/** @file Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Edb.h" /** Get file name from full path. @param FullPath - full file path @return file name **/ CHAR16 * GetFileNameFromFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *FullPath ) { CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *TempFileName; FileName = FullPath; TempFileName = StrGetNewTokenLine (FullPath, L"\\"); while (TempFileName != NULL) { FileName = TempFileName; TempFileName = StrGetNextTokenLine (L"\\"); PatchForStrTokenBefore (TempFileName, L'\\'); } return FileName; } /** Get dir name from full path. @param FullPath - full file path @return dir name **/ CHAR16 * GetDirNameFromFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *FullPath ) { CHAR16 *FileName; FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (FullPath); if (FileName != FullPath) { *(FileName - 1) = 0; return FullPath; } return L""; } /** Construct full path accroding to dir and file path. @param DirPath - dir path @param FilePath - file path @param Size - dir max size @return Full file name **/ CHAR16 * ConstructFullPath ( IN CHAR16 *DirPath, IN CHAR16 *FilePath, IN UINTN Size ) { UINTN DirPathSize; DirPathSize = StrLen(DirPath); *(DirPath + DirPathSize) = L'\\'; StrnCatS (DirPath, DirPathSize + Size + 1, FilePath, Size); *(DirPath + DirPathSize + Size + 1) = 0; return DirPath; } CHAR16 *mSymbolTypeStr[] = { L"( F)", L"(SF)", L"(GV)", L"(SV)", }; /** Comvert Symbol Type to string. @param Type - Symbol Type @return String **/ CHAR16 * EdbSymbolTypeToStr ( IN EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_TYPE Type ) { if (Type < 0 || Type >= EfiDebuggerSymbolTypeMax) { return L"(?)"; } return mSymbolTypeStr [Type]; } /** Find the symbol accroding to address and display symbol. @param Address - SymbolAddress @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToAddress ( IN UINTN Address, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate ) { EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY *Entry; UINTN CandidateAddress; // // Find the nearest symbol address // CandidateAddress = EbdFindSymbolAddress (Address, EdbMatchSymbolTypeNearestAddress, &Object, &Entry); if (CandidateAddress == 0 || CandidateAddress == (UINTN) -1) { EDBPrint (L"Symbole at Address not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else if (Address != CandidateAddress) { EDBPrint (L"Symbole at Address not found, print nearest one!\n"); } // // Display symbol // EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name: %s\n", Object->Name); if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ================== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ( F) TestMain\n"); EDBPrint ( L" 0x%016lx %s %a\n", (UINT64)Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name ); } else { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ========== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFF0000 ( F) TestMain\n"); EDBPrint ( L" 0x%08x %s %a\n", Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name ); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** Find the symbol accroding to name and display symbol. @param SymbolFileName - The Symbol File Name, NULL means for all @param SymbolName - The Symbol Name, NULL means for all @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToName ( IN CHAR16 *SymbolFileName, IN CHAR16 *SymbolName, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate ) { UINTN Index; UINTN SubIndex; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY *Entry; if (DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount == 0) { EDBPrint (L"No Symbol File!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Go throuth each symbol file // Object = DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.Object; for (Index = 0; Index < DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount; Index++, Object++) { if ((SymbolFileName != NULL) && (StriCmp (SymbolFileName, Object->Name) != 0)) { continue; } // // Break each symbol file // if (Index != 0) { if (SetPageBreak ()) { break; } } EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name: %s\n", Object->Name); if (Object->EntryCount == 0) { EDBPrint (L"No Symbol!\n"); continue; } Entry = Object->Entry; if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ================== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ( F) TestMain (EbcTest.obj)\n"); } else { EDBPrint (L" Address Type Symbol\n"); EDBPrint (L" ========== ==== ========\n"); // EDBPrint (L" 0xFFFF0000 ( F) TestMain (EbcTest.obj)\n"); } // // Go through each symbol name // for (SubIndex = 0; SubIndex < Object->EntryCount; SubIndex++, Entry++) { if ((SymbolName != NULL) && (StrCmpUnicodeAndAscii (SymbolName, Entry->Name) != 0)) { continue; } // // Break symbol // if (((SubIndex % EFI_DEBUGGER_LINE_NUMBER_IN_PAGE) == 0) && (SubIndex != 0)) { if (SetPageBreak ()) { break; } } if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) { EDBPrint ( L" 0x%016lx %s %a (%a)\n", (UINT64)Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name, Entry->ObjName ); } else { EDBPrint ( L" 0x%08x %s %a (%a)\n", Entry->Rva + Object->BaseAddress, EdbSymbolTypeToStr (Entry->Type), Entry->Name, Entry->ObjName ); } } } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - ListSymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerListSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { CHAR16 *SymbolFileName; CHAR16 *SymbolName; CHAR16 *CommandStr; UINTN Address; SymbolFileName = NULL; SymbolName = NULL; CommandStr = CommandArg; // // display symbol according to address // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if ((StriCmp (CommandStr, L"F") != 0) && (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"S") != 0)) { Address = Xtoi (CommandStr); return DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToAddress (Address, DebuggerPrivate); } } // // Get SymbolFileName // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"F") == 0) { CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandStr == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Symbol File Name missing!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else { SymbolFileName = CommandStr; CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); } } } // // Get SymbolName // if (CommandStr != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandStr, L"S") == 0) { CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandStr == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Symbol Name missing!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } else { SymbolName = CommandStr; CommandStr = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); } } } if (CommandStr != NULL) { EDBPrint (L"Argument error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // display symbol according to name // return DebuggerDisplaySymbolAccrodingToName (SymbolFileName, SymbolName, DebuggerPrivate); } /** DebuggerCommand - LoadSymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerLoadSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { UINTN BufferSize; VOID *Buffer; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *CommandArg2; BOOLEAN IsLoadCode; CHAR16 *DirName; CHAR16 CodFile[EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX]; CHAR16 *CodFileName; UINTN Index; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } IsLoadCode = FALSE; CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 != NULL) { if (StriCmp (CommandArg2, L"a") == 0) { IsLoadCode = TRUE; } else { EDBPrint (L"Argument error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } } if (StrLen (CommandArg) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg + (StrLen (CommandArg) - 4), L".map") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Read MAP file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, CommandArg, &BufferSize, &Buffer, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile read error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); // // Load Symbol // Status = EdbLoadSymbol (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadSymbol error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } gBS->FreePool (Buffer); // // Patch Symbol for RVA // Status = EdbPatchSymbolRVA (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, EdbEbcImageRvaSearchTypeLast); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"PatchSymbol RVA - %r! Using the RVA in symbol file.