## @file # This file is used to define common parsing related functions used in parsing INF/DEC/DSC process # # Copyright (c) 2008 ~ 2010, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # from String import * from CommonDataClass.DataClass import * from DataType import * ## ParseContent # # Parse content of a DSC/INF/DEC file # def ParseContent(Lines, ): for Line in Lines: LineNo = LineNo + 1 # # Remove comments at tail and remove spaces again # Line = CleanString(Line) if Line == '': continue # # Find a new section tab # First insert previous section items # And then parse the content of the new section # if Line.startswith(TAB_SECTION_START) and Line.endswith(TAB_SECTION_END): # # Insert items data of previous section # self.InsertSectionItemsIntoDatabase(FileID, Filename, CurrentSection, SectionItemList, ArchList, ThirdList, IfDefList) # # Parse the new section # SectionItemList = [] ArchList = [] ThirdList = [] LineList = GetSplitValueList(Line[len(TAB_SECTION_START):len(Line) - len(TAB_SECTION_END)], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) for Item in LineList: ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT) CurrentSection = ItemList[0] if CurrentSection.upper() not in self.KeyList: RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo) ItemList.append('') ItemList.append('') if len(ItemList) > 5: RaiseParserError(Line, CurrentSection, Filename, '', LineNo) else: if ItemList[1] != '' and ItemList[1].upper() not in ARCH_LIST_FULL: EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, "Invalid Arch definition '%s' found" % ItemList[1], File=Filename, Line=LineNo) ArchList.append(ItemList[1].upper()) ThirdList.append(ItemList[2]) continue # # Not in any defined section # if CurrentSection == TAB_UNKNOWN: ErrorMsg = "%s is not in any defined section" % Line EdkLogger.error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=Filename, Line=LineNo) # # Add a section item # SectionItemList.append([Line, LineNo]) # End of parse #End of For ## ParseDefineMacro # # Search whole table to find all defined Macro and replaced them with the real values # def ParseDefineMacro2(Table, RecordSets, GlobalMacro): Macros = {} # # Find all DEFINE macros in section [Header] and its section # SqlCommand = """select Value1, Value2, BelongsToItem, StartLine, Arch from %s where Model = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) for Record in RecordSet: Macros[Record[0]] = Record[1] # # Overrided by Global Macros # for Key in GlobalMacro.keys(): Macros[Key] = GlobalMacro[Key] # # Replace the Macros # for Key in RecordSets.keys(): if RecordSets[Key] != []: for Item in RecordSets[Key]: Item[0] = ReplaceMacro(Item[0], Macros) ## ParseDefineMacro # # Search whole table to find all defined Macro and replaced them with the real values # def ParseDefineMacro(Table, GlobalMacro): Macros = {} # # Find all DEFINE macros # SqlCommand = """select Value1, Value2, BelongsToItem, StartLine, Arch from %s where Model = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) for Record in RecordSet: #*************************************************************************************************************************************************** # The follow SqlCommand (expr replace) is not supported in Sqlite 3.3.4 which is used in Python 2.5 * # Reserved Only * # SqlCommand = """update %s set Value1 = replace(Value1, '%s', '%s') * # where ID in (select ID from %s * # where Model = %s * # and Value1 like '%%%s%%' * # and StartLine > %s * # and Enabled > -1 * # and Arch = '%s')""" % \ * # (self.TblDsc.Table, Record[0], Record[1], self.TblDsc.Table, Record[2], Record[1], Record[3], Record[4]) * #*************************************************************************************************************************************************** Macros[Record[0]] = Record[1] # # Overrided by Global Macros # for Key in GlobalMacro.keys(): Macros[Key] = GlobalMacro[Key] # # Found all defined macro and replaced # SqlCommand = """select ID, Value1 from %s where Model != %s and Value1 like '%%$(%%' and Value1 like '%%)%%' and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE) FoundRecords = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) for FoundRecord in FoundRecords: NewValue = ReplaceMacro(FoundRecord[1], Macros) SqlCommand = """update %s set Value1 = '%s' where ID = %s""" % (Table.Table, ConvertToSqlString2(NewValue), FoundRecord[0]) Table.Exec(SqlCommand) ##QueryDefinesItem # # Search item of section [Defines] by name, return its values # # @param Table: The Table to be executed # @param Name: The Name of item of section [Defines] # @param Arch: The Arch of item of section [Defines] # # @retval RecordSet: A list of all matched records # def QueryDefinesItem(Table, Name, Arch, BelongsToFile): SqlCommand = """select Value2 from %s where Model = %s and Value1 = '%s' and Arch = '%s' and BelongsToFile = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, ConvertToSqlString2(Name), ConvertToSqlString2(Arch), BelongsToFile) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) if len(RecordSet) < 1: SqlCommand = """select Value2 from %s where Model = %s and Value1 = '%s' and Arch = '%s' and BelongsToFile = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, ConvertToSqlString2(Name), ConvertToSqlString2(TAB_ARCH_COMMON.upper()), BelongsToFile) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) if len(RecordSet) == 1: if Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_LIBRARY_CLASS: return [RecordSet[0][0]] else: return GetSplitValueList(RecordSet[0][0]) elif len(RecordSet) < 1: return [''] elif len(RecordSet) > 1: RetVal = [] for Record in RecordSet: if Name == TAB_INF_DEFINES_LIBRARY_CLASS: RetVal.append(Record[0]) else: Items = GetSplitValueList(Record[0]) for Item in Items: RetVal.append(Item) return RetVal ##QueryDefinesItem # # Search item of section [Defines] by name, return its values # # @param Table: The Table to be executed # @param Name: The Name of item of section [Defines] # @param Arch: The Arch of item of section [Defines] # # @retval RecordSet: A list of all matched records # def QueryDefinesItem2(Table, Arch, BelongsToFile): SqlCommand = """select Value1, Value2, StartLine from %s where Model = %s and Arch = '%s' and BelongsToFile = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, ConvertToSqlString2(Arch), BelongsToFile) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) if len(RecordSet) < 1: SqlCommand = """select Value1, Value2, StartLine from %s where Model = %s and Arch = '%s' and BelongsToFile = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER, ConvertToSqlString2(TAB_ARCH_COMMON), BelongsToFile) RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand) return RecordSet ##QueryDscItem # # Search all dsc item for a specific section # # @param Table: The Table to be executed # @param Model: The type of section # # @retval RecordSet: A list of all matched records # def QueryDscItem(Table, Model, BelongsToItem, BelongsToFile): SqlCommand = """select Value1, Arch, StartLine, ID, Value2 from %s where Model = %s and BelongsToItem = %s and BelongsToFile = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, Model, BelongsToItem, BelongsToFile) return Table.Exec(SqlCommand) ##QueryDecItem # # Search all dec item for a specific section # # @param Table: The Table to be executed # @param Model: The type of section # # @retval RecordSet: A list of all matched records # def QueryDecItem(Table, Model, BelongsToItem): SqlCommand = """select Value1, Arch, StartLine, ID, Value2 from %s where Model = %s and BelongsToItem = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, Model, BelongsToItem) return Table.Exec(SqlCommand) ##QueryInfItem # # Search all dec item for a specific section # # @param Table: The Table to be executed # @param Model: The type of section # # @retval RecordSet: A list of all matched records # def QueryInfItem(Table, Model, BelongsToItem): SqlCommand = """select Value1, Arch, StartLine, ID, Value2 from %s where Model = %s and BelongsToItem = %s and Enabled > -1""" % (Table.Table, Model, BelongsToItem) return Table.Exec(SqlCommand) ## GetBuildOption # # Parse a string with format "[:]=Flag" # Return (Family, ToolFlag, Flag) # # @param String: String with BuildOption statement # @param File: The file which defines build option, used in error report # # @retval truple() A truple structure as (Family, ToolChain, Flag) # def GetBuildOption(String, File, LineNo = -1): if String.find(TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT) < 0: RaiseParserError(String, 'BuildOptions', File, '[:]=Flag', LineNo) (Family, ToolChain, Flag) = ('', '', '') List = GetSplitValueList(String, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, MaxSplit = 1) if List[0].find(':') > -1: Family = List[0][ : List[0].find(':')].strip() ToolChain = List[0][List[0].find(':') + 1 : ].strip() else: ToolChain = List[0].strip() Flag = List[1].strip() return (Family, ToolChain, Flag) ## Get Library Class # # Get Library of Dsc as | # # @param Item: String as | # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (LibraryClassKeyWord, LibraryInstance, [SUP_MODULE_LIST]) Formatted Library Item # def GetLibraryClass(Item, ContainerFile, WorkspaceDir, LineNo = -1): List = GetSplitValueList(Item[0]) SupMod = SUP_MODULE_LIST_STRING if len(List) != 2: RaiseParserError(Item[0], 'LibraryClasses', ContainerFile, '|') else: CheckFileType(List[1], '.Inf', ContainerFile, 'library class instance', Item[0], LineNo) CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, List[1], ContainerFile, 'LibraryClasses', Item[0], LineNo) if Item[1] != '': SupMod = Item[1] return (List[0], List[1], SupMod) ## Get Library Class # # Get Library