SubSectionStart:]) else: self._SubSectionList = [TemplateSection] def __str__(self): return self._Template + " : " + str(self._PlaceHolderList) def Instantiate(self, PlaceHolderValues): RepeatTime = -1 RepeatPlaceHolders = {} NonRepeatPlaceHolders = {} for PlaceHolder in self._PlaceHolderList: if PlaceHolder not in PlaceHolderValues: continue Value = PlaceHolderValues[PlaceHolder] if type(Value) in self._LIST_TYPES: if RepeatTime < 0: RepeatTime = len(Value) elif RepeatTime != len(Value): EdkLogger.error( "TemplateString", PARAMETER_INVALID, "${%s} has different repeat time from others!" % PlaceHolder, ExtraData=str(self._Template) ) RepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value else: NonRepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value if NonRepeatPlaceHolders: StringList = [] for S in self._SubSectionList: if S not in NonRepeatPlaceHolders: StringList.append(S) else: StringList.append(str(NonRepeatPlaceHolders[S])) else: StringList = self._SubSectionList if RepeatPlaceHolders: TempStringList = [] for Index in range(RepeatTime): for S in StringList: if S not in RepeatPlaceHolders: TempStringList.append(S) else: TempStringList.append(str(RepeatPlaceHolders[S][Index])) StringList = TempStringList return "".join(StringList) ## Constructor def __init__(self, Template=None): self.String = '' self.IsBinary = False self._Template = Template self._TemplateSectionList = self._Parse(Template) ## str() operator # # @retval string The string replaced # def __str__(self): return self.String ## Split the template string into fragments per the ${BEGIN} and ${END} flags # # @retval list A list of TemplateString.Section objects # def _Parse(self, Template): SectionStart = 0 SearchFrom = 0 MatchEnd = 0 PlaceHolderList = [] TemplateSectionList = [] while Template: MatchObj = gPlaceholderPattern.search(Template, SearchFrom) if not MatchObj: if MatchEnd < len(Template): TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:], PlaceHolderList) TemplateSectionList.append(TemplateSection) break MatchString = MatchObj.group(1) MatchStart = MatchObj.start() MatchEnd = MatchObj.end() if MatchString == self._REPEAT_START_FLAG: if MatchStart > SectionStart: TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList) TemplateSectionList.append(TemplateSection) SectionStart = MatchEnd PlaceHolderList = [] elif MatchString == self._REPEAT_END_FLAG: TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList) TemplateSectionList.append(TemplateSection) SectionStart = MatchEnd PlaceHolderList = [] else: PlaceHolderList.append((MatchString, MatchStart - SectionStart, MatchEnd - SectionStart)) SearchFrom = MatchEnd return TemplateSectionList ## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders and append it to previous one # # @param AppendString The string template to append # @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries # def Append(self, AppendString, Dictionary=None): if Dictionary: SectionList = self._Parse(AppendString) self.String += "".join([S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in SectionList]) else: self.String += AppendString ## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders # # @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries # # @retval str The string replaced with placeholder values # def Replace(self, Dictionary=None): return "".join([S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in self._TemplateSectionList]) ## Progress indicator class # # This class makes use of thread to print progress on console. # class Progressor: # for avoiding deadloop _StopFlag = None _ProgressThread = None _CheckInterval = 0.25 ## Constructor # # @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress charaters # @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress charaters # @param ProgressChar The charater used to indicate the progress # @param Interval The interval in seconds between two progress charaters # def __init__(self, OpenMessage="", CloseMessage="", ProgressChar='.', Interval=1.0): self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage self.ProgressChar = ProgressChar self.Interval = Interval if Progressor._StopFlag == None: Progressor._StopFlag = threading.Event() ## Start to print progress charater # # @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress charaters # def Start(self, OpenMessage=None): if OpenMessage != None: self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage Progressor._StopFlag.clear() if Progressor._ProgressThread == None: Progressor._ProgressThread = threading.Thread(target=self._ProgressThreadEntry) Progressor._ProgressThread.setDaemon(False) Progressor._ProgressThread.start() ## Stop printing progress charater # # @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress charaters # def Stop(self, CloseMessage=None): OriginalCodaMessage = self.CodaMessage if CloseMessage != None: self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage self.Abort() self.CodaMessage = OriginalCodaMessage ## Thread entry method def _ProgressThreadEntry(self): sys.stdout.write(self.PromptMessage + " ") sys.stdout.flush() TimeUp = 0.0 while not Progressor._StopFlag.isSet(): if TimeUp <= 0.0: sys.stdout.write(self.ProgressChar) sys.stdout.flush() TimeUp = self.Interval time.sleep(self._CheckInterval) TimeUp -= self._CheckInterval sys.stdout.write(" " + self.CodaMessage + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() ## Abort the progress display @staticmethod def Abort(): if Progressor._StopFlag != None: Progressor._StopFlag.set() if Progressor._ProgressThread != None: Progressor._ProgressThread.join() Progressor._ProgressThread = None ## A dict which can access its keys and/or values orderly # # The class implements a new kind of dict which its keys or values can be # accessed in the order they are added into the dict. It guarantees the order # by making use of an internal list to keep a copy of keys. # class sdict(IterableUserDict): ## Constructor def __init__(self): IterableUserDict.