## @file
#  Unit tests for AutoGen.UniClassObject
#  Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

# Import Modules
import os
import unittest

import codecs

import TestTools

from Common.Misc import PathClass
import AutoGen.UniClassObject as BtUni

from Common import EdkLogger

class Tests(TestTools.BaseToolsTest):

    SampleData = u'''
        #langdef en-US "English"
        #string STR_A #language en-US "STR_A for en-US"

    def EncodeToFile(self, encoding, string=None):
        if string is None:
            string = self.SampleData
        if encoding is not None:
            data = codecs.encode(string, encoding)
            data = string
        path = 'input.uni'
        self.WriteTmpFile(path, data)
        return PathClass(self.GetTmpFilePath(path))

    def ErrorFailure(self, error, encoding, shouldPass):
        msg = error + ' should '
        if shouldPass:
            msg += 'not '
        msg += 'be generated for '
        msg += '%s data in a .uni file' % encoding

    def UnicodeErrorFailure(self, encoding, shouldPass):
        self.ErrorFailure('UnicodeError', encoding, shouldPass)

    def EdkErrorFailure(self, encoding, shouldPass):
        self.ErrorFailure('EdkLogger.FatalError', encoding, shouldPass)

    def CheckFile(self, encoding, shouldPass, string=None):
        path = self.EncodeToFile(encoding, string)
            if shouldPass:
        except UnicodeError:
            if not shouldPass:
                self.UnicodeErrorFailure(encoding, shouldPass)
        except EdkLogger.FatalError:
            if not shouldPass:
                self.EdkErrorFailure(encoding, shouldPass)
        except Exception:

        self.EdkErrorFailure(encoding, shouldPass)

    def testUtf16InUniFile(self):
        self.CheckFile('utf_16', shouldPass=True)

    def testSupplementaryPlaneUnicodeCharInUtf16File(self):
        # Supplementary Plane characters can exist in UTF-16 files,
        # but they are not valid UCS-2 characters.
        # This test makes sure that BaseTools rejects these characters
        # if seen in a .uni file.
        data = u'''
            #langdef en-US "English"
            #string STR_A #language en-US "CodePoint (\U00010300) > 0xFFFF"

        self.CheckFile('utf_16', shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def testSurrogatePairUnicodeCharInUtf16File(self):
        # Surrogate Pair code points are used in UTF-16 files to
        # encode the Supplementary Plane characters. But, a Surrogate
        # Pair code point which is not followed by another Surrogate
        # Pair code point might be interpreted as a single code point
        # with the Surrogate Pair code point.
        # This test makes sure that BaseTools rejects these characters
        # if seen in a .uni file.
        data = codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE + b'//\x01\xd8 '

        self.CheckFile(encoding=None, shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def testValidUtf8File(self):
        self.CheckFile(encoding='utf_8', shouldPass=True)

    def testValidUtf8FileWithBom(self):
        # Same test as testValidUtf8File, but add the UTF-8 BOM
        data = codecs.BOM_UTF8 + codecs.encode(self.SampleData, 'utf_8')

        self.CheckFile(encoding=None, shouldPass=True, string=data)

    def test32bitUnicodeCharInUtf8File(self):
        data = u'''
            #langdef en-US "English"
            #string STR_A #language en-US "CodePoint (\U00010300) > 0xFFFF"

        self.CheckFile('utf_16', shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def test32bitUnicodeCharInUtf8File(self):
        data = u'''
            #langdef en-US "English"
            #string STR_A #language en-US "CodePoint (\U00010300) > 0xFFFF"

        self.CheckFile('utf_8', shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def test32bitUnicodeCharInUtf8Comment(self):
        data = u'''
            // Even in comments, we reject non-UCS-2 chars: \U00010300
            #langdef en-US "English"
            #string STR_A #language en-US "A"

        self.CheckFile('utf_8', shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def testSurrogatePairUnicodeCharInUtf8File(self):
        # Surrogate Pair code points are used in UTF-16 files to
        # encode the Supplementary Plane characters. In UTF-8, it is
        # trivial to encode these code points, but they are not valid
        # code points for characters, since they are reserved for the
        # UTF-16 Surrogate Pairs.
        # This test makes sure that BaseTools rejects these characters
        # if seen in a .uni file.
        data = b'\xed\xa0\x81'

        self.CheckFile(encoding=None, shouldPass=False, string=data)

    def testSurrogatePairUnicodeCharInUtf8FileWithBom(self):
        # Same test as testSurrogatePairUnicodeCharInUtf8File, but add
        # the UTF-8 BOM
        data = codecs.BOM_UTF8 + b'\xed\xa0\x81'

        self.CheckFile(encoding=None, shouldPass=False, string=data)

TheTestSuite = TestTools.MakeTheTestSuite(locals())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    allTests = TheTestSuite()