of Dsc as [|][|.] # # @param Item: String as | # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (LibraryClassKeyWord, LibraryInstance, [SUP_MODULE_LIST]) Formatted Library Item # def GetLibraryClassOfInf(Item, ContainerFile, WorkspaceDir, LineNo = -1): ItemList = GetSplitValueList((Item[0] + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2)) SupMod = SUP_MODULE_LIST_STRING if len(ItemList) > 5: RaiseParserError(Item[0], 'LibraryClasses', ContainerFile, '[|][|.]') else: CheckFileType(ItemList[1], '.Inf', ContainerFile, 'LibraryClasses', Item[0], LineNo) CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, ItemList[1], ContainerFile, 'LibraryClasses', Item[0], LineNo) if ItemList[2] != '': CheckPcdTokenInfo(ItemList[2], 'LibraryClasses', ContainerFile, LineNo) if Item[1] != '': SupMod = Item[1] return (ItemList[0], ItemList[1], ItemList[2], SupMod) ## CheckPcdTokenInfo # # Check if PcdTokenInfo is following . # # @param TokenInfoString: String to be checked # @param Section: Used for error report # @param File: Used for error report # # @retval True PcdTokenInfo is in correct format # def CheckPcdTokenInfo(TokenInfoString, Section, File, LineNo = -1): Format = '.' if TokenInfoString != '' and TokenInfoString != None: TokenInfoList = GetSplitValueList(TokenInfoString, TAB_SPLIT) if len(TokenInfoList) == 2: return True RaiseParserError(TokenInfoString, Section, File, Format, LineNo) ## Get Pcd # # Get Pcd of Dsc as .|[||] # # @param Item: String as .|[||] # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenInfo[1], TokenInfo[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], Type) # def GetPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, MaximumDatumSize, Token = '', '', '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2) if len(List) < 4 or len(List) > 6: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, '.|[||]', LineNo) else: Value = List[1] MaximumDatumSize = List[2] Token = List[3] if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo): (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], TAB_SPLIT) return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, MaximumDatumSize, Token, Type) ## Get FeatureFlagPcd # # Get FeatureFlagPcd of Dsc as .|TRUE/FALSE # # @param Item: String as .|TRUE/FALSE # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenInfo[1], TokenInfo[0], List[1], Type) # def GetFeatureFlagPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): TokenGuid, TokenName, Value = '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item) if len(List) != 2: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, '.|TRUE/FALSE', LineNo) else: Value = List[1] if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo): (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT) return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, Type) ## Get DynamicDefaultPcd # # Get DynamicDefaultPcd of Dsc as .|[|[|]] # # @param Item: String as .|TRUE/FALSE # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenInfo[1], TokenInfo[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], Type) # def GetDynamicDefaultPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumTyp, MaxDatumSize = '', '', '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2) if len(List) < 4 or len(List) > 8: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, '.|[|[|]]', LineNo) else: Value = List[1] DatumTyp = List[2] MaxDatumSize = List[3] if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo): (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], TAB_SPLIT) return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, DatumTyp, MaxDatumSize, Type) ## Get DynamicHiiPcd # # Get DynamicHiiPcd of Dsc as .|||[|[|]] # # @param Item: String as .|TRUE/FALSE # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenInfo[1], TokenInfo[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4], List[5], Type) # def GetDynamicHiiPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): TokenGuid, TokenName, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 = '', '', '', '', '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2) if len(List) < 6 or len(List) > 8: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, '.|||[|[|]]', LineNo) else: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 = List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4], List[5] if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo): (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT) return (TokenName, TokenGuid, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, Type) ## Get DynamicVpdPcd # # Get DynamicVpdPcd of Dsc as .|[|] # # @param Item: String as .|TRUE/FALSE # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenInfo[1], TokenInfo[0], List[1], List[2], Type) # def GetDynamicVpdPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): TokenGuid, TokenName, L1, L2 = '', '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(List) < 3 or len(List) > 4: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, '.