__init__(self) self._key_list = [] ## [] operator def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._key_list: self._key_list.append(key) IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) ## del operator def __delitem__(self, key): self._key_list.remove(key) IterableUserDict.__delitem__(self, key) ## used in "for k in dict" loop to ensure the correct order def __iter__(self): return self.iterkeys() ## len() support def __len__(self): return len(self._key_list) ## "in" test support def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._key_list ## indexof support def index(self, key): return self._key_list.index(key) ## insert support def insert(self, key, newkey, newvalue, order): index = self._key_list.index(key) if order == 'BEFORE': self._key_list.insert(index, newkey) IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, newkey, newvalue) elif order == 'AFTER': self._key_list.insert(index + 1, newkey) IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, newkey, newvalue) ## append support def append(self, sdict): for key in sdict: if key not in self._key_list: self._key_list.append(key) IterableUserDict.__setitem__(self, key, sdict[key]) def has_key(self, key): return key in self._key_list ## Empty the dict def clear(self): self._key_list = [] IterableUserDict.clear(self) ## Return a copy of keys def keys(self): keys = [] for key in self._key_list: keys.append(key) return keys ## Return a copy of values def values(self): values = [] for key in self._key_list: values.append(self[key]) return values ## Return a copy of (key, value) list def items(self): items = [] for key in self._key_list: items.append((key, self[key])) return items ## Iteration support def iteritems(self): return iter(self.items()) ## Keys interation support def iterkeys(self): return iter(self.keys()) ## Values interation support def itervalues(self): return iter(self.values()) ## Return value related to a key, and remove the (key, value) from the dict def pop(self, key, *dv): value = None if key in self._key_list: value = self[key] self.__delitem__(key) elif len(dv) != 0 : value = kv[0] return value ## Return (key, value) pair, and remove the (key, value) from the dict def popitem(self): key = self._key_list[-1] value = self[key] self.__delitem__(key) return key, value def update(self, dict=None, **kwargs): if dict != None: for k, v in dict.items(): self[k] = v if len(kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v ## Dictionary with restricted keys # class rdict(dict): ## Constructor def __init__(self, KeyList): for Key in KeyList: dict.__setitem__(self, Key, "") ## []= operator def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self: EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_SET_FAILURE, "Key [%s] is not allowed" % key, ExtraData=", ".join(dict.keys(self))) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) ## =[] operator def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self: return "" return dict.__getitem__(self, key) ## del operator def __delitem__(self, key): EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="del") ## Empty the dict def clear(self): for Key in self: self.__setitem__(Key, "") ## Return value related to a key, and remove the (key, value) from the dict def pop(self, key, *dv): EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="pop") ## Return (key, value) pair, and remove the (key, value) from the dict def popitem(self): EdkLogger.error("RestrictedDict", ATTRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, ExtraData="popitem") ## Dictionary using prioritized list as key # class tdict: _ListType = type([]) _TupleType = type(()) _Wildcard = 'COMMON' _ValidWildcardList = ['COMMON', 'DEFAULT', 'ALL', '*', 'PLATFORM'] def __init__(self, _Single_=False, _Level_=2): self._Level_ = _Level_ self.data = {} self._Single_ = _Single_ # =[] operator def __getitem__(self, key): KeyType = type(key) RestKeys = None if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType: FirstKey = key[0] if len(key) > 1: RestKeys = key[1:] elif self._Level_ > 1: RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_-1)] else: FirstKey = key if self._Level_ > 1: RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_-1)] if FirstKey == None or str(FirstKey).upper() in self._ValidWildcardList: FirstKey = self._Wildcard if self._Single_: return self._GetSingleValue(FirstKey, RestKeys) else: return self._GetAllValues(FirstKey, RestKeys) def _GetSingleValue(self, FirstKey, RestKeys): Value = None #print "%s-%s" % (FirstKey, self._Level_) , if self._Level_ > 1: if FirstKey == self._Wildcard: if FirstKey in self.data: Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] if Value == None: for Key in self.data: Value = self.data[Key][RestKeys] if Value != None: break else: if FirstKey in