;; @file ; Provide FSP API entry points. ; ; Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ;; DEFAULT REL SECTION .text %include "PushPopRegsNasm.inc" ; ; Following are fixed PCDs ; extern ASM_PFX(PcdGet8 (PcdFspHeapSizePercentage)) extern ASM_PFX(FeaturePcdGet (PcdFspSaveRestorePageTableEnable)) struc FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24 ; FSP_UPD_HEADER { .FspUpdHeader: resd 8 ; } ; FSPM_ARCH2_UPD { .Revision: resb 1 .Reserved: resb 3 .Length resd 1 .NvsBufferPtr resq 1 .StackBase: resq 1 .StackSize: resq 1 .BootLoaderTolumSize: resd 1 .BootMode: resd 1 .FspEventHandler resq 1 .Reserved1: resb 16 ; } .size: endstruc ; ; Following functions will be provided in C ; extern ASM_PFX(SecStartup) extern ASM_PFX(FspApiCommon) ; ; Following functions will be provided in PlatformSecLib ; extern ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspBaseAddress) extern ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspInfoHeader) FSP_HEADER_IMGBASE_OFFSET EQU 1Ch FSP_HEADER_CFGREG_OFFSET EQU 24h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FspMemoryInit API ; ; This FSP API is called after TempRamInit and initializes the memory. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(FspMemoryInitApi) ASM_PFX(FspMemoryInitApi): mov rax, 3 ; FSP_API_INDEX.FspMemoryInitApiIndex jmp ASM_PFX(FspApiCommon) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TempRamExitApi API ; ; This API tears down temporary RAM ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(TempRamExitApi) ASM_PFX(TempRamExitApi): mov rax, 4 ; FSP_API_INDEX.TempRamExitApiIndex jmp ASM_PFX(FspApiCommon) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FspApiCommonContinue API ; ; This is the FSP API common entry point to resume the FSP execution ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(FspApiCommonContinue) ASM_PFX(FspApiCommonContinue): ; ; RAX holds the API index ; Push RDX and RCX to form CONTEXT_STACK_64 ; push rdx ; Push a QWORD data for stack alignment push rdx ; Push API Parameter2 on stack push rcx ; Push API Parameter1 on stack ; ; FspMemoryInit API setup the initial stack frame ; ; ; Place holder to store the FspInfoHeader pointer ; push rax ; ; Update the FspInfoHeader pointer ; push rax call ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspInfoHeader) mov [rsp + 8], rax pop rax ; ; Create a Task Frame in the stack for the Boot Loader ; pushfq cli PUSHA_64 ; ; Allocate 4x8 bytes on the stack. ; sub rsp, 32 lea rdx, [ASM_PFX(FeaturePcdGet (PcdFspSaveRestorePageTableEnable))] mov dl, byte [rdx] cmp dl, 0 jz SkipPagetableSave add rsp, 32 ; Save EFER MSR push rcx push rax mov rcx, 0xC0000080 rdmsr shl rdx, 0x20 or rdx, rax pop rax pop rcx push rdx ; Save CR registers mov rdx, cr4 push rdx mov rdx, cr3 push rdx mov rdx, cr0 push rdx SkipPagetableSave: ; Reserve 16 bytes for IDT save/restore sub rsp, 16 sidt [rsp] ; Get Stackbase and StackSize from FSPM_UPD Param mov rdx, rcx ; Put FSPM_UPD Param to rdx cmp rdx, 0 jnz FspStackSetup ; Get UPD default values if FspmUpdDataPtr (ApiParam1) is null xchg rbx, rax call ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspInfoHeader) mov edx, [rax + FSP_HEADER_IMGBASE_OFFSET] add edx, [rax + FSP_HEADER_CFGREG_OFFSET] xchg rbx, rax FspStackSetup: mov cl, [rdx + FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.Revision] cmp cl, 3 jae FspmUpdCommonFsp24 mov rax, 08000000000000002h ; RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER sub rsp, 0b8h ret FspmUpdCommonFsp24: ; ; StackBase = temp memory base, StackSize = temp memory size ; mov rdi, [rdx + FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackBase] mov ecx, [rdx + FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackSize] ; ; Keep using bootloader stack if heap size % is 0 ; mov rbx, ASM_PFX(PcdGet8 (PcdFspHeapSizePercentage)) mov bl, BYTE [rbx] cmp bl, 0 jz SkipStackSwitch ; ; Set up a dedicated temp ram stack for FSP if FSP heap size % doesn't equal 0 ; add rdi, rcx ; ; Switch to new FSP stack ; xchg rdi, rsp ; Exchange rdi and rsp, rdi will be assigned to the current rsp pointer and rsp will be Stack base + Stack size SkipStackSwitch: ; ; If heap size % is 0: ; EDI is FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackBase and will hold ESP later (boot loader stack pointer) ; ECX is FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackSize ; ESP is boot loader stack pointer (no stack switch) ; BL is 0 to indicate no stack switch (EBX will hold FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackBase later) ; ; If heap size % is not 0 ; EDI is boot loader stack pointer ; ECX is FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackSize ; ESP is new stack (FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackBase + FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackSize) ; BL is NOT 0 to indicate stack has switched ; cmp bl, 0 jnz StackHasBeenSwitched mov rbx, rdi ; Put FSPM_UPD_COMMON_FSP24.StackBase to rbx as temp memory base mov rdi, rsp ; Put boot loader stack pointer to rdi jmp StackSetupDone StackHasBeenSwitched: mov rbx, rsp ; Put Stack base + Stack size in ebx sub rbx, rcx ; Stack base + Stack size - Stack size as temp memory base StackSetupDone: ; ; Per X64 calling convention, make sure RSP is 16-byte aligned. ; mov rdx, rsp and rdx, 0fh sub rsp, rdx ; ; Pass the API Idx to SecStartup ; push rax ; ; Pass the BootLoader stack to SecStartup ; push rdi ; ; Pass BFV into the PEI Core ; It uses relative address to calculate the actual boot FV base ; For FSP implementation with single FV, PcdFspBootFirmwareVolumeBase and ; PcdFspAreaBaseAddress are the same. For FSP with multiple FVs, ; they are different. The code below can handle both cases. ; call ASM_PFX(AsmGetFspBaseAddress) mov r8, rax ; ; Pass entry point of the PEI core ; call ASM_PFX(AsmGetPeiCoreOffset) lea r9, [r8 + rax] ; ; Pass stack base and size into the PEI Core ; mov rcx, rcx mov rdx, rbx ; ; Pass Control into the PEI Core ; RCX = SizeOfRam, RDX = TempRamBase, R8 = BFV, R9 = PeiCoreEntry, Last 1 Stack = BL stack, Last 2 Stack = API index ; According to X64 calling convention, caller has to allocate 32 bytes as a shadow store on call stack right before ; calling the function. ; sub rsp, 20h call ASM_PFX(SecStartup) add rsp, 20h exit: ret global ASM_PFX(FspPeiCoreEntryOff) ASM_PFX(FspPeiCoreEntryOff): ; ; This value will be patched by the build script ; DD 0x12345678 global ASM_PFX(AsmGetPeiCoreOffset) ASM_PFX(AsmGetPeiCoreOffset): push rbx mov rbx, ASM_PFX(FspPeiCoreEntryOff) mov eax, dword[ebx] pop rbx ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TempRamInit API ; ; Empty function for WHOLEARCHIVE build option ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(TempRamInitApi) ASM_PFX(TempRamInitApi): jmp $ ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Module Entrypoint API ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- global ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint) ASM_PFX(_ModuleEntryPoint): jmp $