|[|]', LineNo) else: L1, L2 = List[1], List[2] if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo): (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT) return (TokenName, TokenGuid, L1, L2, Type) ## GetComponent # # Parse block of the components defined in dsc file # Set KeyValues as [ ['component name', [lib1, lib2, lib3], [bo1, bo2, bo3], [pcd1, pcd2, pcd3]], ...] # # @param Lines: The content to be parsed # @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing # # @retval True Get component successfully # def GetComponent(Lines, KeyValues): (findBlock, findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) ListItem = None LibraryClassItem = [] BuildOption = [] Pcd = [] for Line in Lines: Line = Line[0] # # Ignore !include statement # if Line.upper().find(TAB_INCLUDE.upper() + ' ') > -1 or Line.upper().find(TAB_DEFINE + ' ') > -1: continue if findBlock == False: ListItem = Line # # find '{' at line tail # if Line.endswith('{'): findBlock = True ListItem = CleanString(Line.rsplit('{', 1)[0], DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) # # Parse a block content # if findBlock: if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, True, False, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, True, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, True, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, True, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, True, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, True) continue if Line.endswith('}'): # # find '}' at line tail # KeyValues.append([ListItem, LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd]) (findBlock, findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd = [], [], [] continue if findBlock: if findLibraryClass: LibraryClassItem.append(Line) elif findBuildOption: BuildOption.append(Line) elif findPcdsFeatureFlag: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL, Line)) elif findPcdsPatchableInModule: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL, Line)) elif findPcdsFixedAtBuild: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL, Line)) elif findPcdsDynamic: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_NULL, Line)) elif findPcdsDynamicEx: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT_NULL, Line)) else: KeyValues.append([ListItem, [], [], []]) return True ## GetExec # # Parse a string with format "InfFilename [EXEC = ExecFilename]" # Return (InfFilename, ExecFilename) # # @param String: String with EXEC statement # # @retval truple() A pair as (InfFilename, ExecFilename) # def GetExec(String): InfFilename = '' ExecFilename = '' if String.find('EXEC') > -1: InfFilename = String[ : String.find('EXEC')].strip() ExecFilename = String[String.find('EXEC') + len('EXEC') : ].strip() else: InfFilename = String.strip() return (InfFilename, ExecFilename) ## GetComponents # # Parse block of the components defined in dsc file # Set KeyValues as [ ['component name', [lib1, lib2, lib3], [bo1, bo2, bo3], [pcd1, pcd2, pcd3]], ...] # # @param Lines: The content to be parsed # @param Key: Reserved # @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing # @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content # # @retval True Get component successfully # def GetComponents(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter): if Lines.find(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END) > -1: Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1] (findBlock, findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) ListItem = None LibraryClassItem = [] BuildOption = [] Pcd = [] LineList = Lines.split('\n') for Line in LineList: Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter) if Line == None or Line == '': continue if findBlock == False: ListItem = Line # # find '{' at line tail # if Line.endswith('{'): findBlock = True ListItem = CleanString(Line.rsplit('{', 1)[0], CommentCharacter) # # Parse a block content # if findBlock: if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, True, False, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, True, False, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, True, False, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, True, False, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, True, False) continue if Line.find('') != -1: (findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, True) continue if Line.endswith('}'): # # find '}' at line tail # KeyValues.append([ListItem, LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd]) (findBlock, findLibraryClass, findBuildOption, findPcdsFeatureFlag, findPcdsPatchableInModule, findPcdsFixedAtBuild, findPcdsDynamic, findPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd = [], [], [] continue if findBlock: if findLibraryClass: LibraryClassItem.append(Line) elif findBuildOption: BuildOption.append(Line) elif findPcdsFeatureFlag: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG, Line)) elif findPcdsPatchableInModule: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, Line)) elif findPcdsFixedAtBuild: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD, Line)) elif findPcdsDynamic: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC, Line)) elif findPcdsDynamicEx: Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX, Line)) else: KeyValues.append([ListItem, [], [], []]) return True ## Get Source # # Get Source of Inf as [|[|[|[|]]]] # # @param Item: String as [|[|[|[|]]]] # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4]) # def GetSource(Item, ContainerFile, FileRelativePath, LineNo = -1): ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 4 List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew) if len(List) < 5 or len(List) > 9: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Sources', ContainerFile, '[|[|[|[|]]]]', LineNo) List[0] = NormPath(List[0]) CheckFileExist(FileRelativePath, List[0], ContainerFile, 'Sources', Item, LineNo) if List[4] != '': CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[4], 'Sources', ContainerFile, LineNo) return (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4]) ## Get Binary # # Get Binary of Inf as [|[|[|[|]]]] # # @param Item: String as [|[|[|[|]]]] # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3]) # @retval List # def GetBinary(Item, ContainerFile, FileRelativePath, LineNo = -1): ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew) if len(List) != 4 and len(List) != 5: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Binaries', ContainerFile, "||[|.]", LineNo) else: if List[3] != '': CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[3], 'Binaries', ContainerFile, LineNo) if len(List) == 4: return (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3]) elif len(List) == 3: return (List[0], List[1], List[2], '') elif len(List) == 2: return (List[0], List[1], '', '') elif len(List) == 1: return (List[0], '', '', '') ## Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis # # Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis of Inf as [|] # # @param Item: String as [|] # @param Type: Type of parsing string # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (List[0], List[1]) # def GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfInf(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): ItemNew = Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew) if List[1] != '': CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[1], Type, ContainerFile, LineNo) return (List[0], List[1]) ## Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis # # Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis of Dec as = # # @param Item: String as = # @param Type: Type of parsing string # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (List[0], List[1]) # def GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfDec(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo = -1): List = GetSplitValueList(Item, DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT) if len(List) != 2: RaiseParserError(Item, Type, ContainerFile, '=', LineNo) return (List[0], List[1]) ## GetPackage # # Get Package of Inf as [|] # # @param Item: String as [|] # @param Type: Type of parsing string # @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for error report # # @retval (List[0], List[1]) # def GetPackage(Item, ContainerFile, FileRelativePath, LineNo = -1): ItemNew = Item + TAB_VALUE_SPLIT List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew) CheckFileType(List[0], '.Dec', ContainerFile, 'package', List[0], LineNo) CheckFileExist(FileRelativePath, List[0], ContainerFile, 'Packages', List[0], LineNo) if List[1] != '': CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[1], 'Packages', ContainerFile, LineNo) return (List[0], List[1]) ## Get Pcd Values of Inf # # Get Pcd of Inf as .[|] # # @param Item: The string describes pcd # @param Type: The type of Pcd # @param File: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report # # @retval (TokenSpcCName, TokenCName, Value, ItemType) Formatted Pcd Item # def GetPcdOfInf(Item, Type, File, LineNo): Format = '.