self.data: Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] if Value == None and self._Wildcard in self.data: #print "Value=None" Value = self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys] else: if FirstKey == self._Wildcard: if FirstKey in self.data: Value = self.data[FirstKey] if Value == None: for Key in self.data: Value = self.data[Key] if Value != None: break else: if FirstKey in self.data: Value = self.data[FirstKey] elif self._Wildcard in self.data: Value = self.data[self._Wildcard] return Value def _GetAllValues(self, FirstKey, RestKeys): Value = [] if self._Level_ > 1: if FirstKey == self._Wildcard: for Key in self.data: Value += self.data[Key][RestKeys] else: if FirstKey in self.data: Value += self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] if self._Wildcard in self.data: Value += self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys] else: if FirstKey == self._Wildcard: for Key in self.data: Value.append(self.data[Key]) else: if FirstKey in self.data: Value.append(self.data[FirstKey]) if self._Wildcard in self.data: Value.append(self.data[self._Wildcard]) return Value ## []= operator def __setitem__(self, key, value): KeyType = type(key) RestKeys = None if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType: FirstKey = key[0] if len(key) > 1: RestKeys = key[1:] else: RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_-1)] else: FirstKey = key if self._Level_ > 1: RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_-1)] if FirstKey in self._ValidWildcardList: FirstKey = self._Wildcard if FirstKey not in self.data and self._Level_ > 0: self.data[FirstKey] = tdict(self._Single_, self._Level_ - 1) if self._Level_ > 1: self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] = value else: self.data[FirstKey] = value def SetGreedyMode(self): self._Single_ = False if self._Level_ > 1: for Key in self.data: self.data[Key].SetGreedyMode() def SetSingleMode(self): self._Single_ = True if self._Level_ > 1: for Key in self.data: self.data[Key].SetSingleMode() def GetKeys(self, KeyIndex=0): assert KeyIndex >= 0 if KeyIndex == 0: return set(self.data.keys()) else: keys = set() for Key in self.data: keys |= self.data[Key].GetKeys(KeyIndex - 1) return keys ## Boolean chain list # class Blist(UserList): def __init__(self, initlist=None): UserList.__init__(self, initlist) def __setitem__(self, i, item): if item not in [True, False]: if item == 0: item = False else: item = True self.data[i] = item def _GetResult(self): Value = True for item in self.data: Value &= item return Value Result = property(_GetResult) def ParseConsoleLog(Filename): Opr = open(os.path.normpath(Filename), 'r') Opw = open(os.path.normpath(Filename + '.New'), 'w+') for Line in Opr.readlines(): if Line.find('.efi') > -1: Line = Line[Line.rfind(' ') : Line.rfind('.efi')].strip() Opw.write('%s\n' % Line) Opr.close() Opw.close() ## check format of PCD value against its the datum type # # For PCD value setting # def CheckPcdDatum(Type, Value): if Type == "VOID*": if not ((Value.startswith('L"') or Value.startswith('"') and Value.endswith('"')) or (Value.startswith('{') and Value.endswith('}')) ): return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be in the form of {...} for array"\ ", or \"...\" for string, or L\"...\" for unicode string" % (Value, Type) elif Type == 'BOOLEAN': if Value not in ['TRUE', 'FALSE']: return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be TRUE or FALSE" % (Value, Type) elif type(Value) == type(""): try: Value = long(Value, 0) except: return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s];"\ " must be a hexadecimal, decimal or octal in C language format."\ % (Value, Type) return True, "" ## Split command line option string to list # # subprocess.Popen needs the args to be a sequence. Otherwise there's problem # in non-windows platform to launch command # def SplitOption(OptionString): OptionList = [] LastChar = " " OptionStart = 0 QuotationMark = "" for Index in range(0, len(OptionString)): CurrentChar = OptionString[Index] if CurrentChar in ['"', "'"]: if QuotationMark == CurrentChar: QuotationMark = "" elif QuotationMark == "": QuotationMark = CurrentChar continue elif QuotationMark: continue if CurrentChar in ["/", "-"] and LastChar in [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"]: if Index > OptionStart: OptionList.append(OptionString[OptionStart:Index-1]) OptionStart = Index LastChar = CurrentChar OptionList.append(OptionString[OptionStart:]) return OptionList def CommonPath(PathList): P1 = min(PathList).split(os.path.sep) P2 = max(PathList).split(os.path.sep) for Index in xrange(min(len(P1), len(P2))): if P1[Index] != P2[Index]: return os.path.sep.join(P1[:Index]) return os.path.sep.join(P1) class PathClass(object): def __init__(self, File='', Root='', AlterRoot='', Type='', IsBinary=False, Arch='COMMON', ToolChainFamily='', Target='', TagName='', ToolCode=''): self.Arch = Arch self.File = str(File) if os.path.isabs(self.File): self.Root = '' self.AlterRoot = '' else: self.Root = str(Root) self.AlterRoot = str(AlterRoot) # Remove any '.' and '..' in path if self.Root: self.Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Root, self.File)) self.Root = os.path.normpath(CommonPath([self.Root, self.Path])) # eliminate the side-effect of 'C:' if self.Root[-1] == ':': self.Root += os.path.sep # file path should not start with path separator if self.Root[-1] == os.path.sep: self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root):] else: self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root)+1:] else: self.Path = os.path.normpath(self.File) self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(self.File) self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name) if self.Root: if self.SubDir: self.Dir = os.path.join(self.Root, self.SubDir) else: self.Dir = self.Root else: self.Dir = self.SubDir if IsBinary: self.Type = Type else: self.Type = self.Ext.lower() self.IsBinary = IsBinary self.Target = Target self.TagName = TagName self.ToolCode = ToolCode self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily self._Key = None ## Convert the object of this class to a string # # Convert member Path of the class to a string # # @retval string Formatted String # def __str__(self): return self.Path ## Override __eq__ function # # Check whether PathClass are the same # # @retval False The two PathClass are different # @retval True The two PathClass are the same # def __eq__(self, Other): if type(Other) == type(self): return self.Path == Other.Path else: return self.Path == str(Other) ## Override __hash__ function # # Use Path as key in hash table # # @retval string Key for hash table # def __hash__(self): return hash(self.Path) def _GetFileKey(self): if self._Key == None: self._Key = self.Path.upper() # + self.ToolChainFamily + self.TagName + self.ToolCode + self.Target return self._Key def Validate(self, Type='', CaseSensitive=True): if GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive: CaseSensitive = False if Type and Type.lower() != self.Type: return FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH, '%s (expect %s but got %s)' % (self.File, Type, self.Type) RealFile, RealRoot = RealPath2(self.File, self.Root, self.AlterRoot) if not RealRoot and not RealFile: return FILE_NOT_FOUND, self.File ErrorCode = 0 ErrorInfo = '' if RealRoot != self.Root or RealFile != self.File: if CaseSensitive and (RealFile != self.File or (RealRoot != self.Root and RealRoot != self.AlterRoot)): ErrorCode = FILE_CASE_MISMATCH ErrorInfo = self.File + '\n\t' + RealFile + " [in file system]" self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(RealFile) self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name) if self.SubDir: self.Dir = os.path.join(RealRoot, self.SubDir) else: self.Dir = RealRoot self.File = RealFile self.Root = RealRoot self.Path = os.path.join(RealRoot, RealFile) return ErrorCode, ErrorInfo Key = property(_GetFileKey) ## Parse PE image to get the required PE informaion. # class PeImageClass(): ## Constructor # # @param File FilePath of PeImage # def __init__(self, PeFile): self.FileName = PeFile self.IsValid = False self.Size = 0 self.EntryPoint = 0 self.SectionAlignment = 0 self.SectionHeaderList = [] self.ErrorInfo = '' try: PeObject = open(PeFile, 'rb') except: self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' can not be found\n' return # Read DOS header ByteArray = array.array('B') ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x3E) ByteList = ByteArray.tolist() # DOS signature should be 'MZ' if self._ByteListToStr (ByteList[0x0:0x2]) != 'MZ': self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid DOS signature MZ' return # Read 4 byte PE Signature PeOffset = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x3C:0x3E]) PeObject.seek(PeOffset) ByteArray = array.array('B') ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 4) # PE signature should be 'PE\0\0' if ByteArray.tostring() != 'PE\0\0': self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid PE signature PE00' return # Read PE file header ByteArray = array.array('B') ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x14) ByteList = ByteArray.tolist() SecNumber = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x2:0x4]) if SecNumber == 0: self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no section header' return # Read PE optional header OptionalHeaderSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteArray[0x10:0x12]) ByteArray = array.array('B') ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, OptionalHeaderSize) ByteList = ByteArray.tolist() self.EntryPoint = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x10:0x14]) self.SectionAlignment = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x20:0x24]) self.Size = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x38:0x3C]) # Read each Section Header for Index in range(SecNumber): ByteArray = array.array('B') ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x28) ByteList = ByteArray.tolist() SecName = self._ByteListToStr(ByteList[0:8]) SecVirtualSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[8:12]) SecRawAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[20:24]) SecVirtualAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[12:16]) self.SectionHeaderList.append((SecName, SecVirtualAddress, SecRawAddress, SecVirtualSize)) self.IsValid = True PeObject.close() def _ByteListToStr(self, ByteList): String = '' for index in range(len(ByteList)): if ByteList[index] == 0: break String += chr(ByteList[index]) return String def _ByteListToInt(self, ByteList): Value = 0 for index in range(len(ByteList) - 1, -1, -1): Value = (Value << 8) | int(ByteList[index]) return Value ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': pass