## @file # FSP DSC build file for QEMU platform # # Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## ################################################################################ # # Defines Section - statements that will be processed to create a Makefile. # ################################################################################ [Defines] PLATFORM_NAME = QemuFspPkg PLATFORM_GUID = 1BEDB57A-7904-406e-8486-C89FC7FB39EE PLATFORM_VERSION = 0.1 DSC_SPECIFICATION = 0x00010005 OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = Build/QemuFspPkg SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES = IA32|X64 BUILD_TARGETS = DEBUG|RELEASE SKUID_IDENTIFIER = DEFAULT FLASH_DEFINITION = QemuFspPkg/QemuFspPkg.fdf # # UPD tool definition # FSP_T_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 34686CA3-34F9-4901-B82A-BA630F0714C6 FSP_V_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 4E2F4725-734A-4399-BAF5-B4E16348EB2F FSP_M_UPD_TOOL_GUID = 39A250DB-E465-4DD1-A2AC-E2BD3C0E2385 FSP_S_UPD_TOOL_GUID = CAE3605B-5B34-4C85-B3D7-27D54273C40F FSP_T_UPD_FFS_GUID = 70BCF6A5-FFB1-47D8-B1AE-EFE5508E23EA FSP_V_UPD_FFS_GUID = 0197EF5E-2FFC-4089-8E55-F70400B18146 FSP_M_UPD_FFS_GUID = D5B86AEA-6AF7-40D4-8014-982301BC3D89 FSP_S_UPD_FFS_GUID = E3CD9B18-998C-4F76-B65E-98B154E5446F # # Set platform specific package/folder name, same as passed from PREBUILD script. # PLATFORM_PACKAGE would be the same as PLATFORM_NAME as well as package build folder # DEFINE only takes effect at R9 DSC and FDF. # DEFINE FSP_PACKAGE = QemuFspPkg DEFINE FSP_IMAGE_ID = 0x245053464D455124 # $QEMFSP$ DEFINE FSP_IMAGE_REV = 0x00001010 DEFINE CAR_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x00000000 DEFINE CAR_REGION_SIZE = 0x00080000 DEFINE CAR_BLD_REGION_SIZE = 0x00070000 DEFINE CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE = 0x00010000 DEFINE FSP_ARCH = X64 ################################################################################ # # SKU Identification section - list of all SKU IDs supported by this # Platform. # ################################################################################ [SkuIds] 0|DEFAULT # The entry: 0|DEFAULT is reserved and always required. ################################################################################ # # Library Class section - list of all Library Classes needed by this Platform. # ################################################################################ !include MdePkg/MdeLibs.dsc.inc [LibraryClasses] PeiCoreEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeiCoreEntryPoint/PeiCoreEntryPoint.inf PeimEntryPoint|MdePkg/Library/PeimEntryPoint/PeimEntryPoint.inf DebugPrintErrorLevelLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib/BaseDebugPrintErrorLevelLib.inf BaseLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf IoLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsic.inf PciLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciLibPciExpress/BasePciLibPciExpress.inf PciCf8Lib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciCf8Lib/BasePciCf8Lib.inf PciExpressLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePciExpressLib/BasePciExpressLib.inf BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibRepStr/BaseMemoryLibRepStr.inf PrintLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/BasePrintLib.inf PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiPcdLib/PeiPcdLib.inf HobLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiHobLib/PeiHobLib.inf PeiServicesTablePointerLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLibIdt/PeiServicesTablePointerLibIdt.inf PeiServicesLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiServicesLib/PeiServicesLib.inf MemoryAllocationLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiMemoryAllocationLib/PeiMemoryAllocationLib.inf PeCoffGetEntryPointLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib/BasePeCoffGetEntryPointLib.inf ReportStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiReportStatusCodeLib/PeiReportStatusCodeLib.inf CacheMaintenanceLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib/BaseCacheMaintenanceLib.inf PeCoffLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffLib/BasePeCoffLib.inf PeCoffExtraActionLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull/BasePeCoffExtraActionLibNull.inf UefiDecompressLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseUefiDecompressLib/BaseUefiDecompressLib.inf SynchronizationLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf CpuLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseCpuLib/BaseCpuLib.inf ExtractGuidedSectionLib|MdePkg/Library/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib/PeiExtractGuidedSectionLib.inf CacheLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseCacheLib/BaseCacheLib.inf CacheAsRamLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseCacheAsRamLibNull/BaseCacheAsRamLibNull.inf FspSwitchStackLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspSwitchStackLib/BaseFspSwitchStackLib.inf FspCommonLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspCommonLib/BaseFspCommonLib.inf FspPlatformLib|IntelFsp2Pkg/Library/BaseFspPlatformLib/BaseFspPlatformLib.inf PlatformHookLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BasePlatformHookLibNull/BasePlatformHookLibNull.inf PerformanceLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePerformanceLibNull/BasePerformanceLibNull.inf OemHookStatusCodeLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull/OemHookStatusCodeLibNull.inf UefiCpuLib|UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseUefiCpuLib/BaseUefiCpuLib.inf !if $(TARGET) == DEBUG DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf SerialPortLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BaseSerialPortLib16550/BaseSerialPortLib16550.inf !else DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf SerialPortLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseSerialPortLibNull/BaseSerialPortLibNull.inf !endif ################################################################################ # # Pcd Section - list of all EDK II PCD Entries defined by this Platform # ################################################################################ [PcdsFixedAtBuild] gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShadowPeimOnS3Boot | TRUE gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspHeaderRevision | 0x03 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspImageIdString | $(FSP_IMAGE_ID) gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspImageRevision | $(FSP_IMAGE_REV) # # FSP CAR Usages (BL RAM | FSP RAM | FSP CODE) # gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamBase | $(CAR_BASE_ADDRESS) gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTemporaryRamSize | $(CAR_REGION_SIZE) gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspTemporaryRamSize | $(CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE) gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspReservedBufferSize | 0x0100 # This defines how much space will be used for heap in FSP temporary memory # x % of FSP temporary memory will be used for heap # (100 - x) % of FSP temporary memory will be used for stack gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspHeapSizePercentage | 65 # This is a platform specific global pointer used by FSP gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdGlobalDataPointerAddress | 0xFED00148 gIntelFsp2PkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFspReservedMemoryLength | 0x00100000 !if $(TARGET) == RELEASE gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x00000000 gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask | 0 !else gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000047 gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask | 0x27 !endif [PcdsPatchableInModule] gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress | 0xE0000000 # # This entry will be patched during the build process # gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVpdBaseAddress | 0x12345678 !if $(TARGET) == RELEASE gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0 !else gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000047 !endif [PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd] # # This section is not used by the normal build process # However, FSP will use dedicated tool to handle it and generate a # VPD similar binary block (User Configuration Data). This block will # be accessed through a generated data structure directly rather than # PCD services. This is for size consideration. # Format: # gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Updxxxxxxxxxxxxn | OFFSET | LENGTH | VALUE # Only simple data type is supported # # # Comments with !BSF will be used to generate BSF file # Comments with !HDR will be used to generate H header file # # Global definitions in BSF # !BSF PAGES:{TMP:"FSP T", MEM:"FSP MemoryInit Settings", SIL:"FSP SiliconInit Settings"} # !BSF BLOCK:{NAME:"QEMU Platform", VER:"0.1"} # !BSF FIND:{QEMUPD_T} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FSP UPD Header} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:START} # FsptUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_T} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x545F4450554D4551 # !BSF NAME:{FsptUpdRevision} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSPT_ARCH_UPD:FSPT_ARCH_UPD} # !HDR EMBED:{FSPT_ARCH_UPD:FsptArchUpd:START} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Length | * | 0x04 | 0x00000020 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.FspDebugHandler | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !HDR EMBED:{FSPT_ARCH_UPD:FsptArchUpd:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x14 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSPT_COMMON_UPD:Fsp T Common UPD} # !HDR EMBED:{FSPT_COMMON_UPD:FsptCommonUpd:START} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00} # Base address of the microcode region. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.MicrocodeRegionBase | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # Length of the microcode region. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.MicrocodeRegionLength | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # Base address of the cacheable flash region. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.CodeRegionBase | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # Length of the cacheable flash region. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.CodeRegionLength | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !HDR EMBED:{FSPT_COMMON_UPD:FsptCommonUpd:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x0C | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_T_CONFIG:Fsp T Configuration} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_T_CONFIG:FsptConfig:START} # !BSF PAGE:{TMP} # !BSF NAME:{Chicken bytes to test Hex config} # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)} # !BSF HELP:{This option shows how to present option for 4 bytes data} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ChickenBytes | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_T_CONFIG:FsptConfig:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFsptUpd1 | * | 0x1C | {0x00} # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region. # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data # structure. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA ################################################################################ # # UPDs consumed in FspMemoryInit Api # ################################################################################ # !BSF FIND:{QEMUPD_M} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FSP UPD Header} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:START} # FspmUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_M} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x4D5F4450554D4551 # !BSF NAME:{FspmUpdRevision} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSPM_ARCH_UPD:Fsp M Architectural UPD} # !HDR EMBED:{FSPM_ARCH_UPD:FspmArchUpd:START} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00} # !HDR STRUCT:{VOID*} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.NvsBufferPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !HDR STRUCT:{VOID*} # !BSF NAME:{StackBase} # !BSF HELP:{Stack base for FSP use. Default: 0xFEF16000} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.StackBase | * | 0x04 | $(CAR_BLD_REGION_SIZE) # !BSF NAME:{StackSize} # !BSF HELP:{To pass the stack size for FSP use. Bootloader can programmatically get the FSP requested StackSize by using the defaults in the FSP-M component. This is the minimum stack size expected by this revision of FSP. Default: 0x2A000} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.StackSize | * | 0x04 | $(CAR_FSP_REGION_SIZE) # !BSF NAME:{BootLoaderTolumSize} # !BSF HELP:{To pass Bootloader Tolum size.} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.BootLoaderTolumSize | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !BSF NAME:{Bootmode} # !BSF HELP:{To maintain Bootmode details.} gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Bootmode | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !HDR EMBED:{FSPM_ARCH_UPD:FspmArchUpd:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x08 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_M_CONFIG:Fsp M Configuration} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_M_CONFIG:FspmConfig:START} # !BSF PAGE:{MEM} # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Base address} # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x00000000,0xFFFFFFFF)} # !BSF HELP:{Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port Debug Device'} # !BSF HELP:{+ option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortAddress | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Type} TYPE:{Combo} # !BSF OPTION:{0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO} # !BSF HELP:{16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support. 0x02:MMIO(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortType | * | 0x01 | 0x02 # !BSF NAME:{Serial Port Debug Device} TYPE:{Combo} # !BSF OPTION:{0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device} # !BSF HELP:{Select active serial port device for debug.} # !BSF HELP:{+For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortDevice | * | 0x01 | 0x02 # !BSF NAME:{Debug Serial Port Stride Size} TYPE:{Combo} # !BSF OPTION:{0:1, 2:4} # !BSF HELP:{Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.SerialDebugPortStrideSize | * | 0x01 | 0x02 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_M_CONFIG:FspmConfig:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFspmUpd | * | 0x04 | {0x00} # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region. # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data # structure. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA ################################################################################ # # UPDs consumed in FspSiliconInit Api # ################################################################################ # !BSF FIND:{QEMUPD_S} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FSP UPD Header} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:START} # FspsUpdSignature: {QEMUPD_S} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Signature | * | 0x08 | 0x535F4450554D4551 # !BSF NAME:{FspsUpdRevision} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_UPD_HEADER:FspUpdHeader:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x17 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSPS_ARCH_UPD:FSPS_ARCH_UPD} # !HDR EMBED:{FSPS_ARCH_UPD:FspsArchUpd:START} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Revision | * | 0x01 | 0x01 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved | * | 0x03 | {0x00} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Length | * | 0x04 | 0x00000020 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.FspEventHandler | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.EnableMultiPhaseSiliconInit | * | 0x01 | 0x00 # !HDR EMBED:{FSPS_ARCH_UPD:FspsArchUpd:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.Reserved1 | * | 0x13 | {0x00} # !HDR COMMENT:{FSP_S_CONFIG:Fsp S Configuration} # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_S_CONFIG:FspsConfig:START} # !BSF PAGE:{SIL} # !BSF NAME:{BMP Logo Data Size} # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved} # !BSF HELP:{BMP logo data buffer size. 0x00000000(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.LogoSize | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !BSF NAME:{BMP Logo Data Pointer} # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved} # !BSF HELP:{BMP logo data pointer to a BMP format buffer. 