\n", Status); } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "PatchSymbol RVA successfully!\n")); } if (!IsLoadCode) { return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // load each cod file // DirName = GetDirNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } else { DirName = L"\\"; } // // Go throuth each file under this dir // Index = 0; CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); while (CodFileName != NULL) { ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"\\") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } // // read cod file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, ConstructFullPath (CodFile, CodFileName, EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX - StrLen (CodFile) - 2), &BufferSize, &Buffer, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile read error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Load Code // Status = EdbLoadCode (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadCode error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Record the buffer // Status = EdbAddCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"AddCodeBuffer error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Get next file // CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - UnloadSymbol @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerUnloadSymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *DirName; CHAR16 CodFile[EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_NAME_MAX]; CHAR16 *CodFileName; UINTN Index; VOID *BufferPtr; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); // // Unload Code // DirName = GetDirNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } else { DirName = L"\\"; } // // Go through each file under this dir // Index = 0; CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); while (CodFileName != NULL) { ZeroMem (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile)); if (StrCmp (DirName, L"\\") != 0) { StrCpyS (CodFile, sizeof(CodFile), DirName); } // // Unload Code // Status = EdbUnloadCode (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, &BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadCode error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Delete the code buffer // Status = EdbDeleteCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, FileName, CodFileName, BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"DeleteCodeBuffer error!\n"); CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); continue; } // // Get next file // CodFileName = GetFileNameUnderDir (DebuggerPrivate, DirName, L".cod", &Index); } // // Unload Symbol // Status = EdbUnloadSymbol (DebuggerPrivate, FileName); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadSymbol error!\n"); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - DisplaySymbol. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplaySymbol ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = !DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"on") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = TRUE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"off") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplaySymbol = FALSE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else { EDBPrint (L"DisplaySymbol - argument error\n"); } return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - LoadCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerLoadCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { UINTN BufferSize; VOID *Buffer; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *CommandArg2; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *MapFileName; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StrLen (CommandArg) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg + (StrLen (CommandArg) - 4), L".cod") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StrLen (CommandArg2) <= 4) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } if (StriCmp (CommandArg2 + (StrLen (CommandArg2) - 4), L".map") != 0) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile name error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // read cod file to memory // Status = ReadFileToBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, CommandArg, &BufferSize, &Buffer, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile read error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); MapFileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg2); // // Load Code // Status = EdbLoadCode (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"LoadCode error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Record the buffer // Status = EdbAddCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"AddCodeBuffer error!\n"); gBS->FreePool (Buffer); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - UnloadCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerUnloadCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { CHAR16 *CommandArg2; CHAR16 *FileName; CHAR16 *MapFileName; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *BufferPtr; // // Check the argument // if (CommandArg == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"CodeFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } CommandArg2 = StrGetNextTokenLine (L" "); if (CommandArg2 == NULL) { EDBPrint (L"SymbolFile not found!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } FileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg); MapFileName = GetFileNameFromFullPath (CommandArg2); // // Unload Code // Status = EdbUnloadCode (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, &BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"UnloadCode error!\n"); return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } // // Delete Code buffer // Status = EdbDeleteCodeBuffer (DebuggerPrivate, MapFileName, FileName, BufferPtr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { EDBPrint (L"DeleteCodeBuffer error!\n"); } // // Done // return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; } /** DebuggerCommand - DisplayCode. @param CommandArg - The argument for this command @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure @param ExceptionType - Exception type. @param SystemContext - EBC system context. @retval EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE - formal return value **/ EFI_DEBUG_STATUS DebuggerDisplayCode ( IN CHAR16 *CommandArg, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE ExceptionType, IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) { if (CommandArg == NULL) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = !DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"on") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = TRUE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else if (StriCmp (CommandArg, L"off") == 0) { DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly = FALSE; EdbShowDisasm (DebuggerPrivate, SystemContext); } else { EDBPrint (L"DisplayCode - argument error\n"); } return EFI_DEBUG_CONTINUE; }