[|]' TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, InfType = '', '', '', '' if Type == TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD: InfType = TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD elif Type == TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE: InfType = TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD elif Type == TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG: InfType = TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD elif Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX: InfType = TAB_INF_PCD_EX elif Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC: InfType = TAB_INF_PCD List = GetSplitValueList(Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT) if len(List) < 2 or len(List) > 3: RaiseParserError(Item, InfType, File, Format, LineNo) else: Value = List[1] TokenInfo = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT) if len(TokenInfo) != 2: RaiseParserError(Item, InfType, File, Format, LineNo) else: TokenGuid = TokenInfo[0] TokenName = TokenInfo[1] return (TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, Type) ## Get Pcd Values of Dec # # Get Pcd of Dec as .||| # @retval (TokenSpcCName, TokenCName, Value, DatumType, Token, ItemType) Formatted Pcd Item # def GetPcdOfDec(Item, Type, File, LineNo = -1): Format = '.|||' TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumType, Token = '', '', '', '', '' List = GetSplitValueList(Item) if len(List) != 4: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, File, Format, LineNo) else: Value = List[1] DatumType = List[2] Token = List[3] TokenInfo = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT) if len(TokenInfo) != 2: RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, File, Format, LineNo) else: TokenGuid = TokenInfo[0] TokenName = TokenInfo[1] return (TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumType, Token, Type) ## Parse DEFINE statement # # Get DEFINE macros # # 1. Insert a record into TblDec # Value1: Macro Name # Value2: Macro Value # def ParseDefine(LineValue, StartLine, Table, FileID, Filename, SectionName, SectionModel, Arch): EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_2, "DEFINE statement '%s' found in section %s" % (LineValue, SectionName)) Define = GetSplitValueList(CleanString(LineValue[LineValue.upper().find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE.upper() + ' ') + len(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ') : ]), TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1) Table.Insert(MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, Define[0], Define[1], '', '', '', Arch, SectionModel, FileID, StartLine, -1, StartLine, -1, 0) ## InsertSectionItems # # Insert item data of a section to a dict # def InsertSectionItems(Model, CurrentSection, SectionItemList, ArchList, ThirdList, RecordSet): # Insert each item data of a section for Index in range(0, len(ArchList)): Arch = ArchList[Index] Third = ThirdList[Index] if Arch == '': Arch = TAB_ARCH_COMMON Records = RecordSet[Model] for SectionItem in SectionItemList: BelongsToItem, EndLine, EndColumn = -1, -1, -1 LineValue, StartLine, EndLine, Comment = SectionItem[0], SectionItem[1], SectionItem[1], SectionItem[2] EdkLogger.debug(4, "Parsing %s ..." %LineValue) # And then parse DEFINE statement if LineValue.upper().find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE.upper() + ' ') > -1: continue # At last parse other sections ID = -1 Records.append([LineValue, Arch, StartLine, ID, Third, Comment]) if RecordSet != {}: RecordSet[Model] = Records ## Insert records to database # # Insert item data of a section to database # @param Table: The Table to be inserted # @param FileID: The ID of belonging file # @param Filename: The name of belonging file # @param CurrentSection: The name of currect section # @param SectionItemList: A list of items of the section # @param ArchList: A list of arches # @param ThirdList: A list of third parameters, ModuleType for LibraryClass and SkuId for Dynamic Pcds # @param IfDefList: A list of all conditional statements # @param RecordSet: A dict of all parsed records # def InsertSectionItemsIntoDatabase(Table, FileID, Filename, Model, CurrentSection, SectionItemList, ArchList, ThirdList, IfDefList, RecordSet): # # Insert each item data of a section # for Index in range(0, len(ArchList)): Arch = ArchList[Index] Third = ThirdList[Index] if Arch == '': Arch = TAB_ARCH_COMMON Records = RecordSet[Model] for SectionItem in SectionItemList: BelongsToItem, EndLine, EndColumn = -1, -1, -1 LineValue, StartLine, EndLine = SectionItem[0], SectionItem[1], SectionItem[1] EdkLogger.debug(4, "Parsing %s ..." %LineValue) # # And then parse DEFINE statement # if LineValue.upper().find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE.upper() + ' ') > -1: ParseDefine(LineValue, StartLine, Table, FileID, Filename, CurrentSection, Model, Arch) continue # # At last parse other sections # ID = Table.Insert(Model, LineValue, Third, Third, '', '', Arch, -1, FileID, StartLine, -1, StartLine, -1, 0) Records.append([LineValue, Arch, StartLine, ID, Third]) if RecordSet != {}: RecordSet[Model] = Records ## GenMetaDatSectionItem def GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, List): if Key not in List: List[Key] = [Value] else: List[Key].append(Value)