0x00000000(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.LogoPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !BSF NAME:{Graphics Configuration Data Pointer} # !BSF TYPE:{Reserved} # !BSF HELP:{Graphics configuration data used for initialization. 0x00000000(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.GraphicsConfigPtr | * | 0x04 | 0x00000000 # !BSF NAME:{PCI GFX Temporary MMIO Base} # !BSF TYPE:{EditNum, HEX, (0x80000000,0xDFFFFFFF)} # !BSF HELP:{PCI Temporary PCI GFX Base used before full PCI enumeration. 0x80000000(Default).} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PciTempResourceBase | * | 0x04 | 0x80000000 # !HDR EMBED:{FSP_S_CONFIG:FspsConfig:END} gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.ReservedFspsUpd | * | 0x01 | 0x00 # Note please keep "UpdTerminator" at the end of each UPD region. # The tool will use this field to determine the actual end of the UPD data # structure. gQemuFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.UpdTerminator | * | 0x02 | 0x55AA ################################################################################################### # # Components Section - list of the modules and components that will be processed by compilation # tools and the EDK II tools to generate PE32/PE32+/Coff image files. # # Note: The EDK II DSC file is not used to specify how compiled binary images get placed # into firmware volume images. This section is just a list of modules to compile from # source into UEFI-compliant binaries. # It is the FDF file that contains information on combining binary files into firmware # volume images, whose concept is beyond UEFI and is described in PI specification. # Binary modules do not need to be listed in this section, as they should be # specified in the FDF file. For example: Shell binary (Shell_Full.efi), FAT binary (Fat.efi), # Logo (Logo.bmp), and etc. # There may also be modules listed in this section that are not required in the FDF file, # When a module listed here is excluded from FDF file, then UEFI-compliant binary will be # generated for it, but the binary will not be put into any firmware volume. # ################################################################################################### [Components.IA32] # # FSP Binary Components # $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspHeader/FspHeader.inf # # SEC # IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreT.inf { <LibraryClasses> FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecTLib.inf } [Components.$(FSP_ARCH)] IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreV.inf { <LibraryClasses> FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecVLib.inf } IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreM.inf { <LibraryClasses> FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecMLib.inf } IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore/FspSecCoreS.inf { <LibraryClasses> FspSecPlatformLib|$(FSP_PACKAGE)/Library/PlatformSecLib/Vtf0PlatformSecSLib.inf } # # PEI Core # MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain.inf # # PCD # MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf { <LibraryClasses> DebugLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf PcdLib|MdePkg/Library/BasePcdLibNull/BasePcdLibNull.inf } $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspvInit/FspvInit.inf $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspmInit/FspmInit.inf $(FSP_PACKAGE)/FspsInit/FspsInit.inf $(FSP_PACKAGE)/QemuVideo/QemuVideo.inf MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeIpl.inf { <LibraryClasses> DebugAgentLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/DebugAgentLibNull/DebugAgentLibNull.inf ResetSystemLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/BaseResetSystemLibNull/BaseResetSystemLibNull.inf } IntelFsp2Pkg/FspNotifyPhase/FspNotifyPhasePeim.inf ################################################################################################### # # BuildOptions Section - Define the module specific tool chain flags that should be used as # the default flags for a module. These flags are appended to any # standard flags that are defined by the build process. They can be # applied for any modules or only those modules with the specific # module style (EDK or EDKII) specified in [Components] section. # ################################################################################################### [BuildOptions] # Append build options for EDK and EDKII drivers (= is Append, == is Replace) # Enable link-time optimization when building with GCC49 *_GCC49_IA32_CC_FLAGS = -flto *_GCC49_IA32_DLINK_FLAGS = -flto *_GCC5_IA32_CC_FLAGS = -fno-pic *_GCC5_IA32_DLINK_FLAGS = -no-pie *_GCC5_IA32_ASLCC_FLAGS = -fno-pic *_GCC5_IA32_ASLDLINK_FLAGS = -no-pie